Paulo Coelho - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Paulo Coelho is a talented author, which, perhaps, does not need him to imagine. Writer from Brazil, laureate of international awards in the field of literary creativity. A unique person whose name is noted in the Guinness Book of Records and in the list of Cavaliers of the French Order of the Honorary Legion - here's just an incomplete list of facts surrounding the identity of this talent.

Childhood and youth

A future writer was born in Rio de Janeiro on August 24, 1947. Coelho's family was quite secured. The Catholic School, which the boy visited, considered the main task to raise the spirit of rivalry and thirst for superiority over the rest. At the same time, much attention was paid to the development of individual talents and characteristics of students.

Writer Paulo Coelho.

As a result, such a specific learning in the soul of a teenager was forever rooted the categorical rejection of the traditional path in life. Paulo wanted to write books, develop literary talent and explore the world. Parents, considering such thoughts a sign of insanity, placed coelo in a psychiatric hospital. Within three painful years, the future writer was locked in the hospital. Three times Paulo ran out from under the supervision of doctors, and three times the teenager was returned back. The official diagnosis set by Celho was schizophrenia.

Paulo Coelho in childhood

Powlo's parents achieved what they wanted: the Son left the intention to write books and entered a law school. But the Bunctric Spirit and intolerance to the imposed outside took their own. A year later, in the early 1960s, Coelho decides to build their own life itself. Throwing his studies, the young man joins the rows of Hippie's movements at that time and go to Western. At that time, the future writer traveled all the countries of South America, and also visited Europe and North America. It was a period of complete freedom, vagrancy and even drugs.

Paulo Coelo with family

After several years, Paulo Coelo returned to his homeland, but did not continue their studies. Coelho earned writing songs for popular performers of that time. These were mainly rock stars who performed witness. In total, more than a hundred songs were born from under Pen Coelho. At the same time, Coelho finds for itself a new interest. A young man is vividly interested in mysticism and occultism, which are impregnated by the ideas of Alistair Crowley, a man who considered himself a black magician.

Paulo Coelho - Hippie

Among other things, Coelho worked as a journalist, theatrical director and even played a pair of roles in the theater. Paulo's free time devoted to communicating with anarchist friends who founded the anti-government cell. Military authorities who managed the country at that time paid attention to such a kind of person. In 1974, Coelho filed a terrible accusation of anti-government actions. So the writer is in prison. There is information that in the chamber Paulo was subjected to torture.

Paulo Coelho in youth

Savior Coelho, oddly enough, the fact that in adolescence he was treated from schizophrenia. Old medical certificates allowed to recognize coelo inequity. The writer again comes to freedom.

Documents Paulo Coelho from a psychiatric clinic

Biography Paulo Coelho changed to one moment: the writer met a man who consisted in the Catholic Order of the Monks and explored the sacraments of the Gospel. This man has become a spiritual mentor for Coelo. Under the influence of a new acquaintance, Coelho makes pilgrimage to the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela, where the tomb of the Catholic St. James is located. According to the writer, there came to him. Paulo realized that his destination was not at all writing songs. He must become a writer.


It is difficult to say than was caused by such a decision: whether the highest strength intervened, or Coelho simply tired of embracing talent on insignificant things. However, the fact remains: Coelho began writing books, fulfilling a long-standing childhood. The first work was based on a writer's own pilgrimage, the impressions of which were still fresh. The book was called "Maga Diary", also published as "pilgrimage". For the first time, "Diary Maga" was published in 1987. The book did not bring the writer such a fame as "Alchemik", but raised the interest of pilgrims and tourists to those places that are described in the work.

Writer Paulo Coelho.

A year later, in 1988, the first edition of "Alchemist" is published - the book, which later became the cult and still discussed by lovers of world literature. However, initially the story did not cause the slightest interest among the public. Only a few hundred copies of the publication were bought. And only the re-publication of the novel, which took place in 1994 in the United States, brought the work and, of course, coelo world glory. "Alchemist" became a bestseller in a matter of days, and the author finally got what he sought from the very childhood - he became a real writer.

The next book was Brida. Next, Paulo Coelho books were published once every two years. Many of them have won the love of the author's fans and just people who do not think of life without a book. However, the success of "Alchemist" could not be repeated. Among the most famous and popular works of the writer, we note "Veronica decides to die", "eleven minutes", "Fifth Mountain", "the winner is one", "Zaire", "Maktub". Three books Coelho Autobiographies: "Valkyrie", "Pilgrimage" and "Aleph".

