Sakura Haruno - biography, character, parents, interesting facts


Character History

Sakura Haruno is a female character who more often appears in the Naruto manga. The complex girl gradually turns into a confident woman and a strong warrior in his appearance. The heroine is in the center of the love triangle: thanks to this line, where Sakura's feelings were mixed, Naruto and Sasque, Manga had acquired even greater color.

History of creation

In the first pairs, to create from Sakura, the main character was not included in the plans of Masashi Kisimoto, the author of Anime. Inventing the image, the artist was in confusion - what features of the person to make Sakura's strongest? As a result, she became the personification of a woman who absolutely does not understand men. The girl received an axampy feature of a real man, with his fears, vices and imperfections, for which he was loved by both the author and fans of mang.

Masashi Kisimoto

At the beginning of Sakura, the fans are annoying fans with weakness and infantality, but later the Japanese mangaka made it more cute, having endungered by force, confidence and tranquility. Character clothing is the most simple compared to the costumes of other heroes. The feature of the image lies in the pink color of the hair, so Kisimoto wanted to emphasize the individuality of the girl.


Unlike some characters, Sakura Haruno had parents and good childhood, they were without injuries and shocks. She went on studying at the Ninja Academy a shy little girl, the subject of the complex of which was the high large forehead. Symbols did not miss the opportunity to swallow over this disadvantage, and then Sakura began to hide the forehead under the bangs.

IO Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno

To gain self-confidence helped friendship with another Yamanaka, a popular girl on the course, which became for the main character support and support. But the warm relationship was destroyed due to love of both girls in the boy named Sasque Tech. Sakura interrupted friendship, putting the beginning of cruel rivalry with it.

The girl cannot be placed to Sasque, but Naruto Uzumaki, whom she rejected, secretly in love. After graduating from the Ninja Academy, Sakura turned out to be together with Naruto and Sasque's beloved in the team number 7 under the guidance of the experienced Mentor Kakashi Khatak. Persistent training made itself felt - the girl in the first missions shines knowledge, skills and excellent chakra control. She also fell a chance to show bravery when night had to protect friends from Ninja in the forest of death.

Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasque tech

A little later, the heroine became a student of the legendary Ninja Tsugun, besides he was trained with medical technicians to healing wounds than caused envy in IO. In the future, Sakura uses the surveyed skills in the salvation of the Cancuro booster, which poisoned poison, - to help then did not even be the best Ninja Medic.

Friends are waiting for exciting and dangerous adventures. Together with Naruto, Sakura rises on the lair of the main antagonist manga orotimar. However, she does not participate in the battle, but acts as a physician. In the fourth world war, the girl joined the ranks of the Third Division, where she had to save Naruto from death. The heroine visited another dimension and returned from there alive and unharmed. Lekary's ability was useful and after the battle of Friends Naruto and Sasque, in which comrades lost their hand, Sakura stopped blood.

Sakura Haruno in battle

Despite the fact that the beloved constantly rejects it, the heroine remains true to Sasque, even when he decides to go on a long journey around the world. However, a love story ends with Heppi-end: Saske Uchiha and Sakura Haroo marry, and later the couple of the daughter of Sarada is born.

Image and ability

At the beginning of Manga, Sakura is a polite, restrained and delicate girl, but the author endowed her "second person," which the heroine calls the "real Sakura". This person is allowed to express anger and other negative emotions. Having matured, the girl learned to directly express the opinion, and the second "I" disappeared forever. As Masashi Kisimoto admitted, such a component of the characteristics was introduced for the aricy of the image.

Little Sakura Haruno

The appearance with the development of the plot also changed. In the first part of Manga, Sakura turned 12-13 years old, at this time the girl's growth was 150 cm. In the second part, before the anime fans, a teenager appeared on 15-16 years old, 161 cm. Long hair was growing for her beloved Sasque, but, which realized that in The battle of a luxurious chapels only interferes, again squeaked the hair to the shoulders. Unlike anime, in color illustrations of the manga on the face of the girl there are makeup, and nails are painted with varnish.

The wardrobe Sakura is not rich and remains almost unchanged. A red dress with sides of the sides, tight shorts of a dark green color and a bag for Kunayev in two years are complemented by bandages on the elbows. Sandals change to boots, and the image of the gloves is completed. During the fourth world war, the heroine is a typical shinobi robe - a blue suit and green vest. Adult Sakura dressed in a long red kimono to the knees, and sandals acquire heels.

Adult Sakura Haruno

In the battle arsenal character, various techniques are cloning, call, reincarnation ... part of the technician is unique. Since Sakura Medic, the girl is subject to chakra transformation in the blades to help make operations; At the same time, cuts are obtained internal, without open wounds. The possession of the "mystical palm" helps the heroine easily heal the wounds of the victim without the use of medical equipment. Plus, Sakura is endowed with the "force of a hundred seals", multiple of its strength and speed.

Interesting Facts

  • Among the characters Anime "Naruto" Sakura Haroo occupies an honorable sixth place. It is not surprising that the fans created a lot of fan fiction with manga characters. Sakura appears as the main character in the stories "School life and not only", "Haruno Sakura. New life". Sometimes appears in the company with heroes from other anime - for example, with handsome Sebastian Michaelis. Fans also made friends Sakura with the Japanese virtual singer Mika Hatsune: the girl with her dances and sings the incendiary song to which the clip was created.
Sakura Haruno in a wedding dress
  • Fantasy fans do not know the limit. On the network roam pictures, where Sakura Haruno in a wedding dress and even in a swimsuit - demonstrates her beautiful body.
  • Some Korean pop idols look in real life, like anime characters. For example, Jia-poured Sakura.
  • The author gave a romantic name Heroine-Beauty with pink hair and snow-white leather. Haruno in the Japanese means "spring field", and Sakura is, of course, a cherry tree, the image of which became a symbol of samurai.
Sakura Haruno in a swimsuit
  • Sakura is fond of board games. Another hobby girl is the study of new medical methods.
  • Illustrator Masashi Kisimoto endowed the characters the smallest features that are inherent in every person. So, Sakura is not a fan of acute food, prefers something less spicy, adores dumplings in syrup, fruit ice cream and dried plums. And the girl's favorite word is courage (or courage).
  • The heroine appears in all animation films and TV series about Naruto. No longer awarded such honor. In his native language, the girl tells Tee Nakamura's voice, Kate Higgins voices it in English.


"I always considered myself a true shinobi, but it was only empty words, because Saske and Naruto were always ahead. But now my turn be ahead. And let them observe "" You didn't know that women should be strong to survive ?! "" I'm a little envy your strength, Naruto! "" I love you with all my heart. If you stay with me, you will never regret! We will be fun, we will be happy ... I swear! "" Maybe I have no impressive weapon, such as dolls, but I have faith mentor in me. "" Each of us should do what is in their power! If we die ... it is better to die, fighting than doing nothing. "

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