Dmitry Bykov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Dmitry Lvovich Bykov is a Russian writer, publicist, poet, journalist, television and radio officer, Literature teacher, representative of the opposition. He is one of the leading figures of modern Russia, thanks to which the opinion on the events occurring in the country is being formed.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry was born on December 20, 1967 in Moscow in the family of a children's ENT doctor, a candidate of medical sciences Lion Josefovich Zilbertruda, and the school teacher of the Russian language and literature of Natalia Josifovna Bovkov. Parents marriage broke up shortly after the birth of the son, and the mother brought up a child alone.

In childhood, Dmitry began to show interest in writing prose and poems, in senior grades settled on All-Union Radio to the Council of Transmission for Youth "Pelevock". After school, which bulls graduated with a gold medal, in 1984 he entered the journalism of Moscow State University. In 1987 served the period on Morflot, after which he returned to the university. In 1991 he received a red diploma of higher education.

In early 90s, he taught Russian literature in Moscow School No. 1214, where Natalia Josephovna worked. Later was transferred to the special school "Golden section" and the gymnasium "Intellectual", where he became a teacher of literature and the history of Soviet literature. In the mid-2000s, he taught at the Institute of Journalism and Literary Creativity. He received the title of professor of the Department of World Literature and Culture MGIMO (y) of the Russian Foreign Ministry, regularly reads lectures in the IFSU.

Personal life

For marriage, Dmitry Bykov decided to tie himself in his youth. His wife became Nadezhda Gurskaya, who today works as a senior researcher in the laboratory of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Their union did not lead to the creation of a full-fledged family and soon collapsed.

In the mid-1990s, Dmitry Bykov met the stories of the talented writer from Novosibirsk Irina Lukyanova, who in 1996 became the columnist newspaper "Interlocutor". After a while, young people got married. Two children were born in the family - Eugene's daughter and son Andrei.

Personal life did not interfere with the joint activity of two creative personalities. In addition to the author's projects, Bulls and Lukyanov created 2 joint books "In the world of animals" (2001) and "animals and animals" (2008). Family photos of Bykov rarely fell into the media, but on the Internet you can find several pictures of Dmitry Lvovich surrounded by households.

An unexpected news for fans of the journalist was the news about his marriage in his former student, Prosaika Catherine Kevkishvili. The difference between the spouses is 30 years old, but this did not prevent passionate novel, which in 2019 ended with a wedding.

In early November 2020, the wife of Bykov presented him with a third child. The journalist himself informed the subscribers that his son was born. Joint photos with his wife Ekaterina Dmitry Lvovich posted in an "Instagram" in the account.

It is interesting that even recently, in April 2019, the bulls alarmed his fans. While in Ufa, where the writer arrived with lectures, he was taken to the hospital in serious condition. Initial diagnosis - stroke - not confirmed, nevertheless, the journalist was introduced to whom. After a few days, the publicist was translated into Moscow, in research institutes. Burdenko, where his state of his health has stabilized. Later in an interview with Dmitry Lvovich admitted that the reason for the deterioration of his well-being was the poisoning.


In 1985, Bykov began cooperation with the weekly "Interlocutor". Printed articles in the publications "Moskovskaya Komsomolskaya", "Capital", "General Gazeta", "Labor", "New Gazeta" and others. Since the beginning of the 2000s, he took the position of creative editor of the "Interlocutor", deputy editor-in-chief in the "Conservative" newspaper, then received the post of editor of the Department "Culture" and "Society" in the publication "Spark". In 2005, began cooperation with the "Company", in 2008 - with the publishing "Profile".

He regularly performed in the "New Gazette" with opposition articles. In 2013, in response to the scandal with the resurrection of the State Property of the Ministry of Defense, wrote a poem about Vasilyeva. Previously explained his position in relation to Serdyukov on the ether of the show "Special Opinion" on the radio "Echo of Moscow".

In 1992, the bulls first appeared on television in the transfer of Cyrus Pastutin. Later became the leading TV project Sergey Lisovsky. From the beginning of the 2000s, the author's program was led on the ATV TV channel "Good, Bulls", was the co-host of the TWC channel. In 2009, he received a place in the program "Born in the USSR" TV channel "Nostalgia".

In 2011, he became the leading transfer of the channel "Nostalgia" "of the time of time". In 2015, the "Hundred lectures with Dmitry Bykov" program began on the Rain TV channel, in which the writer acquaintances the audience in detail with the literature of the 90s. On the radio, Dmitry Lvovich first appeared in 2005 in the author's programs of the "Youth", "City FM" and Kommersant FM. In 2015, the transmission "one" with the bull in the role of the host was launched on the Echo Moskvy radio.

