Igor Shuvalov - photos, biography, personal life, news, politician, statesman 2021



Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov - politician, a few years of life dedicated to state activities. In different years, he held the office of the president and head of the federal property fund, served as first deputy chairman of the government. He established himself as a skillful and hard manager, but his political biography turned out to be ambiguous.

Childhood and youth

Shuvalov was born in the village of Bilibino, which in Chukotka, by nationality he is Russian. His parents, indigenous Muscovites, then worked there under the contract. Igor went to school in the Far East, but he graduated from school training already in the capital. In 1984, the young man tried to enter the Moscow State University, but unsuccessfully, and in 1985 he was called on an urgent service in the army.

After serving, in 1987, Shuvalov again filed documents to the university. This time Igor enrolled on the so-called Dreafak, and after another year he became a student by choosing the Faculty of Law. In 1993, the future politician graduated from the university and got a job in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Personal life

Igor Shuvalov showed himself an enviable family man, his personal life is connected with only one woman. In his youth, he was absorbed in his studies, and the main and only love met in the walls of his MGU. A student named Olga attracted the attention of the young man and conquered his heart. Lovers got married.

In 1993, Olga presented her husband's her husband - Son Eugene. The first daughter of Maria was born in 1998, in 2002, the Svuvalov family began again again: Anastasia girl appeared on the world, and after another heir was born. As politician is recognized, children seem to him the main value in life, and, despite the ambitiousness and employment, he tries to find time for relatives.

The Schivalov family is not indifferent to the sport: Igor Ivanovich is not averse to playing football, Masha's daughter is engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, and the son of Eugene is seriously passionate about swimming and equestrian sports. The wife has dedicated himself home, children and beloved hobby - breeds dogs dogs.

In 2017, the media learned that Eugene, the eldest son Shuvalov, was educated in the most prestigious College of Great Britain. The eldest daughter of the official graduated from the Moscow Academy of Choreography, and she was taken to the Bolshoi Theater Balt Troupe. In the "Instagram" account, the girl is actively divided by the photo, showing the life, creativity and favorite dogs of the mother.

Career and politics

In 1993, Igor Shuvalov went to work at Alm-Consulting - a newly created legal center. This work brought a lot of useful dating from businessmen and politicians to the future vice-premiere, for example, with Oleg Boyko, Alisher Usmanov, Roman Abramovich and Boris Berezovsky. He assisted as a lawyer and eventually became a co-founder of a number of serious companies.

In 1997, with the assistance of Alexander Mamut, a serious businessman, Shuvalov appointed the head of the Federal Property State Registry. Igor received the right to represent the interests of the state and the government in financial institutions, such as Rosgosstrakh and others.

In the same year, Shuvalov became a member of the Board of Directors of the Organization of Sovcomflot, and some time later and a member of the board of ORT. The career of the leader was rapidly up: immediately after the resignation of Viktor Chernomyrdin, he took the place of the head of the "Rusfund" of the federal property, which lasted for many years. In addition, Shuvalov continued to represent the interests of Russia in Gazprom, "VVC" and other major organizations.

In 2000, Igor was appointed to the post of head of the government office. The media appeared information that this happened not without the participation of Roman Abramovich and Alexander Voloshin (at that time the head of the presidential administration). In the new post, he showed himself as a tough and demanding leader.

The official has repeatedly spoke of the need to improve the quality of subordinates, however, unlike other chiefs, was not intended to change the personnel structure of the structure. Shuvalov really managed to normalize the work of the government's apparatus - a new regulation was introduced, the work was automated (a general computer base appeared, which largely facilitating politicians).

Igor Ivanovich gradually acquiring new powers, controlled all the incoming documents and eventually became a practically informal deputy chairman of the government with unlimited possibilities. The subsequent dismissal of Shuvalov is associated, in particular, and with the fact that his personality began to pose a danger to many political figures of that time, including Mikhail Kasyanov.

2003 marked for a new appointment official. Igor Ivanovich became an assistant to the head of the country, and then the Deputy Dmitry Medvedev, who led the presidential administration at that time.

In 2005, Shuvalov became a personal representative of the president at the G8 summit, and another year later, the Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee of this event from Russia. In December, Igor Ivanovich literally forced the Federation Council to abandon the law "On subsoil". Within the framework of the draft law, it was proposed to transfer the minerals of the regions in the management of "federals". Also, at the influence of the policy revised the issue of accessing foreign citizens to the development of deposits in the territory of the Russian Federation.

2006 Skivalov's career is devoted to work outside of Russia: he represented his country on the Economic Forum in the UK, and also helped to prepare the next G8 Summit in the capital of France. In April, the media had a rumor that Vladimir Putin was dissatisfied with how the official with the team prepared the text of a traditional message to the Federal Assembly, but this information did not find confirmation and in no way affected the career of the policy.

