Hayao Miyazaki - biography, photo, personal life, news, cartoons 2021



Hayao Miyazaki is the famous Japanese animator, director, screenwriter, producer and just an object of worship of modern lovers of classical animation. Critics do not get tired of handing the talent of the Creator, journalists celebrate the deepest humanism of Tapes Hayao, and the public willingly go to the cinema for every new one.

Cult Director and Animator Hayao Miyazaki

The fans consider Miyazaki with a good storyter, especially since the low figure (Hayao growth - 164 cm), a friendly smile and the mild character of the master of this contribute. However, the director himself repeatedly admitted that he was looking at the world with a fairing fraction of pessimism.

Childhood and youth

Hayao's childhood had to be difficult for Japan period: the boy was born in 1941, in the midst of the Second World War. The shook world of change retalled the indelible imprint in the fate and the personality of Hayao, making it an opponent of fascism and convinced pacifist.

Hayao Miyazaki with mom

From early childhood, which passed in the city of Akabono-Tyo, the artist delivered admiration for aircraft, which later appeared in the overwhelming majority of his tapes. The father of the boy, Katzoodi Miyazaki, worked in the war years at the Miyazaki Eiplein factory, which made components for the 6M ZERO model airplanes.

The family of the future director was more familiar, Hayao became the second of four sons. Together with the Father and the brothers, the boy traveled almost all of Japan: the family often had to move because of the Mother's disease suffering from tuberculosis. The constant seplace of the seats lasted more than 10 years, from 1947 to 1955. In 1956, a miracle happened - Miyazaki's mother fully recovered after a severe course of the disease.

Hayao Miyazaki (left) with family

Frequent crossings did not prevent the young man to get an excellent education. In 1958, Hayao graduated from Tyotam's older school and thought about entering the prestigious Tokyo University.


Hayao early decided on the choice of profession. Animation fascinated him by chance and forever. While still a high school student, the young man saw the cartoon film "The Legend of the White Snake". The impression of the picture was so strong that Miyazaki decided to devote himself animations.

Hayao Miyazaki in youth

The schoolboy tried the strength in creating his own manga (comic book), but quickly faced difficulties. First, Hayao did not know how to draw people, one time it was only the sketches of aircraft. Secondly, comparing the drawings with the frames inspired by his anime, the novice artist realized that it was copied in detail the multiplier style. The audience did not see the first work: Miyazaki burned his own creation.

In 1963, a young man was enrolled in Gakusuin University, where he studied politics and economics - objects that are far from the world of animation. But during the student, Hayao managed to get the most valuable experience: throughout the years of study he was part of the university book club. Children's literature became the main object of attention of the book and the works of European authors were carefully studied.

Cartoon Hayao Miyazaki

At the end of the University, 22-year-old Hayao entered the service at Toei Animation, one of the largest animated studios in Japan. Yesterday, the graduate began with Azov and quickly climbed the career ladder. In 1963, Hayao worked as a phase driver - painted intermediate stages of movement of the characters Anime Wan Wan Chuushingur. After 2 years, in 1965, the talent of the young animator noticed the leadership of the studio. Matters highly appreciated his contribution to the creation of a black and white cartoon "Space Adventures of Gullyer" and even allowed to change the ending of the picture.

Cartoon Hayao Miyazaki

From 1969 to 1971, Hayao managed to work on three projects - the trilogy "Cat in Boots", the shielding of the manga "Ghost Ship", popularizing Anime in the USSR, and the animated film "The Warrior Treasure Island". This time Miyazaki was engaged in rushing and drawing a key animation. In parallel with the creation of cartoons, the artist drew a manga, in the same period a graphic novel "Pests people" was published. Miyazaki published under the fictional name to Saburo Akitsa.

Work in ToI has brought a novice artist experience and useful dating. The Miyazaki studio has improved the technique under the leadership of the famous Japanese Animator Yasudzi Mori and met Isao Takhahata, a future partner and a close friend.

Despite the obvious success in his career, Hayao was dissatisfied with extremely difficult working conditions. Together with other animators and Takhahat, he created a trade union that defended the interests of the animated studios workers. The riot followed the pattern of retirement: the TOEI guide took off the rental of the cartoon "Prince of North". Stripping to Him drew Hayao himself, and directed the picture of Isao Takahata. The turning point came in 1971. Friends decided to change the studio.

Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata

In the same year, Miyazaki with partners founded an autonomous project A-Pro, but the start of independent work had to be postponed. An intermediate point was the studio TMS Entertainment. There, Miyazaki and Takahata jointly worked on the continuation of the series "Lupin III". In TMS, partners worked for 2 years.

