Gleb Panfilov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Gleb Anatolyevich Panfilov is a director who came to cinema from a scientific environment. The first film brought him recognition of colleagues and an award of the International Film Festival, and less than 20 years after the filming of the debut painting Panfilov became the People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Director Gleb Panfilov

The director's films are mercilessly truthful and epic, while permeated with subtle psychologism and lyrility. Film, after the release of the first works of Panfilov, put it in one row with star colleagues Andrei Konchalovsky, Larisa Shephenko and element Klimov.

Childhood and youth

Gleb Panfilov was born in the Urals in the spring of 1934. His childhood and youth passed in Magnitogorsk. During the war, his father edited the front-line newspaper, the Mother of the Director has economic education. Later, the head of the family became a party history teacher in the Schukinsky Theater School. After graduation, Gleb Panfilov entered the chemical faculty of the Ural Polytechnic University. Having received a diploma in 1957, he became a master at the plant of MedPhaparats in Sverdlovsk, then a researcher at the Research Institute.

Gleb Panfilov in youth

In 1959, Gleb Panfilov was appointed head of propaganda department in the town of Komsomol Sverdlovsk. In 1961, the future director joined the ranks of the Communist Party (left in the 1990s). On his initiative, an amateur film studio was organized in the city. Here, with his friends and like-minded people, Panfilov took off the first films. This is 6 short-acting, of which 5 are documentary. Ribbon "Care Clausevitsa", published in 1963, artistic.


The creative biography of Gleb Panfilova began in 1960. He entered VGIK by choosing the Faculty of State. He graduated in abandonably after 3 years and immediately entered the directorial. In 1966 Gleb Anatolyevich - a graduate director - accepted in the state "Lenfilm". A year later, the audience saw the premiere showing of the full-length artistic belt Panfilov about the civil war "there is no firefire". The film was based on the story of the filmmature of Evgeny Gablovich, in the tandem with whom the director wrote a script.

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Dramatic events of that war Gleb Panfilov showed on the example of the fate of the Sanitary train, a modest girl Tatiana Tetkina, whose life, like millions of compatriots, threw the altar of utopia. The little-known 24-year-old actress Inna Churikova played Tetkin at the time. The debut brought the first success - the prize of the film festival in the Swiss Locarno.

Gleb Panfilov on the set

The second picture of Gleb Panfilova came out in 1970. The main character of the tragicomedy "beginning" was played by Churikov again, who became the director's muse. The plot of the film The director came up with himself, the script was written in conjunction with Gablovich. The heroine of the project - Tkachkha from the provincial town of Pasha Stroganov, dreaming to play movies. Her dream embodied the director, took the drama about Zhanna d'Ark. Tragicomedy is a film in the film, where stories from the life of a weathered alternate with the episodes of the life of the heroic French fan.

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Leonid Kuravlev, Valentine Telichkna, Mikhail Kononov, starred in the picture. Black and white film project "Start", shot in Murom, brought the creator of "Silver Leo Sv. Mark "At the Film Festival in Venice, a festival diploma in New York and the Leninsky Komsomol Prize. Churikova became the actress of the year to survey the "Soviet screen".

Twistered Drama "I ask the words" - an independent scenic debut of the director - came out on the screens in 1976. This is the story of a woman (and again Inna Churikova), who made a career leap from the factory workers at the Chairman of the City Executive Committee. A biennician, who is confused in the ideals of communism, did not break the personal tragedy - the death of the Son: she hurries from the cemetery into the office.

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Allegorically, Gleb Panfilov accuses the mother in the death of a 15-year-old guy - he dies from a gunshot wound, while the official is a champion in shooting. The director masterfully uses the metaphor and allegory. Film critics and viewers highly appreciated the skill of Gleb Panfilov, marking courage in finding a new language in cinema. In Karlovy Vary, the film received a prize, in Barcelona work was noted by a diploma.