In 2008, when Dmitry Medvedev came to power, his first decree as a new president was the appointment of Putin to the post of Prime Minister. He, in turn, made Shuvalov First Deputy Chairman of the Government. Igor Ivanovich was responsible for the supervision of state policy in the field of external economy, trade and tariff and technical regulation.

Shuvalov took over and ensuring support for small entrepreneurship from the state. In 2009, politics got the responsibilities of the National Coordinator on the issues related to the CIS.

Another major thing that was marked for Igor Ivanovich 2009 was the estimated entry into the Russian Trade Organization (WTO). Initially, it was planned that the country would join the WTO in the Commonwealth with Belarus and Kazakhstan, but later Medvedev insisted on a separate entry of States to the Organization.

Shuvalov topped the negotiation group. The result of the work on coordinating the necessary conditions was the decision of the Russian side to join the WTO outside the United Customs Union with Kazakhstan and Belarus, but politicians emphasized the need to create a joint market between these countries.

In early 2010, the official became the head of the Commission in the field of economics and integration created instead of six previous commissions on the same issues. In the same year, Shuvalov managed to achieve permission to hold the next World Cup of football for Russia.

Initially, analysts gave disappointing forecasts regarding the chances of the Russian Federation to the positive decision of the Commission: an insufficient number of stadiums, transport problems, as well as a shortage of high-class hotels - all this played against the country Shuvalov. However, the efforts of the policy and his teams on the application responded positively.

After the resignation of Alexei Kudrin in 2011, Igor Ivanovich represented Russia in the Eurasian Economic Commission. In the same year, politician planned to run into the State Duma, but later refused the mandate. In 2012, he began to engage in the problems of urban planning, while remaining at the post of first deputy chairman.

At the same time, after the victory of Vladimir Putin in the presidential election, the decree was signed on the preservation of the Deputy Prime Minister Shvalov in his previous position. In 2015, Igor Ivanovich gave an interview in which he argued that the crisis had practically did not seriously affect Russia's economic life and already in 2016 the country expects a stable growth of the economy. At the same time, he spoke with the support of the idea of ​​Andrei Vorobyeva (Governor of the Moscow Region) on the tightening of monitoring for the money of shareholders.

2015 also remembered in the biography of Shuvalov his statement on the situation about the overthrow of Putin. The difficult economic situation in the Russian Federation led to the spread of rumors about the president, but the official hurried to assure the media in the fact that the Russians will be able to withstand any deprivation and will not oppose the country's leader.

2016 for Shuvalov was marked by the work on the preparations for the World Cup of Football, scheduled for 2018. Later, this duty was transferred to the new Deputy Prime Minister in the field of sports Vitaly Mutko.

The official continued political activities as a deputy prime minister until May 2018, was actively engaged in the problems of privatization, urban planning and external relations between the Russian Federation with other countries. He argued:

"The Russian Federation does not claim for some global leadership, so we feel happily and will be very satisfied if in those formats in which we are not allowed to fulfill completely, and still return to the basics of the existence of these institutions."

On March 18, 2018, the election of the President of Russia took place, in which Vladimir Putin again won again. After joining the position, he suggested the place of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. On May 18, the new structure of the Russian government was voiced to journalists. Igor Shuvalov did not save a position, but on May 24, he was appointed Chairman of Vnesheconombank (VEB).

The official invited several employees in the past place of work as its deposits in WEB. Shuvalov introduced new projects and engaged in the development of the bank, but in October 2018 he had to explain Putin the causes of unprofitability of the organization. According to politics, current activities are not damaged, but the previous operations are the cause of a number of problems.

In December, Igor Ivanovich reported that he refuses to take part in the Davos Forum, instead he will go to the meeting in Sochi. With these words, Shuvalov answered rumors about the removal of Russian businessmen under the sanctions of the United States, from events of such a format.


Despite the progress in a political career, the name Igor Shuvalov turned out to be surrounded by numerous scandals. In some media, politics refer to the most corrupt member of the government. The press believes that the interests of the official affect the material side exclusively.

In 2011, representatives of the US Securities Association published official information that Shuvalov acquired valuable assets in America in an amount exceeding $ 300 million and a month later, Alexey Navalny, who during the investigation managed to find information about "Mysterious Billionaire, "as Igor Ivanovich was correct in the media.

The fact is that the Schivalov family, according to the Navalny oppositionist, owns millionshades earned on Sibneft and Gazprom shares. The sources of informal income of the official who significantly exceed its official salary, then Rosneft was attributed.

