Elena Terleeva - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, "I loved", clips, singer 2021



Elena Terleeva - singer, a performer of his own songs, which rapidly broke into the Russian stage in the early 2000s and conquered the public with charisma and a unique voice chamber. During the years of creativity, the artist managed to maintain its individuality and master the new direction for himself - jazz.

Childhood and youth

The girl was born in Surgut on March 6, 1985 in the family of Military and Music Teacher. A few months later, Vladimir Terleyev was transferred to the military part of Urengoy, where the childhood of the future singer passed. At an early age, parents wanted to determine the daughter in a ballet school, but Lena did not pass the qualifying round due to orthopedic problems. Then the daughter was given to the music school.

At first, the girl was hardly engaged in playing the piano, but in high schools began to show interest in vocal. In the secondary school, Elena gave preference to humanitarian sciences. The girl possessed a closed character that did not prevent her from starting to participate in regional and urban musical competitions.

At one of the competition, a representative of the Morning Star program was attended, who offered fifteen-year-old Elena to come to Moscow to participate in the contest of young performers. In 2000, Terleyev became the winner of the teleconcurs.

After graduating from school, Elena went to the capital. The girl independently removed the accommodation, got a job. Terleyeva was lucky: she found the place of the manager in the model agency and began to receive a good salary, but Elena Terleyev never forgot about music.

Periodically, the beginning of the singer managed to perform in youth clubs, at the departments. In 2002, Elena Terleeva became a student of the Institute of Contemporary Art with a degree of estate jazz performance. The applicant showed excellent results and was immediately adopted on the second course.

"Star Factory - 2"

In 2003, Elena came to listen to the contest "Star Factory - 2". Novice artists for the project this time gained producer Maxim Fadeev. To participate in the show, 16 participants were invited, among whom Elena Temnikov, Pierre Narcissus, Irakli Pizza Pitzhalava, Julia Savicheva, Polina Gagarin, Mikhail Reshetnikov, Dmitry Astashonok, Masha Rzhevskaya, were specially invited to participate in the show.

Within 4 months, novice singers lived in a star house, they were engaged in stage speech, choreography, vocals, skewing and weekly prepared a reporting concert program. All classes and private life in the star-house organizers of the event recorded in the video with hidden cameras and then broadcast in special releases of the show.

Valery Kovalzon, Egor Druzhinin, Herman Sidakov, Vladimir Krako, Marina Leonova, included in the teaching staff of the competition. The final reality show got 3 winners: Polina Gagarin, Elena Terleeva, Elena Temnikov. "Star Factory - 2" I remember the viewers of the hits "Do not forget", "Where are you?", "I am a chocolate hare" and "Vova-Plauma". In the piggy bank of the best duets, the performers entered the songs of Stumblin 'in, which she performed with Chris Norman, and Taxi with Igor Nikolaev.


Having completed participation in the show "Factory", Terleeva went back to study. She was hardly engaged in vocals, choreography, worked in jazz bands. After graduation in 2005, Elena's musical university went to free swimming. The singer got acquainted with the composer Alex Prusov and began to prepare the first solo project, which included the songs "between me and tooth", "throw".

On the second composition, a music video was created, which was on the air of the MTV Russia TV channel. The creativity of a beginner star was appreciated by the Moscow government and rewarded her award "Golden Voice of Russia". In 2005, Elena Terleeva managed to become one of the contenders for participation in the Eurovision Contest-05.

After 2 years, Terleyev again pleased fans with new hits. This time they became the song "The Sun" and "Love Me", which the famous Clip Alan Badoev appeared. For the single "Sun", which was famous for the whole country, "Take the Sun with Sobody" by the phrase, the singer received a lot of awards: the award from the Golden Gramophone, the laureate at the competition "Song of the Year - 07". At the presentation of the RMA 2007 Award, Elena was noted in the nominations "Best Performed" and "Best Composition".

In the same year, Elena recorded the soundtrack "You and I" to the Military Fantastic Drama "Guests from the Future", but in the Titors of the film unexpectedly, only the name of the performer was indicated for the author of the song - Opera Singer Anastasia Maximova. According to Terleyeva, it became a big blow to her. In 2009, another single singer "Farewell" appears on air radio stations.

After that, the actress was fascinated by the new direction: American blues and soul music. Elena left the pop direction and prepared the first joint program with the Jazz orchestra "Agounton Band", which acts under the leadership of the Honored Artist of Russia, Alex Novikov's Saxophonist.

The artists performed at the prestigious academic sites of the capital - in the chamber and Svetlana halls of the Moscow International House of Music, in the concert hall named after Peter Tchaikovsky. In 2012, the singer received the "National Hoodie" award. In 2013, Elena Terleeva released 2 solo albums at once: "Prehistor", which included 12 new jazz compositions, and the "Sun" record with 12 well-known hits of past years.

The creative biography of Elena Terleeva is developing without special attacks and falls. The singer ranked his own niche and confidently develops in the selected direction. In 2015, the next hit of the singer "would not forgive". Later, the performer received a Master of Fine Arts Diploma after the end of Moscow State University.

The singer works as a vocal teacher in the children's school Alla Pugacheva, acts in Russia and abroad. The loud appearance of Elena Terleeva on the international scene took place on April 1, 2017 at the High Fashion Show event at the Korston Hotel Club in Moscow.

During the Mediazathicheskaya Terleyev, continued to record new songs, release clips. One of the works of that period - "I loved" - even broke through the blockade and finally got into rotation on the radio and TV. The video clip on the track was captured in St. Petersburg. The singer appeared in the roller in the lead of the bride.

The period of self-insulation of the artist spent with benefit. She decided on an online concert, which became the first performance of a similar format in her creative career. Hit "Virus", which she recorded another year before this, the factory "we, us", "stop, draw" and the fresh compositions "Leave", "Sun to Dawn".

Personal life

Elena Terleeva's personal life always remained behind the scenes. The singer prefers not to advertise his own relationship. But it is known that the first serious novel from the artist took place after the end of the Factory project.

At one time, Elena was attributed to the relationship with Prokhorom Shalyapin, with whom she recorded the duet "between me and tobo." The media appeared information about the planned wedding of artists, but later it turned out that colleagues are just friends. Confirmation was the marriage of the artist and Larisa Copenkina.

Now Terleyev is not married, according to the singer, the future chosen one should be older and wiser. Elena dreams that she had her husband and children, but the choice is not in a hurry, giving preference to a musical career.

Elena Terleeva now

Elena Terleeva continues to produce new tracks, words and music to which herself writes. So, at the end of 2020, the song "Not Your" appeared in its discography. Recording songs with your own photo The artist posted in an "Instagram" account.

The public has long been waiting for the appearance of lovers on central television. And such a case was introduced in the spring of 2021. Despite the existing intrigue, most viewers of the NTV channel were confident that Elena Terleeva appeared on the scene of the show "Mask". The voice of the voice, the parameters of the figure (height of Elena 170 cm, the weight is 54 kg) - everything indicated that the finalist of the "Star Factory" was performed. Even the statements of Terleeva in an interview that she does not participate in the project, did not affect the opinion of fans and the jury.


  • 2013 - "Prehistory"
  • 2013 - "Sun"

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