Viktor Yanukovych - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Former President of Ukraine 2021



Viktor Yanukovych is a former political and statesman, Prime Minister during the presidential term of Viktor Yushchenko and Leonid Kuchma, the fourth president of Ukraine. His stay in power led to the state coup, which radically changed the course of the country's history.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Fedorovich was born on July 9, 1950 in the village of Zhukovka Yenakievsky district Donetsk (Stalinskaya) region in the family of Machinist of Stearozoz Fyodor Vladimirovich Yanukovych and Nurses Olga Semenovna Leonova. Indicating the pedigree, he later mentioned the Polish-Lithuanian roots on the paternal line.

Both parents were not local: his father moved from the Vitebsk region, and his mother was a daughter of the degraded peasant from the Orlovsk (Kursk) parish. In 1952, Olga Semenovna died suddenly, and his grandmother Castina Ivanovna Yanukovych was engaged in the upbringing of the boy, who survived the deportation to Germany during the Great Patriotic War.

Childhood Yanukovych spent in the city of Enakievo, studied at school number 34. At 17, it was convicted of a robbery case as part of an organized group for 3 years. After half a year of stay in Kremenchug's colony, Victor was released for exemplary behavior. In 19 years, he entered the gas worker at the Enakievsky Metallurgical Plant. A year later, re-hit the trial in connection with the fight. About the mistakes of youth Viktor Yanukovych later wrote in a brief biography, which took him before the first appointment to the post of Prime Minister. In 1978, both criminal records were lifted by the Oblsud Donetsk region.

In the 70s, Yanukovych quickly began to grow on a career ladder. He changed the specialty of the car mechanic, the mechanic, graduated from the local mountain college. Until 1980, it consisted in the ranks of the WLKSM. 20 years old served as Director General of Donbassstransremont, according to "Uglemtrans", and then the regional enterprise DonetskAttotrans. In the mid-70s he entered the DPI to the correspondence department. Until 1991, he consisted in the ranks of the CPSU.

Personal life

In 1969, at the Yenakiev Metallurgical Plant, Viktor Yanukovych met Lyudmila Alexandrovna Nastenko born in 1949, which worked as an engineer in the Design Bureau. In 1971, a wedding took place, and in 2 years the son Alexander was born in the family. In 1981, the wife gave Yanukovych the second son of Victor.

Children received higher education: Senior graduated from the Medical Institute and Economic University, the younger defended his thesis on the social policy of the state. Later, Alexander took up construction business. He has two sons, Victor and Alexander.

Viktor Yanukovych - Junior since 2006 served as a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. He was married to Olga Stanislavovaya Korochanskaya, who gave him Son Ilya (2010). On March 22, 2015, making moving on ice on Lake Baikal, the son of Yanukovych died. The cause of death was the car that went under water. The man, being driving, did not have time to stretch the belts on time and drowned.

On March 23, information about the death of Yanukovych senior appeared in the press, but later rumors were not confirmed. On that day, the former President of Ukraine suffered a heart attack and spent several days in intensive care. The funeral of Yanukovych Jr. was held in Sevastopol. His grave is located at the Memorial Cemetery of the Heroes of the Crimean War of 1853-1856.

Since 2010, Viktor Fedorovich and Lyudmila Alexandrovna live separately from each other. The spouse remained in the Donetsk region, and the president settled in the residence in Mezhigorye, where every morning he started from jogging on hemp and swimming, which allowed him to preserve a good physical form at the age of 60 (with an increase in 192 cm, Yanukovych's weight was 85 kg).

According to rumors, then the president of Ukraine began to relationship with compatriot Lyubayzayu (Sadykova), in 2003 who came to work as a cook in the residence of the President. After 3 years of work, love went with her husband Egor, while leaving the general daughter Maria. In 2010, the Fields opened in Kiev on the Obolon Embankment of the Beauty Salon Crystal SPA and received the position of head of the Future Road Charitable Foundation, which ceased to exist in 2014.

In the same year, Yanukovych moved to Russia with his sons and cohabitants, and Lyudmila Alexandrovna settled in Crimea. The official press service of Viktor Fedorovich denies the connection of Yanukovych with Field. The former president himself prefers to hold a personal life in secret from the press.

In 2017, information in the German edition of Der Spiegel appeared that the official divorce of Viktor Yanukovych was held with his wife.

In the 2020th journalist Sonya Koshkina wrote an article about the fact that Yanukovych again became a father. The son of Gregory was born at the former president of Ukraine. News quickly scattered in the media. However, until today, she did not receive confirmation: there is neither a photo of a newborn, nor comments by Viktor Fedorovich.


In 1996, Yanukovych began a political career first as the Deputy Chairman, and then as Chairman of the Donetsk Regional Administration. He held post until 2002. In 2000, became the Zavorka Paught of Innovative Management in Donguu, received the title of professor and doctors of Economic Sciences. In 2001 he graduated from the Ukrainian Academy of Foreign Trade by a specialist in international law.

In 2001, on behalf of the current President, Leonid Kuchma visited Moscow with a political visit, in 2002 he was elected to the position of Prime Minister, bypassing Candidates Sergei Tigipko, Georgy Kirmp and Oleg Dubin. Since 2003, he headed the part of the regions, from which a year later he was admitted by a presidential candidate. Winning the second round of elections with an advantage of 2.6% from Viktor Yushchenko, was accused of falsifying data.

