Queen Victoria - Biography, Photo, Personal Life



Queen Victoria is the last representative of the Hannover dynasty, the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, the Empress of India, which has ruled by the state 63. On the eve of the birth of Victoria, the Hannover Dynasty needed heir. Both legitimate children of King Wilhelm IV died in infancy. Four-elderly Vilhelm brothers and the only legitimate granddaughter of George III Charlotte Wellotte claimed the throne. But in 1817, the 21-year-old Princess died at childbirth, therefore the unmarried sons of George III, including the father of Victoria Eduard, the Duke of Kent, urgently created families to extend the genus.

Portrait of Queen Victoria

The Fifty-year-old Eduard wife became the German princess Victoria Saxen-Coburg-Zaalfeldskaya, belonging to the ancient family of the Vetops, which from the XI century ruled on the borders of Macein on the Elbe. By the time of the wedding, Princess Victoria was already a widow, raising two children, Charles and Feodoro, from the first marriage with Prince Leningen. Some time after the wedding, the Duke and Duchess were held in Germany, and when Victoria became pregnant, Eduard took the spouse and her children to England. Princess Victoria Kent was born on May 24, 1819 in the Kensington Palace of the UK capital.

Queen Victoria as a child

After 8 months, the girl's father died from pneumonia. Prince Regent was appointed childless Wilhelm IV by this time. The princess was brought up in the Kensington Palace on the strict system developed by the Duchess of Kent. Victoria never stayed alone, divided the bedroom with his mother and studied daily under the leadership of the governess - Baroness Plant - German, English, French, Latin, Arithmetic, Music and Painting. At the request of the mother, the girl was forbidden to talk with strangers and cry in humans.

Queen Victoria in his youth

The widow family fully depended on the former servant of the Duke of Kent John Konroi, who ruled the financial affairs of the Duchess. In 1832, Yuna Victoria, together with his mother and a hearthrokrik, began to travel daily on rides in the country with the goal of acquaintance with future subjects.

Beginning of the Board

By the time of the death of Wilhelm IV on June 20, 1837, Victoria remained the only heirement, which, after the tragic event, the Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Koningham was first sworn. The first order of the young queen was pleased to leave it for an hour alone. After the coronation, which was held in Westminster Abbey in the presence of 400 thousand subjects, and moving to the Buckingham Palace Victoria removed the mother and John Konroi from affairs and settled them in the long part of the palace.

Coronation of Queen Victoria

In the same year, the Treasury launched the release of coins with the image of a new government. The Prime Minister Lord Melbourne became approximate Queen. In the first years of Victoria's reign, an annual rent was appointed, which was 385 thousand pounds sterling.

Queen Victoria on coins

By the time Victoria joining the TRON, the United Kingdom was a constitutional monarchy with the developed legislative power in the form of parliament and the Cabinet of Ministers. But the Queen eventually began to contribute to the State Department, appointing ministers and influence the activities of political parties. In 1842, during his hunger in Ireland, Victoria donated personal funds to support fasting, in 1846 duties on imported bread were canceled, after which foods from flour began to cost cheaper.

Internal and foreign policy

The era of the rule of Queen Victoria was marked by the bloom in the UK industry, army, scientific and cultural activities. Gradually reducing the influence of the monarchy, the queen has raised its status among the population. Becoming a symbol of power, Victoria received power over the minds of the subjects. The government influenced the formation of a puritan education system in the society of the Puritan system of education, respectful to the family, which radically distinguished Victoria from the previous kings, famous for immoral exploits and subjected to the monarchy to ridicule.

Queen Victoria

In the age of Queen Victoria, there was a strict regulation of the behavior of citizens in society and restrictions for marriage, which further led to an increase in the number of ladies that do not have a husband and children. The rules of decency forbade people of different sexes to stay alone in the same room, to live in the same house a father with an adult daughter in the absence of a mother. Young girls were not allowed to talk to strangers. Women suffered and often died due to the impossibility of treating medical men. Doctors could not really inspect the patient, as well as ask her awkward issues relating to her health.

Women of the Victorian era

Nevertheless, architecture, fashion, literature, painting and music were blooming in the Victorian Epoch. In 1851, the first international industrial exhibition was held in London, and later Engineering Museum and the Museum of Science were created. When Victoria, the length of the railway tracks increased to 14.5 miles. The number of citizens exceeded the number of rural residents twice. Urban infrastructure has received development: street lighting, sewage, water supply, sidewalks, bridge and first metro have appeared in megalopolis. In England, the books "Capital" of Karl Marx and the "Origin of species" Charles Darwin came out.

