Annabelle Wallis - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Annabelle Wallis - actress of British origin. Fans and directors call it Full Package - "full set". Artist combines talent, impeccable manners, attractive appearance, intelligence and "right" origin. In this case, the celebrity on the stage platform is trying to perform all the tricks prescribed by the role.

Childhood and youth

Annabelle was born under the sign of the zodiac scales on September 25, 1984 in English Oxford in a creative family. Related Girls on Father - Richard Harris, who played the role of Albus Dumbledore in the films about Harry Potter. Annabell's mother line has a relative of the British pop star of the first years of the XX century Marie Lloyd.

Parents on duty have been forced to live abroad, so the girl went to the school in Portugal. The Lyceum of St. Dominic was in the suburb of Lisbon and was distinguished by great democraticness: children visited children of different nationalities, and in the yard of the school it was possible to hear French, English and Spanish speech. Annabelle has learned from childhood with ease imitate any emphasis, which has become a significant advantage in the acting career.

Personal life

In the youth, Wallis attributed a novel with the British model James Rousseau, later it was repeatedly noticed in the society of rock musician and actor Jared Summer. Then, in an interview with Annabell clarified that only a long-term friendship connects with the star of the Dallas Club of Buyers.

Wallis spoke about the personal life of Wallis when he began to appear in the society of the former husband Gwyneth Paltrow Chris Martin, the leader of the Rock Group Coldplay. In the fall of 2015, they had a trip to Paris, where they spent several days, walking around cafes and shops. Paparazzi did not miss the opportunity to make a photo kissing at the breakfast of artists. The novel lasted 2 years - in 2016, ex-in love broke up.

In 2018, rumors about the new boyfriend actress appeared. They became a colleague Chris Pine. In March, the couple was seen at the airport of Heathrow, and a month later they had a joint holiday in Malibu. Earlier, Chris consisted of a relationship with Iris Bjork Johannesdottir Iris, after parting, he stated that he intended to find an intelligent girl with an excellent sense of humor.

In addition to the main work in the cinema, Annabelle can often be seen on the covers of fashion magazines. The actress appears before the public not only in bright outfits, but also in underwear and in swimsuits. Wallis also appears on feshen-podiums, despite the fact that its growth (170 cm with a weight of 54 kg) does not correspond to the model. Fashion designer Christopher Kane appreciates the beauty of the star's star and even calls her the muse.

The Cartier trademark collaborates with Annabell. In 2018, the artist became the new face of the female watch of Panthere de Cartier and the jewelry collection of the same name. The celebrity believes that she was lucky to become part of a large family famous brand. Fashion is of great importance in the life of the actress: judging by the account in the "Instagram", Wallis collects shoes.


The desire to devote himself to the acting craft arose at Annabel at an early age. In the early 2000s, the girl moved to London and entered the acting school. In order not to waste time, she immediately began to act in small projects. The manager engaged in promoting artists helped Wallis to conduct business.

In 2005, the actress went to shoot in India, in Bollywood, a girl starred in the movie "How the heart will tell me." In the same year, the American picture with the participation of Wallis "Inspector Jeriko" came to the screens. A year later she lit up in the film "True, truth, a lie."

Then the girl participated in the filming of the artistic documentary about the last days of Princess Diana in Paris. At the end of 2000, Annabelle appears in a number of films: Thriller "Steel Trap", a fighter Ridley Scott "Aggregate of Lie", Western "Curse of the City of Ghosts".

In 2009, Annabelle passed the casting for the role of Jane Seymour, the third wife of King Henry VIII, in the Irish TV series "Tudora" directed by Michael Kherst.

Wallis replaced the Icelandic actress Anita Breia, which has already started working in the 1st season of the project. All scenes with the royal wife had to be filled again. Work on the same platform with Johnathan Rice Meier, Joss Stone, Henry Caville was essential for the creative biography of Annabelle, whose professional rating rose.

In 2010, the artist was reincarnated to the main character of Vorla in the fantastic picture of Mikael Salomon "Lost Future" and in the character of the militant "Response strike".

2011 brought actress several interesting projects. Together with Andrea Rayzborough, James D'Arci, Natalie Dormer Annabelle appeared in the love drama "We. We believe in love ", to refer to which the American singer Madonna took up. Also Wallis got one of the roles in the fantastic militant Matthew Won "X-People. First grade". In the series "Peng American", the girl reincarnated in the stewardess Bridget Pier. Later, the project "Snow White and Hunter" project started with her participation.

In 2013, the Wallis filmography was replenished with work in the Gangster TV series "Acute Visrats", which was filmed for the Air Force channel. On the same set, along with Annabel, who played the agent under the cover of Grace, worked by British stars Killian Murphy, Sam Nill, Tom Hardy.

At this time, another event occurred in the life of the actress, for which fans could not not pay attention - it changed the shape of the nose. In the frames of the 1st season, it is clear that Annabel has a small hubble, whereas in the 2nd season the girl appeared on the screen with a neat smooth nose. Obviously, plastic was made between the shooting of the series, which is visible in the photo before and after the 2nd season.

In 2014, the actress was invited to a major role in the horror film "Curse Annabel". The picture of the American director John R. Leonetti collected $ 250 million in the global box office at a budget of only $ 6.5 thousand. In the same year, Wallis participated in two projects of the Air Force channel - the series "Musketeers" and the Biographical Drama "Fleming".

In 2016, Annabelle worked immediately over several projects. The actress was invited to two films - the comedy "Brothers from Grimsby", in which Sasha Baron Cohen became her partner on the stage platform, as well as in the Thriller Mina, where the American Armmer was played with the British star.

The actress also appeared in the lead role of the thriller Zack Uedon "Find me if you can". Heroine Claire once disappears from the life of his beloved David (Aaron Paul). In the course of searches, unknown facts of the biography of the girl are found, about which a young man did not suspect.

2017 brought Wallis two star projects at once. In the fantastic drama of Guy Richie "King Arthur", where Charlie Hannem brightened in the lead role, she reincarnated to the maid. In the horror film Alex Kurttsman "Mummy", Annabelle played one of the leading roles along with Tom Cruise, Crowe and Sophia Butello. In Russia, the premiere of the picture took place on June 9.

Annabelle Wallis now

Now the celebrity continues to build a career in Hollywood. In 2019, the premiere of the American dramatic series "The most loud voice" took place with her participation, in which the main role was performed by Russell Crow. In the 2020th, the filming of the scientific fiction militant "Quantum of Time" was completed, in which the actress also appeared. Her partners in the site were Mel Gibson, Frank Grill, Naomi Watts and others.


  • 2005 - "How the heart tells"
  • 2009 - "Tudors"
  • 2010 - "Lost Future"
  • 2011 - "We. We believe in love "
  • 2011 - "Peng American"
  • 2011 - "Xu People: First Class"
  • 2013 - "Acute Visrats"
  • 2014 - "Musketeers"
  • 2014 - "Curse Annabel"
  • 2016 - "Brothers from Grimsby"
  • 2016 - "Mina"
  • 2017 - "King Arthur King Sword"
  • 2017 - "Mummy"
  • 2018 - "You drive!"
  • 2019 - "The most loud voice"
  • 2020 - "Silencer"

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