Tatyana Larina - biography, image and characteristics of the heroine, quotes


Character History

The ardent monologue of Tatiana Larina on the feelings for the young hover is part of the mandatory school program. Using the strings about the first love and gusts of the soul, it is easy to catch courage and openness, which is so uncharacter for a laservation. This is distinguished by Tatiana from most literary images - naturalness and loyalty to ideals.

History of creation

The poetic novel, who Alexander Pushkin considered the feat, first published in 1833. But the readers followed the life and love adventures of the young walk from 1825. Initially, Evgeny Onegin went out in literary almanachas on one chapter - the sort of 19th century series.

Alexander Pushkin

In addition to the main character, Tatyana Larina was attached to himself - a rejected beloved of Onegin. The writer did not hide that the female character of the novel was written with a real woman, but the prototype name is not mentioned anywhere.

Researchers put forward several theories about the alleged Museum of Alexander Sergeevich. First of all mention Anna Petrovna Kern. But the writer experienced a carnal interest to a woman, which will be varied with the attitude of the author to Mile Tatyana Larina. The girl from Roman Pushkin considered the beautiful and gentle creation, but not the subject of passionate desires.

Anna Kern, Elizabeth Vorontsova and Natalia Fonvizina

The heroine of the novel has common features with Elizabeth Vorontsova. Historians believe that the portrait of Onegin is written from the fan of the Graphon of Raevsky. Therefore, the role of literary beloved went to Elizabeth. Another weighty argument is Mother Vorontsova, like Larina's mother, married the unloved and for a long time suffered from such injustice.

Twice the wife of the Decembrist Natalia Fonvizin claimed that she was the prototype of Tatiana. Pushkin was friends with Natalia's husband and often communicated with a woman, but other evidence confirming this theory does not exist. The school comrade of the poet Wilhelm Kühehelbecker believed that the writer invested in Tatiana a particle of his own hidden traits and feelings.

Tatyana Larina - biography, image and characteristics of the heroine, quotes 1722_3

Non-promising reviews and criticism of the novel did not affect the image of the main heroine. On the contrary, most literary critic and researchers celebrate the integrity of the character. Dostoevsky calls Larina "apotheosis of a Russian woman", Belinsky responds about Tatiana, as "ingenious nature, not suspected of his genius."

Of course, the female ideal of Pushkin is shown in Evgenia Onegin. Before us, an image that does not leave indifferent, admires internal beauty and illuminates with light feelings of a young innocent young lady.


Tatyana Dmitrievna was born in the family of military, nobleman, who after the service moved to the countryside. The girl's father died a few years before the events described. Tatiana remained at the care of the mother and the old nanny.

Tatyana Larina

The exact growth and weight of the girl will not be mentioned in the novel, but the author hints that Tatiana did not differ in attractiveness:

"So, she called Tatiana.

Neither the beauty of his sister,

Neither the freshness of her ruddy

She did not attract any eyes. "

Pushkin does not mention the age of the heroine, but, according to the estimates of literary critics, Thane has recently been 17 years old. This confirms the poet's letter to a close friend, in which Alexander Sergeevich shares his thoughts about the spiritual impulse of the girl:

"... if, however, the meaning and not entirely accurate, then the more truth in the letter; A letter of women, besides 17-year-old, and in love! "

Tatyana's free time is spent on conversations with nanny and reading books. Due to age, the girl close to the heart takes everything that the authors of love romance are written about. The heroine is waiting for a clean and strong feeling.

Tatyana Larina with books

Tatiana is far from the girls of the youngest sister, does not like chatter and the noise of frivolous girlfriends. The overall characteristics of the main character - balanced, dreamy, an extraordinary girl. Native and acquaintances have the impression that Tanya is a cold and excessively reasonable young lady:

"She is in the family of his native

He seemed to be a girl alone.

She can't guess

To his father or his mother. "

Everything changes when Eugene Onegin arrives in the next estate. A new resident of the village is not at all similar to the former few familiar Tatiana. The girl loses his head and after the first meeting writes Onegin a letter, where he confesses to the feelings.

But instead of a stormy clarification of the relationship that the beloved novels of the girl are so famous, Larina is listening to the sermon from Onegin. Say, such behavior will lead the young lady in the wrong direction. In addition, Eugene did not create for family life at all. Tatiana is confused and confused.

Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin

The next meeting of the in love with a heroine and selfish rich is happening in winter. Although Tatiana is known that Onegin does not respond to her feelings, the girl cannot cope with excitement from the meeting. Own names for Tanya turn into torture. Evgeny, who has noticed Tatyana's tomorrow, pays for an exceptionally younger Larina.

This behavior has consequences. The bridegroom of the youngest sister is shot on a duel, Olga itself quickly married another, Onegin left the village, and Tatiana again stayed alone with dreams. The mother's mother is concerned about - the daughter is time under the crown, but a cute Tanya refuses to all applicants for hand and heart.

Tatyana Larina writes a letter

Two and a half years have passed from the last meeting of Tatiana and Eugene. Larina's life changed noticeably. The girl is no longer sure if she really loved the young hanging. Perhaps it was an illusion?

At the insistence of Mother Tatiana married General N, left the village where he lived all his life, and settled with his spouse in St. Petersburg. An unplanned date on the ball awakens in the old familiar forgotten feelings.

Tatyana Larina and Evgeny Onegin

And if Onegin is covered by love for an unnecessary girl, then Tatyana remains cold. The charming general does not show the location to Eugene and ignores the attempts of a man to get close to.

Only on a short moment of a heroine that stands on the onslaught of Love Onegin, removes the mask of indifference. Tatiana still loves Eugene, but never betray her husband and will not lean his own honor:

"I love you (what to smear?),

But I'm given to another;

I will be a good eyelid. "


Love drama from the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a popular plot for musical works and decrees. The premiere of the first film with the same name took place on March 1, 1911. Black and white mute kinocartine affects the main points of history. The role of Tatiana performed actress Lyubov Varyagin.

Ariadna Shengeliya in the role of Tatyana Larina

In 1958, the film-opera told the Soviet viewer about the feelings of Onegin and Larina. The image of the girl embodied Ariadne Shengheli, and the Vocal Party for the Frame performed Galina Vishnevskaya.

Liv Tyler in the role of Tatyana Larina

The British-American version of the novel appeared in 1999. The director of the painting was Martha Fayns, Liv Tyler played the main role. The actress was awarded the Golden Oda for the image of Tatiana.

Interesting Facts

  • Pushkin chose a distinctive name for a heroine, which was considered simple and tasteless. In the draft Larina is referred to as Natasha. By the way, the meaning of Tatyana is an organizer, founder.
  • According to scientists, the year of birth of Larina - 1803 by old style.
  • The girl speaks poorly and writes in Russian. Tatiana prefers to express thoughts in French.


And happiness was so possible, so close! ..

But my fate is already solved. I write to you - what is the bigger?

What else can I say? Do not sleep, nanny: so stuffy!

Open the window Yes, Sit to me. It is not here. I do not know ...

Look at the house, on this garden.

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