Kiefer Sutherland - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The asset of the Anglo-Canadian artist is the prestigious "Golden Globe" and "Emmy". The son of famous parents, Kiefer Sutherland managed to escape from their shadow and took his niche in the world cinema. In 2011, a star appeared in the Hollywood "Alley of Glory" - a week earlier than the Father, Donald Sutherland.

Childhood and youth

Parents of the star "Melancholia", Canadian actors Donald Sutherland and Shirley Douglas, worked in Britain in 1966. The birth of a Khifer and his twin sister Rachel in one of London's hospitals gave young Sutherland, except Canadian, also British citizenship. Son named in honor of the director and writer Warren Khifer.

Canadian and Scottish blood mixed in the veins of Sutherland. Mother's grandfather Tommy Douglas is a fellow from the Scottish Town Folkerk. In Canada, this name knows each: according to polls of citizens, former politicians and the Prime Minister of one of the provinces stably takes place in the top 10 outstanding countrymen.

After the birth of babies, the spouses left Britain and settled in Los Angeles. But when the children were 4 years old, the family life gave a crack. And after 5 years, Shirley, grabbing the heirs, returned to Canada. The childhood and the youth of the future Hollywood actor passed in Toronto. Kifer changed 7 private schools, receiving a certificate in the educational institution of Saint Claire in East York.

Thanks to moving from one state of North America to another Sutherland, he learned to speak fluently in French. Birth in a creative family predetermined fate: at 9 years old, the kifer first reached the theater scene. Youth years devoted to the study of the future profession, visiting Sunday acting courses. To conquer the "dream factory" he went on 17 years.

Personal life

Charismatic kifer and in youth, and later enjoyed high attention to the ladies, although it is difficult to call him an ricking handsome (height - 1.75 m with weight about 80 kg). But about the duty of family happiness and a cozy nest, where his beloved wife and children are waiting for him, Sutherland remains only to dream. One of the reasons for the turmoil in the privacy of the star is called an excessive love of alcohol.

In the late 80s, the kifer took Camellia, the widow guitarist Terry Cata. In 1988, the spouses were born daughter Sarah Jude, but after 2 years marriage broke up.

At the set of the film "Commaturics" in 1992, Sutherland met a partner Julia Roberts. The broken romance was almost crowned with a marriage: the couple announced the engagement. Julia and Kifer publicly admitted in their feelings and shared the plans to invite 600 guests to the wedding. But in a matter of days before the celebration, Roberts found his beloved in the warm company Dancers Amanda Rice.

The second official marriage of Kiefer Sutherland registered in 1996. Under the crown with a windy actor, Elizabeth Kelly Winn went. Together the couple stretched the year. The official divorce is decorated in 2008.

At the end of the same year, Sutherland junior was arrested for driving a drunken car. The famous actor not for the first time rode, being under the influence of alcohol. This time he was given 48 days in prison. Behind the bars star Hollywood met a birthday and Christmas.

A man does not leave the dream to find a soul mate. He does not exclude that the third marriage will be happy, and his family will have. If you believe the rumors, at one time the kifer met with the ex-model and editor of Fashion-gloss Sioban Bonnavriye, then the actress Cindy became his chosen. The couple openly declared its relations in 2018.

The star loves Rodeo, for which the ranch acquired in Montana. Another serious passion for the actor is music. He is a fan of the Queen cult group, gathered an impressive collection (fifty) of vintage guitars, from the 10th age playing the instrument and writes songs. Kifer did not immediately appear on the scene. In 2015, he prepared a program, and for the next 5 years as a singer, together with his friends, has given more than 300 concerts.

The performers work in the Country genre. Artists managed to get acquainted with the members of the MUSE group thanks to the footage. Those interested in the creativity of Sutherland, and the actor appeared at MUSE on heating.

In 2016, Kiefer released Down In A Hole Debut Album at the Mercury Nashville Studio. The author of music to many hits was the composer Jud Cole. While this is the only work in the discography of Sutherland.

In 2019, the actor visited Moscow, where with his musicians came up before the MUSE concert. The event took place at the stadium "Luzhniki". In the capital of Russia, Kifer visited the studio of the entertainment program "Evening Urgant". This is not the first appearance of the Hollywood Star on Russian Television. Previously, he participated in the shooting of Vladimir Posner.


Cinematographic biography of Khifer Sutherland opens by the role of Bill in the comedy melodrama "Return of Max Dagan." The film is notable for the fact that the novice actor starred in him with his father, Donald Sutherland.

Successful debut opened the young man into the world of cinema. Next year he entrusted the role of a guy from the bay. In 1986, the artist appeared in four projects, of which the most rating was the drama "Stay with me."

Career Khifer Sutherland developed rapidly. In the fifth year of work in Los Angeles, he was offered to play a vampire David in the youth film "Disposable guys". The film gathered $ 32 million and won the Saturn Prize as the best horror movie in 1987. Later, film critics wrote that the picture contributed to the spread in America the subculture is ready, and the vampires for a long time became the heroes of the younger generation.

