Ksenia Entelis - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Ksenia Entelis is a famous actress of theater and cinema. Her thorny creative path was not like a fairy tale: to become a star of cinema, a bright blonde worked not to twist hands and thanks to diligence achieved recognition and glory.

Childhood and youth

The actress was born on January 18, 1971 in Moscow in the intelligent family of Writer Nikolai Entilis, who published in the Soviet Satiro magazine "Crocodile". An unusual last name Ksenia comes from the ancient kind of Greek prince Nasi, who ruled on the island of Rhodes, which is still often called the pearl Mediterranean.

As a child, the future star of the screens dreamed of becoming an archaeologist. Entelis often confessed in an interview that the memories of the unrealized profession of the "treasure detector" and to this day cause a pleasant shiver in her hands.

Thanks to his mother, which in the school years, Daughter took the daughter to the youth theater Vyacheslav Spesivsev, the girl chose another path and joined the acting skills with interest. Moreover, classes in the creative circle of the future actress liked more than the lessons on the school bench: more than work in the studio, more time was left. Ksyusha studied 6 days a week, and on weekends, teachers were given to the tasks to students, so that those "not idle."

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She went to acrobatics, scenic skills and all kinds of rehearsals. As Entelis spoke, she had to get up at 7 am to catch the youth theater, whose doors were opened at 9:30. A visit to the Creative Studio shaped stamina in the future star, thanks to which Ksenia Nikolaevna can work almost without rest.

The first debut work of Entelis in front of the directing cameras was to participate in the television magazine for the children "Yelash" under the leadership of Boris Grachevsky. The young actress worked without tired, during the filming even forgot about food and about a banal break, such as Ksyusha liked to participate in the children's humorous program.

After the end of courses, Speksivsev, Entelis went to the MCAT Studio School, where he studied at the workshop of Ivan Tarkhanov (the son of the famous actor Mikhail Tarkhanova). One of the teachers of Ksyusha was the Russian Theater and the Doctor of Art History of Vitaly Vilenkin.

During his studies in the Studio, Ksenia also visited Florida, where he attended the theater school of musical orientation. There were taught such objects as music theory, solfeggio, the history of musicals.

At one time, Entelis was engaged in writing songs. Poetry, the artist was fascinated in his youth, being in love. Her texts fell to the composer Nikolai Parfenyuk, and he became interested in the work of the actress. Together they created musical accompaniment to the TV series Elena Ch Splakova "Striped Summer". The author's compositions of Entelis performed at one time Nikolai Karachentsov, Dmitry Pevtsov, Sergey Chonishvili and others.

Personal life

Ksenia Entelis is a positive person who is accustomed to give fans and close to his radiant smile. According to the chronotype of the actress - Owl, she is used to go to bed after midnight, but nevertheless is easy to rise.

Ksyusha holds the right nutrition and tries to avoid meat, there are vegetables, seafood and cereals in its diet. On the transfer of "Morning" she said that the true actor at the time of his work should remain unrest, because with hunger, emotional feelings are exacerbated, helping to get into the role. Therefore, the light and relaxed breakfast of the television star consists of a cup of green tea and the Hercules porridge.

Ksenia recognized that she had a soft character, so the role of a hard assistant to the prosecutor Svetlana Shchukina became a kind of discovery for the performer. Later, the actress said that she was madly liked to wear straps and learn the legal terms.

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For the first time in the registry office, Ksyusha went at the age of 18, her chosen was an adult and a wealthy man, the owner of the restaurant business. These relationships were not happy: the husband and wife lived together only a year.

In 1993, the girl met the soloist of the Araks group Alexander Visty. The novel developed quickly and romantic: dating pairs took place in the most unusual places of the capital, and once the young people spent the entire evening in the bookstore. In 1995, the musician released the record "I love you", on the cover of which the portrait of Ksenia was concerned.

In 2000, the son of Maxim appeared in the couple. Birth took place in Stockholm. In Sweden, the family turned out to be in connection with the work of her husband: Alexander at that time concluded a contract with the EGO group. In Europe, they lived for 3 years, and at first Ksenia felt loneliness due to the lack of Russian speech.

The reason for whom the spouses broke up is unknown, Ksyusha does not like to tell the details of his personal life. Maxim stayed with mom. In addition to the secondary school, he studied in the musical, where the teachers noted at the boy the presence of absolute hearing.

In 2014, the news appeared that Ksenia Entelis married the actor Dmitry Orlov, who at school times for several months was her boyfriend. Together they visited theatrical studio, and then enrolled in one class at the youth theater.

