Mikhail Lermontov - biography, photos, personal life, books and death



Matching the creative baggage of Mikhail Lermontov with the number of years lived, it becomes clear that we are genius. In 10, he composed the play for the home theater, in the original read French, German and English classics, perfectly painted, in 15 he wrote the first edition of the poem "Demon", in 20 - drama in verses "Masquerade", in 24 - Roman "Hero of Our Time " And at 26, Lermontov did not.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born on the night of October 15, 1814 in Moscow. Grandmother of the poet Elizabeth Alekseevna Arsenyev is a nobleman from a noble family of Stolypin. Minister Peter Stolypin accounts for a poet of a secondary brother.

Poet Mikhail Lermontov

The powerful and rich Elizabeth Arsenyev did not want for the only daughter of marriage with Yuri Lermontov, a handsome military from impoverished. His dubious origin from Scots Georg Lermont did not inspire her confidence. Later, the British company Oxford Ancestors refuted the kinship of the poet with Lermonta with the help of DNA analysis, confirming the doubts of Arsenyeva.

As the woman predicted, the personal life of the daughter of Masha, the "joined" married to Volokut Yuri Lermontov in 16 years, was unhappy. My husband began to change the young spouse hardly immediately after the wedding. He started a novel with the German nurse of the son of Misha, made up behind the courtyard girls. And when the wife reproached his spouse in treason, he got a punch in his face. The 21-year-old Maria Arsenieva-Lermontova fade away from a vehicle consumers, leaving a 2-year-old Misha Season.

Parents Mikhail Lermontov

Elizabeth Alekseevna, who at the time of his daughter was 44 years old, took away the grandson at the son-in-law, wringing Lermontov bill on 25 thousand rubles. Yuri went from the generic estate of Stolypin, and grandmother took up the upbringing of Misha. The woman adored her grandson and did not regret the money for his education and health. Mikhail Lermontov rose a painful golden boy, and grandmother hired the grandson of French Dr. Anselma Levi.

Elizabeth Arsenieva, Grandma Mikhail Lermontov

Father the powerful mother-in-law occasionally allowed to meet with her son, from which both suffered.

"I became prey to teased," Mikhail Lermontov was complained later.

Children's and youthful years of the future, the classics took place in the estate of Tarkhans in the Penza province. Elizabeth Alekseevna hired teachers for his education. Former Napoleonic Army officer, the Frenchman Cape taught the boy French. After the death of the teacher, his place was embraced by Emigrant Shandro, who Mikhail Lermontov later described in the Poem "Sasha", calling the Marquis de Tess and "Paris Adonis". The Englishman Windson, who introduced the young man with English literature, came to change Shandro. Love for the work of Byrona from Lermontov from the British teacher.

Tarkhan's estate in Penza province

Mikhail Lermontov grew, watching the birthday of the village life, listening to the peasants and legends about Stepan Razin and Emelyan Pugachev.

A deep mark in the life and creative biography of Mikhail Lermontov left a trip with a grandmother in the Caucasus. In Goryachevodsk, a 10-year-old boy fell in love and after 2 years he devoted his first muse the poem "to genius".


In September 1828, Mikhail Lermontov was enrolled in the 4th grade of the metropolitan university boarding house. In December, the boy was transferred to the fifth grade, giving a picture and a book for adjacent. This year is significant because Lermontov counted from him the beginning of creativity.

Mikhail Lermontov in childhood

In the guest house, the teenager was taken to make handwritten magazines. In one of them, named "Morning Zarya", the young poet became the chief employee and placed the first poem "Indiana". But two years after the conversion of the guesthouse to the gymnasium, Misha left his studies.

Summer 16-year-old Mikhail Lermontov spent in the suburbs, in the estate of Stolypini Serednikovo. Relatives of Vereshchagin live nearby. With Alexandra Vereshchagina Lermontov was friends. The girl introduced Mikhail with her friend, "Black Beauty" Catherine Sushkova, in which the young man fell in love. The feelings of the young poet were left unanswered, he suffered unbearably. Katya laughed at the in love, clumsy and an infrared boy. Later Sushkova will understand that he made a fatal mistake, mocking the unfortunate young men.

