Robert Rodriguez - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Director 2021



For Robert Rodriguez, the loaf of the Glory of the Buntar and the pioneer stretches. What point in his filmography will not take, there will be an epic or cult picture. In one interview, the director, producer and screenwriter said that experiments love in Hollywood, but do not know how to put them. Rodriguez was not afraid to leave the professional league and lose some rights in the film industry, only to remove the way.

Childhood and youth

The director was born on June 20, 1968 in the Sunny state in the south of America - Texas, grew in a large family with five sisters and four brothers. Robert's parents, Mexicans by nationality, - ordinary people: Rebecca's mother worked at the hospital, and Father Cecilio traded a porcelain and a crystal in a local dishwasher. They tried to maintain the creative gusts of the Son, which began to manifest themselves at an early age. Rebecca every weekend drove children into a cinema located on the outskirts of the city. The woman was not democratic in cultural education and amounted to a list of films that, in her opinion, is worth looking.

However, what was guided in its moral method of Rebecca, it is difficult to understand, as various musicals were kept in family archives, the absurd comedies of the Marx brothers, the humor of which was built on throwing cakes, fights and silence, the creations of the Master of Thillers and Suspans Alfred Hichkok.

When the boy was 10 years old, he, despite his mother's prohibitions, looked "Star Wars", and at 12 - the picture of John Karpenter "Escape from New York" with Kurt Russell in the lead role. A film that tells about the adventures of Manhattan "Rambo", so conquered Rodriguez that he firmly thought about the director's future.

On the lessons at school, Robert drew superhero comics on the fields of the notebook - it is not surprising that he walked for teachers to the teachers and lazy. When a simple SUPER8 camcorder appeared in the house, she became a beloved Toy Rodriguez.

The creative biography of Hollywood genius began with improvised short protrusion. In earlier youth, Robert manifested his own style. The football team, hired guy to shoot matches, quickly dismissed him "because of excessive cinematographicness."

Rodriguez did not fit and in the Film School of the University of Texas, in which he studied at the Art Faculty. However, he still made him talk about himself, removing the head of the head of the head. The film is recognized as the best at the BLACK MARIA FILM Festival contest.

Personal life

For 16 years, the happiness in the personal life of Robert was Elizabeth Avellan. The native of Venezuela studied in Houston, and at the University of Texas received a bachelor's degree in art management. The couple created the Los Hooligans Production Studio, and even the divorce did not prevent joint activities.

Wife gave birth to Robert five children - Sons Rocket Valentine, Raceer Maximiliano, Rabel Antonio, Rouge and daughter Riannon Elizabeth. Rodriguez's family did not throw, even twisting the romance with Rose McGowan. Although they rumored that he deliberately provoked the meetings of spouses and mistresses on the shooting area "Planet of Fear."

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After four years of incomprehensible relations Rose left. The director switched to Michelle Rodriguez, having tried rumors about the presence of related links between them. With a star of militants who announced his bisexuality, nothing came out.

In addition to the movie, Robert is fond of music. They founded the Chingon group, performing a Mexican rock. The director is not offended to share professionalism with novice colleagues, so he released the book "Cinema without budget. As in 23 years to conquer Hollywood, having 7 thousand dollars in your pocket. "

Rodriguez is the avid user "Facebook", "Twitter" and "Instagram". On his official page, Mexican lays out photos from filming.

Films and creativity

If the majority of directors spend on creating films a unthinkable amounts that are calculated in millions of dollars, Robert Rodriguez is called a master who can work without budget. The main thing for the Matra is not an abundance of costly special effects, and professionalism, scrupulous plot planning and a bright picture.

The paintings of the director meets the Mexican Perchinch - most of its eccentric works are filled with ethnic flavor, hot disassembly and serious shootings.

"It would be nice to learn not to follow the crowd. If everyone goes in one direction, then it is necessary to move in the other. Yes, you can turn back at the same time. And you can stumble upon the idea that has not yet occurred to anyone. "

The first bright work of Rodriguez in the movie became the film "Musician", which posted the beginning of the famous trilogy and brought the Creator to the Creator of the audience sympathy of the festival "Sandens" and $ 2 million to get money for a debut picture, Robert became a "experimental rat" - accepted experimental medicines that Lower cholesterol levels in the blood. For this, the director received $ 3 thousand, the remaining $ 4 thousand. Masku Markvardt, who fulfilled the role of Moko.

