Aras Bulut - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Turkish Actor 2021



Aras Bulut Weenelli - a film actor and a model is a star of Turkish TV series. International fame he was involved in the series "Magnificent Century", in which Aras played the role of Shehzade Bayazid.

Childhood and youth

Aras was born on August 25, 1990 in Istanbul, in the intelligent family of the third of the children, by the sign of the zodiac he was Virgo. In childhood I was engaged in the theater studio. After graduating from school, Aras entered the engineering faculty to the Istanbul Technical University, as the technique from an early age was interested in the young man.

The older brother of Orjun received a directorial education, and Sister Jade became a TV host and sound engineer. In the family of Aras, many are associated with the world of art, for example, his cousin Miraj Danan also chose the profession of the actress, and Uncle Gengiz Danan is actor of the State Theater. As a student, Aras Bulut began to be filmed in the commercials of Turkish brands of clothing, appeared in advertising Nescafe. The work in the frame was carried away by a young man no less than the design of aviation equipment, and Aras Bulut decides to start the acting career. In addition to the lessons of acting skills, Eneyli paid attention to the study of English, because he wanted to participate in international projects.

Personal life

Aras Bulut is still not connected by the Uzami marriage, but at the same time a young man does not neglect his personal life. While working on the picture "Magnificent Century" Aras began to meet with Burja Ozzember, the executor of the role of Hurijikhan Sultan, the daughter of Ibrahim and Hatice. For a girl, work in such a significant project has become the debut. Further a small novel is not gone.

In 2015, Aras Bulut began to appear in public places with a partner for the series "Maral" actress Big Main. Young people once visited the Istinye Park shopping center together with the nephew of Aras, where journalists managed to make several photos of lovers. Young people and now continue to meet, spend holidays together, Aras willingly speaks of their love for the Big in an interview, but the wedding is not talking about the wedding.

Despite the fact that Aras has a glory slate, he prefers not to spread about his personal life. The actor against the discussion of his relationship in the press and even once filed a journalist to court. On a personal page in "Instagram", there are no joint pictures with a girl who does not lay out. At the actor account, where it places the photos of working moments, as well as family photos, a lot of users signed.


Arase's debut in the movie took place in 2006, at the age of 16 he played in the adventure detective orhana Oguza "Dangerous Streets" Young Kenan. The next time the young man appeared in the frame only 4 years later. In the drama of Zeenepa, Guy "Renomy Time", Araça managed to reincarnate in the hero - he won the nomination "Best Second Plan Actor in the Dramatic TV series" on Antalya Television Awards and received a reward as "Best Second Plan Actor" from In the TV series about love, together with Aras, Aichu Binghel played, Yildes Chagri Aksuy, Farah Zeynept Abdullah.

In 2013, the filmography of the actor is replenished with the first main role in the series of director Mehmeta ADA Oztekina "Mahmut and Merry". In Melodrame, the action unfolds in the middle of the XVI century on the territory of modern Azerbaijan, at that time the former province of Sefavidov, the Iranian ruling dynasty.

During the struggle of the Islamic states and the Christian world between the two young people, Makhmut (Aras Bulut Yoremli) and Merury (Eva Dedov) broke out a real passion. But on the way of lovers - insurmountable obstacles: the Muslim Youthhouse could not take the wife of the Christian priest's daughter. The filming of the film took place in Turkey and Azerbaijan.

In the same year, the creative biography of the Turkish actor appears the role of international glory to him. Film director Seinep Gunay, who had already worked with Aras, invites young people to the 4th season of his "Magnificent Century" series. The multi-seater film by then acquired popularity in Turkey and 50 countries of abroad.

In a historic drama, telling about the life of the ruler of the Ottoman Empire of Suleiman I, in which the state reached the maximum heyday, the relationship between the Sultan and the favorite concubitate, later the wife, the Slavs of Alexandra, known by Hurrem, are shown.

The main roles in the picture were played by Halit Ergech, Merini Uzerli, Engine Ozzyurk, Selenium Ozzyurk, Gurbay Ilery, Pelin Karahahan, Yasman Allen. Arasu got the role of a matured son of Suleiman Shehzade Bayazid. High (Arase's growth - 181 cm), the slender young man on external parameters was suitable for the role of the heir to the throne. Hero Aras waited for an unenviable fate: Raising the uprising against Selim's older brother, he was caught and executed. To participate in Teneromanian Araça, it was urgently to learn how to fight on swords, ride on the race, wearing caftans. For the role it was also needed to gain 13 kg of excess weight.

For several months, Aras Bulut reread historical literature on the time of the Board of Suleiman I, revised all the series of the first 3 seasons. In the creation of the image, the elder brother helped. Music is of great importance in preparation for filming for the actor. Aras Bulut makes the selection of inspirational tracks and listening to them before leaving the workstation.

Immediately after filming in the "magnificent century", Aras invites the director Chagan Ormak to a major role in Drama "Do we really understand each other?" In the film, it was about two young people - Temmise (Deniz Jelilol) and Ishkhan (Aras Bulut Yoremli), - the first of which rebellion against rich parents and begins to engage in creativity, the second - barely drives ends with the ends, living with a mother for one pension. In Turkey, Kinolent looked half a million viewers in many ways thanks to the executives of the main roles.

In the comedy of 2014, the director of Jamie Yylmaz "Soon" Aras played the Kameo role. A year later, the actor began working on the way Sarp Altan, in love with the beauty of Marala, performed by Khazal Kaya. The premiere of the director of the director Deniz Kolosher, who also participated in the work on the series "Magnificent Century", took place on May 5, 2015 and immediately received high ratings at home.

Since 2016, the actor is filmed in the TV series inside, where he plays a major role. A witty drama on separated brothers - senior Sarpe (Chagatai Ulusoye) and the younger Mete (Aras Bulut Weenelli), - who are students of the Police Academy and enemies in life, also contains a difficult loving line of the plot.

A loyal girl with mete plays actress Bensa coral, for which this role became the first major work on television.

In 2017, Aras played Jamach Kochoval in the TV series "Chukur", which translated from Turkish means "pit." His partners in the film were Dylan Chichek Denise and the Talk Sarytash. For the role in this series, Ioremli won the nomination "Best Actor" on the most prestigious Turkish award "Golden Butterfly Pantene" (Pantene Altın Kelebek).


Another famous series with the participation of Aras is a "collision", 3 seasons of which came out in 2018-2019. This tape entered the history of Turkish cinema due to the scene of the accident, in which four cars and 360 tons of water were attended immediately for the entourage and special effects - before that, such scenes were not filmed in Turkey.

In 2019, the work on the film "Miracle in the Seventh Camera" ended. In the summer, the actor had to take a break in the shooting to pass the service in the army. To fulfill your 3-week civilian debt, the young man went to Kutoyu.

As for the plans of the actor for 2020, they depend on the agreement with Netflix. If it is signed, then Aras Bulut Eneyli will continue to work in the "Chukur" series.


  • 2006-2010 - "Dangerous Streets"
  • 2008 - "Alley of Returns"
  • 2010 - "priceless time"
  • 2011-2013 - "Magnificent Century"
  • 2012 - "Mahmut and Merry"
  • 2013 - "Do we really understand each other?"
  • 2015 - "Maral: My most beautiful story"
  • 2016 - "Inside"
  • 2017 - "Chukur"
  • 2018-2019 - "Collision"
  • 2019 - "Miracle in the Seventh Camera"

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