Moscow University at the time of Mikhail Lermontov

In the fall of 1830, Mikhail Lermontov entered Moscow University by choosing the moral and political department. Two years he studied together with Vissarion Belinsky, Alexander Herzen and Nikolai Ogarev. In the student years, Lermontov wrote the drama "Strange Man", in which the serfdom was condemned. Mikhail showed a bold temper and unacceptable, for which the teachers were played out on the exams: the young man "took" exams.

Staying for the second year Lermontov refused and left the university, moved with his grandmother to St. Petersburg. Attempting to enter the second course was not crowned with success: Mikhail was offered to start from the first one. On the advice of friends and grandmother, the young man entered the school of guards ensigns and cavalry junkers, where he studied for two years, calling them "terrible" due to military marshtra.

Mikhail Lermontov writes poems

In St. Petersburg, the clumsy and sullen Mikhail Lermontov transformed: the young man became a soul of the company, Kutil and drove his beauties crazy. A sharp mind, the readiness, sarcasm of a young man celebrated friends and the Great Ladies.

In 1835, the works of the poet first appeared in the press. Comrade Lermontov without his knowledge was given to the stamp story "Haji Abrek."

From the second half of the 30s, Mikhail Lermontov's poems willingly publish. Critics and readers warmly accepted the poem "The song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich ...". In the poems "Dagger" ("My friend Iron"), the "poet" and "Duma" Lermontov proclaimed the ideals of civilian poetry. Folk theme, Russian Character Dischained in the poems of Borodino and Motherland.

A vivid example of romanticism is called "Sail" verse, first printed in "domestic notes". Reading the lines, the mental gusts of the 18-year-old poet become understood.

In the years of his life in St. Petersburg, Mikhail Lermontov watches the nrules of the aristocracy - observations are as the basis of the drama "Masquerade", which the poet has repeatedly rewritten, but did not break through the wall of censorship.

Mikhail Lermontov

Fracture from Early to Mature Creativity Lermontov happened in 1837, after the publication of an angry response to the death of Alexander Pushkin. The poem "Death of the Poet", who condemned the killer and courtie to know, called the Lermontov Principles of the tragedy, read all Russia. Friends of Pushkin and fans of his talent met the poem admiringly, and the enemies, including the secular ladies, who were on the side of Dantes's handsome, indignantly.

Having learned about the negative reaction of the world, Mikhail Lermontov added sharpness. The first poem ended with a string: "And on the mouth of his print." The continuation was the challenge of "arrogant descendants": in verses they saw the appeal to the revolution.

After the appearance of the poem, a court proceedings followed and arrest. The Emperor Nicholas first observed behind the process. Grandmother Lermontov and Friends of Pushkin, including Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, tried to soften the fate of Mikhail Lermontov. The Buntar was sent to the Caucasus link, ensign to the drago regiment.

The first link lasted six months, but much changed Lermontov. The picturesque nature of the Caucasus, the life of the mountains, the local folklore was displayed in the works of the "Caucasian" period. But the youthfulness of the poet melted, replaced by "black melancholy."

Mikhail Lermontov in the Caucasus

After returning to the St. Petersburg top light, Mikhail Lermontov is in the center of attention: they admire some and hate others. The Caucasus inspired the poet to writing poems conceived and started in Moscow: "demon" and "MTSIR" appeared, complementing each other essays.

After the link, Mikhail Lermontov brought new works to St. Petersburg, which are printed in each issue of "Domestic Notes" magazine. Mikhail Yuryevich entered the circle of close friends Pushkin and is at the peak of popularity. He is still twinge and sarcastic. A quarrel with the son of French Ambassador Erneste de Barantom in February 1840 ended in duel. Lermontov and De Baranta agreed on a black river, not far from the place of Duel Pushkin with Dantes. Ernest de Baranth missed, and Mikhail Lermontov shot aside.

About the duel found out the bosses, the poet was arrested and passed to the Military Court. The emperor ordered to send a deuel in the Caucasus for the second time, but now to the army regiment who fought on the front line. Lermontov distinguished himself, showing courage, but by order of Nicholas did not receive the first awards.

One of the last poems of the poet is "I go out one way" - it appeared at the end of May 1841. Critics saw in it "lyrical outcome of the quest", to which Mikhail Lermontov appealed in the late earthly path. A few weeks before the murder, the poet wrote the verse "Rock", printed 2 years after his death.


In St. Petersburg, in the breaks between Muster, Mikhail Lermontov composed Roman Vadim, which described the events of Pugachev uprising.

