Alexander Nevzorov - biography, personal life, photos, news, yutube-channel, books, "pushing", illness, children 2021



In 1998, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Galina Starovoitov in an interview with Mikhail Gokman, this shortly before his death, in response to the question about Alexander Nevzorov first said that he would not remember who it was, and then called a colleague on the Russian parliament a criminal reporter, in which there are Signs of mental illness. Since then, in the biography and views of Alexander Glebovich, there were steep changes: from the singer Orthodoxy journalist transformed into the rigid criticism of the Church and the creator of the film cycle of "Lessons of Atheism", from the Patriot-Sunwent in Liberal.

Childhood and youth

The future publicist was born on August 3, 1958 in Leningrad. Alexander Glebovich's mother - Journalist of the newspaper "Change" Galina Georgievna Nevzorova - in 2001 was buried at the Transfiguration Jewish Cemetery of the city on the Neva. The grandmother of the star of perestroika television on the maternal line Anna Alexandrovna in the Maiden was named Ashkenuzy. Thus, Alexander Glebovich is a Galachic Jew.

However, the publicist himself says that if he has a nationality, then this is a command. According to Nevzorov, he is the fruit of the love of mother and Indian from Oklahoma, who came out 9 months before his birth in the USSR at the Festival of Youth and Students, and later fallen from the hands of an American policeman for drug traffic.

A number of biographers argue that the story about the Krasnok Father is the same bluff of Alexander Glebovich, as the story of the grandfather - General MGB, who headed the struggle with the "forest brothers" to the Lithuanian SSR. Critics declare that the parent of the journalist is the Russian artist-abstraist Gleb Sergeevich Bogomolov, who died in 2016 and did not have American citizenship.

But anyone would be the father of Nevzorov, he did not participate in the education of his son. Sasha grew under the wing of the mother and grandmother.

The ladies first determined the capable boy to school with an in-depth study of French, and after the deductions of Alexander, the heir was the heir to the military commissaria, with the help of the I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov, to the psychiatric clinic. In his youth, Nevzorov sang in the church choir, studied in the Moscow spiritual seminary, worked as an assistant to Sanitar, a coaster of horses, literary secretaries and a cascadeur.

Journalism and television

Proclaimed by Mikhail Gorbachev, Glasnost contributed to the emergence of many talented and innovative television shows and climbing the telephone of new stars. The brainchild Alexander Nevzorova is the program "600 seconds" - initially was a chicken Leningrad chronicle with the predominance of criminal and curious reports.

"The Son of the Team" by the time of the transmission in 1987 for 4 years worked on television in 1987, but it was the ten-minute one who came out on weekdays, made him a star at first urban, and then a all-union scale. In popularity, Alexander was far overwhelmed by other leading programs - Vadim Medvedev and Svetlana Sorokin, which facts and phenomena commented on a much more restrained than nonsense.

Alexander Nevzorov - biography, personal life, photos, news, yutube-channel, books,

With increasing influence on the minds of the audience "600 seconds", they were increasingly rolled towards Chernukhi. On the screen, the dismembered corpses of people were flashed on the screen, then decaying animal carcasses, which allegedly fought with negligent officials in order to organize food deficit in the city, survived by blockada. Gradually, "600 seconds" became an important factor in the Leningrad-Petersburg politics.

In October 1993, the program was closed by the order of the head of the St. Petersburg television of Bala Kurkova. After a decade of Nevzorov said that the era of "600 seconds" is ashamed, because then, feeling "dizziness from success", broke the fate of many people.

In the XXI century, Alexander Glebovich repeatedly led the television programms of different stylist and political focus - from the transfer of Mikhail Leontiev "Other Time" on the first channel to Panofitikum on the TV channel "Rain". In January 2018, in an interview with Yuri Dudu, Nevzorov said that for 12 years he is an adviser to the general director of the Channel One of Konstantin Ernsta.

Politics and views

In December 1993, the charismatic leading closed program was elected deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. According to Alexander Glebovich, expressed in an interview with Dmitry Gordon, for 4 times as a parliamentarian he visited the walls of the Lower Chamber 4 times.

In 2012, Nevzorov was one of the proxies of Vladimir Putin in the election of the President of the Russian Federation. Later in a conversation with Dudu, the publicist said that he supported Vladimir Vladimirovich in appreciation for the past nobility: allegedly Putin, being a deputy Sobchak, prevented by the registered murder of Nevzorov. By the way, in December 1990, an unfair who knocked the desert under the pretext of the transfer of a valuable compromising to him in Alexander Glebovich. Fortunately, the bullet did not hold the heart or large vessels.

Alexander Nevzorov - biography, personal life, photos, news, yutube-channel, books,

Now in publicist it is difficult to learn the former imperial, which stood at the origins of the "Ours" movement. Thus, in the first half of 1991, "600 seconds" and non-residents personally supported the force attempts to preserve the Soviet Union, and in 1993 - the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation opposed Boris Yeltsin. And after 20 years after the dispersion of the Yeltsin Supreme Council, Alexander Glebovich called the supporters of the opposition Parliament "The Baennomy Schela".

