Claude Monet - biography, photos, paintings, works, creativity



Oscar Claude Monet is a great impressionist, a painting painted all my life. The artist is the founder and theorist of French impressionism, which followed throughout the creative path. The picturesque manner of Monet in impressionism is considered classic. For it, separate pure smears are characterized, creating a richness of light when the air transmission. In his paintings, the artist sought to convey a momentary impression of what is happening.

Childhood and youth

Claude Monet was born in Paris on February 14, 1840. When he was 5 years old, the family moved to Normandia, to Gavr. At school, the boy did not differ special, except for drawing abilities. His parents had a grocery shop, which they hoped to convey to her son. Contrary to the hopes of the Father, Claude from an early age stretched to painting, painted cartoons and did not think about becoming a grocer.

Portrait of Claude Monet

In the local salon, the success of the caricature drawn by Claude was sold on 20 francs. Hobbies contributed to the familiarity of the young man with a landscape officer Eugene Buden - a loved one. The artist showed a novice painter's main techniques of painting from nature. To defend the right to choose the profession and his aunt, who took care of the young man after the death of the mother.

Classes with Buden discovered his true vocation before the future artist - to write nature from nature. In 1859, Claude go home to Paris. Here he works in the studio for poor artists, visits exhibitions and galleries. The development of the talent was prevented by the army. In 1861, they are encouraged into military service in the cavalry troops and sent to Algeria.

Claude Monet in youth

Of the seven laid years in the service, he will stay for two years, as it sicks with a typhoid. 3 thousand francs were helped to return home to him, which Aunt paid to buy off the nephew from military service. After recovering from the disease, Monet enters the Faculty of Arts of the University, but quickly disappointed. He does not like the reigning approach to painting.

Start of creativity

The desire to learn leads it to the studio organized by Charlock Gleir. Here he meets with Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sislaj and Frederic Basil. In the Academy, his acquaintance with Pissarro and Cezanne took place. Young artists were the same age, had similar views on art. Soon they became a bone, uniting impressionists.

Claude Monet for work

Portrait of Camilla Donal, created by the artist in 1866 and was exposed in the salon, made him famous. The first serious work was the painting "Breakfast on the grass" (1865-1866), written by him after Eduard Manne's identical work. Claude variant was four times more in size. The composition of the picture is quite simple - a group of elegant women and men is located on the clearing near the forest.

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The value of the picture is in the sensation of air movement, reinforced by textural strokes. She did not get to the exhibition, as the artist did not have time to add a big cloth. Stranded material Claud had to sell a picture to forget about hunger and not lenting from friends. Instead, the artist puts the "lady in green" (portrait of K. Doux).

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The following two-meter fabric "Woman in the Garden" is fully written in the plenier. To verify the desired lighting, the artist dug a trench that allows you to move canvas up and down. I had to wait for a long time to wait for the right light, and only after that it was taken for the brush. Despite his desire to achieve perfection, the jury of the salon work rejected.


A new direction in painting, the name "Impressionism", became a coup in painting. Feel the momentum of what is happening and transmitting it on the canvas is the task that Impressionists put in front of them. Claude Monet was a bright representative and founder of this direction. He was a captive artist who transmits the natural, momentary beauty of the surrounding space.

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In the summer of 1869, in the company with Renoir, he departs at the Plenuary to Buzheville. In the new paintings written by large pastoral strokes, it refuses mixed shades. He writes blank color and makes for itself a lot of discoveries relating to painting techniques, features of lighting, influence on the color of the surrounding shades, etc. This appeared and developed the development of impressionism - an innovative direction in visual arts.

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With the beginning of the Franco-Prussian war Claude Monet, trying to evade the army, rides in England. He did not support Napoleon III and was his convinced opponent. In England, gets acquainted with Paul Duran-Ruelem - the seller of paintings. They will become good friends and partners. Paul will buy at the artist most of the paintings of this period of his work.

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Money from sale allowed to buy a house in his homeland, in Argente, he lived in him a few happy years until 1878. During this period, the artist works fruitfully, creating his paintings, including the famous work of Claude Monet "Impression. Sunrise". The name of this masterpiece expresses the essence of impressionism and was used by critics to determine the new direction in painting. "Sunrise" was exhibited in 1974 in Paris.

