Liber Kpadonu - biography, photo, life after the project "House 2", News 2021



Biography Liber Kpadona is of great interest to the fans of the TV project "House-2", because an exotic mulatto has conquered her appearance and vocals the whole country. Kpadona became one of the brightest participants of the reality show and remembered the audience as reasonable and confident girl who is not afraid of difficulties.

Childhood and youth

Addakh Zhilbert Kpadona came to practice in the town of Oktyabrsky. The African guy first studied in France, and then moved to Peter to enroll in the Mining University.

Liber Kpadonu with his father

His chiller saw his chief: Hope was a stranger of a stranger, who in which a young man in a broken Russian asked how to get to the cinema. The girl spent an interesting companion, and since then they no longer parted: the next day after dating Kpadona made a proposal of white-skinned beauty. It was love at first sight. / P>

The parents of the newlyweds were initially against such a union, but the Liber girl appeared on December 17, 1987 made the triaut of both sides.

Liber Kpadona in childhood

The daughter grew in the educated and intelligent family, the father is a candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, and the mother on education is a lawyer.

Young Liber studied at school with arrogance, and also fond of sports: she was engaged in athletics and even there was a champion in his hometown. Coach Liber propheted her a career, but when Kpadonu turned 14 years old, the family moved to Ufa. In the new city, the future star did not like the teleproject, and they did not want to communicate with a new student who had unusual exotic appearance at school.

Liber Kpadonu with parents

Libergiches no one offended, as the athlete could calmly give a hooligan. But they fought over Mulatka often due to the fact that she did not know Bashkir. One day, classmates suggested her instead of the desired word crucial, and Kpadona said it in front of the whole class. The girl considers this case funny, so recalls school years with a smile.

Liber's first money earned in his youth. When the long-legged beauty-Mulatka was 16 years old, her art director of the night club was noticed and offered a young girl to work as a dancer. Despite the prohibitions of the Father, Kpadonu agrees and begins the dancer's career.

After graduating from school, a mulatto moves to the capital and enters Moscow university to the specialty of the organizer of cultural and mass events - Libergis is a very creative person.

Liber Kpadona danced in nightclubs

She managed to learn at the university, and worked as a dancer GOU GOU, and also performed songs. They say, Kpadonu was even invited to an episodic role in the film. Also, the University's young student has time to surprise friends with exquisite dishes - Libergis took up seriously the development of culinary abilities.

"House 2"

Come on the realistic show "Love Telestroyka", Liber Kpadona put a clear goal - to find his chosen one. Liberg did not find love for the perimeter due to exotic appearance. When her parents of her cavaliers learned that her sons were found with Mulatto, there were no speech about marriage. And Liber, like any girl, dreamed of a cozy family life.

Liber Kpaadon without makeup on the project

Having come to the project on September 20, 2011, Libergas expressed sympathy for an extravagant guy Gleb Vlabunka. But the relationship with a young man did not work out. Despite this, Liberg did not despair to find his chosen one in the "House-2" walls.

Anti Kurkienn became the second chief of Kpadon. But with this young man failed to build love, since the participants of the frontal place came to the conclusion that the newly-made steam is fictitious, and sent Antti per gate.

Liber Kpadonu and Ivan Barzikov

The next guy who attracted the African beauty was Ivan Barzikov. Initially, the young man came to Catherine Tokareva, but Liber managed to hit Vanya. Their relationship was short and accompanied by happy emotions, then conflict situations. The guy did not like the bad habits of the girl: she loved smoking, as well as the participants of the show climbed it in alcoholism.

Vanya and Libergue together left the gate. But six months later, the young people went away, and in the spring of 2013, Kpadonu returned to the show.

Liber Kpadonu and Evgeny Rudnev

The new chief of Liberg was the divorced Evgeny Rudnev. Initially, the show members reproached the beloved in the fact that their pair is fictitious, but young people decided to refute these rumors and played a wedding, although the marriage of newlyweds existed only six months.

After the project

Liber - purposeful and confident girl. Over the framework of the project, Liber is holding a dance school, and also owns the Liberge jewelry store.

Jewelry Store Liber Kpadonu

Kpadonu communicates far from all people, according to the girl, already at the time of dating it feels the energy of the interlocutor. Liber appreciates in men kindness, love for children and animals (Kpadona loves dogs), and most importantly - dedication and mind. According to the ex-participating project, it appreciates in the elect, not even the presence of a diploma, and everyday wisdom.

As with other participants, "House-2", Kpaadon has both fans and ill-wishers. But to negative comments in the photo in Instagram, a girl belongs to humor: Liber - a prime and cheerful man who loves to laugh. &

It is known that Liber Checks on computer games, for example, in one of the releases of the show you can see how a mulatto plays in Dota2.

Libezh broke up with their bad habits after the project, the fan remains to guess. Moreover, some viewers of the show are confident that alcoholism of Kpadona is the fiction of the project producers to increase ratings.

Liber Kpadonu now

In 2017, Liber Kpadonu continues to appear on "House-2", but only as a guest guest. At the moment it is not married.

Liber Kpadona in 2017

The sultry brunette has radically changed the image and squandered up with long hair, making a haircut under the square.

In 2016, Liber Kpadon recorded a new song "Rain Lines". The girl actively develops his vocals and sings in class under the leadership of the participants of the TV project "Voice" ETE Beriashvili.

It is concerned that the participant of the teleproject had to close the jewelry store for an unknown reason. Some sources are confident that Business Liber closed due to bankruptcy. According to the latest news, Kpadona decided to give energy to another business idea: the ex-participant of the scandalous show became the owner of the laser hair removal salon and the removal of tattoos, which heardly tells about in social networks.

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