Yakov Kedmi - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



On the screens of Russian television, you can see the speeches of an impressive erudite man Yakov Kedmi, who disubstates with opponents on the topics of world politics and problems of Russia. Many do not even suspect that this man in the 90s was responsible for the massacre of the Jews from the former Soviet Union to Israel. In many ways, thanks to Yakov Kedmi, Russia and the post-Soviet space were not subject to a million young, healthy, intelligent citizens.

Childhood and youth

Yakov Iosifovich Kazakov was born on March 5, 1947 in Moscow in the family of engineers. Yakov is a senior of three children. After graduation, I went to work at the factors-reinforcement plant. At the same time he studied in the Moscow State University of Communications.

State Worker of Yakov Kedmi

Kedmi's biography is saturated with bright events. On February 19, 1967, Yakov broke through Cordon Militia to the Israeli Embassy in Moscow. The young man submitted to immigration to Israel. The diplomat Herzl Amikov, who met Yakov, refused to be a young man, adopting a KGB agent. During the second visit to the Israeli Embassy, ​​the guy issued forms for departure to Israel.

Yakov Kedmi in youth

On June 5, 1967, a six-day war broke out in the Middle East between Israel and Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Algeria. The Soviet Union on June 11, 1967 ripped diplomatic relations with Israel. On that day, Jacob Cossacks publicly refused to Soviet citizenship.

On May 20, 1968, Yakov Kazakov sent a letter to the Supreme Council of the USSR with a statement about the refusal of Soviet citizenship, condemning the policies of anti-Semitism in the country. A bold public step was the first of this kind in the USSR. The young man refused the service in the ranks of the Soviet Army, stating that he was ready to serve only in the army of Israel's defense.

Yakov Kedmi in the Israeli Embassy

In February 1969, Jacob Kazakov received permission to emigration. The young man was prescribed for 2 weeks to leave the limits of the USSR. On the train Yakov got to Vienna, and from there flew by plane to Israel. Arriving to Israel, Yakov felt in motion supporting the repatriation of Soviet Jews. In 1970, he spoke before the UN building in New York demanding to release his relatives from the USSR.

The family reunited on March 4, 1970. Upon arrival, the family in Israel Jacob, as promised, was recorded in the ranks of the Israel Defense Army. Served in tank troops. He graduated from the military school and school of intelligence.

Yakov Kedmi in youth

Demobilizing from the army in 1973, Yakov Kazakov got a job in the security service of Arkia Airport. Entered the Israeli Institute of Technology. He graduated from the University of Tel Aviv and National Security College.

In 1977, Jacob Kazakov was invited to work at NAV. Bureau "NATIV" is a state institution of Israel under the office of the Prime Minister, engaged in ties with Jews abroad, help in emigration to Israel. At the dawn of creation, the NAV organization was engaged in the rights to repatriate Jews from the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe, illegal emigration.

In May 1978, Yakov changed the surname of the Cossacks on Kedmi. He worked in the transit center for emigrants in Vienna.

Special services

In 1990, Yakova Kedmi was appointed deputy director of "NATIV". From 1992 to 1998, the intelligence officer was the head of the "Nat". At the time of operation, Kedmi in the "native" came the peak of emigration of Jews from the post-Soviet space - a million new citizens arrived in Israel. Such a tide of the intellectual mass played an invaluable role in the rise of the economy of Israel. The big merit in the resettlement of citizens to the historical homeland belongs to Yakov Iosifovich personally.

Scout Yakov Kedmi

In the fall of 1997, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invited Jacob Kedmi to the Committee, which was engaged in the problems of the increasing military aggression of Iran and the relations of Tehran and Moscow. In the course of work in the Jacob Committee proposed the Prime Minister to connect influential Jews in Russia to counter Moscow's friendship with Iran. The proposal was rejected and served as the cooling of the relationship between Kedmi and Netanyahu.

In 1999, Yakov Kedmi resigned. She was preceded by a number of scandals associated with the "native". Against the work of the "NATIV" and the Kedmi itself, the Israeli Foreign Ministry, intelligence "Mossad" and "Shabak" spoke.

Personal life

Still serving in the army, Yakov Kedmi married. Edith's wife emigrated from the USSR in 1969. Chemist in a specialty, she worked in the Ministry of Defense. The pair of three children: two sons and the daughter of Revital. Yakov and Edith children received a higher education in Israel.

Jacob Kedmi now

Having retired, which, according to Kedmi, is equated by the General, the Kedmi actively engaged in politics. He spoke with a sharp criticism of Netanyahu, accusing in the destruction of relations with Russia. Using the authority among Russian-speaking Israel, agitated to vote for the candidate Ehuda Barak to the post of Prime Minister.

Jacob Kedmi in 2017

According to Yakov Kedmi, the entrance to the Russian Federation was prohibited by former intelligence officer until 2015. Now he is a frequent guest in Russia. Speakers on television in political shows. Viewers are watching bright and concise performances of the Public Worker of Israel on the programs of Vladimir Solovyov. The topics affected by the ex-reconnaissance ("Putin finally woke up", "about Stalin" and others), worry the audience. Video from speeches collect millions of views to YouTube. The public bribes the opportunity to hear an independent point of view of the expert of world politics.

Yakov Kedmi - a constant guest of the "special folder" program of an independent Russian-speaking Internet channel of Israel "ITON TV". Within the framework of programs, the public figure answers the questions of the viewers. Themes are concerned not only by the urgent problems of Israel. Kedmi speaks of Ukraine, Russia, Donbas and Crimea. Often viewers are interested in the foreign policy of America and Donald Trump. Articles Kedmi are of interest among the thinking policies of the public.

Yakov Kedmi

Jacob Kedmi can hear on the air of Russian radio. Interesting speeches of 2017 on the transfer of Yevgeny Satanovsky. The guest of Ether raises issues of international politics, the global economy, tells about everything interesting, currently occurring in the world. The last interview concerned the Middle East.


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