Ben Kingsley - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Personal star on the "Alley of Glory" in Hollywood, the Order of the British Empire, the title of knightly bachelor, and also numerous awards for bright roles. About such a collection of honors and awards, his colleagues can only dream, but Ben Kingsley did not dream, but worked selflessly. Labor and talent turned him into a star of Hollywood, which is easily reincarnated into the heroes of any nationality, whether the Hindu, Persian or Egyptian.

Childhood and youth

Ben Kingsley has half the Hindu, half the Jewish origin. Grandfather Actor traded spices on Zanzibar, Raimtulla's father Arzhi Bhhanji was born in Kenya, where his father arrived in the trade affairs. Raimtulla learned to the doctor and in the 1940s went to Britain, where he met the beauty-Jewish Anna Lina Mary Gudman, who was known as a popular model and actress in his youth.

The son of Krishna Bhhanji (real celebrity name) was born on the eve of 1944 in Yorkshire county, in the town of Scarborough, located on the coast of the North Sea. The creative beginning was manifested in Krishna in childhood. For the first time, the boy went on the scene in the humanitarian school. In college Pendleton and Salford University, the desire to go to theatrical layouts intensified.

In 1967, taking the scenic pseudonym Ben Kingsley on the advice of parents, Krishna became a member of the troupe of the Royal Shakespearean Theater. The creative biography began his debut in the formulation of "Covarian Fox" on the play of Ben Johnson. In Shakespeare's "Sight in the Summer Night", a young artist entrusted one of the main roles, with which he brilliantly coped. Interestingly, the scene Baou has been able to share with another famous British actor Patrick Stewart, with whom Kingsley attribute the external similarity.

Personal life

The star has four children. In the first marriage with Angela Martha, Ben had a son Thomas and daughter Jasmine. They are surname Bhhanji. The second spouse - director Alison Satcliffe gave her husband two boys, who were called Edmund and Ferdinand. Their surname - Kingsley.

In the footsteps of the Father, the younger son Ferdinand went. His career started in the theater, the actor also managed to light up in several cinematic projects. Photo of successful works The young man places on his page in "Instagram".

The third marriage of the actor with a colleague Alexandra Kristman ended with a scandal: Alerts appeared on the Internet, Alexandra, after which Ben filed for divorce. After 2 years, the personal life of the British again beat the key: Kingsley successfully married.

The fourth wife of the celebrity became Brazilian Daniel Lavender, who is under Ben for 31 years. They got married in the fall of 2007 and live in Britain.


On the screens Ben Kingsley appeared in the series "Coronation Street" in 1966, playing Ron Jenkins. Others followed by the first project: "Orlando", "Jacanoi", "Piece of the Day", "Adventurer", "Royal Court". In a full-length artistic picture, he debuted in 1972, reincarnated in Rola in the drama "fear unlocks the doors." After a decade, after a number of episodic characters, the artist entrusted the star role of Mahatma Gandhi.

The Biographical Drama "Gandhi", published on the screens in 1982, brought the actor with worldwide fame and generous "catch" of awards. For the embodiment of the image of Mahatma, Ben was presented with Oscar, Bafta and Golden Globe. Filmists called him a breakthrough of the year, and the audience since then did not release the star from sight. It is noteworthy that the director reviewed Dustina Hoffman and Anthony Hopkins on the role of Gandhi, but Richard Attenboro preferred a little-known actor.

Outward Ben Kingsley was similar to his hero, with the exception of growth: the leader of the Indian people was 9 cm below the artist (height 173 cm with weight 74 kg). Interestingly, the ancestors of the star of the screen were born in the Indian state of Gujarat, in which Mahatma appeared. The scene of the funeral of the Indian ideologist was introduced into the Guinness Book of Records. 300 thousand people participated in it, 2/3 of them are volunteers who gave tribute to the great countryman.

The picture received eight figurines "Oscar", becoming a film of the year, and Kingsli woke up famous. Reincarnation in Mahatma Gandhi was difficult: the actor played the hero in the interval of time from 37 years before the murder of 78 years. Ben himself also considers his work as bright and important as the image of Gandhi. This is the role of Don Logan in a criminal picture "Sexy creature".

After working in the Drema "Gandhi" in the 1980s, the actor starred in the top ten paintings, among which the "Diary of the Turtle", "Maurice", a detective "without a single evidence." The next star role came to him in 1989. Work in the project "History Simon Vesental" brought celebrities award "Emmy".

Three more such awards, the actor was awarded for roles in the ribbons "Joseph Lovely: Pharaoh's governor", "Anna Frank" and "Mrs. Harris". In the early 1990s, the premiere of the Gangster Bayopic Bagsi, in which Kingsli played the Mafia Accountant Mera Lanski. For this work, he was awarded nominations for Oscar and Golden Globe.

In 1993, the drama of Stephen Spielberg "List of Schindler", which tells about the German businessman, who escaped a thousand Jews from Poland during the Holocaust, came to the screens. Ben, the director entrusted the role of Isaac Stern saved by Schindler Jew-Accountant.

