Igor Volkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The image of the Great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov became a business card of the artist and the foundation of his creative biography. In the filmography of Igor Volkova, fifty others, not the memorable roles in the movie and the theater. Fans love his heroes for courage and charisma, courage and nobility, they make the victory of good over evil and in the celebration of justice.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in the summer of 1959 in the Pskov region. In the city of Military Glory, the Great Luki passed childhood and adolescence Igor Yurevich. In the family of wolves, neither artists nor people have no other close professions. Mom worked in the store "Optics", the father "twist the ram" in the city autocolonne. Perhaps the only creative person is Grandma Irina Egorovna. A woman knew Russian poetry perfectly, managed to instill this love and grandson.

Igor Volkov did not dream of a scene or a set. In an interview, the actor admitted that in him today, "the rebellious of a failed historian". He read the teenager with historical monographs and novels, planning to become a researcher of the past. Note and university - Leningrad University named after A. S. Pushkin

When and why the fracture was happening in the minds and desires of a young man, it is unknown, but the fate of the wolf gives the wolf as a child. Next to the future actor lived brothers on the names of Lomonosov. Igor Yuryevich calls it a sign that was able to decipher only when the Arkhangelsk nugget was played. He came from the city of Great Luca to conquer the capital, not having a clear plan, which institution will come.

He went to the Shchepkin Theater School, read the poems and made such an impression on the admission committee that after listening to his documents were prudently locked in the safe. Teachers feared, as if Pskov talent did not move another university.

Wolves studied at the course of Vladimir Monakhova. After the summary of the 23-year-old artist's diploma was taken to the Taroupe of the Capital Academic DramaTheater on Suvorov Square. Here the actor was delayed for a year. For another 5 years, he went to the MHT scene named after A. P. Chekhov. Now Igor does not serve the temples Melpomen.

Personal life

Information about the personal life of Igor Yuryevich is not that scarce, but practically absent. It is known that his first wife introduced his colleague Igor Lyakh. Yanina Lisovskaya - a performer of the role of Lyudmila, the eldest daughter of the heroes Nina Doroshina and Alexander Mikhailov in the famous melodrama "Love and Pigeons". Lies played in the film EE brother.

Wolves and Lisovskaya lived together for 2 years, the marriage was officially a lot later. About the causes of the divorce none of the spouses said. Janina lives in Germany, married to the theater actor, raised daughter.

The second wife of Igor Natalia Volkova, as the media written, is related to the movie industry. The family for artist is so important that he did not tear a word about the second half and children, he did not share photographs. So who has a house - an impregnable fortress

The Cebe of Wolves calls the "unusual" man, fans do not see it at the TV show and the red tracks of film festivals. The artist says that he has no "Mercedes" and money capital, but to rotate in a higher society - dubious pleasure.

Igor Yuryevich loves to go to theaters and cinema, it is more important for him what is happening inside, not an external gloss and bustle. After all, the destroyed outside world is not difficult to restore, and the ruins inside are almost impossible.


The debut role in the movie Igor Volkov was offered at the last year "Pike". He played the cadet of Yuri in the comedy musical Alfred Shestopalov "Girl and the Sea". Comedy removed the film studio "Ukrtelefilm" on a sailing vessel belonging to the Kherson nautical school. In the next 1982, Igor appeared in the episode of the 3-Series Soviet detective "Losev Inspector" in the form of a senior lieutenant of the police. However, in the titers of the film after his release, he did not find.

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Glory hit the artist after 4 years. In 1986, the premiere of the biographical series "Mikhail Lomonosov", filmed by Alexander Peskany. Igor entrusted to play a scientist in youth. Two dozen actors claimed the role. However, the Arkhangelian genius saw in high (the exact growth of the artist is unknown), with a shrill look, a gusty wolf.

The epic picture was created in Solovetsky villages on the shore of Mezeni, because in the native places of Lomonosov, civilization erased architecture and landscape, which allowed us to convey the events of the 18th century.

Viktor Stepanov (Lomonosov in mature years), Anatoly Vasilyev (father's father) and Anna Frolovsev (Catherine I) are involved in the tape. Ilze Liepa appeared in the image of the spouse of the naturalistic genius.

The role of Mikhail Lomonosov Artist considers truly debut. A brilliant game and one hundred percent hitting the image of Igor Volkov modestly explains youth and inexperience. He claims that "was so young about the profession that he played himself in the proposed circumstances."

Later, an actor with a smile recalled how dark hair and eyebrows in linen color repainted for role. Taxists are a gloomy guy with unevenly painted hair seemed suspiciously, in the car Volkova refused to plant. The film opened Igor to the audience and directors, he had an army of fans, he became the idol of the Soviet spectators who walked on the positive heroes.

