Albus Dumbledore - Biography of the Wizard, Movies, Actors and Quotes


Character History

Character of a series of books about Harry Potter of the authorship of Joan Rowling, as well as a series of films shot on these books. Director of the School of Magic Hogwarts. Probably, the English actor John Gilgud became one of the prototypes of Dumbledore, with which Rowling compared the hero in 1999, when he described the appearance of the hero for the interview.

History of creation

The idea of ​​a book about a wizard boy came Rowling in 1990, during a trip to London by train. The writer sat down at work immediately after returning home, and finished the first Roman series in 1995.

Actor John Gilgud and Albus Dumbledore

The book "Harry Potter and the Philosophical Stone" rejected eight publishers before the "Bloomsbury" took a novel, offering an advance for him just 2500 pounds. At the same time, the last, seventh book of the series, which came out in 2007, was sold out in the amount of eleven million copies in the first day.


The years of the life of Dumbledore - 1881-1997. To the question how old was the hero at the time of death, it is easy to answer - 116. Albus was born in the family of a purebred wizard and half-breeding, the father of the hero was called Percival, and Mother - Kendra. Albus was the eldest son in the family, the brother Aberfort was born three years later, and the latter was on the light of the younger sister Ariana.

Young albus Dumbledore

In the six-year-old, the girl was attacked by teenagers, who saw the heroine of the sorceress. After this case, Arian was damaged by reason and could no longer control his own magic forces. Albus's father got into Azkuban's magic prison after revengened the Maglians who attacked his daughter.

The girl could be forced to send to the Hospital of St. Mungo, so Percival hid the true motives of his act and was convicted for life. Dumbledore's family moved to a new place - in the settlement of Godrikova Vpadina in the south-west of England, where magicians live near the Magali. Mother hid Ariana from prying eyes.

Ariana Dumbledore

Albus since childhood showed enormous abilities for magic. Enrolling in Hogwarts, the hero hit the faculty of Gryffindor, where she studied with glitter and achieved all the honorary awards, which only you can. The young albus led an extensive correspondence and started an interesting acquaintance. Among the addresses of the hero were the famous wizards of that time and among them - Nicholas Flamel, a famous alchemist, a magician who created the philosopher's stone.

Dumbledore's articles were published in the scientific journals of the magical world, the word, the hero became a noticeable young scientist. Albus was going along with one friend to go on a trip after graduation, but these plans were broken when the sister of Hero Ariana in the attack madness killed his mother.

Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindevald

After that, unfortunately, Albus became the head of the family and forced to sit at home, looking after a crazy sister, while the brother, Aberfour, pumped up training. During this period of life, the mood of Dumbledore was gloomy, their relatives annoyed him. The hero felt unhappy and evil, considered life and career was irreparable ruined. On this unhappy period, you have to get acquainted Dumbledore with the young Gellert Grindevald, who settled next door to the hero.

Albus inspired the mind and ideas of Grindevald, who believed that the sake of the common good magals should be ruled by magicians. Friends were going to go in search of gifts of death (invisible mantle, elderish sticks and resurrecting stone) so that with their help to move these ideas to life. Albus, besides the "ideological" motives, were also personal - the hero dreamed of resurrecting their own parents.

Aberufort Dumbledore

However, Albus's brother demanded that he stayed at home and looked after a sore sister. There was a conflict between Grindevald and Aberfort, during which Albus fell over his brother. During the skirmish, Albus's sister was killed, a random spell. Grindevald after this case disappeared, and Dumbledore renounced their common ideas.

After some time, Dumbledore still returned to Hogwarts, where he became a professor of transfiguration. Grindevald at that time began to embody his own plans to achieve world domination. Dumbledore until the latter tried to avoid a meeting with him, but in the end in 1945 he fell asleep in a duel and won. From that moment on, Albus became the master of the elderish stick, which Grindevald had previously assigned, wrapping the masters of magic sticks from Gregorovich.


With the future Lord Wolas de Mort - then another little boy named Tom Reddl - Professor Dumbledore is first found in 1938, when arriving in the Maglovsky shelter, where he lives. Dumbledore finds Toma an unusually gifted young magician, but prone to tyranny and cruelty, and invites you to go to go to Hogwarts.

Albus Dumbledore and Tom Reddl

Much later, when Reddl asks for a teacher of protection from dark arts in Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore discovers the director to appoint Togo. Later, Redl repeats the request, and it is rejected again. This time it makes Dumbledore himself, who by that time becomes the new director of Hogwarts.

Wolan de Mort collects a group of minions, which are referred to by the "Death Eaters", and in 1970 unleash the first magical war. Dumbledore, in turn, creates a group called "Order of Phoenix", which also includes parents Harry Potter. The purpose of this group is the fight against Volan de Mort. During this period, in the hands of Dumbledore, another one of the deaths of death - the invisibility mantle, which hero reports James Potter. After the death of parents, Harry Dumbledore serves the boy to the relatives-Magham.

Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter

After the return of Volan de Morta, Dumbledore enters the conflict with the Ministry of Magic, whose representatives do not want to believe that the Dark Lord returned. Dumbledore for a while loses post after the conflict with Dolores Ambridge, the first deputy minister who arrives in Hogwarts, takes himself many powers and even becomes director. However, after the appearance of Volan de Morta, a person in the building of the Ministry of Magic Dumbledore is restored at all posts, including the post of Director of Hogwarts.

During the search for crossings - items, in which Volan de Mort concluded particles of his own soul, - Dumbledore finds a ring in which the resurrection stone is administered - one of the gifts of death. The hero still dreams to return to the life of their relatives, so it gives back the temptation to put on the ring and take advantage of them. However, a deadly spell is imposed on the race, and the Dumbledore is cursed.

Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape

Severus Snape, Professor of Potorenia, somewhat slows down the action of the curse, but it is completely impossible to cancel it, and the hero remains to live no more than a year. As a result, Snape on the personal request of Dumbledore kills Togo (in order to save Draco Malfoy and convince the Dark Lord that Snape himself is faithful to his interests), but his magic wand does not pass to the murderer, but recognizes the owner of Draco Malfoy. After the death of Dumbledore, the portrait of a hero in the office of the Hogwarts School Director comes to life.


The image of Dumbledore in the cinema embodied four different actors. In the first part of Harry Potter and death gifts (2010), Tobby was starred in the role of Dumbledore.

Toby robbo in the role of a young Dumbledore

Dumbledore-old man in the first two films of the series ("Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" and "Harry Potter and the Secret Room") playing Richard Harris.

Richard Harris as Dumbledore

However, in 2002, this actor died and had to give the role of director Hogwarts Michael Gamembon, who played Dumbledore in all the remaining films of the series.

Michael Gambon as Dumbledore

At the end of 2018, the second part of the film about fantastic creatures - "Crimes of Grindevald", where the audience will also see Dumbledore in young years later.

Jude Low in the role of Dumbledore

There, the hero will play Jud Low - the British actor who performed the role of Dr. Watson in the movies of Guy Richie about Sherlock Holmes.

Interesting Facts

  • Dumbledore as a character has become so recognizable that he began to parody. In the American comedy TV series "Wizards from Weaveli Place" there are two series where Professor Krambes, director of the school of magic are present, is an obvious parody of Dumbledore with a long snow-white beard and mustache. The reference to Dumbledore is in the "Simpsons" cartoon series, where in one of the series Homer reads the book of daughter Liza and comes up with his own ending, when it comes to the place where the character dies (Dumbledore's death is sprorth).
  • In the XVIII century, the word "DUMBLEDORE" in English indicated Bumblebee. And one of the names of the hero - Albus - comes from the Latin "Albus", that is, "white".
Albus Dumbledore and his Phoenix
  • Full Real Name Dumbledore - Albus Percival Wolfric Brian. And one of these names is Percival - wearing a knight of the round table, one of the characters of the legends of the Arturovsky cycle, about whose adventures can be read in the novel of Thomas Malory "Death Arthur".
  • Dumbledore's patronus takes the form of the Phoenix.
  • Dumbledore is called the greatest magician XX century. The hero knows how to conjure, without using the wand and without pronounce the spells, it is able to be made invisible without a mantle and other devices, invented a way to send messages using the patronus, is able to read thoughts and images of other people (legilimations).
Wizard Albus Dumbledore
  • Dumbledore is typical of the unusual sense of humor, the director is inclined to mandes and extravagant actions than often annoying a strict and serious mine McGonagall.
  • In 2007, communicating with fans, Joan Rowling, the author of the books about Harry Potter, said that Dumbledore was gay. It is not known how this statement was perceived by this statement, but some rowling colleagues according to Peru and critics it seemed strange. After all, in the books about Harry Potter, the sexual orientation of the character is not accentuated, direct instructions on the fact that Dumbledore - Gay (or not) are missing. There is an opinion that from Rowling it was an advertising move, an attempt to attract additional attention to the hero.


"The main thing is to fight, again and again, just so you can stop evil, even if you can never destroy it until the end." "And my brother? Aberforpt accused that he experienced unauthorized spells on the goat. In all newspapers they wrote about it. And what do you think, Aberopht hid from everyone? Nothing like this! No matter what happened to work. True, I do not know if he knows how to read, maybe this is not at all the courage ... "" Do not be excessive high-speed and take over all responsibility. "" "What do you see when watching the einelel mirror?

- I? I see myself holding a couple of thick woolen socks in my hand. A person can not have too many socks. This is another Christmas, and I did not receive a single pair as a gift. People for some reason give me only the books. "

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