Sadko (character) - pictures, biography, image of the hero, epics, cartoons


Character History

Modern folklorists counted dozens of references to the tale dedicated to the bold Huslar. The analysis of the preserved texts confirms - the epics about Sadko refers to the oldest epic. The work is classified as a separate legend called "Novgorod epics" and tells about the courage and enterprise city musician.

History of character creation

As in any folk creativity, establish the author of the fairy tale there is no possibility. But the inhabitants of the Olonets province follow the safety of epics. Local Saucer Vasily Schegolen told about the adventures of Sadko Folklorinists of the XIX century (scholar names are unknown).

Another teacher who told about the Huslar train was Andrei Panteleevich Sorokin from the village of NEW. A man since childhood worked on the mill and listened to the ancient legends that the peasants retell each other. The version of the epics of Andrei Panteleevich recorded Alexander Fedorovich Gilafding in 1871.

The third source of the legend, which came to the present day, - Kursh Danilov's Song Collector. The man worked at the Demidov plant and on the task of the employer gathered together historical legends, epics and songs.

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Due to the large number of manuscripts, the epics differ from each other. The epic plot remains unchanged and a detailed description of the life of residents of Novgorod.

There is a chance that the talented Husar existed in fact. The merchant Sodko Saltin, who put his hand to the construction of the Church of Boris and Gleb, is similar to the way from the ancient epics. The man also lived in Novgorod, achieved success in trade and traveled by the sea.

However, it is easy to notice the similarity of Sadko and with the hero of the French legend. The brave name of the sadoch makes a crime and, running away from punishment, is integrated through La Mans. In the middle of the road, the ship falls into the storm, which only the suicide of the hero stops.

The main hero of the epics (and partially the plot) is not unique, as evidenced by interesting facts: the Germans have a similar legend of Siegfried, Finnov - about Vynyamyonenen, from the French, who mentioned earlier Sadok and others.

Sadko biography and image

The character grew up in a poor family near Veliky Novgorod. Nowhere in the epics is not mentioned by the appearance of the Huslar. The description of the hero is reduced to several epithets: "Bukin's head" and "Sugar's mouth". This allows us to conclude that Sadko has at least a pleasant appearance.

The only thing that brings money to the young man is a game of loved guesls. The hero is endowed with musical talent and is often invited by the boyars on the feasts and holidays.

Biography of the poor Huslar is changing suddenly. Left without earnings for three days, the hero goes to Ilmen Lake. Litting on a stone, Sadko performs a couple of favorite melodies. This young man's ritual repeats two times for 9 days.

After the third concert from the water comes out the sea king. The guy's impressed by mastery, the king invites Sadko an enrichment option. The hero will argue that goldfish is found in the lake, and winning the dispute, will be a successful merchant:

As you hit a great mortgage, and squeeze the silk nemid.

And come to catch in Ilmen Lake:

Ladies Three Fishing - Gold Feathers

Then you, sadko, you will be happy!

Everything happened, as well as a quote. In one moment, the poor Husar turned into a secured boyarin. Fold and calm life does not bring the hero happiness. During the next feast, Sadko argues with other boyars, which will light all the goods in Novgorod with ease.

It is easy to trace how the character of the main character changes. Initially, Sadko appears in the image of a simple guy who is peculiar to truly Russian features: courage, generosity and trick. But with the advent of wealth, the new merchant loses relationship with reality. A man throws in richness with a whole city and loses the dispute. Rotating in Gordin, the hero is aware of its own place in the world: "I'm not visible, a merchant is rich in the Novogorodsky - a glorious Novgorod rich me."

As for the illustrations of the early editions of the epics, the most famous works of the Russian artist Ivan Bilibina, who later went on the basis of cartoons.

In 1876, the artist Ilya Repin on request of the Grand Prince Alexander wrote a picture of Sadko. The plot of the work was the scene, where the sea king shows the chief hero of the bride. By style, the picture has become a kind of response to French impressionism. Before starting work, Repin carefully studied the atlases of the sea world, visited the aquarium in Berlin, went to Normandia, where he made sketches of marine flora and fauna. All this allowed him to make a fantastic plot unusually alive and believable.

Shielding and setting

In 1897, epics about Sadko became the basis of the musical work. Opera, whose name is consonant with the name of the main character, wrote and set Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. The story of its creation is long enough. Initially, the product was a symphonic poem in the genre, but later the composer decided to embody the plot in the opera.

At various times, Vladimir Galuzin, Vladimir Altynov, Viktor Lutsyuk, Drago Starch, Georgy Navep and other famous tenors were performed.

In 1952, the first film was taken. The actors who played the main roles are Sergey Stolyarov and Alla Larionov - marked by film critics of the Venetian festival. Kinokarttina "Sadko" was awarded "Silver Lvom" and nominated for "Golden Lion".

In 1975, Soyuzmultfilm became a fairy tale. The main characters remained unchanged, but for entertainment, the details were changed. Sadko appears in the image of a bundle, and Chernoshushka is a simple rustic girl. Otherwise, the script author left the episoda unchanged.

In 2014, the old epics came to life on the scene of the Children's Theater. Andrei Tymoshenko became the director of the performance, and the scenario wrote Anastasia Ekarev. The production of "Sadko and Tsarevna Morskaya" was also on the stage of the Moscow Puppet Theater "Fire-Bird".

In 2017, the production of a new full-length cartoon Maxim Volkov and Vitaly Mukhametzyanov began, the premiere took place in a year. In him, Sadko in search of his beloved descends to the bottom of the sea, where he would fight with local monsters and villains, including a witch Barracuda.

Interesting Facts

  • The name of the hero came to Russia from Persia. The meaning of the name is "royal friend" or "rich guest".
  • In the early legends, the role of the Savior went to the pallet queen. The Orthodox Holy did not appear in the initial versions of the legend.
  • Soviet film "Sadko" became the basis for American film "Magic Adventures of Sinbad". Cinematographers slightly crossed the original version, since the name of the epic hero is unfamiliar to the Americans.
  • The decoration of the Opera Rimsky-Korsakov created a Soviet artist F.F. Fedorovsky, big fan and connoisseur of Russian culture. For great scenery and costumes, he was awarded the Stalinist Prize.


I'm not waited in my heart. Earth me. Forgive me, sinful. What can you do - not the fate of us. Let us want to see, show yourself, to trade with you want. I will not be a will in the blue sea, ordered to play the testicle of the Yarovakov.


  • Sadko - a rich guest (epics)
  • Sadko and the sea king (epics)


  • 1897 - Sadko (Opera)
  • 1952 - Sadko (Fairy Tale)
  • 1975 - "Sadko rich" (puppet cartoon)
  • 2018 - Sadko (cartoon)

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