Next year he got the main role in the director of the director Mensur Bular "defeat". And again the artist was offered to reincarnate in a young scientist. A four-player film based on the work of Daniel Gorbon was removed on Mosfilm. Key heroes played Vasily Lanova, Pavel Kadochnikov and Leonid Kuravlev. In 1988, Igor Volkov - the main character in the military drama "faithful to stay" and the 6-serial melodraman of the "joy of earth". And again he is a positive hero, honest and uncompromising in the proposed difficult circumstances.

The 1980 actor completed adequately, starring in the dramatic belt "Love with privileges" with the love of Polishchuk and Vyacheslav Tikhonov in high roles and in the criminal film "Hunting on a pimp", music to which Igor Talkov wrote. Star cast did not add ranking projects.

The second film, which brought Glory to the artist, became the drama "Russian singer". Triller Danchanin Morten Arnfreda - Joint project of Russia, Sweden and England. Igor Volkov played Basov's investigator to which state security bodies prevent the murder of two women. He brings the case until the completion of the price of life. The picture was nominated on the main awards of film festivals in Germany, Italy and Poland.

In the mid-1990s, the premiere of two more international projects - the German-Russian adventure series "Alaska Kid", where the wolves played Frank, and the thriller of the British director Anthony Waller "Mute Witness". In the filming of the latter 4 countries participated.

Igor Volkov led the line under the 90th criminal drama "Tango over the Possiya," where he appeared in the usual role of a brave hero, which tweed gangsters for his beloved woman. Her Marina Mogilev played. A bright role in the ribbon went to Lero Duru.

The artist and the 2000s did not lose. He appeared in the 4-Series Military Drama based on the stories of Varlam Shalamov "The Last Fight of Major Pugacheva". Major played Igor Lifanov, Igor Volkov got the main role of the soldier's prisoner, resolved to escape from the places of detention in Siberia. On the set, the actor met again with Lvom Durov.

The painting "Palace" is part of the cycle about the investigator Cherkasov. Andrei Smolyakov acted as an experienced Moore's detection. The story of the next kynelo was the story of the Fascists of Antonina Makarov, who shot, according to archival data, 1.5 thousand people and exposed only 30 years after the end of the war.

Volkov reincarnated in the former Cagabesnik, retired by the party committee of provincial forestry. "Palace" is considered the most exciting part of the whole project. The film is marked by three nickname prizes.

The main role of the artist in the melodrama "Heart of Captain Nemova". This picture is a story about the fleet of solidarity and fatherly debt. Igor Character - Old Captain, who decided to transfer the last words of the dying sailor, who addressed to his son.

On the way to Moscow, Nomov recalls their own youth. Heroes from the past played Elvira Bulgov, Alexey Yagudin and the star of the series "Trail" Stanislav Erklievsky.

The 2000s brought the actor and negative roles. In the criminal film "Provocator", Igor Volkov starred as a criminal authority of Yura-Bulldozer, in the TV series "Golden Stock" appeared in the image of the "Cross Father" of the city, and in the detective "Apostle. The father's instinct "Volkov reincarnated in the former degree prisoner.

The premiere of the painting took place in 2014, since then the news about projects with his participation did not receive for a long time.

In November 2016, the joy of meeting with a wonderful artist experienced students of Lomonomos private school No. 5 in Moscow. Igor Yuryevich told the guys about the first role in movies, about samples and those tests that are waiting for applicants and students of theatrical universities.

After watching the fragments of the film about Mikhail Lomonosov, Volkov answered the questions of students, shared the secrets of acting skills and entertaining details of the shooting process. Most schoolchildren were interested in the work of Igor Volkov on a film about a person whose name is a school.

Igor Volkov now

Igor Yuryevich rarely appears on the screens, but the fans hope that the melodramatic thriller "Quiet People" in the actor's allory list is not the last. Journalists, for example, believe that today, when cinema refers to the Soviet past, the type of Volkova would be in demand. In the 2020s, the spectators hoped to wait for the hero, not an interested circumstances for which faith, principles and honesty is not an empty sound.


  • 1986 - Mikhail Lomonosov
  • 1987 - "Defeat"
  • 1988 - "Joy Earth"
  • 1989 - "Love with privileges"
  • 1990 - "Hunt for a pimmer"
  • 1993 - "Russian singer"
  • 1993 - "Alaska Kid"
  • 1994 - "Dumb witness"
  • 1997 - "Tango over the abyss"
  • 2003 - "Operational pseudonym"
  • 2004 - Sarmat
  • 2005 - "The last fight of Major Pugacheva"
  • 2009 - "Heart of Captain Nemova"
  • 2012 - "Gold Stock"
  • 2013 - "Third World War"
  • 2014 - "Apostle. Father's instinct "

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