Alfred Nobel - biography, photo, personal life, inventions



Alfred Bernhard Nobel is a chemist and engineer from Sweden, invented dynamite, a rattled jelly, corrodies.

Future scientist, Swede for nationality, was born on October 21, 1833. The father of Alfred was the inventor-autodidact Immanuel Nobel, a peasant from the district of the Nobelf. The scholar nugget became famous for the manufacture of military mines, which were used by Russian artillery during the Crimean War. For this invention, the Swede was presented to the imperial award.

Family Alfred Nobel

Andrietta Nobel's mother was a housewife, brought up four sons: Alfred, Robert, Ludwig and Emil. The family first lived in Sweden first, then moved to the territory of Finland, after which I emigrated to Russia, St. Petersburg. Immanuel was engaged not only by the Armory, a great contribution to Nobel's father to the development of houses heating systems with water vapor. Engineer invented machines for assembling wheels for cart.

Nobel's children studied at home. They had governess who taught the brothers natural sciences, literature and European languages. Boys by the end of the training owned by Swedish, Russian, French, English and German. At 17, Alfred was sent to a trip to Europe and the United States. In the capital of France, the young man managed to work together with the teophyl job scholars, which was determined in 1936, which consists of glycerin. Peluza along with Askanio Sobero in 1840-1843 worked on the creation of nitroglycerin.

Alfred Nobel in youth

Under the leadership of the Russian scientist Nikolai Nikolayevich Zinina Alfred got carried away by the study of the Trinitrate of Glycerin. Scientific work ultimately led the young scientist for the invention, which made the chemist famous. The main labor in the biography of Nobel is the creation of a dynamite, which was recorded on May 7, 1867.

Science and inventions

From France, Nobel is sent to the United States to work in the laboratory of the American inventor of the Swedish origin of John Erikson, who developed a monitor warship, who participated in the Civil War of Northerners and South. The scientist also engaged in the study of the properties of solar energy. A young student under the leadership of the master conducts independent chemical and physical experiences.

Chemist Alfred Nobel

Returning to Stockholm, Nobel does not stop there. The chemist is working on the search for an active substance that reduces the explosion hazard of the glycerin trinitrate. As a result of one experiment, which was conducted at the plants of the Nobels in Stockholm, on September 3, 1864 there was an explosion. The accident claimed the lives of several people, including the younger brother Emil. At the time of the disaster, the young man was barely fulfilled 20 years. Father did not survive the loss, running after a stroke and did not get up to death.

A month after the tragedy, Alfred managed to get a patent for nitroglycerin. After that, the engineer patented the creation of dynamite, detonator of gelatin dynamite and other explosives. The scientist has succeeded and in the development of economic instruments: a refrigeration apparatus, a steam boiler, a gas burner, a barometer, a water meter. The chemist made 355 inventions in the field of biology, chemistry, optics, medicine, metallurgy.

Nobel first developed the chemical composition of artificial silk and nitrocellulose. Each invention, the scientist popularized with the help of lectures with demonstrations of the possibilities of the device or substance. Such presentations of the chemical engineer enjoyed fame among the inexperienced public, colleagues and nobel friends.

Dynamite Alfred Nobel

Nobel was fond of writing literary works, artistic books. Avenue Chemist was poems and prose, whose writing a scientist was transferred to his free time. One of the controversial works of Alfred Nobel was the play "Namesida", which for many years was banned for publication and setting by church ministers, and only in 2003, to the day of the memory of the scientist, it was delivered by the Stockholm Drama Theater.

Piece Alfred Nobel

Alfred was interested in science, philosophy, history and literature. Friends of Nobel were famous artists, writers, scientists, government figures of that time. Nobel was often invited to receptions and royal lunches. The inventor was held in the Honorary Membership of many European Academies of Sciences: Swedish, English, Paris, University of Ustro. On his all service list, French, Swedish, Brazilian, Venezuelan Order and Awards are listed.

The Nobel family experienced monetary difficulties associated with permanent spending on experiments. But in the end, the brothers acquired a package of shares of the Baku Oil Deposit and Redem.

Alfred Nobel in recent years

At the International Congress of the World, which took place in Paris in 1889, Nobel opposed his own lectures. This caused Sarcasm event from some participants. In the head of many advanced leaders of the world, it was not fitted, as a person inventing the instrument of murder and war could appear on the peacekeeping assembly. In the press of Alfreda called the "king of killings", the "Millionaire on the blood", the "Speculant explosive death". Such a relation to the scientist frustrated and almost backed up.

Personal life

Alfred Nobel lived a bachelor, he had no wife. The first girl who fell in love with a future scientist, became a young pharmacy. Shortly after acquaintance with Nobel, young features died from tuberculosis. Alfred long crying on the lover, the engineer's attention attracted the dramatic actress Sara Bernard, and Nobel even asked his blessing to marriage. But the far-sighted Andriet did not approve the selection of a son. After the gap with the star theater Alfred went to work and stopped looking for a life companion.

Alfred Nobel and Sarah Bernard

But in 1874, the scientist had changed in the personal life of the scientist. In search of secretaries, Alfred met the Countess Berta Kinski, which soon became a beloved scientist. After several years of ardor friendship, the girl left the rid and left in the capital of Austria to another fiance.

The last years of Alfred was attacked by an uneducated peasant, who dreamed of becoming the wife of the famous engineer. But Alfred Nobel categorically rejected the girl's claim.

Nobel Prize

In 1893, Alfred Nobel was drawn up the first testament, which indicated that a significant part of the capital of the scientist should be transferred after the death of the Chemist of the Royal Academy of Sciences. On the transmitted amount was assumed to open a fund, which would annually list the discovery award. At the same time, 5% of the inheritance Nobel bequeathed the University of Stockholm, Stockholm Hospital and the Caroline Medical University.

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But in two years, the testament was changed. The document has already been canceled to relatives and organizations, and recommended the creation of a fund in which the capital of the scientist will be kept in the form of shares and bonds. Revenues from securities obligated annually divide equally for five awards. Each award (now the Nobel Prize) will be awarded for discoveries in the field of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and motion for peace.


On December 10, 1896, the engineer died from the effects of stroke on his own villa in San Remo. The dust of the scientist was transported to his homeland and buried in the Cemetery of Norra.

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After opening the testament and before the execution of the will, Alfred Nobel passed 3 years. After the formalities of the formalities of the Swedish Parliament in 1901, the first monetary awards were paid to the distinguished scientist.

Interesting Facts

  • The main invention of Alfred for rumors came up by chance: during the transport of nitroglycerin, one bottle crashed, the substance fell on the soil and an explosion occurred. But the scientist himself did not confirm this version. Nobel argued that the required result was reached by painstaking experiments.
  • Alfred Nobel was buried by the public, being alive, in 1888. An erroneous message about the death of an older brother of a scientist, journalists perceived as the news of the death of Alfred Nobel and hurried to highlight such a joyful event for them. In those days, Alfred found out how negatively society perceives the opening of the scientist. Being a pacifist, Nobel came up with a way to promote his own name, testifying capital to future generations of scientists and peacekeepers.
Nobel Prize
  • Scientists wondered why Nobel was not awarded a prize for achievements in mathematics. Many converged that Alfred had a personal hostility to mathematics Mittag Leffleur. But in fact, Alfred Nobel considered this science with a subsidiary tool for research in the field of chemistry and physics.
  • Through the century in the United States, the editor of the satirical publication Mark Abrahams was organized by the Schnobel Prize, which began to be awarded to inventors for the most unusual and unnecessary achievements.

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