Ludwig Van Beethoven - biography, photos, personal life, works



Ludwig Van Beethoven is the famous deaf composer who created 650 musical works that are recognized as the world's world treasure. The life of a talented musician is marked by a constant struggle with difficulties and adversities.

Childhood and youth

In the winter of 1770, Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in the poor quarter of Bonna. Baptism of the baby took place on December 17th. The grandfather and father of the boy are distinguished by a singing talent, so they work in the court chapel. Children's years, the kid is difficult to call happy, because a constantly drunk father and beggar existence do not contribute to the development of talent.

Portrait of Ludwig Van Beethoven

Ludwig with bitterness recalls his own room, located in the attic, where there were old harpsichine and an iron bed. Johann (Dad) was often drunk to unconsciousness and beat his spouse, releasing evil. Periodically, the beatings were getting and son. Mama Maria gently loved the only surviving child, sang the baby songs and how he could the gray insane weekdays.

At an early age, Ludwig showed musical abilities that Johann immediately noticed. I envy the glory and the talent of the Amadeus Mozart, whose name is already rattling in Europe, decided to raise a similar genius from his own child. Now the life of the baby filled with the exhausting classes of playing piano and violin.

Ludwig Van Beethoven as a child

Father, finding out the gifting of the boy, made the exercise simultaneously on 5 instruments - the organ, clause, alte, violin, flute. Young Louis clock Corpel over Muizicy. The slightest errors were punished by vice and beatings. Johann invited to the son of teachers, whose lessons for the most part are inconsistent and unsystematic.

The man sought to quickly train Ludwig concert activity in the hope of fees. Johann even asked to increase the salaries at work, promising to arrange a gifted son in the Kapella. But the family did not heal well, as the money went on alcohol. At the six-year-old age, Louis dodied by the Father gives a concert in Cologne. But the received fee was tiny.

Ludwig van Beethoven in youth

Thanks to maternal support, young genius began improvising and outline his own works. Nature generously gave the child with talent, but the development was complex and painful. Ludwig was so immersed in the melodies created in consciousness that he could not exit this state.

In 1782, the director of the court chapel is prescribed Christian Gotobu, who becomes Louis teacher. The man considered glimpses of gifts in Yunz and took his formation. Understanding that musical skills do not give full development, puts love to literature, philosophy and ancient languages. Schiller, Goethe, Shakespeare become idols of young genius. Beethoven greedily studies the works of Baha and Handel, dreaming of joint work with Mozart.

Ludwig van Beethoven in youth

The musical capital of Europe, Vienna, the young man visited the first time in 1787, where he met Wolfgang Amadem. The famous composer, having heard the improvisation of Ludwig, was delighted. Amazed present Mozart said:

"Do not break the gaze from this boy. Once peace speaks about him. "

Beethoven agreed with a maestro about several lessons, which had to be interrupted due to the disease of the mother.

Returning to Bonn and buried the mother, the young man plunged into despair. This painful moment in the biography has adversely affected the work of the musician. The young man is forced to care for two younger brothers and tolerate the drunken feathers of the Father. The young man turned to the prince to the prince, who was appointed a family with a full 200 taler. Mocking neighbors and bullying children strongly wounded Ludwig, who said that he would get out of poverty and earn money in his own difficulty.

Monument to Ludwig Van Beethoven

The talented young man found in Bonn patrons, which provided free access to musical assemblies and salons. The family of Breuning took care of Louis, who taught the music of their daughter Lorcher. The girl married Dr. Vegeler. Until the end of his life, the teacher supported friendly relations with this pair.


In 1792, Beethoven went to Vienna, where hesenate friends quickly found. In order to improve the skills in instrumental music, I turned to Josef Hayidn, which my own works brought to check. Relations between the musicians were immediately not charged, since Haidna annoyed a plump student. Then the young man takes the lessons from Shenka and Albrechtsberger. The vocal letter is improving with Antonio Salieri, who introduced a young man into a circle of professional musicians and titled persons.

Ludwig Van Beethoven for Piano

A year later, Ludwig Wang Beethoven creates music to "Joy Ode" written by Schiller in 1785 for the Masonic Lodge. Throughout the life of the maestro, the hymn modifies, strives for the triumphal sound of the composition. The public heard a symphony that caused a frantic delight, only in May 1824.

Soon Beethoven becomes a fashionable pianist of the vein. In 1795, a young musician's debut took place in the cabin. Playing three piano trios and three sonates of their own essay, fascinated contemporaries. The present temperament noted, the wealth of imagination and the depth of the feeling of Louis. Three years later, a man overtakes a terrible disease - Tinnitus, which develops slowly, but right.

Composer Ludwig Van Beethoven

Beethoven 10 years old hid ailments. The surroundings did not even realize about the deafness of the pianist, and the reservations and the answers were not written off the dispersion and inattention. In 1802 he writes the Highigenstad Testament, addressed to the brothers. In the work of Louis describes its own mental suffering and excitement for the future. This confession man orders to announce only after death.

In a letter to the doctor, there is a line: "I will not surrender and take the fate of the throat!". Doggy and the expression of genius were expressed in the charming "second symphony" and three violin sonats. Understanding that it will soon flop completely, with zeal is taken for work. This period is considered to be a flourishing of creativity of the genius pianist.

Ludwig Van Beethoven writes the second symphony

"Pastoral Symphony" of 1808 consists of five parts and occupies a separate place in the life of the master. The man loved to relax in remote villages, communicated with nature and pondered new masterpieces. The fourth part of the symphony is called "Thunderstorm. The storm, "where the Master conveys rampant ragged elements using piano, trombones and flute piccolo.

