Svetlana Ustineneko - biography, photo, personal life, project "Dom-2", death and funeral



Svetlana Ustinenenko, who participated together with the daughter of Aliano Ustinenenko in the popular TV project "Dom-2", was remembered for fans as a strong and confident beauty, which I want to imitate. Unfortunately, death claimed the life of a woman at the age of 49.

Svetlana Ustinenko's biography is no different from the biography of the average Russian woman.

Svetlana Ustineneko

Svetlana was born in the city of Kamyshin, which in the Volgograd region, July 4, 1967. Maiden name Women - Vinogradov. The girl grew calm and judicious than the parents pleased. Being a teenager, Svetlana Mikhailovna moved to Volgograd, who seemed to her more promising city than his native Kamyshin. There she entered the institute at the correspondence department.

Svetlana Ustinenko in childhood

In order not to remain without a means of existence, the young woman had to work. Unfortunately, life has developed so that Svetlana had to quit school. She studied only three years, however, according to his own admission, even in adulthood did not leave dreams to become a psychologist.

Participation in the project "Dom-2"

Svetlana Ustinenko's television show, thanks to Daughter Aliane, who at that time had already become popular and favorite fans of the star of this project. And the audience, and the participants of the television show first seemed strange the presence of an adult and a woman held on the shooting platform. It was assumed that Svetlana would only help her daughter to establish relationships with her beloved mother, Olga Mikhailovna, but the life of a virtual construction site pulled Svetlana Ustinenko with his head.

Svetlana Ustinenenko and Aliana Ustinenko

Thus, Mom Aliana Ustinenenko first attracted the attention of frequent skirmishes with Olga Gabozova, his alleged time, and then received the official status of a reality show at all. According to Svetlana, at some point she realized that life would send her another chance to build her personal life. The woman began to actively participate in the events taking place in the town of House-2, which won both love and hostility of permanent television viewers. Instagram Svetlana Ustinenenko began to fill in photos from which a confident beauty, ready for everything for love.

Svetlana Ustineneko in the show

As it turned out, Svetlana was really ready on a lot. The very first novel, which she shouted on the project, almost broke the already established family of Vasily and Antonina Todterik, participants in the same TV show. However, at the last moment, the wrong spouse returned to his wife, leaving Svetlana Ustinenko with a broken hopes on simple female happiness.

Svetlana Ustineneko

The character of Svetlana Mikhailovna did not allow her for a long time to despair, and she decided to do his appearance. In this woman helped the project "Restart". Soon the fans were able to see the photo Svetlana Ustinenenko, on which she appeared rapid and swapped. However, opinions were divided: there were those who considered the dark color of the hair as an unsuccessful decision. From that moment on, the mature lady launched the roots on the youth project and even settled his fourteen-year-old son Gegama on the teleproy.

Personal life

For the first time Svetlana married at a young age. The chosen one of the beauties, Arthur Asratyan, very persistently and romanticly cared for a girl and easily conquered the heart of the young beauty. Unfortunately, real life was not so cloudless and romantic. Svetlana Mikhailovna herself confessed that Arthur, despite natural halanery and courtesy, was also distinguished by a very cool engineering and emotionality. Flashes of anger and jealousy began to repeat more and more often. The reason for displeasure was even a friend's visit.

Svetlana Ustineneko with her husband

Despite the differences, Svetlana decided to give arthur a child, and in 1993 they had a daughter Aliana. Shortly before that, the pair was officially issued a relationship, although the parents of the groom were configured against the Russian bride. Another 8 years later, the son of Gegham was born. However, the long-awaited harmony in relations did not come even with the birth of children, and later, Svetlana Mikhailovna decided to escape from the aggressive and jealous spouse. According to her, Arthur had hoped for the latter that he would be able to deserve forgiveness and return the family, but the woman was adamant.

Young Svetlana Ustinenko with daughter

There is another version of events: according to rumors, the initiator of the gap was Arthur, who met a younger girl and left the family. But Svetlana herself did not confirm these rumors. The woman was sure that the former husband continues to suffer from love for her, and in the second marriage he had to join due to pressure from parents.


The death of Svetlana Ustineneko became a terrible surprise for fans. In September 2014, the woman was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Svetlana Ustinenko detected cancer

Life has prepared Svetlana Mikhailovna a new test, which first seemed to be overcome. After the first operation, Svetlana had to withstand several chemotherapy courses, the woman also appealed to popular treatment methods. At some point even there was hope that the trouble went through the party, but the hope was not destined to be fulfilled.

The state of the woman began to deteriorate rapidly, and the doctors insisted on conducting the second operation. Repeated surgery turned out to be an unbearable test. Svetlana was very hard of the anesthesia, he lost his hearing and vision. Next to the woman was constantly on duty daughter Aliana and close people. Unfortunately, the efforts of the doctors and support of relatives were not enough to defeat a terrible disease, and October 14, 2016, Svetlana Ustinenko died. The funeral Svetlana Ustinenko passed 5 days after the death of a woman, October 19, in Volgograd.

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