Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Metropolitan Hylarion (Grigory Alfaev) - Hierarch of the ROC, Metropolitan Volokolamsky, Head of OSDS MP, a member of the Holy Synod, a historian, Orthodox composer, translator of works on dogmatic theology from Syrian and Greek languages.

The future hierarch was born on July 24, 1966 in Moscow in the family of Doctor of Physics and Mathematical Sciences Valery Grigorievich Dashevsky and writer Valeria Anatolyevna Alfheeva, from under whose feot, "Colored Dreams", "Jvari", "designed, elected, faithful", " Wanderers "," Pilgrimage to Sinai "," University Light "," Sacred Sinai ".

Metropolitan Hilarion.

Grandfather Gregory Markovich Dashevsky received fame due to historical works on the Spanish Civil War. Boy based on the birth of Gregory. The marriage of the parents lasted for a short time - soon his father left the family.

Metropolitan Hilarion in childhood

When the boy was 12 years old, Valery Grigorievich died from an accident. All responsibility for the upbringing of the Son took over Valery Anatolyevna. At an early age, Grigory began to study at a music school at the Gnesin School. The first and favorite teacher in the violin became for the boy Vladimir Nikolayevich Litvinov.

In 1977, Gregory was the sacrament of baptism. The Heavenly Patron of the Execution was Hilarion New, whose day is celebrated on June 6 in the old style. The history of the Orthodox Church knows two more great righteous, the ancient Russian metropolitan of Hilarion of Kiev and Hilarion, Hegumen Pelikitsky. The saints were famous for the feats of monasticism of immaculate life.

Metropolitan Hilarion (left) began to serve in the church in 15 years

In 1981, the young man began the church service by the Voskresensky Temple reader in the Assumption Entrance area. Two years later, he began to atroculate the Metropolitan of the Volokolamsk and Yuryevsky Diocese of Pitirim, as well as to work part-time in the Publishing House of the MP RPC.

Metropolitan Hilarion in youth

Enrolled in 1984 to the Moscow Conservatory in the specialty "Composition", the young man immediately departs for two years in the army. Alfeyev was determined in the company of the Army orchestra of the border troops. Returning in 1986 to Moscow, Gregory recovered in the university and was engaged in the class of Professor Alexei Nikolaev.


In 1987, Alfheyev decided to leave a worldly life and accepted the monastic stop in the Vilensky Holy District Monastery. Archbishop Vilensky and Lithuanian Quiz had a new monk in Ierodicon. For the celebration of Transfiguration, Hilarion adopted Chin Hieromonach, and for 2 years a young priest was determined by the abbot of temples in the villages of Clayenay and the titushena of the Vilensky and Lithuanian diocese. At the same years, Alfheyev ends the Moscow spiritual seminary, the Moscow Theological Academy and receives the degree of a candidate of theology.

Metropolitan Hilarion in youth

Hilarion does not stop on the achieved and becomes a graduate student of MDA, and then a student of Oxford. In the UK, Alfeyev studies Greek and Syrian language under the leadership of Sebastian Brock, protects the doctoral dissertation "Rev. Simeon New Theological and Orthodox Tradition". In parallel with scientific activities, Ilarion leaves the ministry in the church. The young priest shakes the parishioners of the temples of the Sural Diocese.

Metropolitan Hilarion reads a lecture

Since 1995, Dr. Philosophy and theology becomes an employee of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, teacher of patrology in Kaluga and Smolensk seminary. Hilarion reads lectures on dogmatic theology in different parts of the world: in Orthodox seminars in Alaska, in New Yrk, in Cambridge. At Easter 2000, Hilarion is asked to San Iguman, and a year later, Alfeyev takes the bishoprosis in the Kerch diocese, which is located in the UK. He also becomes a vicar of Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom).


In 2002, the Bishopianism was accepted for the feast of the circumcision of the Lord and served in the Podolsk Diocese. The Patriarchate instructed a young bishop to participate in the international sessions of the European Union, on which issues of religious tolerance and tolerance were solved.

Bishop Hilarion.

In 2003, Hilarion appointed Viennese and Austrian bishop. The restoration works of the two large temples of the diocese - the Viennese Cathedral of St. Nicholas and the Church of the Lazarus of the Quarterweight are carried out. In addition to the main ministry, the bishop continues to work in the representative of the ROC in Brussels.

