JJ Abrams - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Film, Series, Director, Filmography, Book 2021



Jay Jay Abrams - American actor, director, producer and composer. From 8 years ago, visiting the Universal Studio on the excursion, Jeffrey decided with his calling and over time became the famous representative of the film industry.

Childhood and youth

On June 27, 1966, Gerald and his wife, Carol, a son was born, who was named Jeffrey (real name of the scenario). The family lived in the largest city of USA - New York. The atmosphere of all-consuming "creative anarchy" reigned in the Abrams family. Parents provided the right choice to choose the right of choice without imposing their opinion. Drawing, music, the development of acting skills - where Jay, mother and father would take the choice of a son. Despite similar permissiveness, it is difficult to imagine that such creatively gifted parents have a child to mathematical sciences.

It is worth noting that grandparents also supported Jeffrey in any of his endeavors. The director has repeatedly told media representatives that at 10 years he had already filmed amateur videos on a professional chamber. This chamber Jay presented his grandfather. The man did not immediately hand over the young kinoman expensive equipment. During a couple of months, the boy assured a relative is that this purchase will be an excellent investment in the future of the grandson, to whom he wishes only the best. Despite the fact that Abrams was engaged in the processing of filmed materials, he did not forget about studying.

From the biography of the film industry Guru, it is known that Jay graduated from one of the most expensive colleges of New York. The Educational Institution of Sarah Lawrence is known for high academic standards and the fact that one teacher accounts for less than 5 students. Few people know, but the first experience in the movie for Abrams has been writing music for Horror Don Dohr "Night Beast". At the time of the release of the film Jeffrey was only 16 years old.

As a student of a senior course, Abrams united with Jil Mazurski to create a scenario, which subsequently acquired the cinematic division of Walt Disney Touchstone Pictures, with a comedy "beautiful life" based on it. After that, there were pictures of "As for Harry" and "forever young" with chalk gibson in the lead role.


In 1998, the scenario of Jeffrey was maintained the plot of the series of popular drama "Happiness". Then Abrams took part (as well as director and screenwriter) in the work on another no less popular TV series "Spy." The picture was awarded the Golden Globe in the nomination "Best Drama TV series."

After the "spy", the director acted as one of the creators of the fantastic television series to "stay alive", who had an incredible success in both America and abroad. This tape brought him in 2005 the AMMI award. For the director and scenario, the Abrams pilot series received awards of the Writers and Guild of the filmmakers.

The first full-length work of the director became the film "Mission Impossible 3" with an inimitable Tom Cruise in the lead role. In 2008, Jeffrey burned the fantastic series "The Edge", which later stretched out for 5 seasons. In 2009, collecting a team consisting of little-known actors in the framework of the project, Java, the World Way Fighter, which gathered $ 400 million in world ride.

In January 2012, the 1st episode of the Alcatrass series was released. Film, telling about the return of the once missing guards and prisoners, attracted 10 million spectators to the screens. True, by the end of the season, the audience was halved, and the project was closed.

In the same year, cinematographer received an offer to become the director of the film "Star Wars: Awakening of Power" (7th episode). Initially, Jeffrey refused to cooperate, but in January 2013 changed his decision. The candidacy of Abrams received approval from the Creator of the George Lucas franchise.

The tape went on large screens in 2015 and had a deafening success in global box office. Abrams became the second after James Cameron director in the history of cinema, whose film earned more than $ 2 billion in cinemas.

In December 2017, 2 years after the premiere of the "Awakening of Power" and a year after Spin-off, "Zonga-One: Star Wars. Stories, "the 8th part of the Saga" Star Wars: Last Jedies "came out. In the picture, Jay once again assumed the duties of the executive producer.

In early 2018, Kinoman was able to see the fantastic horror film by the director Julius, she "part of God", in the work on which Jay took part. The cinema is a picture of the "Monsters" painting and the continuation of the tape "Kloverefield, 10".

In the same year, the filmmography of the producer replenished the 6th part of the film "Mission Impossible" under the name "Consequences". The main role in the picture once again went to that circle. Almost all the tricks in the Cruz project performed independently, for this he trained a whole year, but still broke on the set an ankle.

In 2019, the film was released "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise, "in which Abrams was both a screenwriter and director.

The key hero of the 9th episode of the "Star Wars" should be the led organ. But the actress Carrie Fisher, who embodied leu, died in 2016. As Abrams said in an interview, he could not imagine Saga about Skywokes without Carrie. Therefore, to look for a new actress or apply computer technology did not even plan. The plot line organs did not remove, but used the scenes with the participation of Fisher, shot while working on the "awakening of force" and the "last Jedi".

Another producer project Jay was the 10-serial mystical drama "Country of Lovekraft". The tape was removed according to the novel of Matt Rafa, which received 4 nominations and 3 literary awards, including Endeavour Award 2017 as the best book in fiction and fantasy genres.

Books and comics

Roman S Dorsta's arc is the result of the Writer and Abrams cooperation, which invented the original concept of the book. It is a novel "Ship Tereus" in a story with an addition in the form of students' notes who want to reveal the mysterious personality of the author.

Jay is the author of the comic book "Star Trek: Nero" and "Star Trek: Countdown" is spin-off and prequel to blockbuster "Star Path". Together with Abrams over comics, Tim Jones, Mike Johnson, Roberto Orsi, Alex Kurtzman.

Personal life

It is reliably known that Jeffrey is a legitimate marriage for many years. Katie Makgrat (Producer's wife) has nothing to do with the film industry and is an innocent personality. The wife of the Wizard Visual Effects is the head of public relations company. She always treated with the fact that the husband did not appear at home by day, with his head plunging into work on the set.

Katie trusts his spouse, and therefore, periodically published in the yellow press materials about Abrams novels with this or that actress does not affect the personal life of the producer. The wife of cinematographer gave him two sons - a fear and Henry, as well as the daughter of Graci. The presence of three children in no way affects the social activity of spouses. Katie and Jeffrey go to the presentation, attend film images and, of course, participate in charitable events.

The producer has a verified account in "Instagram", where he lays out photos and information about new films and projects.

JJ Abrams now

In 2021, the audience saw the "Lisi history" on the novel of Stephen King's named. Cast starred Julianna Moore, Joan Allen, Clive Owen. For the adaptation of the book and its transformation into the script answered the writer himself, and the produce functions assumed Abrams.

In April in the newspaper Le Monde, an appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin was published with a request to provide oppositionitle Alexei Navalne, who declared a hunger strike, medical care. An open letter has signed more than 70 world celebrities, including Abrams.

Now, by numerous media reports, the producer is working on a new film about Superman.


  • 1991 - "As for Henry"
  • 1998 - "Armageddon"
  • 2001-2006 - "Spy"
  • 2004-2010 - "stay alive"
  • 2006 - "Mission Impossible 3"
  • 2008 - "Monsters"
  • 2009 - "Star Way"
  • 2011 - "Mission Impossible: Phantom Protocol"
  • 2013 - "Starterk: Retribution"
  • 2015 - "Mission Impossible: Rogue Tribe"
  • 2015 - "Star Wars: Awakening of Power"
  • 2016 - "Kloverefield, 10"
  • 2017 - "Star Wars: Last Jedies"
  • 2018 - Klovertfield Paradox
  • 2018 - Overlord
  • 2018 - "Mission impossible: consequences"
  • 2018-2019 - Castle Rock
  • 2020 - "Country of Lovekraft"
  • 2021 - "Lizi History"

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