Konstantin Ivanov - biography, photos, news, instagram, Alexander Gosic 2021



Among the fans of the scandalous TV project "House 2" Personality of the pet for the female audience Konstantin Ivanov and after care, controversy and peres. Knowing the price guy no one left indifferent.

The future of the project was born on March 25, 1985 in Primorsky Krai, in the city of Vladivostok. His father was an incorrigible workaholic, and his mother followed the cleanliness of the house and raised children (Konstantin has a younger brother).

Participant Show

Despite the fact that the head of the family had a tight working schedule, he did not forget about the sons. So, it was Ivanov Senior who instilled the future star of Telestroyki love for hiking. Parents of the bone adored nature, and every year they exported children to the forest on the mushrooms.

At the school boy was impossible to be called a diligent student. The guy from the young age gave himself sports, and there was not enough time to study. In the elementary classes in the circle of interests of a young man, a mini-football and an easy athletics was included in the senior classes - Breicdan and Boxing.

Konstantin Ivanov to the project

The young man wanted to do everyone immediately, and, as you know, you will hit two hares - you will not catch one, so the only achievement of the unfortunate guy was 2nd place at urban boxing competitions.

A supporter of a healthy lifestyle and to this day believes that every self-respecting man should engage in contact martial arts, in order to be able to protect himself and his woman.

Personal life

From the biography of the ex-participant "House-2" it is known that before coming to the project Konstantin was married and was the owner of a large investment business.

Family life Ivanova did not work out. The man stated that the cause of the divorce was the steep temper and the buoy temperament of the former spouse. They say, Christina was extremely mercantile special, constantly scandaling and tried to get into the freedom-loving Donjan, drove him under the heel.

Konstantin Ivanov with a former wife and son

The ex-wife of the star TV project with such interpretations of family life disagrees. According to her, the truth causes the divorce was a racketer image of the life of Constantine. The man loved to live on a wide foot: he spent money on entertainment and women, drank and for a long time did not appear at home. In addition, Ivanov often raised her hand to Christina.

For the sake of the four-year-old Son of Prokop, disappointed in each other in love with the latter tried to keep marriage. But irreconcilability in views of life turned out to be stronger than the desire to grow a child in a full family.

"House 2"

At the perimeter "House-2" Konstantin Ivanov came on February 5, 2016 and immediately became the favorite of the female team. The man did not hide the fact that his goal is to build relations with the "brand" of the TV project by Olga Rapunzel. At that time, the participants knew everything about the dark past. The bad fame did not embarrass the handsome person, on the contrary, he declared that he preferred to the liberated women with gray, timid mice.

Konstantin Ivanov and Olga Rapunzel

Not at all worried about the confident seduder and the fact that Olya at that time was related to relations with Dmitry Dmitrenko. By arrival at Seychelles, Kostya easily discouraged not a particularly resistant girl at the Mount Cavalera. However, after the first scene of the jealousy of Ivanov, immediately puts the point in the emerging relations with Rapunzel.

The viewers are confident that the rating participant acted as a passing ticket, and the guy simply found a reason to escape from an unpromising relationship.

Konstantin Ivanov in the show

A handsome man, a romantic flue to which business added a perimeter, skillfully used the sympathies of girls. Coste breakfasts ready for all ladies, they organized a date under the moon and agreed with the organizers of the show about the "departure" from the telestroy.

Among his rewinds and Elizabeth of the Sharoch, and Ekaterina King, and Alexander Kharitonov. Konstantin's accustomed to female attention did not hurry to burden himself with relations and create a couple.

Konstantin Ivanov and Alexander Gosic

The purposeful brunette Alexander Gosic was also like Ivanov, and the girl, without losing time, took the pet favorite bedroom in turn. Kostya Eye did not have time to blink, as it turned out to be with Sasha on Seychelles. There, their novel was stormy and rapidly developed, and upon arrival at the glade of Ivanov and Gosic, to the joy of fans, they declared themselves a couple.

During the one and a half year's stay on the project, young people were scandalous, fought, parted. But in spite of everything, Sasha and Kosta managed to preserve love. In March 2017, the Star Couple left "Dom-2".

Konstantin Ivanov and Alexander Gosic - Wedding

In June 2017, Konstantin Ivanov and Alexander Gosic married. Beloved legalized the relationship in Barviha's registry office, after which they staged a festive party for relatives and loved ones on the occasion of marriage.

Konstantin Ivanov now

A few weeks before the departure of Ivanov, lived with the subscribers of plans for the future. A man decided to carry out a cherished dream and in March 2017 to open his own cafe. The fans supported Constantine in his endeavors, and the worships, not believing in the prospect of the project, hoped for failure.

Konstantin Ivanov now

The ex-participant herself heated the interest of the public, posting photos from the object of the object under the social network "VKontakte". The man promised on the opening day of the cafe to arrange an enchanting show. As a result, the presentation of the institution passed unnoticed. And Ivanov himself along with the beloved and left at all at this moment in Vladivostok.

The reason for such a relationship to the project was that in reality the self-proclaimed restaurant does not have a "conferebral" (name of the institution). From the very beginning there were his countrymen from the very beginning, not so long ago, Sergey Shtko and Alexey Danilian, who returned from the seats of imprisonment. An enterprising Konstantin simply "sold" the promoted name, preventing the scandalous popularity of the participant "House-2".

Konstantin Ivanov in 2017

The young man did not stop at failure and immediately moved to the incarnation of a new business idea to life. Now Konstantin, along with another Andrei Chu'yev, is engaged in promoting its new brainchild - online seafood store Crabolove. And even though the project is at the development stage, the "Instagram" have already appeared photographs of the intended products and the price list.

Thinking on 2 steps forward Ivanov did not forget about the spare plan. If all the ideas are failed, a man will be able to implement himself on the Internet. Together with the beloved Alexander Gosicians, they opened the canal on Youtube. Channel content is designed for "House-2" project fans.

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