Ella Fitzgerald - biography, photos, personal life, songs



During the lifetime of singer, fans rejected 40 million plates. For the attachment of Ella Jane Fitzgerald presented to music albums of 90 albums, including solo and recorded with other world stars. In the 1950s, it was the tradition of inviting Lady Jazz to concerts in the White House.

Musical critics argued that the singer "struck" the boundaries of the opportunity and would even sing a telephone directory if he wishes. Fitzgerald managed to do something nobody did it: she was the first vocalist, improvised the sound of musical instruments. Ella explained the miracle just:

"I mentally put myself at the tenor-saxophone."

The 13-fold Grammy laureate and the owner of all prestigious existing awards turned into the legend of world jazz, and her name became nominative for music and vocalists.

Childhood and youth

Born "Lady Jazz" in the spring of 1917 in the town of Newport News. From parents Elle got African American and Irish blood. William Fitzgerald twisted the batter of the forklift. He threw a 23-year-old civil wife - the launch of Tempi - shortly after the birth of the baby Ella Jane. To survive, Teperanta with a tiny daughter moved to a more "bread" yonkers in the south-east of New York.

In Jonkers, the woman met the immigrant from Portugal, and after 6 years, Ella appeared a summary sister Francis. A pious family attended every Sunday service of the Methodist Church. Here Ella Fitzgerald was first sold, gently withdrawing spiritual African-American songs - gospels for the black church vocals.

Mother with stepfather barely reduced the ends with the ends: enough money for food and rental of the room. But the eldest daughter grew a cheerful child who saw only bright parties in the surrounding reality. Ella Fitzgerald was interested in cinema, music, dancing and sports. Staying alone, the girl puts the plates of Connie Boswell and learned the song, repeating the execution of one to one. Like all the dark-skinned yard children, Ella danced and believed that the dances would become her profession.

At the age of 14, Fitzgerald Osapotel: Mom died from a heart attack. Ella scored her studies and soon forgot the way to school. Because of the frequent scandals with stepfather, the girl left home and settled in Harlem at aunt. But at school, the future jazz vocalist has not returned. To bring money to the house, the minor Ella Fitzgerald settled in the Harlem Bridet of the Kaddyander and saw the offside of his life.

Soon the girl was interested in guardian services and cops. Ella Jane fell into a shelter for orphans in the Bronx, from where she was soon transported to the boarding school for girls. Freedom-loving Fitzgerald escaped from the Hudsonian boarding school and found himself on the street: the return to the aunt's house was equal to returning to the walls of the boarding school.


Ella Fitzgerald returned to Harlem, where he worked as a dancer in clubs. Fate threw her chance to break out of poverty embraces: In November 1934, novice vocalists and dancers submitted applications for participation in the amateur competition, which was held at the Opollo Harlem Theater. Fitzgerald joined the dance and came to the competition, but on the last day before the submission of young artist changed his mind to dance, having learned about the participation of strong rivals: Ella's dance number was replaced by vocal.

To perform Ella Fitzgerald, there was a single dress, little on the stage outfit. For the first time, the girl released on the scene was confused and understood with horror that the voice was disappeared. A performer interrupted by a joke and, when he entered the contestant, gave her a second chance. The composition of the Judy Ella sang so that the hall of Onemal from admiration. Fitzgerald won and received a reward: $ 25 and an Anguzhent in Apollo for a week.

The creative biography of Ella Fitzgerald developed progressively. The first step of the vocalist overcame in 1935, when she was taken to the famous Jazz Orchestra Webba. For viewing to the head, the girl led a vocalist Charles Linton, who was Chic Uebb entrusted to find a talented singer.

Seeing untidy and inconvenient Ella, on the legs of which men's shoes "were conquered", Chik refused to listen. But Linton insisted, and Webb surrendered. After listening to the young singer, he signed a contract. In the same year, Ella Fitzgerald recorded a debut album with Webba orchestra.

Since the summer of 1935, Fitzgerald performed on the stage "Apollo" and in the Harlem Dance Hall "Savoy". Soon the dance has gained popularity: the audience flocked in Savoy to listen to Ella, from all over the city. Mastive musicians were amazed by the feeling of rhythm of vocalist and her light, "dancing" voice.

Soon the pure youth tembre of Fitzgerald musical critics were extroduced and praised all the frets. New albums that Ella records with enviable regularity, the audience instantly repleaches. The singer becomes known, it is invited to radio and telecommunications.