In 1809, the Directorate of the City Theater Ludwig received a proposal to write musical accompaniment to the Drama "Egmont" Goethe. As a sign of respect for the work of the writer, the pianist refused money remuneration. The man wrote music parallel to theatrical rehearsals. Actress Anthony Adamberger joked over the composer, confessing that in the absence of a singing talent. In response to a unfortunated glance skillfully performed Aria. Beethoven did not appreciate humor and severely said:

"I see, you still can perform an overture, I will go and write these songs."

From 1813 to 1815, there are already fewer works, as it finally loses his hearing. The brilliant mind finds a way out. Louis to "hear" music, uses a thin wooden wand. One tip of the plate clamps the teeth, and the other leans to the front panel of the tool. And thanks to the transmitting vibration, the sound of the tool feels.

Ludwig van Beethoven in society

The compositions of this life period are filled with tragedy, depth and philosophical meaning. The works of the greatest musician become a classic for contemporaries and descendants.

Personal life

The history of the personal life of the gifted pianist is rare tragic. Ludwig in the circle of the aristocratic elite was considered commoner, so he had no right to apply for noble maidens. In 1801, Julie Guichchhardi fell in love with Julia. The feelings of young people were not mutual, as the girl simultaneously met and with Graph von Gallenberg, for which married two years after acquaintance. Love torments and bitterness loss of the beloved composer expressed in the "Lunar Sonate", which became a hymn of unrequited love.

From 1804 to 1810, Beethoven is passionately in love with Josephine Brunswick - Widow Count Josef Daim. A woman is enthusiastically answered by courtship and letters of a fervent beloved. But the novel ended at the insistence of Relatives Josephins, who are confident that Proshirotin will not be a standing candidate for spouses. After a painful break, a man from the principle makes the proposal of Teresa Malfatti. Gets a refusal and writes a masterpiece sonatoo "to the Elise".

The experienced mental excitements were so upset of impressionable Beethoven that he decided to spend the rest of his life in proud loneliness. In 1815, after the death of his brother, it turned out to be drawn into litient litigation associated with guardianship over the nephew. The child's mother is characterized by a reputation of a walking woman, so the court satisfied the demands of the musician. Soon it turned out that Karl (nephew) inherited the harmful habits of the mother.

Karl, Ludwig's nephew Van Beethoven

Uncle brings up a boy in rigor, trying to instill love for music and eradicate alcohol and cruise dependence. Without your own children, a man is not experienced in the instructions and will not ceremony with the spoiled young men. Another scandal leads a guy to try to suicide, which was unsuccessful. Ludwig sends Karl to the army.


In 1826, Louis witrated and fell ill with inflammation of the lungs. Gastric pain joined pulmonary disease. The doctor improperly calculated the dosage of the medication, so there was airsdown daily progressed. 6 months old man is chained to bed. At this time, Beethoven visited friends trying to alleviate the suffering of the dying.

Funeral Ludwig Van Beethoven

A talented composer died on 57 years of life - March 26, 1827. On this day, the windows raged the thunderstorm, and the moment of death was marked by a terrible thunder rolling. At the opening, it turned out that the masters had a liver and hearing and adjacent nerves were damaged. In the last path of Beethoven, 20,000 citizens accompanies, the funeral procession is headed by Franz Schubert. The musician buried on the Wearing Cemetery of the Church of the Holy Trinity.

Interesting Facts

  • At the age of 12 published a collection of variations for keyboard tools.
  • It was considered the first musician to whom the city council appointed a cash benefit.
  • Posted 3 love letters to the "immortal beloved" found only after death.
  • Beethoven is written the only opera called "Fidelio". There are no more similar works in the master's biography.
  • The greatest delusion of contemporaries is that Ludwig wrote the following works: "The Music of Angels" and "Rainy Melody". These compositions are created by other pianists.
  • Valued friendship and helped in need.
  • He could simultaneously work on 5 works.
  • In 1809, when Napoleon bombarded the city, worried that he suffers from the explosions of the shells. Therefore, I was hiding in the basement at home and closed the ears with pillows.
  • In 1845, the first monument dedicated to the composer was opened in Bon.
  • The basis of the song "Beatles" "Because" is put on Moon Sonata, lost in reverse order.
  • The anthem of the European Union was appointed "Ode to joy."
  • He died of a lead from the body poisoning due to a medical error.
  • Modern psychiatrists believe that they suffered from a bipolar disorder.
  • Photos of Beethoven are printed on German postage stamps.

Musical works


  • First C-DUR Op. 21 (1800)
  • The second d-dur op. 36 (1802)
  • The third ES-DUR "Heroic" Op. 56 (1804)
  • Fourth B-DUR OP. 60 (1806)
  • Fifth C-Moll Op. 67 (1805-1808)
  • Sixth F-DUR "Pastoral" Op. 68 (1808)
  • Seventh A-DUR OP. 92 (1812)
  • Eighth F-DUR OP. 93 (1812)
  • Nine D-Moll op. 125 (with choir, 1822-1824)


  • Prometheus from Op. 43 (1800)
  • "Coriolian" op. 62 (1806)
  • "Leonor" No. 1 op. 138 (1805)
  • "Leonor" № 2 op. 72 (1805)
  • "Leonora" number 3 op. 72a (1806)
  • Fidelio OR. 726 (1814)
  • "Egmont" from OR. 84 (1810)
  • "The ruins of Athens" from the OR. 113 (1811)
  • "King Stephen" from OR. 117 (1811)
  • "Name" op. 115 (18 (4)
  • "Consecration of the House" Wed. 124 (1822)

More than 40 dancing and marches for symphonic and brass orchestra

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