It is worth remembering that the DVD version of the "musician" cost a million, which was spent on promotion, advertising and post-sales. Rodriguez was at the site not only as a director, but also part-time was a screenwriter, an operator and a person responsible for special effects.

In the plot of dramas used drawn stories created by Robert under the impression of the music of the Tito & Tarantula group. The team subsequently wrote soundtracks for four of his paintings.

In 1995, the director was withdrawn the peculiar sequel "Musician" - the film "Desperate", thanks to which Spanish actor Antonio Banderas became widely known. Salm Hajek's compatriot Salm Hayek, for the first time, also saw in the Rodriguez project - in the television ribbon "Racers".

In 1996, the man became the director of the cult militant "from sunset to dawn", which brought him world popularity. The script of the paintings was written by Quentin Tarantino in the plot of Robert Kurtzman. In Film, which tells about the fight of Mexican bandits with bloodthirsty vampires, George Clooney, Harvey Camel and Chich Marin, were also filmed.

It is worth noting that Robert and Quentin are friends who have repeatedly collaborated. They worked on the creation of "Grandhaus", and also participated in the shooting of the Comedy "Four Rooms", telling about the casual and ridiculous work day of the Ted's porter (Tim Mouth).

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"Greydhaus" with Rose McGowan in the title role - the pioneer in the genre of the trash. In the Kinolent with a note of 18+ there is everything that will definitely enjoy lovers of black humor and blood.

In 2010, the time was "predators" and "machete". In the first Robert, Robert was limited to the role of the scenario and producer, giving playing fantasy Nimrod Antala. In the second on the fore, another his friend Danny Trekho. With his filing in the caster continuing the famous ribbon hit Lady Gaga. The stars met in the tattoo salon, and Trejo told about the "machete kills!". The singer immediately expressed a desire to play. For her, Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato director shot music clips.

"The city of sins" is another significant film in Rodriguez's creative career. He loves comics, he liked Frank Miller most of all, the author of the simmental graphic novel.

The writer believed that attempts to make cinema comics were doomed to Fiasco. But Robert secretly made small video phones, which later demonstrated Miller. He was so impressed with the idea of ​​Rodriguez, which immediately agreed to participate in the project. The man preferred that the author of the "city of sins" become not only a screenwriter, but also a film director.

In addition to the intriguing detective story, this film has attracted unusual graphics - a black and white image, but significant parts of characters or scenery are highlighted in color. Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourk, Jessica Alba, are involved in the "city of sins".

In 2015 Rodriguez and John Malkovic removed the film by order of the Cognac company Remy Marthen. The science fiction tape "100 years" is unlikely to see the current generation of earthlings. The footage is stored under the lock and will be available only after the time specified in the title.

Robert is famous not only by militants with bloody slaughter and passionate quarrels, but also perfectly copes with children and teenage movies. The family film "Children of Spies" turned into a separate brand, whose owners earned a considerable state. Adolescent director pleased with a fantastic film about the attack of aliens "Faculty".

The visual component of the "Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava", over which they worked with a dozen studios, the audience appreciated less. In addition, the picture was accompanied by a trial of non-compliance with copyright. Half animation cyberpunk "Alita: Battle Angel", on the contrary, waited for success - nomination for Oscar for special effects. The director's chair of the project Robert gave way to the continuation of the "Avatar" James Cameron.

Robert Rodriguez now

In the fall of the 2020th, Disney + streaming service represents the 2nd season of the "Mandalorets" series, whose action unfolds in the universe of the legendary "star wars". Rodriguez removed a number of episodes, and the creators of space western rated his contribution as significant.

Now Robert produces a serial version of "children of spies" and, by rumors, work out the scenario line of the second "predators". Despite the fact that Adrian Broodya does not compare with Arnold Schwarzenegger, the film studio still remembers the rental profits of the 1st part.


  • 1996 - "From the sunset to dawn"
  • 1998 - "Faculty"
  • 1998 - "From Sunset to Dawn - 2: Bloody Money Texas"
  • 2001 - "Children of Spies"
  • 2002 - "Children of Spies - 2: Island of unfulfilled hopes"
  • 2003 - "Once in Mexico"
  • 2005 - "City of sins"
  • 2007 - "Planet of Fear"
  • 2009 - "Stone of Desires"
  • 2010 - "Predators"
  • 2010 - "Machete"
  • 2014 - "City of sins - 2: a woman for which it is worth killing"
  • 2019 - "Alita: Battle Angel"
  • 2020 - "Mandalorets"

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