The next stop was the lasting cooperation with Nippon Animation, where in 1978 Miyazaki debuted as director. His first work is the Multiserry Anime "Conan - a boy from the future", shot on the work of the "incredible tide".

Cartoon Hayao Miyazaki

A year later, the animators replaced the studio again and returned to TMS. Already a recognized multiplier Miyazaki continued to engage in director. Finally, Hayao created the first private full-scale cartoon "Lupin III: Caliosotro Castle." The success of the painting was deafening, "Lupin III" and is now included in the list of the best anime ever created in Japan.

Cartoon Hayao Miyazaki

In an interview, the iconic animator often repeated that he left the manga due to dissatisfaction with the final results. Fortunately for the fans of the Creator, the audience had a completely different opinion.

In 1982, Animage magazine began publishing manga for the authorship of Hayao. The heroine of illustrations became a princess, living in the postpocalyptic world and struggling for the purity of nature. "Navacious from the Valley of the Winds" quickly gained popularity, and the head of the publishing house "Tokum Speen" made a proposal for the filmization. Miyazaki agreed, the development of the painting began immediately.

Anime Hayao Miyazaki

According to the already established tradition, Hayao attracted to the project Takahat: Isao took on the producing picture. Thanks to the dense work schedule, a full-length cartoon appeared on the big screen already in 1984. Critics reacted favorably.

The success of the first tape inspired a 43-year-old director. Together with Isao Takahahata and Animage editor, Miyazaki created the famous Ghibli Studio, who presented the world's brightest masterpieces of Japanese animation. The studio "Gibbles" officially appeared in 1985, and after a year he presented the spectators a debut project - the full-length film "Heavenly Castle of Laput."

In 1988, "My neighbor Totoro" came to the rental. The picture carries the audience to the provincial Japan of the mid-20th century, where two sisters are experiencing adventures and are encountered with strange, but cute forest-totor spirits. Charming perfumes were loved in Japan and abroad, adults and children were recognized by tape characters, and Totoro himself took the honorable place on the Studio Ghibli emblem.

Totoro revealed a bright feature of the work of Japanese genius: the main characters, or more precisely, small girls often become heroines in his animated films. Bold, courageous and resourceful girls appear in the "Witch delivery service", the Oscar-axis cartoon "Ghostly ghosts" and the mystical "Princess Mononok". It is believed that the "Princess Mononok" brought Miyazaki and the studios "Gibbles" wide world fame.

Cartoon Hayao Miyazaki

Especially bright success, a picture had in the United States, recognition was crowned with a contract with Walt Disney, signed in 1996. According to the recognition of American colleagues, Miyazaki when signing the agreement was adamant. The director demanded that the studio reproduce the cartoon exactly as he was in the original. As an argument, the animator sent a samurai sword, fan in red paint, and signed the parcel to the phrase: "Do not cut".

After completing the Princess Mononok, the director first declared the desire to abandon the studio work and go into a non-profit animation. Plans violated the tragic event - the death of Condo, one of the key animators Studio Ghibli.

Hayao Miyazaki - Prize winner

Miyazaki continued to work. The next project was the ribbon "worn by ghosts", which saw the light in 2001. About her success eloquently says the Reniece of the Awards: The Prize of the Japanese Film Academy, the Golden Bear, taken at the 2002 Berlin Festival, and, finally, Oscar received for a year later.

The main character of the painting was the little girl Tikhiro, whose parents, hitting the magic country, turned into pigs. To save them, the daughter gets to work towards the hostess of this area, the wizard of Yababa. During his stay in the enchanted place, Tikhiro gets acquainted with Haku, a dragon and a boy in one person, as well as the god of Caonas (faceless), grandfather Kamazzi, Girl Rin.

Cartoon Hayao Miyazaki

In 2004, the list of triumphs replenished the picture of the "walking castle", which is based on the plot of which the Tappy Novel of the British author Diana Winn Jones lies. The history of the creation of the picture is quite unusual: Miyazaki agreed to complete the work of another director, Mormow Hosoda.

Alas, the takeoffs are inevitably followed by falling. In 2006, the studio completed the work on the "Lands of the Earth", the full-length anime, the screening cycle of Ursula Le Guin's books. Miyazaki sought consent to the decree, but his son Goro began working on the film. In the process of filming, the relationship of the young and experienced directors became extremely strained, and Ursula herself was disappointed with the debut work of the city.

Cartoon Hayao Miyazaki

The controversial estimates of the "legends" did not make the director left the animation, and in 2008 the full-length film "Fish Pono on the Rock" appeared in cinemas. Miyazaki proved the accident rate: a new project was awarded two bonuses in Japan and two awards of the 2009 Venetian Film Festival.