The journalists supported their concentrations with wedding photos of the actors who appeared on the Ksenia page in Odnoklassniki ("Instagram" artist does not use). Later it turned out that the performers together worked on the project "Family Values", in which they appeared in the image of spouses, and in the media they got a photo taken on the film set.

Ksenia Entelis for many years remains for fans of beauty and femininity standard. Not many are known that from nature the performer is a brunette, but for many years she has developed its own style. Ksenia supports the physical form, tries to pay the time to rest. Despite the fact that the actress likes to spend time on the sea coast, its pictures in a swimsuit or without make-up in the open access little.

Theater and films

The creative biography of many film actors began on theatrical stage, and Ksenia Entelis is no exception. If there is a concept of double in the film industry, the slightest error on the performance is unforgivable, so with the help of the scene, the future stars of television screens reach the top of professionalism.

In the theater "Lenk", Entelis served 11 years. She came to the famous team, being a 2nd year student. However, for all the time of work, the roles in the crowd or in the Dance group of Ksenia did not advance.

When the actress was offered to play in the TV series "Twin Twicks" the main character, she not thinking about the declaration of dismissal from the theater, since she was not given to her the necessary vacation. The TV project did not receive development due to lack of financing, but he never regretted from the glorified team of Ksenia.

Later, the actress was able to be realized on the stage of the entrepreneurs of Alexander Abdulov. She played Ataman in the Bremen Musicians. In addition, viewers watched her game in the "Family Idyll" and "Everything passes". At the same time, the "quartet and" appeared in the creative life of Entelis. In the performance of the "Radio Day" and "Election Day", she went out to the frame in the image of Ksyusha's heroine.

Entelis is a versatile actress, it is perfectly successful both romantic roles and characters with a difficult character. For example, in the historic telemaroon "Aleksandrovsky Garden" Ksenia played the artist of Romance Lydia Bodrovau, and in the TV series "Law and Order: Department of Operational Investigations" Fragile Blonde (with a height of 174 cm Weight is 57 kg) transformed into the assistant prosecutor Svetlana Schukin.

At the age of 26, the actress was filmed in the episodic role of Tooran's girlfriend in Pavel Chukhraya "Thief", and in 2000 playing secondary characters in the series.

In 2003, Ksenia Entelis starred in the film director Sergei Nikonenko on the reasons of the unfinished story of Vasily Shukshin "And they woke up in the morning," where they appeared before the viewers in the role of his wife silent.

After the success of the full-length film, Ksenia continued to be filmed in the series, for example, played by the Rublery writer Elena Kurhchepovu - a new acquaintance of Vicky in Sitkom "My beautiful nanny", and also appeared in the family saga "Gromov".

The actress's greatest popularity brought a role in the Russian television series "Closed School", where Ksenia Entelis played Elena Krylov, Watch, the director of Logos and the teacher of history that had a feeling for Viktor Polyakov (Anton Khabarov).

The plot of mystical thriller is simple and non-trivial: Teachers and teachers are located in an elite boarding school located in the midst of a gloomy forest in which there are allegedly inhabit unprecedented cunning beings. In the film, Agatha Minting, Pavel Priluchny, Mikhail Safronov and others.

Soon Ksenia appeared in the cast of the 2nd season of the Melodrama "Terms of the Contract", where Elena Velikanova, Kirill Safonov, Natalia Rudova played the main characters. In addition, the artist performed a secondary role in the comedian detective "Freud - 2 method.

An interesting experience for the actress was to participate in the criminal series "provocateur", in which the main roles were brilliantly played by Andrei Chadov and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. The film was broadcast twice on the Russia-1 channel.

Ksenia Entelis now

Now the filmography of the performer is replenished infrequently, in addition, it did not appear on the screen for two years. In 2019, Entelis starred in the Late Deadline project.

This is an effortless melodrama with elements of a detective, where we were talking about provincial, which made a career in Moscow. The main heroine was played by Love Tolkalina. In addition to Ksenia, Entelis, Alexander Lazarev appeared in the film - Jr., Kirill Grebenchikov. The premiere of the picture took place in the first days of February 2020.


  • 1997 - "Thief"
  • 2003 - "And in the morning they woke up"
  • 2004-2008 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2007 - "Aleksandrovsky Garden"
  • 2007-2009 - "Law and Order: Department of Operational Investigations"
  • 2010-2012 - Efrosinya
  • 2011-2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2014 - "Exchange Band"
  • 2015 - "Green Care"
  • 2015 - "Family Values"
  • 2016 - "Provocateur"
  • 2020 - "Late term"

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