Onor de Balzac - Biography, photo, personal life, bibliography, works



Onor de Balzac is a French writer and one of the best prosaikov. The biography of the founder of realism is similar to the plots of its own works - turbulent adventures, mysterious circumstances, complexity and vivid achievements.

On May 20, 1799, a child was born in a simple family in France (city tour) in a simple family, who later became the father of the naturalistic novel. Father Bernard Francois Balssa had a legal education, engaged in business, reselling the lands of the poor and broken nobles. Such management brought him a profit, so Francois decided to change his native surname to become "closer" to the intelligentsia. As a "relative", Balssa chose the writer - Jean-Louis Gez de Balzac.

Portrait of Onor De Balzac

Onor mother, Anne-Charlotte Laura Salambay, had aristocratic roots and was for 30 years younger than her husband, adored life, fun, freedom and men. Lovels did not hide from the spouse. Anna had an extramarital child to which she began to show more care than to the future writer. The care of Ondore was lying on the cormal, and after the boy was sent to live in the boarding house. The childhood of the novelist is difficult to name good and light, experienced problems and stresses later manifested themselves in the works.

Parents wished Balzac to receive a lawyer's profession, therefore their son in the Wandom College with a legal bias. The educational institution was famous for strict discipline, meetings with loved ones were allowed only for Christmas holidays. The boy rarely adhered to local rules, for which he had acquired a reputation for the robber and unstuck.

Onor de Balzac in childhood and youth

At the age of 12, Onor de Balzac wrote the first children's work, over which classmates laughed. The little writer read the books of French classics, composed poems, plays. Unfortunately, his children's manuscripts could not be preserved, school teachers prohibited the child to grow literaryly, and one day it was burned one of his first essays "Treatise on Will."

Difficulties associated with communication among peers, with teachers, lack of attention was the appearance of diseases from a boy. At the age of 14, the family took a seriously sick teenager home. There was no chance of recovery. In this state he spent several years, but still got out

Vandom College, where Balzac studied

In 1816, the parents of Balzak moved to Paris, and there the young novelist continued her study at school. Together with the study of Science, Ohore got a job as a clerk in a notarial office, but did not receive pleasure from this. Literature Manila Balzac Like a magnet, then the father decided to support his son in the writing direction.

Francois promised him financing for two years. During this period, the onor should prove the ability to make money on his beloved business. Until 1823, Balzac created about 20 volumes of works, but most of them expected a failure. His first tragedy "Cromwell" was tough criticized, and later Balzac himself called young creativity with erroneous.


In the first works, Balzac tried to follow literary fashion, wrote about love, engaged in publishing activities, but unsuccessful (1825-1828). On the subsequent writer's writer influenced the books of V. Scott, written in the spirit of historical romanticism.

Onor de Balzac in youth

Then (1820-1830) Writers used only two main genres:

  1. Romanticism of the person, aimed at heroic achievements, such as Robinson Crusoe.
  2. The life and problems of the hero of the novel associated with its loneliness.

Re-reading the works of successful writers, Balzac decided to move away from the novel of the person, to find something new. "The main role" of his works began to act a heroic personality, but society as a whole. In this case, the modern bourgeois society of his native state.

Manuscript Onor de Balzac

In 1834, ONORO creates a work, aimed at showing the "paintings of the morals" of that time and works on it throughout his life. The book was subsequently called the name "Human Comedy". The idea of ​​Balzak was to create an artistic philosophical history of France, i.e. What a country has become, surviving the revolution.

The literary publication consists of several parts, including a list of different essays:

  1. "Etudes about the nravakh" (6 departments).
  2. "Philosophical Studies" (22 works).
  3. "Analytical studies" (1 work instead of 5-planned author).

This book can be called a masterpiece. It describes ordinary people, the professions of the heroes of works and their role in society are noted. "Human comedy" is filled with unseen-minded facts, everything is from life, all about the human heart.


