Red Cap (Character) - Pictures, Quotes, Fairy Tale, Image, Description


Character History

Red hat - a character of a popular baby fairy tale. The story of a little girl who met in the forest with a gray wolf leads roots at the time of the Middle Ages. It was then that the first folk versions of the fabulous narration appeared. Western and Russian writers were engaged in the literary processing of the plot.

History of character creation

The fairy tale of the adventures of the girl who met the wolf, there is a long time ago. Such a plot was transferred to the mouth of the mouth of medieval Italy and France. In Central Europe, this story was distributed from the XIV century and enjoyed unprecedented popularity. And in different countries, the contents of a little girl's basket varied. So, in the north of Italy, the girl went to her grandmother with fresh fish, in Swiss legends - with young cheese, in France in a basket of granddaughters - pies and oil.

The plot was the following: Mother asks a little daughter to visit the grandmother living on another edge of the forest. The girl should attribute a treat for relatives. In the forest, the heroine faces a gray wolf (in some embodiments, fairy tales - with a short or huge). Being trusting, granddaughter tells the stranger, where it goes. Then in the head of the wolf ripens the plan - the character is in a hurry to the house of the grandmother.

The gray villain kills the unfortunate woman and prepares dinner out of it, and the blood of the old woman serves as the basis for the drink. Between the business, the wolf moves into the suit of the victim, falls on the bed and is waiting for nothing suspects. When a girl comes into the house, the wolf kindly invites her to taste a fragrant lunch. A cat, who seen what was happening earlier with her own eyes, tries to warn the main character, but the antagonist throws in the animal wooden shoes and kills.

Next, the wolf offers a naive girl to undress and lie down with it in bed. Granddaughter fulfills this request by throwing her clothes to the fireplace. Next, the baby's questions are followed, why "Grandma" looks so strange. The wolf is pounced on the child and healing his sacrifice. In some (rare) versions, the girl can escape.

In the XVII French writer Charles Perra decided to recycle this folk fairy tale. Since the storyteller focused on a children's audience, he excluded from the original narration cannibalism, and also removed the storyline associated with the killing of the cat. The author dressed a nameless girl to the scarlet cap-companion and called the name a red hat. Such a chep during writing the work was already out of fashion in the cities, but was also popular among village residents.

The Charles Perca created his own version of the fairy tale, and also supplied the text of the moral, expressing the main idea of ​​the plot and the essence of the fairy tale - a little girl who violates the rules of behavior, bitterly pays for her frivolity. For the first time, the essay of the French classic was published in 1697 - Perrah included this manuscript in the collection of "Tales of Mother Goose."

At the beginning of the XIX century, German fairy tales, brothers Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, offered a children's audience a new literary conversion. Fairy talesmen removed the motives about the relationship between the floors, which reflected the chalk fairy tale, and endowed a story with a happy ending: the woodcutters, who passed by, heard the noise, broke into the house and cut the wolves of the belly with scissors, freeing and grandmother, and granddaughter.

Literary crowns noted that such a line could be borrowed from another children's book called "Wolf and Seven Cats", as well as from the Piece of the German Romance Ludwig Tika "Life and Death of the Red Cap", created in 1800. In the new interpretation of the Grimm brothers, the heroine disrupts no decency, but the Mother of Mother who warned the daughter, which cannot be communicated with strangers and turn from a straight road.

In Russia, the translation of the plot was engaged in literary critic Peter Polevoy, who tried to preserve the original meaning created by the brothers Grimm. The literary processing of the plot, made by the Russian classic Ivan Turgenev, gained a special popularity. There are also translations and other authors. At different times, pictures to the fairy tale were made by famous artists.

Biography and image of red hats

In the editors of Charles Perro and Brothers Grimm, a detailed description of appearance is not given, the age and characteristics of the heroine are not specified. According to the text, it is a little girl living in the village on the edge of the forest. Traditionally, artists depict a child blonde, with cute features of the face. The heroine is dressed either in a red raincoat with a hood, or in a red head cape. The image of the girl is simple and naive, which is characteristic of her young age.

The fairy tale begins with the fact that the mother asks a little daughter to attribute a grandmother living at the other end of the forest, hotels. Woman warns the girl that along the way she should not stop and talking to strangers. A small heroine leaves the house and soon on the forest path encounters a gray wolf. He is interested in where the red hat is sent. The girl does not hide that he goes to visit his grandmother.

The wolf says goodbye to the girl and rapidly heads to the old woman's house. There he eats a grandmother, puts on her clothes and shepes, glasses, and falls into bed, waiting for the arrival of a little heroine. Having come to the relative, the Red Cap does not immediately notice the unusual appearance of the "grandmother". But after, seeing the "old woman" closer, the girl asks why she looks so unusual. The wolf, taking this opportunity, attacked the heroine, eats and falls asleep.

Soon, the grandmother's houses pass loggers (woodcutters). They hear a loud snoring - the door remained open. Seeing the wolf with a bloated belly, the loggers break the wolf abdomen, and from there, the red hat and grandmother are unharmed. There are options for saving female characters hunters (or hunter). The fairy tale retains popularity today. Phrases of heroes became famous quotes.

Red hat in movies

In 1977, the Soviet Music Film "about a red cap was released on the screens. Continuing the old fairy tale. " The role of the main character was performed by a 10-year-old actress Yana Poplavskaya. The plot of the paintings was distinguished from the classic version - two wolves hunted on the girl at once, but it turned out that in fact people are more dangerous and evil these predators. And already the most red hat has to protect wolves from the attacks of local residents. The film includes vocal compositions, among which the song of the main character was specially popular (the composition was performed by 8-year-old Olga Christmas).

In subsequent years, various directorial versions of the European Fairy Tale are published. Basically, the action is presented in the horror genre or thriller. The plot of the Red Cap often appeared in the Soviet animation - the first cartoon based on the fairy tales came out in 1937. A fun rethinking of the fabulous narrative is introduced into the animation tape of 1958 "Peter and the Red Hat", where the Soviet pioneer sails the heroine. In 2012, the screens came out the comedy Russian musical "Red Cap".

Interesting Facts

  • According to research, the folk plot was also the second wolf, but this unfortunate predator, drowning by heroines in a boiling resin, was forgotten.
  • A monument to the Red Cap and a gray wolf is installed in Schwalme. In this German town there is a tradition: on holidays, the girls wear scarlet capes, and guys - masks of wolves.
  • Heroine sculptures are also located in Munich, Yalta, Berlin and other cities.


  • 1697 - "Red Cap"
  • 1800 - "Life and death of a red happy"
  • 1810 - "Red Hood"


  • 1937 - "Red Cap" (USSR)
  • 1958 - "Peter and Red Cap" (USSR)
  • 1977 - "About the Red Hood. Continuation of the old fairy tale "(USSR)
  • 2011 - "Red Cap" (USA)
  • 2012 - "Red Cap" (Musical) (Russia)

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