Semen Dezhnev - biography, photo, personal life, strait. travels



Semen Dejnev - Earthroward, Cossack Ataman, famous for its research Siberia.

Dezhnev was born in about 1605, although historians have no documents confirming this fact. Regarding the place of birth, Ivanovich seeds is also no consensus. Many biographers leaning towards the fact that Dejnev, like many other landlords (Vasily Poyarkov, Yerofee Khabarov, Vladimir Atlasov) was born in Veliky Ustyug. In this city today is a monument to Dezhnevu.

Monument Semen Dezhnev in the city of Veliky Ustyug

However, there are evidence that on the Pinege River in the Arkhangelsk region in the 16th century (or earlier), the peasants-Pomor Djnev, allegedly, the relatives of Ataman Seeds lived.

Dezhnev was born in a simple peasant family and Svrzlism joined the diverse and hard peasant's work: she went with his parents to the crafts, he learned the possession of the weapon, could easily install fishing gear, mastered the foundations of shipbuilding and carpentry.


In 1630, they recruited free people to serve in Siberia. In Tobolsk, 500 men were required, among whom they fell and dezhnev. The point of formation of the detachment, which was sent to the distant edges was great Ustyug.

With coupled places in Northern Dali, men were sent for various reasons: many attracted the desire to become the discoverer, other manifies of the experiences of experienced about incredibly generous on the wealth of Siberia. Almost everyone hoped that the service would bring them wealth.

Portrait of Seeds Dezhneva

Service in 1630-1638. In Tobolsk and Yeniseisk, where the seeds of Ivanovich were transferred later, Dezhneva brought with pioneers, who later became his associates on the study and development of new territories.

In 1639, Dezhnev showed unreasual abilities in the Orguty volost, conquering the rebellious princial of Sacha, who refused to pay Yasak (natural tax) to the Russian authorities, despite a peaceful agreement. Three brave Cossacks sent to this Sachai were cunningly killed. Dezhnev also tried to avoid bloodshed, simulating good relations with the princess - as a result, a difficult order was fulfilled.

Camping Seeds Dezhnev

In 1641, among 14 people, under the leadership of Mikhail Stadukhina, Dezhnev went to Oymyakon to gather Yasak from Evenks and Yakuts. A lot written about the Stadkin and their frictions with dejno, and in the 1984 Soviet film "Semen Dezhnev" Mikhailo and at all appears to the viewer with a practically hired killer. But do not forget that Stadichin was an outstanding personality, and its contribution to the geographical discoveries of Russia is invaluable.

Having done a difficult path through the high ridges of the Verkhoyansky ridge and coming to the Entigir River, the Stadukhina detachment heard from the local about a certain full-water Kovyma River (Kolyma). Going down the indigracy, the travelers in the sea were charged to the mouth of the mysterious river, becoming its discovers.

In 1647, Dezhnev was appointed on the expedition Fedot Alekseeva's expedition (Popova or Holmogorz), but the attempt to swim along the banks of Chukotka was unsuccessful.

Semya Semyne ​​Dezhnev

In June 1648, Dezhnev and Alekseev take the second attempt of the expedition: from the mouth of Kolyma on Kochy (sailing ships), researchers sailed to the mouth of Anadyr, than the "separateness of the Asian and American continent" proved. It is noteworthy that Popov went hiking with his wife-Yakutka, which became the first woman in the country, who participated in the Polar Expedition.

Cape In the Bering Strait, the travelers sailed and which they called the "big stone nose", is the extreme northeastern point of Asia - he was subsequently called Dezhnev's cape. There is an assumption that Semen Ivanovich got to Alaska, which was quite able to brave sailor.

Semyon Dezhnev first passed through the Bering Strait

About 90 people participated in the campaign, many of them died in raging waves. Popova's ship carried to the shore of the Kamchatka, where two winters later the merchant died from zing. On October 1, the remaining 24 Morelodes, Dezhnev landed to the south of Anadyr mouth and reached the mouth of the river. Later, Dezhnev made up the drawing of Anadyr, described in detail the swimming on the river and nature of the region and told about the Eskimos living on the shores of the Chukotka Peninsula and in the neighboring islands.

After an 11-year service on Anadyr, in the fall of 1650, Dezhnev took an unsuccessful attempt to get to the Penzhina River (Kamchatka Territory) and returned back. One and a half years later, Dejnev opened a large marine fanhead on the shallow (Corgi) in the area of ​​Anadyr. The production of a walrus bone was a solid source of funds, which could not be said about the fur.

Map Seeds Dezhneva

In 1654, the biography of Ivanovich's seeds was replenished with two campaigns - on the Chudans (indigenous inhabitants of Chukotka) and Koryakov (indigenous inhabitants of Kamchatka). During the shock with the first Dezhnev, hit the knife in the chest. The second trip was necessary, since the Koryaki chose the walruss on the very "Russian Corge", becoming their direct competitors.

From 1662, Dezhnev made three long journeys: from Yakutsk to Moscow and back, then 4 years later again in the capital, from where the researcher has not returned.

Personal life

Dezhnev was illiterate, so other people wrote to his dictation for him for him - they were asked for Ataman if necessary.

Cossack Ataman Semen Dezhnev

There were few Russian women in Yakutia, so seruners often married jackets. So Dejnev was married twice - both his spouses were jacket. The first wife of the navigator became Abaiwa Sichu, who gave him the son of his loved one - afterwards he served in Yakutskaya voivodeship. Probably, Dejnev brought Hichu from the Yana River or she was from Lensky Yakuts. There are no accurate data on this. It is only known that before the departure of the spouse in the next campaign, Abayday was baptized at the local priest and received an Orthodox name.

Abakayda, obviously, has already died when Dezhnev returned from Moscow in 1666, so the landowner took his wife a widow of the departed local blacksmith, cantemine (droplet). The woman was elderly, from her first marriage she had a son Osip. In those days of the widow relatively quickly, married reopened, despite age and children.

Monument to Semen Dezhnevu and his wife

The inheritance from the blacksmith remained real estate - the bembol on the island near Yakutsk. Dezhnev pledged to take care of the stepskey and follow the economy. In the second marriage, the son of Athanasius was born at Ivanovich's seeds, which later, like his father, served on Anadyr. A certain pelagya is mentioned in various documents - historians assure that this is not about the third woman of Dezhnev. Pelagia - the Christian name, which was given a drip during baptism.

Probably, Dejnev, like many servants, thanks to the Yakut wives and their relatives could freely express themselves in their language, which helped him in the campaigns.


In 1671, after the next service, Dezhnev went to Moscow. However, for many years of heavy testing with cold and hunger, hard hiking in winter and summer, as well as numerous wounds undermined the health of Ivanovich seeds. In the capital, he was seriously ill, we could not return and back to Yakutia.

Semen Dezhnev

In Moscow, the researcher lived for about a year and at the beginning of 1673 died - this was said in the "bustling book" of the salary of the serviceful Yakutsk. At the time of death, Dezhnev was about 70 years old, about fifty of them he spent in swimming and campaigns.

Where the body of Ataman is resting, is unknown. In the 17th century, in Moscow, it was not taken to make huge common cemeteries - the deceased were buried next to the parish churches, and there were a lot of temples in the capital.

Opening and achievements

  • opened the Kolyma River;
  • opened the strait separating two mainland;
  • The first passed from the Arctic Ocean in a quiet;
  • Opened Anadyr River and studied her pool;
  • He studied the eastern tip of Asia.

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