Hayao presented the world not only amazing cartoons, one of the projects became the Museum of Animation. The idea of ​​creating a museum "Gibbles" was first announced in 1998, but because of the high employment of the author, the start of work was repeatedly transferred.

Museum Anime Studio

Construction began only in 2000. The director himself worked on the sketches. Hayao wanted the architecture of the main building to become self-concrete part of the exposition. The official discovery took place on October 1, 2001. The Anime Studio Museum is made in the form of a labyrinth, walking along which visitors meet characters of favorite films.

After the release of Fish Pono in 2008, the director took a break, which lasted 6 years. During this period, Miyazaki participated in writing the scenarios of two new tapes "Gibbles" ("Ariett from the country of Liliputs" and "from the Sokuriko slopes") and only in 2014 again engaged in the director.

The adoration aircraft Hayao could not abandon the creation of the cartoon "Wind fasteners", the basis of which the story of the life of Dziro Chirokosi, the famous Japanese aircraft, who worked on A6M Zero aircraft.

Animation film Hayao Miyazaki

Representing the work at the Venice Film Festival of 2013, Miyazaki officially informed the press on the completion of the career. A year later, his name was included in the "Hall of Fame of Scientific Fiction". And in November 2016 the news appeared, with delight perceived by numerous fans: prepared replenishment of the filmography of Maestro.

The director worked on the short film "Caterpillar Boro". In the new work, Hayao decided to experiment with 3D technologies. The premiere took place in March 2018 at the Museum of Gibbles, where it is now demonstrated.

Personal life

The multiplier willingly shares with the press plans relative to new projects and openly expresses a civil position, but a little bit of personal life and the family of Miyazaka.

Hayao's wife became Akémi Ota, an animation studio officer. The wedding took place when the multiplier was 24 years old. Two sons appeared in marriage - Goro and Caesuke. The eldest son continued his father's case, and Caesuke was professionally engaged in wood carvings.

Hayao Miyazaki with his wife

Creativity Hayao Miyazaki, thanks to many fans around the world, turned into a real subculture. Its animated ribbons, full of wise sayings, disassembled by quotes. On behalf of Hayao, there is a page in "Instagram", which presents photo frames from popular cartoon masters. An interesting fact is that in the social network there is a blog of the Miyazaki fan, which creates culinary installations, copying frames from the animation paintings by the director.

Hayao Miyazaki now

The creative biography of the director has not yet been completed. To the joy of fans of Hayao Miyazaki, the producer of Studios "Gibbles" Tosio Suzuki said that the next full-length picture of the Master "How do you live?" Severe light over the next three or four years.

Hayao Miyazaki in 2018

The scenario was based on the plot of the same name of the 1937 book about the boy Junjiti Honda, who was called the smoking in honor of the scientist Nikolai Copernicus. The young man loses his father and is forced to move to the home of a rich uncle, where it becomes the subject of ridiculous brothers and sisters.

The hope of lovers of the genre Anime to appear in the future masterpieces leave the works of Miyazaki's students. In the spring of 2018, a picture "Mary and Winthin Flower" of Giromasa Yonbayashi, director who learned a lot from a mature, working under his leadership to create scenes from the films was "worn by ghosts" and "Walking Castle". The new director's work of the chromas was released at the studio "Ponoc" (Studio Ponoc), but, according to him, the group of artists retained an approach to creating an animation, which is characteristic of the "Gibby" studios.

Cult Animator Hayao Miyazaki

Also, the continuer of the traditions of Hayao is also called Makoto sync multiplier, although the animator himself modestly declares that its ability is overestimated.


  • 1984 - "Wrong from the Valley of the Winds"
  • 1986 - "Sky Laput Castle"
  • 1988 - "My neighbor Totoro"
  • 1989 - "Witch delivery service"
  • 1992 - "Throwing Rosso"
  • 1997 - "Princess Mononok"
  • 2001 - "Has Ghosts"
  • 2004 - "Walking Castle"
  • 2008 - "Fish Pono on the Rock"
  • 2013 - "Wind strongs"
  • 2018 - "Crawler Boro"

Interesting Facts

  • The hero Totoro became the symbol of the studio "Gibbles", he also appeared in the cartoon "The story of toys. Big escape. "
  • "Ghosts were worn" - the first multiplication tape of the director, the profit from which the plank was reached $ 200 million even before rolled in the United States.
  • "My neighbor Totoro" became part of the program of aesthetic education in Japanese schools.


"You can't change destiny, but you can get up and meet her" "When someone does something, putting your heart, his creation acquires the soul" "Just follow your heart and smile" "The heart is heavy niche" "Inspiration opens the future to us"

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