Benny Goodman welcomes Fitzgerald on his show, and Teddy Hill is harming to sing with his orchestra. But Ella returned in a year to Webbu, remembering that thanks to him the unknown Harlem girl turned into a star, it is difficult to get to whose concerts.

With Chikik Webb vocalist worked the last 7 years of his life. After the death of Maestro Ella, he took the orchestra to lead, but in 1942 he returned to the stage: the desire to devote the strength of only singing. At that time, Ella Fitzgerald - a promoted pop singer whose plates are spoiled as hot cakes. But the path to Jazz just started.

The performer was heard by the magical singing Louis Armstrong and did not repeat the heard without success. Soon Ella Fitzgerald came to the awareness that you need to look for my niche, and not sing other people's songs. The vocalist learns to improvise and by the mid-1940 becomes another singer, changing even appearance. She erases the border between the voice and the tool.

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The Star Hour Fitzgerald has come in the postwar years, when a fashionable bi-bob came to replace the traditional jazz. Spet Ella Flying Home and Lady Be Good, and Lady Be Good, becomes jazz art masterpieces. In 1945, the triumphal march "Lady Jazz" on continents begins. Soon Fitzgerald recorded the Single All of Me - Hit, who was performed by Louis Armstrong and Billy Holiday.

To fully reveal the jazz talent of vocalists helped Manager Norma Granitsa helped. He forced America and Europe to recognize jazz art, and not just a vocal genre. In the life of Ella Fitzgerald, this man played a crucial role. He took on the household concerns of the singer, picked up a repertoire and musical accompaniment, allowing Elle to send strength to art and not distracted for anything else.

Hit Summertime Ella Fitzgerald sang solo and in a duet with Armstrong. The single in its execution entered the world treasury of jazz art.

Together with Louis Armstrong vocalist released 3 studio disks. Two are composed of jazz standards, and the third is an arrangement of the Opera "Porgi and Bess" of the composer George Gershvin. One of the most vivid arrangements is "lullaby."

ELLA Fitzgerald's cinema was always interested. In 1955 she managed to play in the film "Blues Piet Kelly". Director Jack Webb invited the singer to Maggie Jackson. Critics were coolly met the picture, but stated that it should be seen for those 5 minutes when Fitzgerald appears on the screen.

1950-60 - the most fruitful years of the African American star. Colleagues and friends of Ella talked about the incredible working capacity of Fitzgerald. She shut down only in a dream, the rest of the motive failed the rest, modeling options, continuously.

In the 1960s, Millions appeared at the Lady Ella, but the money lost the value: life acquired the sense on stage. Ella Fitzgerald sang until the early 1990s, until he lost his health and voice. The last time she went on stage in 1992. The 79-year-old singer spent on the stage for more than 60 years.

Personal life

Ella Jane was married twice. For the first time she went under the crown at 24, at the beginning of World War II. With Benny Cornegg, the star lived for two years and realized that they did not bind them.

For the second time, Alla Fitzgerald became a married woman in 1947. Her chosen one Ray Brown is an African American musician who played against the double bass. This union was longer, but also ended in divorce. Six-year marriage collapsed in a single reason: family troubles distracted the singer from the main - singing.

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But the ending marriage did not put the point in the relationship of the couple - Fitzgerald and Brown tied the adopted nephew of Ella. Former spouses continued to cooperate and on stage. Ray Brown Jr. went stops of adoptive parents and became a popular jazzman.

In the late 1950s, the newspapers wrote about the third marriage "Lady Jazz" with the musician Larsen, but there is no confirmation of rumors.


In the mid-1970s, Health Ella Fitzgerald worsened: diabetes was diagnosed. The singer disappeared the voice, but she was harassing, continuing to go on stage.

In the 1986th vocalist, they made an operation on the heart, and in 1993 - both legs amputated.

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Dosing after the developed cataracts, in the wheelchair Ella Fitzgerald retired in his house in Beverly Hills.

The son of Ray and the granddaughter of Alice remained next to the woman. Not celebrities in 1996. I buried the jazz star at the California cemetery, which did not live before the 80th anniversary.


  • 1950 - Ella Sings Gershwin
  • 1954 - Songs in a Mellow Mood
  • 1955 - Sweet and Hot
  • 1957 - Porgy and Bess
  • 1958 - Get Happy!
  • 1960 - Hello, Love
  • 1965 - ELLA in Hamburg
  • 1968 - Sunshine Of Your Love
  • 1974 - ELLA IN LONDON
  • 1979 - A Perfect Match
  • 1983 - Sophhisticated Lady

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