Peter Todorovsky - biography, photo, personal life, filmography



Peter Efimovich Todorovsky - Soviet and Russian director, Writer and Composer, Winner of the Venetian Film Festival. The most popular works of the film of cinema are "City Romance", "Favorite Woman Mechanic Gavrilov", "Military Field Romance", "Interdevechka" and "Anchor, more Anchor."

Childhood and youth

On August 26, 1925, Efim Todorovsky and his wife were born a son, which was called Peter. The family lived in the city of Bobrinz (Kirovograd region of Ukraine). During World War II, parents of the future director moved to Stalingrad, where Peter and his father worked for some time unloaders of coal at the local power plant.

Peter Todorovsky

After the front line shift to the east, the Todorovsky family again moved, this time in the village of Sandy Mar (Saratov region). In 1943, Peter became a cadet of Saratov military school, and already a year later, he went to Belarus as a commander of the mortar platoon, where he later participated in a number of combat operations. As part of the Red Army, Peter reached the elba, but after the injury received during the battle was sent over the front line.

Peter Todorovsky in youth

After graduation, the Second World Todor Todor's short time served as an officer in the Kostroma garrison, and after demobilization went to work for the glass station, where he worked for half a year. In 1949, the future director entered the Operator's Faculty of Moscow Vgika. Peter graduated from the school in 1954, after which for 10 years he worked at Odessa film studio.


The director's debut of Peter Todorovsky was the film "Loyalty" (1964), after which he removed the picture "Focuscript" (1967), "City Romance" (1969), "his own land" (1973), "Last victim" ( 1975) and "On the Day of the Holiday" (1978).

Director Peter Todorovsky

In 1970, Todorovsky debuted as an actor, having played one of the main roles in the film Marlene Huziyev "Was Month May". The script is based on the story of Gregory Baklanov "How much Pound Likha". A feature of the film was the complete absence of a play background. Thanks to this tricks, the line between the main and secondary heroes was erased, and the viewer could capture all aspects of the interpersonal relations of heroes, without leaving anyone without attention.

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In the 80s, Todorovsky released pictures that became the classics of domestic cinema. On March 8, 1982, the premiere of the film "Favorite Woman Mechanic Gavrilov" took place. The day for the premiere was chosen outly: a picture, focused mainly on the female floor, told about the stunned, fragile female happiness. Lyudmila Gurchenko, who perfectly performed the main role of Lyudmila Gurchenko, told that she liked to work on the film that her character was not necessary to beat with words, faithful and gestures. It was necessary to feel.

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In 1983, the Drama "Military Field Novel" was released on large screens. The film tells about the first love and her echoes in the life of the main character, gathered prizes at the festivals in Zhdanov, Berlin, Kiev and Prague, and also became the Oscar laureate in the nomination "Best Foreign Film" (1984).

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Film "On the main street with an orchestra" (1986) gave the viewer the opportunity to see the choice of choice for his eyes. The protagonist of the film One fine day realized that walking in a circle, cyclically performing the same actions, he no longer wants. Already elderly, the rebellion dismissed from work and leaves his wife, proving that a person, regardless of age, family and social position at any time, can start life from a clean leaf.

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The star path of one of the most vivid actresses of modern Elena Yakovleva began after the release in 1989 to the perestroika screens of the film Todorovsky Interdevochka. In the tape that destroyed the Zapgraded stereotype that there is no sex in the USSR, the story of Tanya Zaitseva, who worked as a nurse in the afternoon, was told, and in the evening turned into a night butterfly.

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The subsequent cinellines of Todorovsky - "Ancor, still Ancor!", "What a wonderful game" and "retro threesome" - also accounted for the audience. According to the biographical story of Peter, "Remember, do not remember" the series "Cadets" was shot, which was released on large screens in 2004. In the mid-2000, the filmography of the cinematographer was replenished with the works of Riorit, the "last bottom", "vice" and "styles".

Personal life

The first wife of the famous culture worker was the actress Nadezhda Griednichenko. At the time of dating, Peter was not a well-known operator, but hope - the artist, which was recognized on the street. Roman developed rapidly. One month after the acquaintance, young people signed. As the director himself remembers, a married life has not brought him happiness. A young student who was just beginning to conquer the cinematic Olympus, from the very beginning he felt uncomfortable in this relationship.