In the same year, Sutherland junior played the main character in the thriller "Time to kill." His character, the killer without a name, is so convincing that Kife nominates as a better villain of the film on MTV Movie Awards.

But the famous Canadian made Western "Young Arrows", published in 1988, and its continuation. In the plenty ribbon, Kiefer Sutherland starred in a star company with Charlie Tire, Emilio Estevez and Lu Daimond Phillips. This is the first project, where Sutherland offered the role of a full-length hero, to "young shooters" he played distressed teenagers.

Triller director Joel Schumacher "Komatozniki", the premiere of which took place in 1990, was consolidated by the success of the act. Cafe Sutherland appeared on the screen next to Julia Roberts and Kevin Bacon, playing the main character of Nalson. Together with Reese Witherspoon, the artist starred in the film "Highway".

Two years later, the audience saw the conquered TV series "Twin Peaks", called "through the fire go with me," where Canadza got the role of the SAM Wenley's forenswhel. Among the most successful works of the actor in the 90s should be called roles in the project "Three Musketeers" (Played Athos), Neon Room Detective "Fallen Angels" and Dark City Drama "Dark City". At the same time, the thriller "disappearance" with a kifer was released on the screens.

In the early 90s, the satero sterlend manifested itself as a director. He made his debut with a thriller "Last Light", which became popular a few years after the premiere. In the project, a novice director starred. Then the Sutherland filmography has increased by two paintings, from which the drama "Look for a woman" has become rating. The key role in the kifer took himself.

The 2000th Sutherland junior began triumph. In 2001, the screens came out on the screens a multi-sized political action thriller "24 hours", where the kifer appeared in the image of the main character, the employee of the fictional special services CTU Jack Bauer. The series turned out to be so popular that the director was filmed tape until 2016. Kiefer Sutherland played it until 2014. For this work, the star was awarded the Golden Globe, Emmy and the Actors Guild Prize.

Among the notable films of this period, the psychological detective "Taking Life", where Sutherland appeared in the acting ensemble with Angelina Jolie, Tiller "Telephone booth", in which Colin Farrell is involved.

In 2008, Kiefer Sutherland starred in the mystical horror of the "Mirror" of the French director Alexander Azha, the free remake of the horror movie "Lazerkal". The actor reincarnated in a former police officer, who after dismissal moved to his sister and is arranged in the burnt woven department store. Strange events begin to occur here.

In the late filmography of the actor, the fantastic drama "Melancholia" of the cult director Lars von Trier remains the most rating director. The premiere took place in Cannes in May 2011. In addition to Sutherland Jr., Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gensbar starred in it. "Melancholy" brought the Golden Palm Branch to Trier, and all the actors are a new wave of popularity. At the same time, the series "Confession" was released with the participation of Khifer.

The ambiguous response of the audience and film critics was accompanied by the American Dramatic Ribbon "Contact" (the series is closed after two seasons) and the film-catastrophe "Pompeii". For the work in the last Kiefer Sutherland received the Antipremia "Golden Malina".

In 2013, the audience saw the dramatic Western "Abandoned", in which the father and son of Sutherland were shot together. The film premiere took place at the Film Festival in Toronto in the fall of 2015.

In 2016, David Guggenheim's political thriller, David Guggenheim, a "successor", where Kiefer Sutherland appeared in the role of the main character, President Tomas Kirkman, began on the AVS TV channel.

In 2015, the kifer gladly agreed to give his voice Snace, the hero of the computer game Metal Gear Solid V. This is not the first experience of his participation in the voice acting. Sutherland has already worked on Call of Duty: World At War, 24: The Game. Also, the actor participated in the voicing of the cartoon "Prince Nutcracker", projects "Ruintage: polymatuscha", "fought flight" and others.

Santorland kifer now

Now the artist is working on new projects - the TV series "Fugitive" and the film "Trust". Most of the time Sutherland pays musical creativity. He places information about the upcoming speeches in a personal account in "Instagram". His personal photos are published here.

In early April 2020, Sutherland experienced a difficult loss - Shirley Douglas died, his mother. The actress went away from the life of the 87th year. The cause of death became complicated pneumonia. The news extinguished the public, rumors appeared that the disease of the woman was associated with coronavirus. But the actor himself denied these species.


  • 1987 - "Disposable guys"
  • 1987 - "Time to kill"
  • 1988 - "Young arrows"
  • 1990 - "Young arrows 2"
  • 1990 - "Komatozniki"
  • 1993 - "Three Musketeers"
  • 1999 - "Look for a woman"
  • 2001 - "24 hours"
  • 2008 - "Mirrors"
  • 2011 - "Melancholy"
  • 2012 - "Contact"
  • 2014 - "Pompeii"
  • 2015 - "Abandoned"
  • 2016 - "successor"
  • 2017 - "Komatozniki"

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