In 2014, the RTVI thematic channel was registered on Yutiube, which was named by the name of the publicist program "An open lesson with Dmitry Bykov". In their release, the writer shared with the public with his vision of the rapid works of Russian classics. In the transfer, such novels were considered as "Eugene Onegin", "fathers and children", "Master and Margarita".

As part of the Lecture "Direct Speech", the writer touched the problems of Roman Fyodor Dostoevsky "Brothers of the Karamazov". Publicist covers the problems of modern cinema. With director Alexei Smirnov, who removed the "Garden Ring", he talked about the creation of Russian TV shows.


In 1991, the Writers of the USSR was admitted. In the early 1990s, Dmitry Bykov issued 3 collections of poems - "Declaration of Independence", "Message to the young man", "Military coup". At the same time, under the pseudonym Matthew Bull released the first books based on filmcenereria - "66 days", "Wild Orchid - 2", "Harley and Malboro".

In the early 2000s, she continued the release of poems collections ("Delay", "Conscript", "Letters of Happiness") and created a number of novels - "justification", "spelling", "evacuator", "railway", for three of which Prize them. Brothers Strugatsky.

In 2005, the Biograph Biographer's book, dedicated to the life and work of Boris Pasternak, was published in the ZhZL series, for which the author received the Big Book and National Bestseller Prize. After 3 years, the release of work was the work "Was the bitter?" About the life of Alexei Peshkov, after which the publicist took up the description of the biographies of Bulat Okudzhava and Vladimir Mayakovsky.

At the end of 2000, the bulls released the novels "written off", "sharp, or a student of sorcerer", "Iks", "Quarter: passage", as well as poetic collections "Last time", "Report", "In fact", " Bliss". In 2010, Dmitry Lvovich published a collection of Pieces "Bear", in 2012 - 2 textbooks on Soviet literature.

In 2011, the "Rain" TV channel started the video project "Citizen" producer Andrei Vasilyeva, in which Artist Mikhail Efremov read the poems of Dmitry Bykov. The project audio version appeared on the Echo Moskvy radio station.

In 2016, 2 books of Dmitry Bykov came out: the tragedy-buff "Thirteenth Apostle. Mayakovsky "and the collection" I Vombat "from the" Entertaining Zoology "series. The journalist continues to work as a creative editor of the "Interlocutor" edition, including the weekly Internet portal. Later in the bibliography of the publicist, the edition of the Sixtiets: Literary Portraits appeared. The main list of articles and works of the writer is presented on its official website.

In LJ bulls, there is a private blog, where its journalistic activities will illuminate in detail all the latest events. The journalist still produces the transfer "one" on the "Echo of Moscow", the column in the "New Gazette". Later, the writer continued to work on the bank's cycle "One hundred lectures", also released a collection "If not: new poems." In July 2017, the "Freedom" radio was published by the "Cult of Personality" with Dmitry Bykov called "Deeply Soviet people".

The writer and biographer participates in the voicing of Russian classics. So in 2019, the audibility of Roman Mikhail Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" was appeared on the Internet of the Internet, in the performance of Dmitry Lvovich. The release of the publicist accompanied the lecture.

Public and political activities

Bulls actively expresses its civil position. It is considered one of the representatives of the modern opposition. Dmitry Lvovich refers to persons who represent the political bond of Russia, including those actors as Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev.

Publicist expresses its support for Aleksey Navalny's activities. In 2011-2012 participated in protest rallies. Later became one of the founders of the socio-political organization "League of Voters".

In 2019, the bulls became a defendant to appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation on the conduct of the verification of the statements of the writer, in which signs of violation of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the "rehabilitation of Nazism" were seen. After the publicist's speech about Donbass Zakhar Prilepin accused him of "banal fascism."

In the fall of 2020, the bulls put his signature under a letter in support of protest shares in Belarus.

Dmitry Bykov Now

In February 2020, the publicist began the release of the new project "ZhZL (pathetic replacement of literature) with Dmitry Bykov". The guest of the first release of the transfer was the longtime friend and colleague writer Mikhail Efremov. Later, Nikolai Tsiscaridze was visited in the studio, Andrei Konchalovsky.

In September of the same year, a presentation of the open lecture of the course of Dmitry Bykov "Evolution of the plot and genre" from the Free University. Now, one of the popular programs with the writer as an expert remains the project "Echo Moscow" "Special Opinion".


  • 2001 - "Exchange"
  • 2003 - "Ordography"
  • 2005 - "Evacuator"
  • 2006 - "Railway"
  • 2008 - "written off"
  • 2010 - "acroy, or a student of sorcerer"
  • 2012 - "X"
  • 2014 - "Quarter: Passage"
  • 2015 - "Clear"
  • 2017 - "June"
  • 2017 - "If not"
  • 2020 - "Dreams and fears"

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