Khoja Nasreddin - character history, parables, quotes


Character History

Great sage, utter fool, household, passionate traveler - the figure of Kojj Nasreddin is full of contradictions. Oddly enough, a man who saddled the donkey backwards was not only a hero of jokes, but also the main figure of philosophical legends. The sharp language and the ability to pretend to be preserved the great sage excellent service. The old man Nasreddin is remembered and still.

History of creation

The first parables about the adventures of Khoji entered the book "Saltukname", which appeared in Turkey in the XV century. From there history from the life of the hero spread through the territory of Persia and other Arab countries. The adventures of Nasreddin led to the marketplace and in the family circle. The statements of the sage flew around the globe, and the number of parables increased from a tent to three hundred.

Khoja Nasreddin

The unthinkable popularity of jokes had consequences. Dispute disputes, where Khoja Nasreddin was born and who became a prototype of a fairy-tale hero. The world of scientists was divided into two camps: the first prove that the philosopher is a collective image that the hero did not exist in reality. Scientists argue that in the folklore of most peoples there is a similar type. For example, German Til Ulynspigel or Belorus Fedor Nabilkin.

The second point of view: Khoja Nasreddin - a really existed person. The man was born in the Turkish village. Thanks to the formation and peculiar thinking, Khoja became an adviser to Sultan. But no evidence of this theory was found.

Writer Leonid Soloviev

For residents of the USSR, the colorful character opened Leonid Solovyev. The writer created two novels about the adventures of Khoji - "A perturbator of peace of mind" and "Enchanted Prince":

"The image of Nasreddin in the book Solovyov retained a traditional mixture of rock and nobility aimed at protecting oppressed, wisdom and love for adventure; And in the second part of the book, a fantastic and entertainment side is strongly weakened. "


Khoja Nasreddin was born in the family of the head of the Muslim community. The boy grew in love and received a prestigious education. Ishovzov from school bench laughed at the peers and teachers:

"- Do not brag knowledge," Domolell became angry. - More often the sharp mind, children grow round idiots.

"So you, a dear teacher, for sure they probably were very smart."

After graduating from school, huzha deepened in the study of jurisprudence. During the student, the young man became acquainted with the poet Jalaladdin Rumi. Sufi parables written by a poem fascinated by Nasreddin. So, the souja entered the life of Khoja - the philosophical direction, distinguished by increased spirituality.

Khoja Nasreddin and his wife

The hero of jokes married early. Together with the young lover Hodya is equipped in the village where he grown. The return of a young man coincided with the death of his father. It is not known for certain, whether Nasreddin has other wives. Soon the children appeared in the family: two girls and a boy. As with his wives, the exact number of children could not be established, but there is an opinion that Khoja loved and indulged his younger son stronger than the rest.

"The kids Mullah played near the house, and someone asked the younger of them:

- What is eggplant?

Son answered immediately:

- Pinkish-violent calf, who has not yet opened eyes.

Out of his joy, Mullah crushed him in an oakha and kissed him from his head to Pyd:

- No, have you heard? Poured father. And I never told him this - I thought myself! "

For life, the philosopher changed many works: Nasreddin worked as a teacher at school, read the sermons in the village, industrially grobbed, and after the judge took. For work and for the sake of entertainment, the hero traveled many cities. Soon the glory about the man flew off the whole country.

Khoja Nasreddin in old age died. The grave of the philosopher is located in the city of Aksmashir. Only on the coffin board, the dates are knocked out, testifying that the islands died in a few hundred years before the birthday. Fans of Nasreddin consider this the last joke of witty merry.


Stories about the adventures of Khoji are subject to Sufi parables. For such philosophical epos, "Calming" is familiar. That is, Nasreddin his behavior and words shows the uninitudinal human situation.

Another method of fans of Sufism is the denial of the former experience. This behavior is also traced in the adventures of the philosopher. Nasreddin makes non-standard actions that show people the absurdity of their behavior or desires. For example, as in the parable of the White Monkey.

Parable about the White Monkey

One day, a unwinner came to Hoja. A man demanded that the philosopher with the help of wisdom turned him into a handsome man. Nasreddin could not lose credibility and agreed to help. The only condition - during the ritual it is impossible to think about the White Monkey.

Illustration of K.

Naturally, surrounding only reflect on the animal. The Rostovist remained unattractive, but everything except Nasreddin was to blame for the failure.

Parable about hare soup

Once a local peasant presented a stall of the hare carcass. Having come to visit Hojo, a man reminded about a gift. The philosopher remained anything, how to treat that soup. A week later, the neighbors of the peasant came to Nasreddina and recalled that their neighbor presented a hare's philosope. And these guests Khoja fed.

Illustration of K.

The next visit caused neighbors neighbors. And they received water as a treat. On a silence, the character of the hero answered: "This is water from the water in which a hare soup was cooked."

Among the anecdotes about the philosophers were common about the donkey. Ashak is a true friend of Hoji and often accompanies Nasreddin on travels.

Tale of the missing donkey

Khoja lost at the base of the donkey. A man in all stated that she would give an animal to those who would find a loss. Neighbors of a man were surprised by such a statement. No one understood what the meaning of the search, if the donkey is all equal. The philosopher said that he wanted to experience joy from the find, and not from ownership.

Illustration of K.

Each of the three hundred who came to us, the tales are filled with deep meaning and does not lose relevance. The witty joker not only entertains, but also gives important life lessons.

Interesting Facts

  • Every year in early July, the inhabitants of the city of Akscheir are arranged by the festival of humor and honor the hero of his favorite parable.
  • Statues of Ostroslov are established in many cities of the world. Moscow did not exception. Not far from the metro station "Youth" is located a monument to Hojo and his faithful don.
Monument to Hosting Nasreddina in Moscow
  • In the parables of Bulgaria and Macedonia Khoja acts as an antihero. Merry and resourceful tricky Peter constantly leaves Nasreddin in fools. The reason for such dislike - both countries were under the oppression of Turkish rulers.
  • The winged expression "if the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to the mountain" attribute to the Muslim prophet, but the author of the phrase of Khoja Nasreddin. The initial version looked like this:
"True prophets and saints are devoid of arrogance. If the palm does not go to me, then I go to her. "


"Fate and a favorable case come to the rescue to the one who is determined and struggles to the end." "The world still works well for the one who wears the head on his shoulders, and not a blank pot!" "I am a simple person, my question may seem stupid. But tell me - what is the benefit of people from your scientist dispute? "" Following the cold winter, a sunny spring comes in winter; Only this law and should be remembered in life, and the reverse is preferable forgetting. "Each age corresponds to his wisdom."

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