Gleb Panfilov and Inna Churikova

In 1979, an arthow drama "Theme" was published. In the painting, Gleb Panfilov showed the tragedy of the playwright, the talent on the bustle and the desire to please the authorities. Innokenty Smoktunovsky and Alexey Batalov were considered to the main role, but Panfilov stopped at Mikhail Ulyanov's candidacy. Inna Churikova, Sergey Nikonenko and Natalia Seleznev starred in Drama. Censorship did not miss the picture in the rental, and the "theme" lay on the shelf until 1986. Next year, the film received the main prize of the Berlin Film Festival and the award of the International Federation of Kinopresses.

Melodrama "Valentina" on the play of the Siberian writer Alexander Vampilova reached the screens in 1981. This is a psychological tape of humanity and love. The main characters were played by Rodion Nakhapetov and Daria Mikhailov.

The drama "Vassas" on the work of Maxim Gorky spectators saw in 1982. Inna Mikhailovna Zhurikova played Vassu Zheleznov. The director visited the play of the classics, introduced new plot lines into it, while the critics and viewers agreed that Gleb Panfilov followed the plan of Maxim Gorky, without overpracting the work.

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In 1990, the premiere of the filmization of another work of Gorky - "Mother" took place. Panfilova film received the same name and new reading. Pleiada of young artists appeared in the project - Dmitry Pevtsov, Victor Crakov. Churikova played Pelagia Nilovna. In Cannes, the picture was marked by the prize of the jury. Together with Inna Churikova and the Son Ivan, Gleb Panfilov wrote a drama scenario about the last months of the life of the royal family of Romanov.

Gleb Panfilov on film filming

The tape on the bleeding page of Russian history came out on the screens in 2000. In 2001, the picture received the main prize of the film festival "Vivat, Cinema of Russia!". In the same year, the Russian National Committee put forward the film for the Oscar award.

5 years after the release of the drama about the execution of the vengearian family, Gleb Panfilov presented the tape "In the Circle of the First" - the shieldation of the same name of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The idea to remove the drama on the novel director hatched 30 years. Evgeny Mironov played the main hero in the mini-series, Igor Kvasha appeared in the role of Joseph Stalin.

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The dramatic tape received the nickname, "Golden Eagle" and "Golden Vityt". Two years after the series, a feature film was released based on the novel, called "Store forever". The drama received a prize of the UN representation in Russia. In the theater, Gleb Panfilov debuted as a director on the stage of Lenkom. In the mid-1980 he put "Hamlet". In 2010 and 2012, the performances of Panfilova "Aquitan Lionz" and "Fallen in Salvation" were held at the Lenkom Panfilov.

Personal life

Gleb Panfilov is married twice. In the first marriage in 1957, the son of Anatoly Panfilov, who became an actor and the artist-director were born.

Gleb Panfilov with his wife and son

At the set of the debut project "On Fire Fire No", the director met inna Churikova, with which he created the second family. In 1978, the second son was born - Ivan Panfilov. He graduated from MGIMO and received a specialty of an international lawyer.

Gleb Panfilov now

In the spring of 2017, it became known that Gleb Panfilov took up the decreement of another Roman Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich". The first plans of the director told the widow of the writer Natalia Solzhenitsyn.

Gleb Panfilov in 2017

Now the Madre is selecting the cast for a new project, whose premiere will be held alleged in 2019.


  • 1963 - "The case of Kurt Clausevitsa"
  • 1967 - "In the fire of the fodder there is no"
  • 1970 - "Start"
  • 1975 - "I ask the words"
  • 1979 - "Theme"
  • 1981 - Valentina
  • 1983 - VASSA
  • 1990 - "Mother"
  • 2000 - "Romanovs. Venetian family "
  • 2005 - "In the first circle"
  • 2007 - "Store forever"
  • 2008 - "Without guilt,"
  • 2001 - "Romanovs. Venetian family "
  • 2013 - "Aquitan Lioness"
  • 2015 - "False to salvation"

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