Paulo Coelo distributes autographs

The novels were sold in more than 170 countries, the quotes Paulo Coelo were transmitted from the mouth to the mouth and became no less loved than the works themselves. The book "Warrior Light" became a desktop for those who got on the path of self-improvement. The films on the books Paulo Coelo begin to appear. Each new product of the author causes a storm of delight from fans, but critics to Paulo books are not so positive. Some of them even write crushing articles, derogatory and style, and the content of works. However, the opinion of critics is unlikely to reduce the sincere love of fans.

Personal life

Powlo's personal life has always been saturated. Already in adolescence, Paulo addressed the attention of girls. The first wife, Vera Richron, was born in Yugoslav Belgrade. Woman was older Paulo for 11 years. Perhaps specifically, this fact became decisive: the relationship lasted for a long time.

Paulo Coelho with the first wife faith

When Coelho was 25, he met Adalzhise Eliaun Rios de Magalhaes. The brightness and beauty of the girl could compete except with her name, and the future writer did not resist the attractiveness of life. This marriage came at the time when Paulo wandered over the world with hippies, used light drugs and believed that life would always be so cloudless. However, such relationships soon exhausted themselves.

Paulo Coelho and the second wife of Adalzhiz

The next wife of the Great Writer became Cecil Mak Dowell. At the time of marriage with coelo girl was 19 years old. Family life Paulo and Cecil lasted three years.

Paulo Coelho and the third wife Cecil

Now Paulo Coelho is happy in fourth marriage. The Writer's wife became Christina Even, with which the writer met in the early 1980s. Perhaps the secret of such a strong relationship is that Christina forced Celo to believe in itself.

Paulo Coelho and his wife Kristina

The woman supported the beloved in all endeavors and even helped to arrange the journey, during which the writer met the spiritual mentor.

Paulo Coelho now

The writer continues to write novels and parables. The latest released books were "ADULTER", "Love. Selected statements "and" Mata Hari. Spy. Coelho's name can be found even on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records, where he was noted as the author of the world's most translated in the world (it comes, of course, about "Alchemist").

Roman Paulo Coelho.

There are interests and in addition to the writing: in the Native Brazil, the author created an organization that helps people protect their own rights and interests. Protect rights, the writer is convinced, is the basis of a happy life and fruitful creative expression. Also, the author participates in the preparation for the filming of the film by the book "Alchemik". The role of Santiago, the main character of the work, according to rumors, was given to Idris Elbe. Directed by Lawrence Fishborn.

Paulo Coelho in 2017

Journalists are often called the writer "Man of the New Epoch" for intelligence and at the same time internal relationship. Perhaps you need to pay tribute to Paulo's character: passing through a mental hospital and prison, Coelho did not leave a childhood dream. And this dream gave the talent admissors of the talent of the clock, spent behind the books of the beloved writer.


  • "Pilgrimage" or "Maga Diary", 1987
  • "Alchemik", 1988
  • Brida, 1990
  • "Valkyrie", 1992
  • "Maktub", 1994
  • "The Rio-Piedra River Sella and I cried ...", 1994
  • "Fifth Mountain", 1996
  • "The Book of Warrior Light", 1997
  • "Love letters of the Prophet", 1997
  • "Veronica decides to die", 1998
  • "Devil and Senorita approx", 2000
  • "Fathers, sons and grandfathers", 2001
  • "Eleven minutes", 2003
  • Zaire, 2005
  • "Witch from Portobello", 2007
  • "The winner remains one", 2008
  • "Alef", 2011
  • "Manuscript found in AKKO", 2012
  • "Like the river", 2006
  • "ADULTER", 2014


  • If you were discharged from a crazy house, it does not mean that you were cured. Just you became like everyone else ("Veronica decides to die")
  • When something strongly wants, the whole universe will help your desire to come true ("Alchemist")
  • When one day looks like another, people cease to notice that good what happens to them every day after sunrise ("Alchemist")
  • All women are confident that the man does not need anything, except for these eleven minutes of pure sex, and for them he lays out huge money. But this is not the case: a man, in essence, is no different from a woman: he also needs to meet someone and find the meaning of life ("eleven minutes")
  • Sometimes you need to die to start living ("Veronica decides to die")

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