Hans Christian Andersen - biography, photos, personal life, fairy tales and books



Little in the world of people who are not familiar with the name of the great writer Gansa Christian Andersen. On the works of this master of the pen, the works of which are translated into 150 languages ​​of the world, not one generation has grown. Almost every home, parents read the children before bedtime, a fairy tale about the princess on the pea, ate and a small dehydrate, which the field mouse tried to marry a greedy neighbor-clock. Or the children watch movies and cartoons about the mermaid or about Gerde's girl who dreamed of rescurating Kai from cold hands with a stale snow queen.

Portrait of Hans Christian Andersen

The world described by Andersen is amazing and beautiful. But together with the magic and flight of fantasies in his fairy tales there is a philosophical thought, because the writer is dedicated to both children and adults. Many critics converge in the fact that under the shell of naivety and simple styles of the narrative, Andersen lies a deep meaning, whose task is to give the reader the necessary food for reflection.

Childhood and youth

Hans Christian Andersen (the generally accepted Russian-speaking spelling will be more correct than Hans Christian) was born on April 2, 1805 in the third largest city of Denmark - Odense. Some biographers assured the Andersen - the illegitimate son of the Danish king of Christian VIII, but in fact the future writer grew and brought up in a poor family. His father, who was also called Hans, worked with a shoeman and barely reduced the ends with the ends, and the mother Anna Marie Andersdatter worked as a laundry and was a small woman.

Hans Christian Andersen

The head of the family believed that his pedigree began from a noble dynasty: the grandmother on the paternal line told the grandchildren that their family belongs to the privileged social class, but these speculations did not find confirmation and were challenged over time. About the relatives of Andersen a lot of rumors who still excite the minds of readers. For example, they say that the grandfather of the writer is a carver by profession - in the town they were considered crazy, because he did incomprehensible figures of people with wings, similar to angels.

House where Hans Christian Andersen grew up and grew up

Hans-senior introduced a child with literature. He read the offspring "1001 night" - traditional Arab fairy tales. Therefore, every evening, the little Hans dipped into the magical stories of Shahryzada. Also, the father with his son adored to take walks in the park in Odense and even visited the theater, which made an indelible impression on the boy. In 1816, the writer's father died.

The real world was for Hans by a harsh test, he grew up an emotional, nervous and sensitive child. In such a mental state, Andersen was to blame the local loyar, simply telling Tumaki, and the teacher, because in those troubled times of punishment, the rogues were an ordinary business, so the future writer considered the school with an unbearable torture.

Talener Hans Christian Andersen

When Andersen flatly refused to attend classes, parents identified a young man in a charitable school for poor children. Having received primary education, Hans became a teaching student, then retrained into a tailor, and later she worked on a cigarette factory.

Relations with colleagues in the workshop of Andersen, to put it mildly, did not hold. He was constantly embarrassed by vulgar jokes and the shortble jokes of workers, and once under the overall gogot from Hans tied his pants to make sure the boy is he or a girl. And all because in childhood the writer possessed a thin voice and often sang during the shift. This event made the future writer finally get into my senses. The only friends of the young man were wooden dolls, once made by his father.

Hans Christian Andersen

When Hansa was 14 years old, in search of a better life, he moved to Copenhagen, who at that time was considered "Scandinavian Paris". Anna Marie thought that Andersen would go to the capital of Denmark for a while, so he was released a hot-beloved son with a light heart. Hans left the father's house, because he dreamed of becoming famous, he wanted to know the acting craft and play the stage of the theater in classical productions. It is worth saying that Hans was a young man with a long nose and limbs, for which he received offensive nicknames "Stork" and "lamppost".

Hans Christian Andersen reads the book to children

Also, Andersen was teased as a writer's writer, because in the boy's house there was a toy theater with rag "hypocrites." A diligent young man with a funny appearance created the impression of the garde duckling, which was taken to the Royal Theater from pity, and not because he perfectly owned soprano. On the stage of the Theater Hansa performed secondary roles. But soon his voice began to break, so the shameters considered Andersen first of all the poet, advised the young man to concentrate on the literature.

Hans Christian Andersen

Jonas Collin, the Danish statesman who headed finances during the reign of Frederick VI, was very much disliked by the young man and convinced the king to pay the formation of a young writer.

Andersen studied in prestigious schools of Slagels and Elsinor (where she was sitting at one desk with students, younger for 6 years) at the expense of the treasury, although he was not an excitement student: Hans did not overcome the diploma and all his life did multiple spelling and punctuation errors in a letter. Later, the storyteller recalled that the student years had dreamed of him in nightmarish dreams, because the rector constantly criticized the young man in the fluff and dust, and, as you know, Andersen did not love this.


During the lifetime of Hans Christians, Andersen wrote poems, stories, novels and ballads. But for all readers, his name is primarily associated with fairy tales - in the service station of the pen 156 works. However, Hans did not like when he was called a children's writer, and stated that he writes both for boys and girls and adults. It came to the point that Andersen ordered that there was not a single child on his monument, although initially the monument had to surround children.

Illustration to the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen

Hans acquired recognition and glory in 1829, when he published an adventure story "Hesy travel from the Canal Holman to the eastern tip of Amagra". Since then, the young writer has not moved away from the feather with the inkwell and wrote literary works one after another, including those who glorifying his fairy tales, which introduced the system of high genres. True, novels, novels and water waters were given to the author of a bit - at the moments of writing it as if it was called the creative crisis.