Nikolay Burlyaev as Mikhail Lermontov

But apotheosis of Lermontov realism is the novel "Hero of Our Time", written in 1840, shortly before death. The image of Pechorina is shown on a contrasting background of the life of Russian society. The contradiction between the depth of Pechorin's nature and the infertility of actions is autobiographical. An innovation of the novel in a subtle psychologist and disclosure of the mental life of the heroes, which no one from the writers of Russia did not do.

Nikolai Gogol, Lion Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov admired Roman.

Personal life

Mikhail Lermontov wrote:

"I loved three times - three times hopelessly."

The poet, according to the description of the contemporary ladies, did not differ beauty. Mulgery, the Kingchenist, the look of the black eyes is gloomy, a smile is unreleased, the nervous young man, similar to the spoiled and evil child.

Mikhail Lermontov and Ekaterina Sushkova

Three major love Lermontov married: Ekaterina Sushkov, in which Mikhail fell in love at 16, Natalia Ivanova, who was dedicated to the Ivanovsky cycle, Barbara Lopukhin, which the poet loved to the end of his life.

Mikhail Lermontov and Natalia Ivanova

Sushkova Mikhail Lermontov brutally avenged 5 years later. Having learned that the girl was going to marry, he upset the wedding, playing the passion and wondering Catherine into himself. The bride was compromised in the eyes of Light for a long time. The history of tragic relationship reminds the love line of the novel "Hero of Our Time".

Mikhail Lermontov and Barbara Lopukhina

The news of marriage Varniki Lopukhina The poet accepted painfully. When Varvara married, Lermontov never called her by the surname of her husband - Bakhmeva: The beloved remained a loopchina for him.


Winter 1840-41 was the last for Lermontov. He came on vacation to St. Petersburg, dreaming about resigning and literary work. Grandmother, who dreamed of his grandmother's military career and not separated by literature, died Mikhail to submit a resignation. In the Caucasus Lermontov returned with anxious heart.

Mikhail Lermontov in 1840

In Pyatigorsk there was a rock quarrel of Mikhail Lermontov with Major's retired Martynov, who met in Moscow and even visited his parents. Later, Martynov said that Lermontov did not miss any case in Pyatigorsk to release the knight in his address.

Duel took place on July 27, 1841. Opponents agreed to shoot "before the outcome." Mikhail Lermontov shot up, and Martynov - to the emphasis, in the enemy's chest, killing him out. The broken thunderstorm and pouring rain prevented the arrival of the doctor, and the dead poet lay for a long time on Earth.

Duel Mikhail Lermontova and Nikolai Martynova

At the funeral of Lermontov, contrary to the troubles of friends, there was no church rite. In St. Petersburg, the news about the death of the poet met with the words: "There is a way to him." According to the memoirs of Pavel Vyazemsky, the emperor dropped: "The dog is a dog death," but after reproaching the Great Princess came to those present and proclaimed that "the one who could replace us Pushkin, killed."

Mikhail Lermontov on mortals

Lermontov buried on July 29, 1841 on the old cemetery of Pyatigorsk. But after 250 days, Grandma Mikhail Yurevich won the permission of the emperor about the transport of body to Tarkhans.

In April 1842, the body in the lead coffin was burned in the family chapel, next to his grandfather and mother.


Lermontov books have undergone dozens of reissue. Last in 2014: Collected Works in 4 volumes Printed by the "Pushkin House Publishing House" in the amount of 300 copies.

The name of Mikhail Yurevich is worn streets, squares, libraries in Russia and post-Soviet republics. In Odessa, the name of the poet is called the city library №16 and clinical sanatorium.

Monument to Mikhail Lermontov in Stavropol

Small planet at number 2222, open in March 1981, named Lermontov.

The monument to Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov was erected in Grozny on Avenue Mohammed Ali, next to the M. Yu. Lermontov's dramaater. At the pedestrian row of the poet:

"As a sweet song is fragmented by my, I love the Caucasus!".


  • "Haji Abrek"
  • "Daemon"
  • "MTSYRY"
  • "Borodino"
  • "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich"
  • "Thought"
  • BALE
  • "Fatalist"
  • Taman
  • "Sail"
  • "Izmail Bay"
  • "Death of poet"
  • "Hero of our time"

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