Tamara Nosova - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death, filmography



Beautiful woman, talented actress, Comedy Queen - such associations come to mind at the mention of the name Tamara nasal. Tamara Makarovna was indeed an asterisk of Soviet cinema and an incredibly gifted person. Unfortunately, as often happens, the biography of Tamara nasal was not so cloudless, as it seemed from the screen.

Childhood and youth

Actress Tamara Nosov was born in Moscow on November 21, 1927. A year and a half after that, the mother of Tamara dies. Father, without covering with the misfortune that fell on him, gives three children in the orphanage. Meeting with him will occur 30 years later, when Tamara Makarovna will become a well-known and popular. However, it will be too late: Nosov will refuse to communicate with newly acquired relatives.

Actress Tamara Nosova

In the reception family, the girl became a favorite. Excellent study, member of the Council of the Council, the activist - Tamara tried to seek success in all endeavors. Interest in acting also arose in school years. Tamara Nosov even independently organized a small drama, in which I first tried myself as an actress and scriptwriter. When the war began, the Tamara family was evacuated from the capital, and she had to erect school in the Moscow region. In 1945, the girl completed school studies, and the family returned from evacuation to his native Moscow. There, Tamara Makarovna entered VGIK.

Tamara Nosov in youth

The young talent was noticed at once, however, the role of a dramatic actress, about which the girl herself had dreamed of her nose. Teachers in one voice said that Tamara must try themselves exclusively in comic roles. Later it turns out that the talent of the nasal is enough for complex dramatic heroines. Soon Tamaru noticed a student Sergey Gerasimov, a talented director and acting teacher. So, Sergei Apollyanovich himself recognized about the nasal, who approved the novice actress for the first role.


It was the role of Valentina Filatova in the "Young Guard". Immediately after the first filming, Tamara Makarovna receives invitations of the masted directories - Mikhail Chiaureli, Boris Barnet; Tamara Nasova filmography begins to grow. In the 1950s, immediately after the end of VGIK, the nose is removed as an anfisa in the movie "Cavalier of the Golden Star". For this work, the actress was submitted to obtaining the Stalinist Prize.

Tamara Nosov in the film

The subsequent career of the stars was asked as teachers of Vgika propheted, - Tamaru began to invite mainly for comedy and satirical roles. Soon, such an amplua fixed the actress thoroughly. Marya Antonovna in the "Auditor", the secretary of Tosya in the "carnival night", a box in the "dead souls", Rosa D'Alvadorec in the picture "Hello, I am your aunt!" - Do not consider the most beloved roles of the Great Actress, who invariably cause laughter and smiles. Photo Tamara nasal at that time decorated the walls of fans.

Tamara Nosov in the film

However, actress wanted to try strength, playing the heroine of a children's fairy tale. Tamara Nosov, accustomed to seek his own, herself worked on the characters of fairy-tale heroines, and soon the whole country could not break away from the screens that were films with Tamara nasal, as "in the trident kingdom", "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors", "Fire, Water" and copper pipes. "

Personal life

The personal life of the Tamara Tamara's face was much less safe than a career. The first marriage with Oleg Malinin, a Russian diplomat, collapsed quite quickly: the husband did not want Tamara Makarovna to be filmed into the cinema, and the actress could not give up his beloved business. The next marriage with actor Yuri Bogolyubov, this time civilian, also turned out to be unhappy, albeit more long.

Tamara Nosov and Yuri Bogolyubov

Vitaly Gubarev became the third chief chief of Tamara Makarovna, the storyteller writer, who invited the actress to act in his filmmakes. According to the nasal, the years of life with Gubarev were filled with happiness, but Idylli destroyed the adoptive mother of Tamara. An elderly woman wanted to control the life of his daughter and her husband. One day, such a strong pressure became unbearable, and the spouses broke up.

Tamara Nosov and Vitaly Gubarev

Last love Tamara Nasova - directed by Nikolay Sawseev - he was also unable to give a woman of real happiness. The relations were passionate and romantic, but Nikolai did not decrease to leave the family, throwing his wife and daughter. The couple broke up, and after that Tamara Makarovna fundamentally did not accept the invitation of sedev in their roles in his films.

Tamara Nosov and Nikolay Skeev

After so much failures in the personal life of the nose is devoted to creative activities, having lost the hope of finding ordinary women's happiness. Tamara Makarovna remained childless, which also became the cause of loneliness in old age.


What happened to Tamara Makarovna at the end of life, journalists will later be called the "brilliance and poverty of the Queen of Comedy." The poverty of Tamara's nasal was really terrible - the once popular actress was left by anyone who could help, and sometimes the woman is starving, surviving on a modest retirement.

Tamara Nosov in recent years

In 1991, actress had to leave Mosfilm and the Theater of the film actor. There was no money on the shooting of new film, and half of the cast just stayed outside. 350 of the 700 actors were reduced in an instant, among them Tamara Makarovna was also. Arriving his plight, the actress stopped communicating with acquaintances and friends and led the life of the gate. Even the neighbors of the former nationwide favorite did not suspect that the woman had to fight diseases, the need and loneliness.

Tamara nose tamara grave

On the eve of the new 2007, the trouble had happened to the actress - stroke. Since the woman did not communicate with anyone, except for employees of social protection, she was discovered five days later in a deplorable state. The situation was publicity, and the relatives of the nasal sent a woman for treatment in the Moscow clinic. However, it was too late, and the death of Tamara Nasova did not make himself wait.

The cause of death, doctors will be called chronic brain ischemia complicated by the stroke. The grave of Tamara's nasal, or rather urn with ashes, is now in Columbia Vagankovsky cemetery.


  • Young Guard (1948)
  • Life Pages (1948)
  • Cavalier Golden Star (1950)
  • Auditor (1952)
  • Guest with Kuban (1955)
  • Carnival night (1956)
  • New cat adheres in boots (1958)
  • Kingdom of curves mirrors (1963)
  • Marriage Balzaminova (1964)
  • Wedding in Malinovka (1967)
  • Brothers Karamazov (1968)
  • Hello I'm your aunt! (1975)
  • Dead Souls (1984)
  • Boulevard Roman (1994)

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