Karl Marx - biography, photo, personal life, work, "capital", books



Karl Marx is an ideologist of socialism, the author of the large-scale labor "Capital", the founder of Marxism.

The future philosopher was born on May 5, 1818 in the family of ethnic Jews Henry Marx and Henrietta Marx in the German city Trier. Parents belonged to two major rabbis families. Father Carl was engaged in jurisprudence and for the sake of a career became a supporter of Lutheran religion. Mother pursted with children seven years after her husband, in 1824. Karl Marx was a third child in a large family. Father, fan of the ideas of the Epoch of Enlightenment and Kant Philosophy, was greatly influenced by the boy's upbringing.

Portrait of Karl Marx.

Friend Heinrich Ludwig von Westphalen introduced young Charles with antiquity philosophy, revival literature. In 1835, the young man graduated from Trier Gymnasium Friedrich-Wilhelm, which received the foundations of knowledge of mathematics, Latin, German, Greek and French. After that, he entered the University of Bonn, and then transferred to Berlin. At lectures, students taught philosophy, jurisprudence and history. By independently examining the works of thinkers of the past, Marx took as the basis of his own worldview, the Teaching of Hegel, in which the young man attracted the atheistic and revolutionary aspects.

The house in which Karl Marx was born

Under the leadership of Ludwig von Vestphalan Carl Marx at 24, he creates the dissertation on the study of the philosophical theories of Epicur and Democritus. In addition to the classic philosophy, Karl Mark paid special attention to the works of Feuerbach, Smith, Ricardo, Saint Simon and other thinkers of modernity.

Public and political activities

At the beginning, Marks career intended to become a professor at the University of Bonn, but the reactionary government at the end of the 30s already started cleaning among the teaching staff of the university to destroy the sprouts of the left movement to the root. Following Ludwig Feyerbach, Professor Bruno Bauer was fired, so Marx refused the idea of ​​teaching.

Young Karl Marx.

A year later, the book of Marx "To Criticizing the Gegel Philosophy of Law". A young man is arranged to work in the "Rhine Newspaper", where leads a political column. The philosopher performed with a sharp criticism of the ruling regime. Ultimately, the Marx publication pages began to call for the overthrow of the existing regime, which brought the anger of the government. During the work, the editor of the newspaper Karl realized that it was weak to imagine the structure of political economy, so it was deepening in the study of the question of interest.

Karl Marx examines the economy

The young journalist is a philosopher who receives support from Prussia's population, the ruling top is trying to attract to his side. But Marx does not agree to the compromise with the police regime. For such a decision of a young thinker forcing for deportation. In the fall of 1843, Karl Marx, along with his relatives, he leaves his homeland and moves to the capital of France.

In Paris, the philosopher meets with the future companion Friedrich Engels, as well as with the German poet Heinrich Heine. Two years, the reformer rotated in radical circles of France. Marx gets acquainted with the ideas of the founders of Anarchism P. Proudon and M. Bakunin.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

After 1845, Carl Marx moves to Belgium. Together with Engels, the philosopher becomes a member of the Secret International Society "Union of Fair", which was organized in Brussels by citizens of Germany. The underground workers instructed the two figures to create the text of the Communist Society Program. As a result of the collaborative work of Marx and Engels, the "Manifesto Communist Party" was written, which released a limited edition at the London printing house in early 1848.

Karl Marx

In the same year, the Belgian authorities force Marx to leave the country, and the theorist of communism for a month moves to Paris, from where it goes back to Germany. In Cologne, the revolutionary edition of the "Neue Rheinische Zeitung" is starting under the leadership of Marx and Engels, but during the year its release is terminated due to the defeat of the workers of the uprisings in the Saxon, Rhine and South-Western districts of Germany. Begins repressions.

London period

The work in the political edition commetes Charles before the authorities, and the scientist together with the family in the early 50s emigrates to London. It was in the UK that in 1867 there was a chief work in the biography of Marx - "Capital". The philosopher is working a lot on the study of various areas of science, among which the Social philosophy, political economy, mathematics, agrochemistry and mineralogy attracted special attention. First of time, the Marx family in London was extremely poor, but soon Engels came to the help of a philosopher, who was free of fundamental family.

Karl Marx at work

In 1864, the "International Work Association" or the first International opened under the leadership of Marx. Initially, the backbone of the organization was anarchists, French Socialists, Italian Republicans, Tred-Unionists. In connection with the defeat of the Paris Commune in 1872, Marx has moved to New York, but after 4 years the community ceased to exist in America. And only in 1889, the second international, the successor of the ideas of the first international.


The ideological principles of Charles Marx were formed in the mid-40s. The idea of ​​Ludwig Feyerbach, the idea of ​​Ludwig Feyerbach, was based on the idea of ​​Ludwig Feyerbach, and then entered into a controversy. In his own work, the philosopher summarized the views of the teachings of German, English and French philosophical and political schools. Based on the material studied, Karl Marx created a consistent, solid system of views on materialism, scientific socialism and working movement.