Since 2005, Alfeyev - Privat-Associate Professor of theology at the University of Freirur. In 2009, the chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate, the chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate, is assigned to the Archbishopian San, a vicar of Patriarch Kirill is appointed. A year later, becomes Metropolitan.

Social activity

In the late 1990s, Hilarion began social activities, becoming the leading program "Peace of your home", which went on TVC channel. Alfeyev openly enters the dialogue with unchurched persons, explaining the features of the Orthodox religion. Hilarion is manifested by a simple and affordable language to explain complex theological concepts and terms, thereby making Orthodoxy closer to people who wish to comprehend its essence. In the early 2000s, the fundamental work of the bishop "Sacred Mystery of the Church comes out. Introduction to the history and issues of Imyaslav Disputes. "

Metropolitan Hilarion.

Metropolitan Hilarion enters the editorial board of Orthodox publications "Theological Works", "Church and Time", "Bulletin of the Russian Christian Movement", "Studia Monastica", "Byzantine Library". At the account of the doctor of theology, five hundred articles dedicated to the problems of dogmatics, patriots, the history of the Orthodox Church. Alfeyev creates books "Jesus Christ. Life and teaching "," Catechism "," Orthodox certificate in the modern world "," The main mystery of the church "," Jesus Christ: God and man "and others.

Book of Metropolitan Hilarion.

Hilarion is able to competently conduct a dialogue with the Investments as a member of the Executive and Central Committees of the World Council of Churches. Alfeyev consists of a negotiation committee with the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany.

In 2009, he participated in the preparation of the Year of Russian Culture in Italy and Italian - in Russia, in the year of Hilarion is appointed by a member of the Patriarchal Council on Culture and the Board of Trustees of the Russian World Foundation. In 2011, he heads the Synodal Biblical-theological Commission.


An important place in the biography of Metropolitan Hilarion is the music. Since 2006, Alfeyev is returning to composer creativity, creating a number of writings on Orthodox topics. This is primarily "Divine Liturgy" and "Veligid Vigil", "Matthew Passion" and "Christmas Orator". The works of the theologian were warmly recognized as the creative community of performers, music is successfully performed by symphony and choral groups under the leadership of the conductor of Vladimir Fedoseyev, Valery Gergiev, Vladimir Spivakov, Pavel Kogan, Dmitry Kitanenko and others. Concerts are held not only in Russia, but also in Greece, Hungary, Australia, Canada, Serbia, Italy, Turkey, Switzerland, USA.

Since 2011, Alfeyev and Vladimir Spivakov are organized by the Moscow Christmas Festival of Spiritual Music. A year later, the Volga Festival of Spiritual Music starts, the leader of which, along with Metropolitan Ilarion, becomes a violinist Dmitry Kogan.

Personal life

Metropolitan of Hilarion from his youth devotedly serves in the church, he was tonsured to the monks at the age of 20, so the Alferee did not have to speak about the personal life of Alfeyev. His only loved and native man in the world remains Mom Valery Anatolyevna. The whole life of Metropolitan Illarion is subordinate to the ministry of the church.

Metropolitan Hilarion is not married

Theologians work a lot on dogmatic works, participates in worship services, in organizing international and intracerer projects and commissions. Alfeyev conducts active correspondence with Orthodox hierarchs, with inners, diplomatic representatives of foreign states.

Metropolitan Hilarion now

The latest news from the life and church activity of Metropolitan Illarion can be found on its official website and in the group in contact. In 2016, Alpeeyev's films "Monastery", "On Patriarch Kirill" came out. The site can also be found in the video cycle of the "Church and Peace" program with Metropolitan Volokolamsky, which goes on the channel "Russia 24".

Metropolitan Hilarion in 2017

There are also numerous photos from the meetings of Alfeyev with representatives of other denominations. Now the new Book of Illarion "Miracles of Jesus" has been released. At the end of April, under the leadership of Metropolitan, a symposium on the topic "Rev. Efrem Sirin and his spiritual heritage" passed under the leadership of the Metropolitan in the general terrain graduate school.

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