Conan - Biography of the warrior-barbarian, film adaptation, actors and roles


Character History

The classic hero of Fantasy, the wandering warrior warrior, Conan appeared in dozens of comics and books, became the hero of films and computer games.

History of creation

For the first time, the character appeared in the texts of Robert Irwin Howard, the American writer, who worked in Fantasy genre. Howard created a fictional universe Hibori era, whose heroes, besides Conan Barbara, were Red Sonya, Cull-Conqueror and Others. This is a fictional epoch in human history, which refers to 20000-9500 BC.

Writer Robert Govard

The events of the fictional universe are partially based on the events of the real history of humanity, and fictional countries can be associated with the existing existing, with which they are written off. This world, in the past, there were mythological countries and continents, such as Atlantis and Lemuria.

Howard wrote his universe in the 30s of the twentieth century and was published in the American magazine "Weird Tales". After the death of the author, the popular character did not disappear, his adventures continued in the works of other science fiction writers. By now, dozens of books are written about Conne.

Books about Konane

Robert Jordan wrote about the hero, the author of the "Wheel of Time" cycle, fictional Steve Perry, who also worked for the Star Wars series, repeated nominee of Hugo Prize Paul Anderson. Several Russian writers also joined the ranks of the authors who wrote about Konane, however, under pseudonyms.

Writer Robert Jordan

The order of books of the original series created by Howard without processing by other authors, looks like this:

  • "Phoenix on the sword";
  • "Alaty Citadel";
  • "Elephant Tower";
  • "Black Colossus";
  • "Crawling shadow";
  • "Out of black devils";
  • "Right rags in the house";
  • "Shadows in the lunar light";
  • "Queen of the Black Coast";
  • "Black Circle People";
  • "Witch will be born";
  • "Treasures of Gualura";
  • "For the Black River";
  • "Iron Demon";
  • "Shadows of the Lembula";
  • "Dragon Hour";
  • "Haiborean Era";
  • "Nails with red hats."


Conan is from Kimmeria. The father of the hero is a blacksmith, and Conan was born on the battlefield, where he spent most of his life. The boy began to participate in battles on a par with other warriors, as soon as he was able to keep the weapon in his hands. Konan was fourteen, when he first defeated the wall during the assault of the enemy fortress. A year later, the hero was captured, where was able to escape later. From this point on, the wanderings of the young Conan on the world began. In the native country, Kimmeria hero returned once and briefly.


Since the fictional Universe Conan was written off from the real world, there was a place and the Cossacks - steppe robbers who stand the camp on the Zaporozhka River. Conan for a while becomes their leader. After that, the hero is pirate for several years and becomes the leader of black sea robbers, which they know under the name of AMRA. Finishes the pirate's career when the correct team is dying and the name named Belit.

In the sea after that, Conan is not refundable and continues to disaster on land. For several years, the hero travels, serving a mercenary. It becomes a warlord, goes from one owner to another. After another tenant, Queen Tamaris, turns out to be overthrown, Conan for a while becomes the leader of a nomadic tribe. Conanians are fighting with the authorities, and in the end, the royal army breaks the nomads.

Conan and Zaporizhzhya Cossacks

After that, Conan wanders for some time on the southern lands and is looking for treasures there. Then returns to the north, where he is recovering again in the army, this time in Aqualia. There hero is quickly achieving again, thanks to valoring in battles and ability to lead the troops, career heights and becomes general.

The popularity of Conan as a military leader grows so rapidly that the king begins to fear the hero and throws into prison. From the ultrasound, the barbarian escapes and together with one rebel baron raises the uprising, as a result of which the king turns out to be overthrown and killed. After the victory of the Kimmerian, crowned as a Conan of the first, and that ruled the country until he was aware of, although during this time it was committed at him.


Due to the fact that various authors wrote about Konan, the character of the hero is very blurred. Initially, the image of Conan was not created for a purely positive, the hero was not like a valiant knight, which is designed to destroy evil, nor on a dishonest criminal, nor on the intellect of the muscles, which hero has been depicted repeatedly. In the texts of Howard, the hero is presented as a typical warrior warrior - Viking or German.

Robber raids, robbery on the sea and theft fit easily into the picture of the Conan world. The hero is inclined to the blood revenge, it is concreted concisely and rudely, but he has a Code of honor, of which the warrior always adheres to. He is charming and can not be refused by the sense of humor. Against the background of "civilized" characters, Conan looks more survivable, characteristic of the hero inadvertent in the means and the absence of chepillary create that benefits.

Initial view of Conan

The appearance of the original Conan is also different from the fact that the viewers are accustomed to see on the screen and on the covers of numerous late books. The hero is not a semi-naked kids with a big sword. Howard created a worked image of Conan. This is a high growth man, muscular, his eyes in his blue, and the hair is black and long. The hero of the Bezboro is not wearing a mustache. Warrior trapes, cozy, straight and the living, has a huge physical force. Attracts women, additive to drinking. Favorite his weapon - an ax and sword.

The hero is dressing how the military fashion of those places where it is at a specific moment, wears armor and almost never appears on the pages half-naked, as they like to portray illustrators. Thanks to the journey, Conan may freely express and read in several languages, is closely familiar with geography and the characteristics of the lives of different peoples. Terepically refers to the adherents of other religions, and he himself believes in the Krome God, like other warriors in his homeland, in kimmeria.

Interesting Facts

Conan made a popular actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who starred in this role twice - in the films "Conan-Barbarian" (1982) and "Conan-Destroyel" (1984). These ribbons are one of the first in Schwarzenegger's career, and the audience paid little attention to them. Both films were filmed on the basis of the original scenario, the events of books did not find reflections in them, the plot was invented completely new, although some ideas and the scenes from Howard were still borrowed.

Arnold Schwarzenegger as Conan

A series of films about Konane was to become a trilogy, but Schwarzenegger left the project. For the filming of the third film, they found an actor to a major role, but the replacement was unsuccessful. New actor, Kevin Sorbo, did not want to copy someone else's Manner and play the role of "from someone's shoulder." As a result, the film was still released in 1997 with a shut-off scenario and not within the trilogy. The main character was replaced - they became Cul, - and the audience saw a film called "Cul-Conqueror".

Kevin Sorbo as Kulla

Not so long ago, in 2011, a new 3D version of the "Conan-Barbarian" appeared, where the main role was performed by Jason Momoa, the famous viewers by the role of Khal Drow in the series "Game of Thrones".

Jason Momoa as Conan

Another embodiment of the conan's image in the series of the same name was created by actor Ralph Mieler.

Ralph Meller as Conan

The audience had a chance to see Arnold Schwarzenegger once again as a warrior-barbarian in the new film "Legend of Conne", but unfortunately the project closed in 2017 due to difficulties with financing.

Conan in comic books

In the 70s of the twentieth century, Marvel Comics began issuing comics about Conne, which enjoyed wide popularity and stopped published only in 2000.

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