Natalia Timakova - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Natalia Aleksandrovna Timakova - The current spokesman for the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, the former press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

Natalia's parents worked at the aircraft industry in the city of Khotkovo near Moscow, both ended the engineering faculty of MKTI. But Mom Natalia was from Kazakhstan (from the family of the former energy of the Karaganda GRES, in the future, the employee of the Ministry of Soviet Republic), so the firstborn went to his homeland. Natalia was born on April 12, 1975 in the capital of Kazakhstan.

Natalia Timakova

Parents entered a lot of strength in the raising of children: Natalia and her younger brother Mikhail. Timakov regularly traveled to the capital to concerts, performances and museum exhibitions. Natalia showed love for humanitarian sciences, and Mikhail went to medicine, became a pharmacologist, a candidate of science.

Natalia Timakova as a child

After grade 9, Timakov went to study at the experimental school in Almaty, to the relatives of the mother. The girl wanted to continue to be improved in the humanitarian sphere, and in the hometown of schools specialized in the education of future engineers and researchers. Easily having mastered the Kazakh language, which was included in the mandatory program of an experimental educational institution, Natalia diligently suffered philosophy, economy and rhetoric.


After graduating from the gymnasium, the girl returned back to Russia and independently entered the Faculty of Philosophy of the Moscow State University. In 1995, a student of 2 courses of Moscow State University Natalya Timakova, seeing an advertisement about the vacancy in the newspaper, went to work in the Intern of the Political Review of the publication "Moscow Komsomolets".

In 1996, a young journalist enters the presidential pool Boris Yeltsin. In 1997, goes to the Publishing House "Kommersant". In 1999, the director of the Interfax Agency Mikhail Commissioner invites Timakov to the position of political browser.

Journalist Natalia Timakova

Together with journalists, the "Kommersant" newspaper Andrei Kolesnikov and Natalie Gevorkyan Timakov is working on creating a collection of interviews "by first person. Conversations with Vladimir Putin ", which included not only conversations with Vladimir Vladimirovich, but also the statements of persons from the nearest environment of the future president. On the eve of the election, the book was already in the printing house, but according to the requirements of the Election Campaign Act could not go on sale until the voting day. Therefore, the first 15 thousandth circulation was acquired by Putin himself. In the future, the publication extended to the general reasons.


Appointment in the fall of 1999, Natalia Alexandrovna, the press secretary of the Government of Vladimir Putin and the Department of Government of Government Information Andrei Korotkov, was not surprising for the girl: Timakova's candidacy was well known to representatives of the Kremlin apparatus. A month later, Mikhail Kojukhov displaced Natalia from the post of press attache, leaving the journalist post in the information department.

State Affilitary Natalya Timakova

After coming to power, Vladimir Putin Natalia Timakov is invited to the leadership of Alexander Voloshina to the government apparatus. Natalia Alexandrovna successfully copes with the tasks that are put in front of the presidential press service, and after 4 years, the former journalist occupies the post of head of the department. On the fragile shoulders of Natalia Timakova, the responsibility of the publication of decrees of the head of state, for the design of audio and video archives of the government, for holding press conferences.

Timakov strengthens its position in the Government of the Russian Federation and becomes along with Igor Shuvalov and Arkady Dvorkichi, the attorney of the First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. It was under the leadership of Natalia Aleksandrovna, a "successor" project was carried out, the secretly started in 2006.

Natalia Timakova and Dmitry Medvdenov

After in March 2008, Dmitry Medvedev won the presidential election, Natalia Timakov received an increase in service. Since May 2008, Timakov has taken the post of spokesperson of the Head of the Russian Federation. New responsibilities have now been the promotion of Dmitry Anatolyevich in the Internet sphere, creating a personal blog of the president in LiveJournal. Such a reception of communicating with citizens and journalists was first applied in Russian politics.