Materialist story

For the first time, the concept of "materialistic history" appeared in the joint work of Marx and Engels "German ideology". Further developments of this theory developed in the "Manifesto of the Communist Party" and "criticism of political economy". Marx logically derived the famous formula: "Genesis determines consciousness." According to the scientist, the basis of each society is the production forces on which other public institutions are configured: politics, jurisprudence, religion, art.

Karl Marx explains his theory

The main task of society is to preserve the balance between the production forces and production relations, which in contradiction lead to the social revolution. In the theory of materialistic history, Karl Marx distinguishes the peculiarities of a slave-owned, feudal, bourgeois and communist system. Communism is divided into two steps, the lowest one of which is socialism, and the highest - actually communism with the abolition of all financial institutions.

Scientific communism

Karl Marx as part of the concept of the progress of the history of mankind allocated a class struggle as a driving force for the development of society. The Proletariat Marx and Engels considered the class, which will overthrow capitalism and will lead to the establishment of a new international claimless order. For this you need a world revolution.


Karl Marx in labor "Capital" most fully revealed his own concept of capitalism economy. The first volume was released 6 years before the death of a scientist, the following two came out only after the death of the philosopher, with the assistance of a friend Friedrich Engels. The fourth volume of Labor Charles Marx became the book of "theory of surplus value", which was written 5 years before the release of the first volume of "Capital".

Karl Marx at work on

The text of the composition discloses the issues of capital production, the law of value. The concepts of the capital formula, labor force, permanent capital, variable capital, absolute (quantitative) and relative (qualitative) surplus value are formulated. According to the theory of Karl Marx, capitalism has a constant inconsistency of AC and permanent capital provokes economic crises, which ultimately leads to undermining the system and gradual abolition of private ownership, which is replaced by public property.

Personal life

In the student years, Karl Marx met a young girl, the first beautiful city of Trier. Countess Female Background Westphalan was older than a young thinker for 4 years, but this did not prevent a stormy novel. The aristocracy rejected a number of representative grooms for the sake of a young student. For 6 years, young people have been secretly engaged, since the German aristocratic family, to which the bride belonged, negatively belonged to the novice philosopher and the writer of Jewish origin. But this did not prevent in love to play the wedding in 1843 in the city of Kreuznakh.

Karl Marx with his wife

Subsequently, a feminine's summary brother, which served as Minister of Internal Affairs of Prussia 8 years, pursued the Marx family and contributed to their final expulsion from the country. By the way, the grand-nephew of the wife of Karl Marx Ludwig von Korzig was the Minister of Finance, and then the latest prime minister of the Third Reich.

Karl Marx with senior feminine daughter

Marx's marriage was extremely strong and long. The spouse of the philosopher not only was his faithful wife, but also a companion. Female helped Karl Marx in writing books. Seven children were born in the family of loving spouses, but four of them died in childhood. Three daughters of the writer became famous. Senior feminine - political activity, journalist, wife of the field of Lafarga. Laura - French Socialist, Charles Long's wife. Eleanora - Spouse Edward Eweling. Historians are attributed to Karl Marx, paternity of a child housekeeper of the Elena family demouk. After the death of the philosopher, custody took Engels over the boy.


In 1878, Marx's wife died after a long illness. Female fought with cancer a few years. Loss broke Karl, and he died from pleuritis on March 14, 1883. Marx buried next to his wife in the Khaighetsky cemetery.

Grave Karl Marx

There were 10 people on the procession, Marx comrades. A great influence on the spread of the ideas of Karl Marx was rendered by Friedrich Engels, who became the editor of the unnecessary work of the philosopher.


The name of Karl Marx was glorified after the victory of the October Revolution of 1917. On the territory of the USSR, a street or avenue of Karl Marx appeared in each settlement. At the homeland of the ideological leader of the international proletariat, the district of Karl-Marx Stadt was founded during the formation of the GDR. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, when the Democratic Republic was abolished, the district ceased to exist.

Monument to Karl Marx.

In Soviet times, in almost every settlement, the monuments of Karl Marx opened. The first monument appeared in the city of Penza in 1918. Some libraries and scientific centers were dedicated to the name of Karl Marx.


  • The difference between the natural philosophy of the Democrit and the Naturophilosophy of Epicura - 1841
  • To criticism of the Gegelian philosophy of law - 1843
  • Economic and philosophical manuscripts - 1844
  • Theses about Feyerbach - 1845
  • German ideology - 1846
  • Hired work and capital - 1847
  • Salary - 1847
  • Communist Party Manifest - 1848
  • To criticism of political economy - 1859
  • Salary, price and profit - 1865
  • Capital, t. 1. - 1867
  • Capital, vol. 2. - 1885
  • Capital, t. 3. - 1894
  • Capital, t. 4. - 1905

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