Queen Victoria and John Brown

Since the 50s of the Foreign Policy, the Viscount Palmerston, who provided Britain the status of the world arbitrator in solving controversial issues. The victories of the Prime Minister of England include ensuring the independence of Belgium from Holland, the restriction of Russian influence in the Black and Mediterranean waters, thanks to which the United Kingdom opened a shorter way to India. After the victory over China in the opium conflict, the United Kingdom has obtained an opportunity for unlimited trading opium in the five largest ports of Middle Kingdom. In the mid-50s, England also participated in the Crimean War against Russia.

Queen Victoria in old age

The nearest occupied country - Ireland has repeatedly tried to separate from England by rebel activities, which led to the placement of a large number of English troops on its territory. In 1856, British troops suppressed an uprising in the Indian colony, enhancing the ruling regime on the peninsula. In 1876, at the suggestion of the Prime Minister of Benjamin, Dizraeli Queen Victoria received the status of the Empress of India. The British Empire continued to conduct aggressive expansion towards Africa and Asia countries. In the early 80s, Egyptian seizure took place, and then Sudan.

Personal life

With the future husband of Albert, who had to Girl in Cousse, Victoria met in 1836. The second meeting occurred in 1839, after Victoria entered the throne. The heart of a young queen fluttered, the girl really fell in love. Not left indifferent and Albert Saxen-Koburg-Gothic. The wedding took place on February 10, 1840 in the Chapel of St. James Palace in London. Appearing at the celebration in a white dress and white fate, Victoria became the legislator of the wedding fashion. Before that, the bride was chosen outfits of red or black colors.

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

A warm relationship was established between the spouses, which Victoria repeatedly mentioned in letters. The queen called himself the happiest of women. Prince Albert was also pleased with his position. In the first years of the reign, the prince-consort remained aside from affairs, fulfilling the function of the secretary of the Spouse. But over time, many duties, including international correspondence, Albert has taken over.

Wedding Queen Victoria and Prince Alberta

The popularity of the royal couple in the state influenced the release of a gift set containing 14 photos with the image of Victoria and Alberta. A total of 60 thousand sets of recruitment were sold, which was the origin of the tradition of married photography. The favorite dish of Queen Victoria was a vanilla biscuit with lemon zest and strawberries, which was later named after her honor.

At the end of 1840, the first daughter was born in the royal family, according to the custom of Victoria. The queen with squeamishness belonged to the newborn, did not like the state of pregnancy and breastfeeding, but this did not prevent her mother of four more sons - Eduard (1841), Alfred (1844), Arthur (1850), Leopold (1853) - and four daughters - Alice (1843), Elena (1846), Louise (1848), Beatrice (1857). Over time, the Queen of England managed to competently arrange the marriages of children, thereby strengthening the link between the ruling dynasties of Europe, because of which it began to be called "grandmother of Europe".

Queen Victoria with children and husband

In 1861, Albert died of abdominal typhus, and Victoria was plunged into mourning for several years. After recovering the loss, Queen Victoria took up government affairs of Great Britain. In the mid-1960s, Mr. John Brown became an attorney's person, who was attributed to a close connection with Victoria. After 1876, in honor of the 50-year-old anniversary of the Board, Victoria wrote several servants from India. Exotic Plenila Queen, and Hindu Abdul Karim became the favorite of the government and a personal teacher, an expert on Vedic culture.

Queen's children lived to adult and presented Victoria 42 grandson and 85 grains. Among the famous descendants of Queen Victoria are the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II, King of Norway Harald V, King of Sweden Karl XVI Gustav, Queen of Denmark Margrete II, King of Spain Juan Carlos I and Queen of Spain Sofia. Queen Victoria became the first carrier in his genus the hemophilia gene, which was transferred to the daughters of Alice and Beatrice. From the royal sons hemophilic became Prince Leopold. The disease manifested itself at the great-grandfather of Victoria - Tsarevich Alexey, the long-awaited son of the Russian emperor Nicholas II and spouses Alexandra Fedorovna, the daughter of Princess Alice.


In the mid-1990s, the health of the queen began to fade. Victoria suffered with rheumatism, which chained it to the catal. The government began to progress cataract and aphasia. In mid-January 1901, Victoria felt weakness and slightly.

Queen Victoria Tomb

The Empress died on January 22, 1901 in her arms of Edward VII and grandson, Emperor, Germany Wilhelma II. The subjects seriously took the death of the queen. Her departure personified the end of the epoch, which was in the history of the state called the "Golden Age".


Queen Victoria is devoted to many cultural monuments. Based on the biography of the government, films are regularly created (Mrs. Brown, "Young Victoria", "Young People") and series ("Victoria and Albert", "Sherlock Holmes"). Christopher Hibbert, Evelin Anthony, Litton Strai, artistic paintings and musical works are devoted to the Victorian Epoch.

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Victoria's name is present in the names of geographic objects, cities, state states. The birthday of the Empress is still a national Canadian holiday. Queen Victoria's name was used in Botanic, astronomy, architecture.

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