Vadim Mulerman - biography, photo, personal life, news, cause of death



Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian pop singer Vadim Iosifovich Muleman became the first performer of Lada hits and "Coward does not play hockey." The singer was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR and the Honored Artist of Ukraine. In 1938 in Kharkov in the Jewish family of Joseph Efimovich and Emilia, Israel Mulerman was born in Vadim.

Singer Vadim Mouleman

Since childhood, a child has found a voice suitable for singing. After the teenage breakthrough, Mouleman became the owner of a lyrical bariton. It pushed Vadim Josefovich to enter the Kharkiv conservatory to the vocal department. After some time, the singer wrote a statement about the transfer to Leningrad. Even in the army, the music did not leave Mouleman, since the artist was served in the ensemble of the Kiev Military District.

Family Vadim Mulerman

Vadim Mulerman was offered to become an opera singer, but this idea had to be forgotten, as it was necessary to earn money for the treatment of his father, which was seriously ill. The only way is the stage. In a few years, the artist completed training in Gitis in the specialty "director."


The singer's career for Vadim Josefovich began in Kharkov in 1963. The artist collaborated with the orchestras of Anatoly Kroll, Leonid Rockov, VIO-66 Yuri Saulsky and Murada Muradakh. Fame to Muleman came in 1966, after participating in the All-Union Competition Artists. The singer performed the fateful song "Chrome King". She is known as the "king-winner". At that time, Joseph Kobzon was the main competitor of Vadim Josephovich in the struggle for victory.

Vadim Mulerman in youth

Muleman became the first person who performed such songs as "Lada", "the coward does not play hockey" and "how good to be general". Vadim Josefovich did not have a lack of compositions that became hits, so the song "These eyes opposite" became a gift to Valery Ozodzinsky. In the concert program of Muleman, Jewish songs were present. Among them was "Tum Balalaika." In 1971, due to accessories to the Jewish people, Vadim Iosifovich stopped appearing on the screens of televisions and in the radio.

This is due to the fact that the chairman of Gosperary Sergey Lapin categorically banned the broadcast of the artist-Jews. The reason he called spoiled relations with Israel. Video and photo of the time almost no preserved. Vadim Muleman's concert activity restored some time after some time, but he was no longer invited to television. For 20 years, the singer continued to work, but the plates were not published. Already in 1991, Artist had to emigrate. Just at this time, Vadim Iosifovich was assigned the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Vadim Mulerman on stage

The singer actively helped relatives. Translated a sick brother to America and, despite the high cost of treatment, was able to cover all expenses. In those days, he worked as a singer, a taxi driver, an employee of the social center. Unfortunately, the year of the struggle for the life of the brother did not end with success. But Mulerman did not plan to return to his homeland. In the US, he had the opportunity to develop creatively. Vadim Josephovich helped gifted children. For this singer organized a children's music theater in Florida.

A large solo concert in Moscow was held in 1996. For this, the concert hall "Russia" was allocated. In honor of the 60th anniversary, the singer spoke in 1998 already in New York. After 2 years, the pop artist, together with Nina Brodskaya, Edita Pidoy, Edward Hyle, Lyudmila Senchina, Alexander Tikhanovich, Nikolai Gnatyuk and Jutyign Poplavskaya participated in the international festival "Stars of our Century". The city of USA was visited by touring cultural figures.

In 2004, Mulerman returned to Kharkov. A year later, the artist received a new appointment: he became an adviser to the Chairman of the Kharkov Regional Administration on Culture. A young theater appeared in the city, at the head of which was Vadim Iosifovich. Despite the honorable age, the artist continued touring activities, and in 2007 released a disk with 123 compositions. In 2008, Mulerman attended Russian cities with an anniversary tour "Frowning is not necessary, okay?!". Together with him, Via "Faithful friends". A year later, the singer entered the jury of the contest "Constellation of the Young", which took place in the Kursk Drama Theater.

Personal life

In the biography of Vadim Iosifovich little information about personal life. It is known that the artist was married three times. The first spouse singer became Yvette Chernov. At the young age, the girl died from a cancer. The second wife became the singer Veronica Kruglov. Interestingly, Veronica was married to Joseph Kobzon.

Vadim Mulerman and Veronica Kruglov

Muleman and Kruglova was born daughter Ksenia. The girl lives in the US, works by an artist-designer. After the divorce with Kruglova Vadim, Iosifovich met Svetlana Litvinov. Woman worked with a stewardess. In 1971, they officially became her husband and wife. After 27 years, in 1998, the Muleman's daughter appeared in the family, and in 2003 - Emilia.


In 2017, on the first channel, the next issue of the program "Let them speak" came out, the heroes of which were Vadim Mulerman and his wife. They told about how they live in the United States. Once the star of the Soviet pop now lives modestly. Spouses remove the apartment in Brooklyn. Unfortunately, Vadim Josefovich has no housing in Moscow, since the apartment was illegally sold round.

Recently, the health of the singer has shaken. The musician completely depended on the doctors and relatives.

"I had aneurysm. Urgent surgery, then one more, third. Cancer was on the face, cut out, transplanted. It was not very good formed, offered plastic, and who would be plastic to do? I am all the time under the supervision of doctors. All load on the light shoulders, "the singer admitted in the release of the American tragedy of Vadim Mulerman.
Vadim Mulerman with children and wife Svetlana

Svetlana Litvinova helped his spouse who was older for 32 years old. Family financial support fell on women's shoulders, as the artist could no longer work for health. Muleman hoped for daughters:

"The costs are large, all hope for children. Lights nearby, everything will be fine, and I'm leaving, "I admitted Vadim Iosifovich.

On May 2, 2018, Nina Brodskaya reported that Vadim Mulerman died on the 80th year of life. The cause of the death of the artist is an oncological disease.


  • "Childhood"
  • "Make a wish"
  • "Beazed Love"
  • "King-winner"
  • "Lada"
  • "Love meets take a step"
  • "One minute"
  • "Father's letter"
  • "Allow me to meet"
  • "Fate"
  • "Coward does not play hockey"
  • "Believe it or not"
  • "A person is born to the light"
  • "It may be, it happened."
  • "I remember the day"

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