The joining of the Crimea to Russia of the Nevzorov characterizes as a looting, and the ROC accuses to the midst of pedophilia. Metamorphosis of Alexander Glebovich's views can be traced on his films and books.

Films and books

The first advent of Nevinov on the movie screen was the documentary and publicistic picture of Stanislav Govorukhin "So it is impossible to live", which was released in 1990 and the pronounced defects of socialism. Leningrad presenter made an assistant director, as well as a commentator-taller in the frame. It is curious that later Govorukhin was ashamed of this tape as well as nonsense - "600 seconds", and the former associate that became Burniers, offered to exclude Putin's proxies from among the proxies.

From 1991 to 1997, the imperial theme was prevailed in cinema of Alexander Glebovich, whose crown was the artistic film "Purgatory", telling about the counter-terrorist operation of the federal troops in the North Caucasus. The picture, filmed in the pseudocumental style, replete with the scenes of violence and now has an age limit "16+". Chechen field commander in "Purgatory" played Dmitry Nagiyev.

From the middle of the first decade of the XXI century, a new page dedicated to the study of horses opens in the work of Nevzorov. Starting from the film "Horsepoin Encyclopedia", the publicist defends the view of the cruelty of equestrian sports and promotes the hippology. At the beginning of the second decade of the XXI century, the research level of Nevzorov rose to the philosophical problems and understanding anthropogenesis - it is these questions that the books of the city of the city on the Neva "The origin of the person and intellect of man are dedicated. Experience of generalization of these classical neurophysiology and "art offended".

Personal life

A closing journalist made a marriage three times. In his youth, Leningradets took his wife the employee of the manuscripts of the Russian National Library named Natalia, from whom he met in church choir. The librarian gave Alexander Daughter Polina.

After the divorce with Natalia, Nevzorov married the star of the film "Crew", "Wizards" and "Man with Capuchin Boulevard" Actress Alexandra Yakovleva. Children in the Union of creative people were not born.

In the midst of the popularity of the program "600 seconds" in the personal life of the TV host, there were changes: Alexander Glebovich met with a student of the artistic school Lydia Maslova, a daughter of a famous artist. Despite the difference in age, the relationship of lovers was crowned with a wedding. In 2007, Lidia Nevzorova, who became a hippologist, who had her husband, gave birth to his wife Alexander. The photo of the heir is posted on the official website of the publicist with the comment "Animator, Caskander, Artist, Writer, Morestyle".

Alexander Nevzorov Now

In 2020, Alexander Glebovich played himself in the TV series Rada Novikova "Notes Hotelier # Gelving". " It is from this St. Petersburg hotel, the publicist now has a weekly broadcast of the radio station "Echo Moscow" in the program "Nevzorovsky environments".

In the next release of the transfer, July 7, 2021, Alexander Glebovich called Alexander Lukashenko's regime and reported that 600 searches were supposedly produced in Russia. However, the main topic of the conversation of Nevzorov and the leading Olga Zhuravlev was vaccination. According to the publicist, virologists challenge the ghost: while they create a vaccine from one strain, Cowid has time to mutate, and the vaccination turns out to be useless.

According to the author of the resource "Palach" Vitaly Halyukova, Nevzorov missed the chance to become a star "Instagram", and now the Glebichka Akakuchka is a meeting of poor demotivators and teasers to the Yutiub-Channel "Put". Only occasionally on the Nevinova page in "Instagram" appear "incendiary video", such as a mentor conversation with the rapper pharaoh.


  • 1990 - "So it is impossible to live"
  • 1991 - "Our"
  • 1995 - "Miraculous"
  • 1995 - "Cook"
  • 1995 - "hell"
  • 1997 - "Purgatory"
  • 2005 - "Horses Encyclopedia"
  • 2006 - "Methods NEVZOROV HAUTE ÉCOLE: Basic Principles"
  • 2008 - "Horse Crucified and Resurrection"
  • 2010 - "L. E. P. Manege horsepower reading
  • 2017 - "Anthkeot Mikhailovich Dostoevsky"
  • 2020 - "Notes Hotelier # Gelving"


  • 1995 - "Field of Honor"
  • 2005 - "Horses Encyclopedia"
  • 2008 - "Treatise about school landing"
  • 2008 - "Fortress" Russia "
  • 2009 - "Favorites from publications 2007-2009"
  • 2009 - "horse-out. Secrets "Mastery"
  • 2010 - "Treatise about the work" In Hands "
  • 2010 - "Brief history of cynicism"
  • 2010 - "Horsepoin Encyclopedia"
  • 2012 - "The origin of the person and intellect of man"
  • 2015 - "The resignation of the Lord God. Why russian Orthodoxy? "
  • 2016 - "Atheism lessons"
  • 2016 - "Art insult"
  • 2019 - "Nevzorov Dictionary"

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