Illustration to the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen

Andersen scratched inspiration from everyday life. In his opinion, everything is fine in this world: and flower petal, and small bug, and a coil with threads. Indeed, if you recall the works of the Creator, even each body or a pea pod have an amazing biography. Hans was based on both his own fantasy and on the motives of the National Epos, thanks to which he wrote "Fire", "Wild Swans", "Swinewa" and other stories published in the collection "Tales, told by children" (1837).

Illustration to the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen

Andersen adored to do the character tradagonists who are looking for a place in society. This can be attributed to the thumbnail, and the mermaid, and the ugly duckling. Such heroes cause the author sympathy. All the stories of Andersen from the crust to the crust are impregnated with philosophical meaning. It is worth remembering the fairy tale "New Dress of the king", where the emperor asks for two passing people to sew him expensive apparel. However, the outfit turned out to be difficult and consisted of completely from the "invisible threads". Zhuliki assured the customer that only fools will not see the extremely thin fabric. Thus, the king is affecting the palace in an unexpected form.

Illustration to the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen

He and his courtes do not notice the intricate dresses, but they are afraid to put themselves with fools, if they admit that the ruler is paying in what the mother gave birth. This fairy tale has become interpreted as a parable, and the phrase "And the king is naked!" entered the list of winged expressions. It is noteworthy that not all the fairy tales of Andersen are impregnated by luck, not in all the writer's manuscripts there is a reception of "DeuSexmachina", when the random configuration of the circumstances, saving the main character (for example, the prince kisses the poisoned Snow White), as if in God's will appear from nowhere.

Illustration to the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen

Hans We love adult readers for not drawing a utopian world, where everyone lives long and happily, and, for example, without a revelation of conscience, she sends a resistant tin soldier to a burning fireplace, condemning a lone man to death. In 1840, the Master of Feather tries himself in the novel miniature genre and publishes the collection "Book with pictures without pictures", in 1849 he writes the novel "Two Baronesses". Four years later, the book "be or not to be" comes out, but all the attempts of Andersen to establish themselves as a novelist were in vain.

Personal life

Personal life of the failed actor, but the eminte writer Andersen is a mystery covered with darkness. It is saying that throughout the entire existence, the great writer remained in ignorance relative to intimate proximity to women or men. It is a suggestion that the great storyteller was a latent homosexual (as evidenced by the episristolar heritage), he had close friendly relations with his friend Edward Colline, the hereditary Duke of Weimar and with the dancer Harald Schraff. Although there were three women in the life of Hans, the matter was not going on, not to mention the marriage.

Hans Christian Andersen and Ribror Wight

The first chief of the Andersen was the sister of Comrade at the School of Ribrore Wight. But the indecisive young man never dared to talk to the object of his lust. Louise Collin - the next potential bride of the writer - stopped any attempts to courtship and ignored the flamed flow of love letters. The 18-year-old girl chose Andersen a wealthy lawyer.

Hans Christian Andersen and Female Lind

In 1846, Hans fell in love with the opera singer of Female Lind, which, because of the ringing, soprano called the "Swedish Solovy". Andersen Karaulil feminine behind the scenes and gave the beauty of verses and generous gifts. But the charming girl was in no hurry to respond to the sympathy of the storyter with reciprocity, and referred to him as a brother. When Andersen found out that the singer married the British composer Otto Goldshmidt, Hansa dive into depression. The cold of a woman's heart became a prototype of a snow queen from the same name of a writer's fairy tale.

Illustration to the fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen

In love, Andersen was not lucky. Therefore, it is not surprising that the storytener on arrival in Paris visited the blocks of red lanterns. True, instead of shifting the nights, the Hans talked with them, sharing his unfortunate life with them, sharing the night. When one familiar Andersen hinted him that he was visiting public houses not in purpose, the writer was surprised and looked at the interlocutor with obvious disgust.

Monument to Hans Christian Andersen

It is also known that Andersen was a loyal fan of Charles Dickens, talented writers met at the literary meeting, which was satisfied with the Countess Blightsington in its salon. After this meeting, Hans wrote in the diary:

"We went to the veranda, I was happy to talk with now the living writer of England, which I love the most."

After 10 years, the storyteller arrived again in England and came the uninvited guest to the house of Dickens to the detriment of his family. Over time, Charles stopped the correspondence with Andersen, and the Dane sincerely did not understand why all his letters remain unanswered.


In the spring of 1872, Andersen fell from bed, heavily hitting the floor, because of which he received multiple injuries from which he never managed to recover.

Grave of Hans Christian Andersen

Later, the writer discovered liver cancer. On August 4, 1875, Hans died. The Great Writer is buried at the Copenhagen Copenhagen Cemetery.


  • 1829 - "Journey on foot from Channel Holman to East Cape Islag Island"
  • 1829 - "Love on the Nikolava Tower"
  • 1834 - "Agneta and Water"
  • 1835 - "Improvizer" (Russian translation - in 1844)
  • 1837 - "Only violinist"
  • 1835-1837 - "Tales, told for children"
  • 1838 - "Resistant Tin Soldier"
  • 1840 - "Book with pictures without pictures"
  • 1843 - "nightingale"
  • 1843 - "Ugly Duckling"
  • 1844 - "Snow Queen"
  • 1845 - "Girl with matches"
  • 1847 - "Shadow"
  • 1849 - "Two Baroneles"
  • 1857 - "Be or not to be"

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