Stepan Menchikov - biography, personal life, photo, news, wife Angelina Monk, "Instagram", "House-2" 2021



Stepan Menchikov is one of the first participants of the TV project "Dom-2", a well-known showman, TV presenter and performer of popular songs. Known by his rapid behavior. Today, he realizes himself as leading private parties, and the personal life of a former participant of telestroy attracts attention no less than his work.

Childhood and youth

Showman was born on May 15, 1977 in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg). Stepan Menchikov grew and brought up in a modest average family, and among three children he was elder.

The Mother of Artist Nadezhda Pavlovna worked as a builder, and Father Valery Vladimirovich, who graduated from the Kazan Aviation Institute, worked at the M. I. Kalinin M. M. M. Kalinin Machine-Building Plant and was a land-based specialist.

To learn and get an education, the Menchik, the older had to work as a janitor. The family lived is not born, so the future member of "House-2" did not know what luxury is: the artist recalled that, being a 12-13-year-old child, they are with the father of soap the floors in the entrance.

Step from early childhood knew what it was like to make a hard work for bread. Showman admitted that he spent more time with her mother than with dad, because Valery Vladimirovich went to earnings early in the morning, but he returned home in the evening.

Stepan said that his parents were not rigorous people, so real democracy reigned in the house: the boy was not too scolded for the leprosy, but the father sometimes reported him for the unfulfilled mathematics. However, the artist is even grateful to this upbringing.

Also, from childhood Stepana, it is known that he adored her mother's doll (which her husband gave her), loved to break the toys, was fidth and constantly admired his appearance. However, it is worth noting that the Menchikov was a raised child: he helped both mom with dad and neighbors.

The boy began to get involved in creativity in many ways because of the hope of Pavlovna. Mom Stepana dreamed that her son would learn to dance. Therefore, a woman with the help of tricks took the heir to the dance studio: she until the last moment did not speak to his chad, where they were heading.

The steppe did not like the classes, and every visit to the circle, the boy perceived as an unbearable torture, for which he paid in the future: when the Menchikov came to the university, his folk dance at the reception office failed with the crash.

Becoming older, in the school amateurness, the young man did not accept. It is known that while the guy has typical rebellious inclinations at the guy: in the 9th grade, he began to smoke cigarettes (the family of the Menchik - non-smoking), and in the 11th, due to the unrequited love, Stepa tried alcohol.

Having received a maturity certificate in 1994, the Menchikov began a creative biography in the ensemble of the song and dance of the Ural Military District, and later the young man was adopted in the Yekaterinburg university at the Faculty of Actor.

"House 2"

After graduating from the University, Stepan served in the army and went into free swimming. There was a choice between a young man: go to live in London or conquer Moscow. But since the Menshchikov had problems with a visa, the guy had to stay in Russia. It is noteworthy that in the capital, the showman tried himself in various roles: he worked as a stripper, clown and even wither to school.

On May 12, 2004, the Menchikov became one of the first participants in the reality show "Dom-2". On the long-playing telestroy, a talented guy managed to build love and entertain the leading and colleagues in the workshop, for which he loved to the viewers - no wonder some fans compare Stepan with the famous American comedian Jim Kerry.

Thanks to the sense of humor and Harizme, the "older perimeter" managed to conquer not one female heart. The first chief of Stepan became Alena Vodonaeva. Fans "House-2" often discussed this beautiful couple and wondered when there was a wedding. However, the relations of the Menchikov and the Vodonaeva diverged on the seams, because, besides romance, conflicts and stormy quarrels often had conflicts.

After the gap with Alain Stepan began to meet with Victoria Boni. Some fans of real estate believed that young people were not a smooth one to each other: they did not understand why the rich girl and the participant of beauty contests drew attention to the usual guy from Sverdlovsk.

Boni and Menshikov relations held the multimillion army of viewers near TV screens: the whole country watched the life of an extravagant couple, which scandals and fights provided the show unprecedented ratings.

Alexander Kharitonov became the next victim of the chief Donjan of the project. With the seductive Muscovite Stepa met on vacation in Thailand and did not slow down to invite her to reality. After an unsuccessful relationship in the framework of the TV project, the beloved decided to try happiness outside the perimeter, however, this novel was doomed to failure. In 2009, the Menchikov left the telestroy, starting his own way in show business.

In 2013, Stepan returned to the project along with other "old men" Alexander Gobozov, Nikita Kuznetsov and Alexander Zaydonov. Men decided to arrange a real revolution in the "House-2". Despite the big plans, for the second time Stepan lasted on Telestroyka 73 days.

After the project

After leaving "House-2", Stepan continued to fill on the TV screens. For example, in 2008 he visited the role of a hairdresser in the show "Stars change the profession", and from 2011 to the year 2012, the Miners (as a funny rabbit Stepashi), together with the colleague, Rustam Solntsev led the Satirian TV show "Hu from Hu", where famous Politicians and stars: Alexey Mitrofanov, Nazoli, Nikita Dzhigurda, Ekaterina Varnava and others.

Stepan became interested in music. In his repertoire, such songs like "White Lilac" Andrei Kovalev, "You are so beautiful", "ultraviolet", the composition "Fizruk", which he fulfilled with Via-Letta. The cinematic biography of a man was short. The Menchikov appeared in the cast of the series "Criminal Russia" and in the episode of Sitkom "Happy together", after which the stage creativity preferred.

In 2016, the showman was again involved in the scandal, this time connected with his father: Valery Vladimirovich survived the stroke and turned out to be chained to a wheelchair. On the transfer "Direct Ether" with Boris Korchevnikov, the artist admitted that he wants to pass his patient dad into the nursing home.