A year later, the photo of Igor Ivanovich was again settled on the first strips of newspapers: this time the scandal associated with taxes unfolded around his name. Boris Nemtsov managed to find information that Shuvalov did not pay the transport tax and is the debtor. However, it turned out later that the amounts arriving in the tax service on the official website are displayed with the delay and the guilt of the official in this.

Olga Shuvalova, Igor Ivanovich's wife, also did not avoid scandalous fame. It turned out that innocent hobby - breeding dogs - demanded from a woman permanent millions of spending, including frequent flights with a private plane. And the aircraft itself, in which animals delivered to exhibitions, not declared. According to initial estimates, the cost of this necessary family of the vehicle is $ 50 million.

Property Shuvalov caused an increased interest from anti-corruption. Alexey Navalny gathered a compromising on him and published information that the policy belongs to 10 apartments in an elite height on the boiler's embankment. Allegedly he combined all the rooms in one. The financial affairs of Igor Ivanovich reacted to this accusation. According to him, the real estate "acquired as part of the investment strategy for assets management."

In addition, Navalny argued about another real estate that Shuvalov does not advertise. According to Alexey, the official has a castle in Austria, an apartment in London and Villa in Dubai. Later, the politician admitted that the huge estate does not rent, as he said earlier, and it belongs to his spouse.

In 2017, Shuvalov came to the scandal because of offshore investigation, which was conducted in the case of Kirill Shamalov, it is also called the "son-in-law of Putin" because of a possible connection with the daughter of the President of Russia. In the case file, Igor Ivanovich Olga's wife was mentioned, also said about billionaire Alishan Usmanov and the ex-wife of the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin.

Igor Shuvalov now

In April 2019, the official became the head of the Board of Directors of the Far East Development Foundation. In December, VEB, whose chairman is Shuvalov, received 75% of CSKA shares. The President of the Evgeny Giner Club was grateful to the management of the organization and asked for fans not to worry.

The cause of the incident was the debts of CSKA in front of the bank, so the Supervisory Board converted debt into stocks. The situation was developed in 2012, when the club declared the construction of the stadium and took a loan until 2016. Ereated after this, the object was called "Arena CSKA", and after it was renamed "VEB Arena" and continued to remain laid.

In February 2020, Shuvalov made a proposal regarding the point of amendment to the Constitution. The politician stated that now entrepreneurs have no accurate determination of their activities and its value. Therefore, he wanted to make new items to the Constitution of Russia and consolidate the "Advanced Class" entrepreneurs.

In Vnesheconombank, the politician held the latter, according to him, the stage of reducing employees. The dismissal was the final part of the Transformation Plan for the State Corporation. Shuvalov worked a complete change in the social and financial package. So, the organization's top managers have ceased to use official cars and drivers. All employees received other insurance, which turned out to be cheaper than the previous ones, and Igor Ivanovich himself also moved to a personal car. He said about change:

"We are no longer a bank, but the state corporation of development. It happened not just a change of status, but fixing the real role of VEB. Our task is to be an effective government tool in the implementation of large investment projects. "

For the year, from 2019 to 2020, Shuvalov increased its income by 2.5 times. In the revenue declaration of the official, it is indicated that he owns three apartments in Moscow, has two parking lots (along with Olga's wife). In addition, in the property of Igor Ivanovich, a house and an apartment in Austria and the UK are located, as well as four cars.


  • 2003 - Honorary Government of the Russian Federation for a great personal contribution to the solution of the objectives of the country's socio-economic development
  • 2004 - gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation for active participation in the preparation of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly for 2004
  • 2009 - Winner of the IV National Prize "Director of the Year" in the nomination "Contribution to the development of the Institute of Independent Directors"
  • 2011 - the grades of the Commonwealth of Independent States for active work on strengthening and developing the Commonwealth of Independent States
  • 2013 - Order of Alexander Nevsky for great merits to the state and many years of fruitful activities
  • 2013 - Order "For merits to the Republic of Tatarstan"
  • 2013 - Honorary Citizen Kazan
  • 2014 - Order "For merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree for a great contribution to the preparation of an agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union and many years of conscientious work
  • 2014 - Honorary Citizen Vladivostok
  • Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree
  • Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2015 - the Order of the Friendship of Peoples (Belarus) - for "a significant personal contribution to the preparation of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, the development and expansion of integration processes, strengthening economic cooperation between Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan."
  • 2015 - Medal "For the contribution to the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union" 1 degree
  • 2017 - Order of Honor
  • 2017 - Stolypina Medal P. A. I dereg in solving the strategic objectives of the country's socio-economic development and many years of conscientious work

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