Having studied the dynamics of the blog's influence on the popularity of Medvedev in society, Natalia Timakov continued to oversee the creation of the president's accounts on hostings operating in Russia: in Facebook and VKontakte. Communication with Russian media took place exclusively at press conferences, then foreign journalists were invited to personal meetings with Dmitry Anatolyevich.

Natalia Timakova

During the presidential term, Medvedeva Timakov provided a connection with the advisers of the head of state, representatives of the liberal wing: Leonid Reiman, Elvira Nabiullina, Igor Yurgens, Alexander Budberg, Evgeny Gonztem, Ruslana Greenberg. Timakova voiced the theses of Dmitry Medvedev from article 2010 "Russia, ahead!", Calling them far-reaching plans, the implementation of which is not designed for one presidential term.

In 2012, after changing the leadership of the country, Natalya Timakov remains a press secretary of Dmitry Medvedev, who is now held by the post of Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. The responsibilities of Natalia Aleksandrovna do not change: supervision of communication with the media, writing press releases for the speeches of the head, work on the promotion of public Internet accounts of the Prime Minister, structuring information archives.

Natalia Timakova at the meeting

Natalya Timakova, together with a group of specialists, is working on the program of creating a positive image of the Government of the Russian Federation at home and abroad. In addition to the main duties on the shoulders of the press secretary of the Prime Minister, the supervision of the information coverage of the Sochi Olympiad and Paralympic Competitions of 2014.

In 2015, the scandal broke out in the Internet space associated with the hacker hacking archive of the personal mail of Natalia Alexandrovna Timakov Group of Scammers "Saltay-Bolta". Stolen information containing information about the biography of the press secretary of Medvedev and its professional activity was sold from the Virtual Auction of the Information Exchange site.

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The specified volume of Timakova correspondence was sold for 150 bitcoins ($ 34 thousand). The fee was distributed between the Participants of the Hacker Group "Saltay-Bolta": Vladimir Anikeev, Konstantin Teplyakov, Andrei Nekrasov and Alexander Eagle. The investigation established the fact of hacking, and soon the participants in the collusion were arrested. Now investigation is being conducted.

Personal life

Personal life Natalia Timakova is closely connected with the career. In 1995, the girl in the editorial office of the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper became acquainted with the already famous journalist Alexander Petrovich Budberg, who in those years worked in the sphere of political and military journalism. The correspondent was often sent with business trips to Chechnya, as well as at meetings with the ruling elite. For a long time, young people supported friendly relations, but in the early 2000s began to live together. The wedding of Timakova and Budberg took place in 2005.

Natalia Timakova with her husband

In 2008, after the appointment of Natalia for the post of spokesman for Medvedev, her husband had to leave the Publishing House of the Moscow Komsomol Center, where he worked in the Political Furniture Department. Two years after leaving journalism, Budberg entered the Council when headed by VTB Bank. There are no children from spouses yet, and Natalia does not exclude the possibility of adopting a child.

Natalia Timakova and Alexander Budberg

In addition to the fact that Natalia and Alexander speak separately several apartments in the capital of Russia, in 2013 the family acquired a mansion and a plot of 2 hectares in the Latvian coast. Two cars are also recorded in the name of Budberg: Mercedes Benz S 350L and Mercedes Benz GL 500.

Natalya Timakova leads his own account in Instagram, which signed 15 thousand people. On the personal page lay out mostly photos taken on travel.

Natalia Timakova now

According to the income declaration from 2016, Natalia Timakova earned a little less than 8 million rubles for the year, and its spouse is about 9 million. In March 2017, the results of the investigation of Alexei Navalny and his group "Foundation of the fight against corruption" were published about foreign real estate, which was attributed to Dmitry Medvedev.

The Prime Minister called the facts of the facts "compote", and Natalia Timakova stated that the government refuses to comment on this information, as he considers it to be a "black PR" a pre-election campaign, which Alexey Navalnya has already begun.

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