In the nomination at Oscar, the Golden Globe and the US Film Actors Guild Ben Kingsley for the role of the second plan in the thriller "Sexy Creature". The same nominations went to him for the image of Colonel Bernie in Drama Vadim Perelman "House from Sand and Tuman", released in 2003. After the release of the film films and fans again made sure how complex psychological images are easily given the star.

Another similar role is the chief physician of psychiatric hospital for criminals - the actor played in Horro Martin Scorsese "The Island of Cursed," where Ben met on the set with Leonardo Di Caprio. About tragic events in a mental hospital tells the plot of the thriller "Abode of Cursed", in which the artist worked in Tandem with Kate Beckinsale. The film is the screening of the story of Edgar by "Dr. Smil and Professor Perro." Beckinsale played Eliz Graves, the patient of the clinic, Kingsli reincarnated in the director of the institution of Dr. Silas Lamb, a cruel killer.

Another negative role was given to Ben in the thriller "The happy number of slave", where he appeared in the image of influential mafiosi on nicknamed rabbi. In the film, the main roles also played Josh Hartnett and Bruce Willis.

In 2007, the premiere of Melodrama Isabelle Coyeshes "Elegy", in which Ben played the main character - the teacher and literary criticism of David, who left the family and lead a rampant lifestyle. In one of his mistresses, a student Consulie Kostyllo, reincarnated Penelope Cruz.

The second meeting with the director of Scorsese is the adventure project "The Keeper of Time", which came to the screens in 2011. Partners of Kingsley on the filming of Steel Chloe Grace Marc and Eys Butterfield. For work in the film, the actor nominated for the Saturn Prize.

New luck of the movie star - a fantastic fighter "Iron Man - 3", shot by comics "Marvel". For the image of Trevor, the Plotteri artist was handed over the Saturn Prize. The main role went to Robert Downey - younger. The picture brought the creators of $ 1 billion in global boxes.

In 2013, the star of the cinema appeared in the adventure drama "Leak: Avicenna's student." And again, colorful image is a medieval Persian healer, whose fame has reached the European continent.

In 2015, Kingsley fans saw five new projects with his participation, the brightest of them - the Bayopic Robert Zeekis "Walk" and the Thriller "beside yourself", in which Ryan Reynolds managed brilliantly.

Next year, Beni spoke in the "Jungle Book" of Ben, and in 2016, the Aktra was awarded the US File Actors Guild award for work in the series "Here."

Another loud premiere in the creative biography of Kingsley is the British-German project "Autoban". For the first time, a fighter with the participation of British artist and Anthony Hopkins saw in Japan in 2016. In the filmography of Stars a huge variety of full-length paintings and TV shows.

In 2017, the actor presented the audience a new film with his participation entitled "Hills inhabitants." This is a joint project of three countries - USA, Britain and Ireland. In the mini-series, which was based on the same Roman Richard Adams, Ben appeared in the form of General Durana.

The working capacity of the Hollywood Star amazes, because the "Hills inhabitants" is just one of five projects 2017. In the same year, he starred in the pictures of "Mountains and Stones", "Machine of War", "Maria, Mother of Christ" and "betrayal for beginners." The bright premiere of the year was the movement of the action "guard", in which Kingsli reincarnated again in the main villain. Two employees of the Trade Center performed by Antonio Banderas and Liam Makintära are opposed to him and his gang.

In 2019, with the participation of the British, the dismantling of the "Old Spy Games" was the show. In the film Ben reincarnated in the scout, whom the authorities are retired due to age. The only chance to stay in the service is to successfully conduct a secret operation. But on the path of the spy there is a heroine performed by Monica Bellucci, which confuses the main character all the cards.

The artist regularly participates in voicing animated films. His voice sounds in such masterpieces as the "family of monsters". According to Kingsli, the animation frees it from visual manifestation and gives new opportunities.

Ben Kingsley now

Now Ben Kingsley is working on several projects, the premiere of three of them, including the historic drama "Brooklynsky Bridge", were expected in 2020. Also, its participation is announced in the films "Puppet House" and "Forgotten Heroes".


  • 1982 - "Gandhi"
  • 1989 - "History of Simon Vesental"
  • 1992 - "Bagsi"
  • 1993 - "Schindler List"
  • 1997 - "Susini Todd"
  • 2000 - "Sexual Creature"
  • 2001 - "Anna Frank"
  • 2003 - "House from Sand and Tuman"
  • 2005 - "Bladrein"
  • 2009 - "Cursed Island"
  • 2011 - "Guardian of Time"
  • 2013 - "Iron Man 3"
  • 2014 - "The abode of the damned"
  • 2015 - "Here"
  • 2016 - "Jungle Book"
  • 2017 - "Hills Inhabitants"
  • 2017 - "Mountains and Stones"
  • 2017 - "Ordinary Man"
  • 2017 - "Security"
  • 2018 - "Game Hannibal"
  • 2018 - "Operation" Final ""
  • 2019 - "Resort for divers in the Red Sea"
  • 2019 - "Spider Puttin"
  • 2019 - "Enterprise" God's gift ""
  • 2020 - "Brooklyn Bridge"

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