Such an controversial act, a young man explained with love for his mother, who, causing a disabled husband, earned the neuralgia of the fingers. The intentions of Stepa caused discontent in the studio, but later the artist confessed to one of the interviews:

"I'm not going to do this, I still have a sound reason. No need to believe everything that is told on TV. My task was to attract the attention of the public to the social problem ... I wanted this problem to raise, taking a blow to myself. And now I now have a creature for all, and for my native uncle Judas - I do not take offense at them. "

Stepan Menchikov often experiences the role of the lead and performs on corporate parties, parallel to the agency "We are happy." In February 2020, along with Rustam Solntsev and DJ Alex Good Stepan participated in Karaoke Battle, which took place in the "KKK Art Hall". The stars "House-2" staged a holiday with many jokes, competitions, songs and dances, and the most active viewers were pleased with the tickets in a cinema and a certificate for dinner at the Raspberry restaurant.

Personal life

Stepan Menchikov - a cheerful and artistic person, outdoor for communication: it is divided by the last news in VKontakte and is responsible for comments for subscribers under the photo in "Instagram". Also, the showman loves to cook, fond of sports, and in his spare time teaches English.

In 2011, the seducer "House-2" stopped the search for the bride (the young man even visited the transfer "Let's get married!"), Because I found my lady of the heart Evgenia Shamaev. In 2013, Stepan became the Father: the young couple was born the son of Ivan, and in 2016 the wife gave the beloved daughter to Varbar.

By the way, the proposal of the hands and hearts of Shamaeva Milshchikov did on the air of the Talk show Andrei Malakhov "Let them say". Later, the beloved without unnecessary views of the paparazzi signed in the Tver Regulation of Moscow, and in the winter of 2014 they staged a magnificent celebration on Goa Island.

But it is impossible to say that the relationship of the newlyweds were ideal: in 2015, Zhenya wanted to give a divorce, as told on the program "Direct Ether": the girl did not like that the Menchikov often flirted with other young lady.

However, the ex-participant "House-2" managed to make a spouse: he appeared in the studio of a talk show with a large basket of flowers and asked for forgiveness. After a time, Stepan Liversikov acquired an apartment in Moscow Region Ivanteevka. The purchase cost a showman 2.7 million rubles, and the repair artist spent more than 1 million rubles.

In 2017, in the relationship of the couple again there was a crack, and soon on the ether of the program "in fact" the showman agreed to pass the test for paternity towards the eldest Son Ivan. Testing has shown that the boy is born from another man.

The shocked Stepan has achieved the truth from the spouse: she said that she gave birth to a child from a random connection with the Turk. In 2018, the showman divorced his wife. In search of a new happiness, Stepan even planned to get to the project Olga Buzova "Marry Buzov".

Evgenia in retaliation for an ex-husband began to meet with his best friend Mikhail Pohenko. It turned out that the novel between them lasted not the first year. The woman declared his deception - she began to call Mikhail's father of his son. Double betrayal attacked the Menchikov in shock. In secret from the pair, he tested a friend to paternity. The negative result was again announced in the talk show "in fact."

Despite the fact that Stepan and Eugene were not going to renew the relationship, they continued to live on one living space. At the end of 2019, the presenter went on vacation in Thailand, where he met a girl named Angelina Monk. Speed ​​novel led to a serious relationship.

The chief of the Menshikov became pregnant in the first month of their acquaintance, and already in March, the showman was pleased with the subscribers "Instagram" by the news: he again is going to marry. The wedding with Angelina took place in the estate of Alexandrovo on July 7, 2020. In the same year, Stepan returned to the Dom-2 project along with his pregnant wife. They rumored, the showman received a tempting offer from the projectors of the project, from which he could not refuse.

At the end of August, the couple became parents - Angelina gave birth to a daughter. True, all the next few months showman tormented doubts, whether the girl him native blood is. Suspicions were also explained by the external dissimilarity of steps, and the fact that the childbirth occurred earlier than the deadline for a month.

In the biography of the Menshchikov there was already a situation when he raised not his child than a certain degree of distrust for the spouse justified. But Angelina itself refused to hold the DNA procedure and prove her loyalty to her husband.

Stepan did not have anything, how to turn to the transfer "in fact." Moreover, the showman himself took the test of his daughter so that it was possible to establish or refute the paternity. On July 7, 2021, a former lover of a monk appeared on July 7, 2021, and a context of the godfather of this child. He also claimed the title of Biological Father of Stepania. However, the last minutes of Ether became a reason for the ex-participant "House-2" to push forgiveness from his beloved: the test showed that the woman did not deceive the spouse.

Stepan does not lose attractiveness with age - follows the figure, engaged in sports and looks no worse than in the youth. When height 178 cm its weight is 79 kg.

However, over the years, the miners encountered a problem common in men: it turned out that the showman rapidly bald. On the advice of his friend Rustam Solntyv in 2018, the presenter visited Istanbul, where the clinic passed a hair transplant procedure. The result made an impression on the artist.

Stepan Menchikov Now

Family conflicts did not interfere with the miner to engage in a quarry. Now he also organizes holidays, cooperating with other artists. Together with the Solntsev in 2021, he held another beauty contest in Yalta.


  • 2004-2009 - "Dom-2"
  • 2005 - "Comedy Club"
  • 2008 - "big difference"
  • 2009 - "Ural Pelmeni"
  • 2014 - "Incredible Indian Adventures Stepan Menshchikov"

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