Yuri Bulls - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Yuri Anatolyevich Bykov - Russian actor and film director, producer, screenwriter, winner of the Kinotavr Film Festival Awards, Festival in Locarno, two statuettes "Nika". Yuri was born on August 15, 1981 in the city of Novomichurinsk Ryazan region. Since childhood, he was fond of literature, began to write prose.

Yuri Bulls in youth

He took part in the work of youth musical groups of the native city, for which he created music. In his youth managed to master the profession of the arranger. In 2000 he entered the acting faculty of Vgik to the course of V. grammatkova. In the last courses, Yuri first tried himself as director of commercials. After graduating from the university in 2005, he worked in theatrical teams of Mkhat, Et Cetera, the Theater of the Moon, the Theater of the Russian army.


The creative biography in cinema Yury Bulls began as an actor, debuting on the screen in 2006 in the comedy TV series "Everything was mixed in the house ..." In the role of Gennady Petrovich Demidov. A year later, Yuri lit up in the episodes of the series "Love as love", "Sea Soul", "The right to happiness", "Soldati-13". In 2008, the actor took part in the filming of the popular Sitkom "My beautiful nanny", appearing in the last series of "Love and Santocho to carry." In the same year, the filmography of Bykov-actor was replenished with three paintings: "Ranetki", "S. S. D. "," Soldiers. Dembel album. "

Director Yury Bykov

In 2009, the adventure military film "Tanks of the dirt is not afraid of", in which the belly of Vadim Smirnova went to the bull. In the criminal detective, "Law and Order: Department of Operational Investigations -3" Yuri Bykov reincarnated in the hero Jaort Semenov, in the series "Soldati-16. Demobel is inevitable. "The actor played the role of an ordinary comparison.

Yuri Bulls in the series

In 2009, the directorial and production debut of Yuri also took place. Bykov removed the short-term belt "boss", in which the main role of the captain of the FSB played himself. Actors Alexander Golubkov, Andrei Bulatov, Sophia Anufriev, also participated in the film. In the same year, the picture received the main prize of the Film Festival "Kinotavr" in the nomination "Best Short Film".

In 2010, the studio "Rock" Yuri began to work on the full-length art film "Live", for which Golden Phoenix and Amur Autumn Film Festival Prize. In Drama, it was told about how a random witness of the crime, a local village of Mikhail, saves the life of the victim of the killers Andrei and starts with him to escape. Alexey teacher and Kira Saksaganskaya, scenario and music directed independently, were produced by the painting producers. Vladislav Toldovkov, Denis Swedov, Konstantin Strelnikov and Alexey Komashko played the main roles in the film.

Frame from the film Yuri Bykov

In 2011, Yuri Bykov began work on the criminal series "Collectors", in which the main characters played by Daniel Strakhov, Elena Lyadov, Alexey Komashko and Denis Swedes. The film premiere took place in 2012 on the Ukrainian Channel "Inter". In Russia, for the first time, the series was shown in 2016 on the air "Fifth Channel".

In 2013, in the movie "Major", the director again appealed to the topic of moral choice of a person: to incur a deserved punishment for a perfect crime or go to a deal with conscience. The film premiere took place at the Cannes Film Festival within the framework of the "Critic Week".

Yury Bulls in the film

The picture gathered a number of premiums, including the XVI Shanghai ICF, Kinotavaur, as well as France, Germany, Poland, Iranian festivals. Denis Swedov, Irina Nizina, Ilya Isaev, entered the main acting. Yuri Bulls appeared in the frame of Pavel Korshunova, Antagonist of the Chief Hero of Sobolev.

Shots of the film Yuri Bykov

In 2014, the Social Drama Bykov "Fool" came to the screens. The picture was discussed about the volunteer, who independently tries to help residents of an emergency hostel, but as a result, facing the lack of understanding of the authorities, relatives and tenants of the Old House. The premier took place at the ICF "Kinotavr-2014", where he received a prize for the best script. In addition to another premium of the Film Festival in Locarno, in 2015 the film entered the top five top list of popular movie stitin according to the American edition of The New York Times.

Yury Bulls in the film

In 2014, Yuri entered the directorial team of the comedy "Christmas trees 1914" along with Timur Bekmambetov, Dmitry Kiselev, Alexander Cott, Alexander Karpilovsky. Yuri removed the "Bear" episode for comedy.

In October 2015, a premiere of the "Method" thriller with Konstantin Khabensky, Paulina Andreva, Alexey Serebryakov, took place on the First Channel. The film became a nominee for the Golden Eagle Prize in the category "Best Teleceneer of the Year."

Personal life

The director prefers not to apply for personal life in the media and social networks. On the Internet you can find several photos from international film festivals, where Yuri Bykov is depicted in society of companions. Which of them is the wife of Bykov - not specified.

Yuri Bulls now

In 2016, Yuri Bykov created his own film company "Code". As an actor Yuri starred in two pictures - "high heels" and "Lights of a large village". In the same year, the director participated in the work on the film "Time of First" about the life of the cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, who made the first exit to open space. In the course of the differences with the producers, Yuri was removed from the filming and replaced by the director Dmitry Kiselev. The premiere of the film took place in early April 2017.

Yuri Bykov in 2017

The producer of the television series "Method" Alexander Tsekalo announced the transfer of the start of the filming of the second season for the summer. About whether to continue to work on the picture Yuri Bykov, it was not reported in the ad. Now Yuri Bykov is working on two films - the "Plant" drama about the fate of people who have been brought to the last feature, and the spy detective TV series "Sleeping". Both premieres are planned for the second half of 2017.


  • "Chief" - 2009
  • "Live" - ​​2010
  • "Collectors" - 2012
  • "Major" - 2013
  • "Fool" - 2014
  • "Christmas Trees 1914" - 2014
  • "Method" - 2015
  • "Plant" - 2017
  • "Sleeping" - 2017

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