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Multi-time Monet pays serial compositions: depicts of London's views, Rueny Cathedral, Stacks, Maks, and others. Landscapes. In an impressionistic manner, it transmits unequal illumination depending on the weather, time of day and year, using its palette tone for each state. To describe the paintings of the Great Impressionist, it is difficult to choose words, they need to feel and understand.

Life in Giverny

Podnapive money, Monet charges the financial affairs of E. Gosted. The bankruptcy of the businessman forces families to combine capital and move to the village of destroy. Here, tragic events related to the death of his wife occur in his biography, and then the son. In 1883, the Monet family moves to the village of Zhiverni, located on the picturesque coast of the Seine. At this time, his paintings are sold well, he copied a good condition, part of which spends on the expansion of his garden.

Artist Claude Monet.

It is known that the famous artist was also a gardener who created his garden for 43 years. He found satisfaction not only in the cultivation of plants and contemplating the result of his works. In the last years of the life of Monet, he went with an easel into his luxury garden and drew a lot. Great worker and "slave of their business", as he called himself, tried to achieve perfection in the transfer of beauty of the environment on canvas.

Claude Monet created his own garden

During this period, the artist masters a new technique. Writes for several paintings at the same time. Thus, it tries to capture changeable lighting. A session of painting over one picture could be half an hour, then he passed to another to catch and convey another momentary impression. For example, a series of his paintings with the image of Cape Antibes is represented in the morning, midday, autumn, summer and spring lighting.

Personal life

The first wife of the artist was Camilla Donal, posing for the "lady in green" and other paintings. She gave birth to two sons with a difference of 11 years. After the death of his beloved wife, who was his constant simulator, the artist ties relations with Alice Gosted. Officially, they will become her husband and wife after the death of her husband Ernest. Alice did not become in 1911, after three years his eldest son Jean left the life.

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Claud Claud Monet is included in the top 3 most expensive painters. The average price of paintings is $ 7.799 million. The most expensive of them ("Water Lilies", (1905) is estimated at $ 43 million. Work is stored in the museums of the whole world. Russia, United Kingdom and the United States are large owners of the heritage of the artist.


The artist lived a long life, moved two operations to remove cataracts, after which his color perception has changed. Ultraviolet he began to see in a lilac or blue color. This can be seen in his pictures written after surgery. An example of such a work is "water lilies". During this period, most of the time he spends in the garden, creating a mysterious world of water and plants on his canvases. The famous series of its last panel is represented by a variety of ponds with water lily and other aquatic plants.

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The artist in Giverni died on December 5, 1926. From the lung cancer in the 86th age, having survived many people's expensive people. In his insistence, the farewell ceremony was simple and more unreasual. To say goodbye to the artist came 50 people. Buried Monet on the church cemetery.

The most famous pictures

  • "Women in the garden" (1866)
  • "Terrace in Saint Address" (1867)
  • "Thames below Westminster (Westminster Bridge)" (1871)
  • "Impression: ascending sun" (1872)
  • "Field of Makov from Argenta" (1873)
  • "Kapuchin Boulevard" (1873)
  • "Walk to the Rock in Purville" (1882)
  • "Lady with an umbrella" (1886)
  • "Ruran Cathedral: the main entrance to the sun" (1894)
  • "Water Lilies" ("Nimfei") (1916)

The most expensive pictures

  • "Water lilies", (1905) - $ 43 million.
  • "Railway Bridge in Argene" (1873) - $ 41 million.
  • "Water lilies" (1904) - $ 36 million.
  • "Waterloo Bridge. Cloudy "(1904) - $ 35 million.
  • "The path to the pond" (1900) - $ 32 million.
  • "Pond with water lilies" (1917) - $ 24 million.
  • "Poplar" (1891) - $ 22 million.
  • "Houses of Parliament. Sunlight in the fog "(1904) - $ 20 million.
  • "Parliament, Sunset" (1904) - $ 14 million.

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