As a result of public unrest, which received the name "Orange Revolution", re-elections were conducted. Voices were distributed in favor of Yushchenko, and Yanukovych had to resign from the post of Prime Minister. In 2006, he was chosen by the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions and became Chairman of the faction. Six months later, the post of Prime Minister, which was held until the end of 2007, after which he switched to the Verkhovna Rada.

President of Ukraine

In 2010, Viktor Fedorovich banned for the second time. At this time, Viktor Yushchenko, Julia Tymoshenko, Sergey Tigipko, Arseny Yatsenyuk and Peter Simonenko became his rivals. In the second round, Yanukovych fell along with Tymoshenko, which bypassed, gaining 48.95% of the votes. On February 25, officially joined the position of President of Ukraine, as well as the head of the National Security and Defense Council and the Supreme Commander of Ukraine. Nikolay Azarov was appointed head of the regions.

During the reign, Viktor Yanukovych reduced the office of the presidential administration by 20%, created the Anti-Corruption Committee, disbanded 70% of the ministerial office, conducted a number of reforms, defended the rights to Russian within the European Charter of Regional Languages, simplified documentary support for the road transport and abolished military service.

In the first year of the Board of Yanukovych, the rapid increase in prices and tariffs for goods and services for citizens began, while the number of billionaires has increased. The Prosecutor General's Office aroused the case against the former President of Leonid Kuchma, the leader of the opposition of Yulia Tymoshenko, Minister of Economy of Bogdan Danilishin, and. O. The Minister of Defense Valery Ivashchenko and others.

In foreign policy, the priority for Ukraine, Yanukovych declared the Union with Russia and Belarus, while the strategic goal called the integration into the European Union, but it was categorically refused to cooperate with NATO. He recognized the holoomor of the common tragedy for all the peoples of the former USSR. In 2013, Viktor Fedorovich refused to sign an agreement with the European Union, thereby provoking the political crisis in the country.

Many Political Observers of Ukraine suspected that before the responsible Moment of Yanukovych held a consultation with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. But there is no evidence to this account. In November, the opposition began, the name of Euromaidan, which resulted in a radical anti-government movement.

Coup in Ukraine

On February 21, 2014, bloody clashes began on the Maidan inequality, as a result of which more than a hundred people died. On February 22, the state coup began in Kiev. Yanukovych was forcibly suspended from the duties of the president, the place of the head of state temporarily took Alexander Turchinov. The government has prepared documents for the implementation of the impeachment and restoration of the 2004 Constitution.

On the night of February 23, Viktor Yanukovych, together with close people, fled to Kharkov, and from there in the Crimea, asking Russia to political asylum. Once in Rostov-on-Don, he held a press conference on which he announced that he had dismissed that all the actions of the opposition considers the illegal seizure of power. But in the Verkhovna Rada, it was assumed about the unconstitutional self-establishment of Yanukovych from the post of president. Further, Peter Poroshenko came to power, which was supported by Barack Obama.

Viktor Yanukovych now

According to Ukrainian media, Viktor Fedorovich and his family were defended from the Russian Federation, adopting Russian citizenship. Initially, Yanukovych was in Rostov-on-Don, but now lives in the elite village of Bakovka in the house, which is listed on the balance of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia. This was openly announced now the late singer Joseph Kobzon. He argued that his site is next to the house where Viktor Fedorovich lives. Shared artist and politics only a high fence.

In addition, the media managed to find out that Yanukovych visits Sochi and Crimea. In the first city, the civilian wife Lyubay Pueja took up business, and in the Crimea Yanukovych has real estate. In addition, his first spouse lives there and the son of Victor is buried.

In Ukraine, 10 criminal cases were initiated against the former president. Yanukovych is accused of organizing an intentional mass murder of citizens in Maidan, the illegal assignment of copyrights in the amount of 26 million hryvnia, in state treason, in the translation of land plots of Mezhyhigorea from state ownership of private, in corruption.

Now in relation to Yanukovych, there are sanctions of European countries and North America, all the property of Viktor Fedorovich, which remained in Ukraine, arrested through the court.

In January 2019, Obolonsky Court of Kiev, in absentia by Yanukovich guilty of state treasure and awareness of the war in the Donbas. He was sentenced - 13 years of imprisonment. And in May 2020, the same court adopted a decree on his abuse detention without the right to deposit.

Hiding in Russia, the politician is practically not shown in humans and does not interview. He spent a couple of press conferences and filed several statements in writing through his lawyers. One of them is an appeal to the sentence in state treason. The disappearance of Yanukovych from public space in Ukrainian political circles is associated with poor health and problems in personal life.

The lawyers of the former president of Ukraine over the past six months published Yanukovych's statements. In January, he expressed his readiness to cooperate with the new Ukrainian authority, including Vladimir Zelensky.

The second statement of the AVER LEX lawyer distributed in May. In it, Viktor Fedorovich addressed the updated composition of the State Bureau of Investigations on Maidan. He stated that he was ready to cooperate with the investigators to restore the truth in the events of 2014.

In August 2020, in America, the "peace plan" of the Russian Federation for the Donald Trump team was partially declassified. Allegedly in the report of 2016 on the intervention of Russia in the election of the US President, the details of the plans to Ukraine have emerged. The abstracts of the document were reduced to the fact that the Donbass must be combined, and Ukraine would lead to federalization. Also one of the points was the return to Ukraine Yanukovych.

In the summer, according to reports from a source close to the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, it became known, allegedly Viktor Yanukovych received the position of Vrio Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory. However, rumors were not confirmed. From July 20, 2020, Mikhail Vladimirovich Degtyarev took the post.

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