Peter Todorovsky and Nadezhda Chertnichenko

Against the background of the young lady, who, in addition to the apartment on the boiler's embankment, cars and summer cottages in Sukhumi, there were two marriages with people, according to social status, who were superior to him, Todorovsky was simply lost. As a result, the desire for self-realization took the top of the desire to build a family. Union existed a year and a half. Officially, the couple divorced in 1961, sowing to preserve friendly relations.

Peter Todorovsky with his wife peace

With the second wife, the world of Grigorievna Peter met in 1962. The chief filmmaker studied at the Institute of Engineers of the Marine Fleet and danced in the student ensemble, in whose repertoire was the most popular song Todorovsky "Where are you, where are you, my friend's friend?". It was on the stage that Peter who came to shoot at Odessa and saw the world that conquered him at first sight. Despite the fact that many people showed an attractive man, Todorovsky stopped on a charming dancer, who later became the producer of all his films.

Peter Todorovsky with his wife and son

Young people signed in 1962. The organizer of the wedding, held in Leningrad, became a close friend of Todorovsky - the poet Grigory is married. Family life of spouses has never been routine. In case, she was more like a creative courage of madness. Peter, being a man Charismatic and smart, as a magnet attracted talented, ideological people. The door of their apartments were open and night. We were frequent guests in the house were Bulat Okudzhava, Alexander Volodin, Vasily Shukshin and even Vladimir Vysotsky.

Birth In May 1962, Valery Todorovsky's son did not coordinate the godly dust to the ideas of Peter. The world has repeatedly told reporters how difficult she was to burn constantly crying Valera, who hearing choral sinking songs and a ringing laughter, who informed from the kitchen, could not calm down. Despite the periodically emerging difficulties, the spouses were happy. It is worth noting that Peter was not the only minider in the family. The world also introduced a significant contribution to the replenishment of the joint budget. The wife's scriptwriter, knitted and embroidered, selling crafts and getting good money for work.

Peter Todorovsky with family

Artistic fishery is not the only lesson that brought revenue. After the birth of the child, the spouse of the famous director began to retract into the industry of cinema. Engineering education contributed to the involvement of the active young lady in the field of cinema. It is known that the world wrote scenarios for the studio "Kyiv Agility". The first work, where she made his debut as a producer, became the picture of the Todorovsky Interdestochka. The world has become for the Todorovsky and the muse, and a friend, and his wife, and a colleague. Only the death of Peter put a point in their half a century of love.


In recent years, Peter often gave an interview. The famous artist of the arts appeared in the TV shows "Visiting Dmitry Gordon" and "Life Life", whose heroes at different times became Garik Sukachev, Boris Klyuev, Nikita Theological and Vitaly Wulf, and also starred in the author's program Dmitry Dibrova "Anthropology".

Peter Todorovsky in recent years

Also on the channel "Russia-Culture" with a gap in a couple of days, the transmission called "Monologue in four parts" came out. In them, the director without a gloves told all the groundnight his life. Cinematographer remembered the war, and people who were near this difficult for both the country and for him the period, and a meeting on the Elbe and, of course, did not bypass his creative path.

The grave of Peter Todorovsky

In April 2013, Peter Todorovsky suffered a heart attack, after which he never recovered. The legend of Russian cinema died on May 24 of the same year. At the time of death, the director was 88 years old. Farewell to the Arts Worker passed on May 28 in the Cinema House Hall. The creator of the film "Interdestochka" is buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.


  • 1962 - Never
  • 1965 - loyalty
  • 1967 - Focuscript
  • 1970 - City Romance
  • 1973 - its land
  • 1976 - Last victim
  • 1978 - on the day of the holiday
  • 1981 - Favorite Woman Mechanic Gavrilov
  • 1983 - Military Field Roman
  • 1986 - on the main street with the orchestra
  • 1989 - Interdevochka
  • 1992 - Anchor, more Ankor!
  • 1995 - What a wonderful game
  • 1997 - Retro threesome
  • 2001 - Life is full of fun
  • 2003 - in the constellation bull
  • 2008 - Riorita

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