Boris Krasnov - biography, personal life, photo, news, disease, artist, children, stroke, wife, now 2021



Boris Arkadyevich Krasnov - artist, scenograph, producer, honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia. The masters talent is highly appreciated in his homeland and abroad. Despite the fact that his ideas for different shows sometimes endured the work of artists, Krasnov never put themselves above stars of the scene, but preferred to remain in the shadows.

Childhood and youth

Boris was born on January 22, 1961 in Kiev in the family of the head of the enterprise "Electronash" Arkady Alexandrovich Roiter and the chief artist-fashion designer Kiyanka Kiyanka Factory Nata Borisovna Roiter. During the war, Boris's parents were evacuated to Kazakhstan and the Perm region, grandfather Boris died in Babi Yar.

Up to 12 years old, Boris visited classes on the modeling and drawing in the studio of the Kiev Palace of Pioneers. After the end of the Republican Art High School named after Taras Shevchenko in 1979 he entered the Kiev State Art Institution at the Faculty of Painting, in the specialty "Theater Decorator" in the workshop of the People's Artist of the USSR Daniel Leader.

Being a second year student, Boris debuted with the production of Romeo and Juliet in the Kiev theater of the Pantomime, which was on stage 5 years. In the same year, the artist changed the surname to the pseudonym.

Scenography and design

In 1985, after graduating from the university, Boris Arkadyevich received the position of chief artist in the Kiev Drama Theater. Lesia Ukrainka. In 1987, I designed the performance "so we win" M. Shatrov in the Tyuza Zaporozhye, for which the State Award of the Ukrainian SSR was awarded. In the same year, in the direction of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, went to an internship to Moscow, where a new stage began in the creative biography of the artist.

In the capital of the USSR, Krasnov visited classes at the advanced training center, after which he received the place of the artist in the artist "Lenk". Since 1989, he took the position of chief artist at the theater and concert association of the city of Moscow, who led Alexander Abdulov.

Staying the theater artist, Krasnov worked on the execution of the MMKF, the first award ceremony of the nickname. He participated in the creation of a booth Valentina Yudashkin at the exhibition in New York. The first Circus Festival "Golden Bear", held in 13 pavilions, which were built on Red Square on the Krasnova project, entered the history of contemporary art called "13 miracles of the world."

After 3 years, Boris Arkadyevich opened his own company "Krasnov Design", which took up theatrical scenography. In addition to the dramatic scene, the Krasnov arranged concerts of the artists of the Russian and foreign pop.

Known works of the decorator on television. He was engaged in the design of musical festivals, award ceremony "Teffi" and many gears. Krasnov became the author of the idea of ​​the creative project of Yuri Bashmet "Dream Station." The program went on the screens of 25 years. The designers were resorted by owners of restaurants, shopping centers located in large cities in the world.

The Government of Moscow often invited Boris Arkadyevich to work on creating mass views and events - the day of the city, including the 850th anniversary of Moscow. In 1996, Boris Krasnov at the request of Maya Plisetskaya created scenery for the evening of the Russian ballet, which took place in New York.

In 1997, the Greek government invited Krasnov to design the opening ceremony of the 6th World Championship in Athletics at the Central Athens Stadium. The broadcast of the event was carried out in 160 countries of the world on an audience exceeding 2 billion people. The Triumphal Arch, created by the project Boris Arkadevich, became one of the attractions of the capital a few months after the solemn event.

In 2000, Boris Arkadyevich received the position of chief artist of the State Kremlin Palace, four years later, the artistic director of the Hall of Celebrations "Forum Hall".

One of the major works of the artist was the creation of the design concept of the Pavilion of Russia at the World Universal Exhibition "Expo 2010", for which the Russian side received a silver reward. At the International Forum, which was held in the city of Shenzhen in mid-May 2010, the name of Boris Arkadyevich fell into the first six of the best exhibition designers of the world.

After the course of rehabilitation, Boris Krasnov began to appear in secular events. By order of a long-time friend Philip Kirkorov, the artist made sketches for the decorations of the anniversary concert of the artist.

Personal life

Boris Krasnova's personal life for many years is not subject to any changes. The artist has long been married to Evgenia Krasnova, the former model of Vyacheslav Zaitsev and Valentina Yudashkin.

Family couple raised two children - daughter Darina and Son Daniel. Both received a higher education. Darina is now 4 diplomas, she is engaged in charity, creating its own fund, the brother graduated from the magistracy in Ranhigs.