Onor de Balzac finally formed life positions in the field of creativity after writing the following works:

  • Gobsek (1830). Initially, the essay had another name - "danger of disturbing." Here are brightly displayed qualities: greed and greed, as well as their influence on the fate of heroes.
  • "Shagreen skin" (1831) - this work brought success to the writer. The book is imbued with romantic and philosophical aspects. It describes in detail the life questions and possible solutions.
  • "Thirty-year-old woman" (1842). The main heroine of the writer has far from the best properties in character, leads a life condemning from the point of view, than indicates to the readers for errors that destroyly affect other people. Here Balzac Mudro sets the thoughts about the human essence.
Books Onor de Balzac
  • "Lost illusions" (publication in three parts of 1836-1842). In this book, Oneor, as always, managed to approach every detail, creating a picture of the moral life of French citizens. Brightly displayed in the work: human egoism, passion for power, wealth, self-confidence.
  • "Glitter and poverty Kurtyzanok" (1838-1847). This novel is not about the life of Parisian curtains, as initially seen from his name, but about the struggle of the secular and criminal society. Another brilliant work included in the "Multi-District" "Human Comedy".
  • The creativity and biography of Oneor de Balzac is one of the mandatory for studying materials in the schools of the countries of the world according to the educational program.

Personal life

You can write a separate novel about the personal life of the Great Honore de Balzak, to call which will not succeed. As a child, a small writer launched maternal love and a conscious life was looking for care, attention and tenderness in other women. He often fell in love with the ladies much older than herself in age.

The Great Writer of the 19th century was not a handsome man, as can be seen in the photo. But he had exquisite eloquence, charm, able to conquer arrogant young ladies in a simple monologue alone alone only by a replica.

Honore de Balzac

His first woman became Mrs. Laura De Bernie. She was 40 years old. It was a young on his mother, and, perhaps, he managed to replace it, becoming a faithful girlfriend and the counsel. After the rupture of their novel, former lovers retained friendly relations, supported correspondence until death.

Onor de Balzac and Laura de Bernie

When the writer has achieved success from readers, he began to receive hundreds of letters from different women, and once Balzac came across the essay of a mysterious girl admired by the talent of genius. Her subsequent letters turned out to be explicit recognition in love. For some time, Onsor corresponded with a stranger, and after they met in Switzerland. The lady turned out to be married that it was not embarrassed by a writer.

The stranger was called Evelina Ganskaya. She was smart, beautiful, young (32 years old) and immediately liked the writer. After Balzak assigned this woman the title of the main love in his life.

Onor de Balzac and Evelina Ganskaya

Lovers rarely saw each other, but often rewrote, built plans for the future, because Evelina's husband was 17 years old older and at any time could leave life. Having sincere love in the heart to Ganskaya, the writer did not keep himself from courting for other women.

When Versezslav Ghanae (husband) died, Evelina pushed Balzac, because the wedding with the Frenchman threatened her separation with his daughter Anna (the threat of Nicholas I), but after a few months he invited to Russia (his place of residence).

Only 17 years after his dating, the couple was married (1850). Onor then was at the age of 51 and was the happiest man in the world, but they failed to live a married life.


A talented writer could die in the 43rd age when it began to overcome various diseases, but thanks to the desire to love and be loved by Evelyn, he kept.

Literally immediately after the wedding, Ganskaya turned into a nurse. Doctors staged a terrible diagnosis of hypertrophy of the heart. The writer could not walk, write and even read books. The woman did not leave the spouse, wanting to fill his last days to peace, care and love.

Monuments on Ohore de Balzaku

On August 18, 1950, Balzac died. After herself, he left his wife an unenviable inheritance - huge debts. Evelina sold all its property in Russia to pay with them and went with her daughter to Paris. There, the widow designed guardianship over the mother of Prosaik and the remaining 30 years of his life devoted to the perpetuation of the works of the beloved.


  • Shuana, or Brittany in 1799 (1829).
  • Shagreen leather (1831).
  • Louis Lambert (1832).
  • Banker House Nusingen (1838).
  • Beatrice (1839).
  • Cenetable wife (1834).
  • Saving exclamations (1834).
  • Witch (1834).
  • Love perseverance (1834).
  • Rassowing Berth (1834).
  • Naivety (1834).
  • Fachino Cana (1836).
  • Secrets of Prinjean de Cadignan (1839).
  • Pierre Grass (1840).
  • Imaginary mistress (1841).

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