Nevertheless, the Youth of Krasnov was in relations with another woman, named Valentine. His chosen, Kiev, at that time was the mother of two children. Civil marriage became for her the third alliance. The couple decided to part because of the artist's departure to Moscow. In the Russian capital, Boris Arkadyevich had to start everything from scratch, and his companion was not ready for such changes.

In the fall of 2011, the scandal broke out with the publication of the fact of extortion of a large amount of money from the company Inconnect by the Boris Krasnov group. According to Boris Arkadyevich, the preparation of the project "Year of Russia in France" there was a financial dispute with the specified company and its name was used for criminal goals.

A criminal case was instituted, the defendant of which was the famous designer. For 3 years of study, the prosecutor's office did not find good reason for the court. The investigation was discontinued due to the lack of a crime.

Health status

Due to strong experiences about the criminal prosecution of Boris Krasnov, he struck stroke, after which the left part of the artist's body paralyzed. The scenery was performed on the trepanitation of the skull. To free the decorator from imprisonment and send to treatment, a deposit of 5 million rubles was made.

The designer was delivered to Germany, then in Switzerland, where the doctors introduced the patient into a coma state to reduce brain edema. During the rehabilitation of Boris Krasnova, the wife was next to him. In many ways, thanks to Evgenia, the state of health of the artist has come to normal.

After the normalization of the state of Krasnov, for a long time moved in a wheelchair. In a medical center with a decorator, physiotherapists were engaged in a few hours a day, thanks to which he began to walk. The disease retreated. As Boris Arkadyevich himself remembers, during that period he wrote 60 still lifes. In 2014, the scene designer returned to his homeland.

Boris Krasnov Now

Boris Krasnov was awarded the Order of the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna I degree in the fall of 2020. He visited the ceremony with a friend of the family Dimitri Demine. In addition, he was awarded the "Star of the Fatherland". The photo appeared on the designer page in "Instagram".

Repeated stroke struck the artist in the spring of 2021. Krasnova has paralyzed the second half of the body. According to the fashion designer Dimitri Demin, in June he fell into someone. Boris Arkadyevich was hospitalized in the clinic. Financial support of the artist's family had friends and colleagues on show business.

According to the suggestion of journalists, the second attack provoked Coronavirus, which the scene was scene at the beginning of the year. Boris Arkadyevich himself reported then that treatment from pneumonia was held in the 67th Hospital.


  • 1991-2009 - "Christmas meetings Alla Pugacheva"
  • 1992 - Jurmala Music Festival
  • 1996 - the concert of Maya Plisetsk and Russian ballet stars "right from the big"
  • 1997 - opening ceremony of the 6th World Championship in Athletics in Greece
  • 2000 - Jubilee Concert "Live Legend Ray Charles in Moscow"
  • 2001 - Valery Leontiev's show "Unnamed Planet"
  • 2002 - Musical "42nd Street"
  • 2006 - 10th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum
  • 2007 - International Sports Show "Sochi - Victory Time"
  • 2009 - Day of the city of Astana
  • 2009 - Anniversary Show Alla Pugacheva "Dreams of Love"
  • 2010 - World Universal Exhibition "Expo 2010" in Shanghai
  • 2010 - Russian National Exhibition in Paris

Prizes and awards

  • 1989 - The winner of the Grand Prix Festival of Television Films "Golden Astrolabia" for the work on the film "Moskov Melodies" (Montre, Switzerland).
  • Eight-round laureate of the Russian National Award "Ovation" in the field of spectacles and popular music in the nominations: ("Best Designer Designer"; "The best show at the country's concert venues"; "Best Scenographic Firm of the Year"; "Best Designer Designer" (for artistic Registration of the First World Circus Art Festival "Golden Bear"); "The best director-scene"
  • 1995, 1997, 2000 - Multiple winner of the "face of the year" premium in the nomination "Designer of the Year"
  • 1998 - Winner of the Russian Competition "Manager of the Year" in the nomination "Culture"
  • The winner of the Moscow Awards in the field of literature and art for the design of the performance for children "Ali-Baba and forty robbers" in the State Academic Theater. E. Vakhtangov
  • 2004 - Winner of the Award "Business People" in the nomination "Show and Business"
  • 2005 - Winner of the National Professional Prize in Showtex Awards 2005 Show Technology
  • 2006 - owner of a special prize "ShowTex 2006"
  • 2010 - owner of a silver prize for the Pavilion of Russia at the World Universal Exhibition "Expo 2010" in Shanghai. PRC
  • 2011 - winner of the Grand Prix at the International Investment Exhibition "MIPIM-2011" in Cannes. France
  • 2020 - Order "Star of the Fatherland"
  • 2020 - Order of the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna 1st degree

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