Charlotte Bronte - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Books



Charlotte Bronte is a famous English writer, the associate of feminist movement in the literature. The author of the religious, readers of the whole world of the novel "Jane Eyre", on the plot of which is removed by the most disheartal film. Also, the writer created the novels "Town", "Sherli", "Teacher" and "Emma".

Childhood and youth

The future novelist was born on April 21, 1816 in West Yorkshire, historical counties in the north of England, which is shot by high mountains, endless fields and is distinguished by exceptional fertility. Charlotte was the third child in the family. Father of the writer Patrick Bronte, Englishman of Irish origin, served in the church, and Mother Maria Brenwell led a household.

Portrait of Charlotte Bronte

In the Epoch of Enlightenment, medicine has not been developed. The world grew the incidence of scarletin, diphtheria and cholera, also progressed infant mortality. But the children of Patrick and Maria miraculously remained alive. Charlotte was brought up in a large family in which, in addition to her, five girls grew up and one boy.

Parents Charlotte Bronte

The youngest - Ann Bronte - became the writer, who became the author of the books "Agnes Gray" and "Strank from Wildfelle Hall", composed a number of poems, but did not receive the same glory and fame as her older sisters. The fifth daughter - Emily Bronte - also chose the creative path and became the author of the only thing, but the meaningful novel "Thunderstorm Pass".

Emily Bronte, Sister Charlotte Bronte

The only son in the family of Patrick Brenewell was also addicted to writing, but later chose the inkliner and Peru brushes, oil paints and canvas. Thanks to this artist, modern readers have an idea of ​​how in reality the novelists looked, because Patrick painted numerous portraits of his famous relatives.

Charlotte Bronte with sisters and brother

In 1820, Bronte moved to the village of Hoert, located in the County West Yorkshire. Patrick appointed Vicaria to Church of St. Michael and all angels. On September 15, 1821, in the house there was an irreparable mountain: Mary died from cancer of the uterus, so the closures and troubles for children fell on men's shoulders.

Ann Bronte, Sister Charlotte Bronte

In 1824, Patrick sends daughters to comprehend a diploma to the Kovan Bridge School. The future writer was not in advance, but the teachers rummed that the eight-year-old girl is much smarter than their age. However, her knowledge was scribe: Charlotte did not know how to count and did not know anything about grammar and ethics.

Charlotte Bronte with Father

Later, Charlotte recalled that in the guesthouse there were bad conditions that have undermined the already weak health of her older sisters. In the winter of 1825, Mary got infected with tuberculosis, and after three months Elizabeth ran into bed from Chakhotka. At that time, until the XX century, tuberculosis was considered deadly and almost incurable disease. Girls failed to recover and soon died. Patrick, concerned that the epidemic will affect other daughters, took Emily and Charlotte in Hoert.

Charlotte Bronte with sisters

At about the same, while at home in Hoeerty Pastorate, Charlotte, Emily, Ann and Brenell began to write to dilute the gray weekdays with bright colors. In their free time, the sisters sat down at the table and invented the bayron adventure stories that took place in the fictional magical worlds and the kingdoms. Charlotte together with his brother wrote a work about the fictional English colony in Africa and invented the utopian capital - a glass city. And Emily and Ann became the authors of a series of stories called "Chronicles Gondal", but this cycle was not preserved. There is an opinion that the armor destroyed the manuscripts shortly before death.

Three sisters Bronte

In 1831-1832, the future novelist continued his studies and entered the Row-Had School, where he showed himself from the best side. The post of director of this school was occupied by Miss Margaret Wooler, with which armor to the end of the life had retained friendly relations, although conflicts took place between the ladies. Charlotte also became friends with two friends Ellen Nasi and Mary Taylor, with whom numerous correspondence left.

Family Charlotte Bronte.

Having received a diploma, Charlotte began to earn their bread with severe teacher labor. But the girl did not like the path of the teacher, who contrasted with the imaginary worlds, which were created by her brother and sisters. The writer did not consider the landed profession of the teacher with something unusually bright, which is able to give rise to the flight of fantasy and creativity. Bronte tried to catch the pen, but the time for literary activity was categorically lacked. Therefore, then only a small part of the poems and excerpts of works, which were created in the short weeks of school holidays were written.

Writer Charlotte Bronte

It is worth saying that Charlotte cared for the formation of sisters. Having consisted with the Father, she brought Emily to School and paid her training from his own pocket. But the girl failed to get along from the house from the house with other laws and the nravami. Ultimately, Emily decided to go back to Hoert. Then her place was taken by Ann. Later, the Rou-Had School moved to the cereal town of Dewsbury Moore, where the gloomy and unhealthy atmosphere reigned. Under the pretext of the fact that the new terrain affects their health and mental state, Charlotte and Ann left the educational institution.


Ernest Hemingway once said:

"True serious attitude to the writer is one of two indispensable conditions. The second, unfortunately, is talent. "

Charlotte possessed these qualities in full since early childhood: Bronte wrote the first verse, being a 13-year-old girl (the first prose was written in 10). Feeling the natural gift, the future novelist began to act. The girl sent several debut poems by the eminent English poet, Prosaika and the representative of the "Lake School" Robert South. This master of the pen is famous for a fairy tale about the girl Zlatovlask, which visited the three bears (thanks to the translation of the Lion, the Russian reader knows this work as "Masha and the Three Bears").

Writer Charlotte Bronte.

Unfortunately, Charlotte's manuscript sent by Material, went to fly. Therefore, biographers do not know which of the poems the girl provided to the court to the writer. But thanks to the answer Robert, who reached this day, it can be assumed that Charlotte strings were saturated with exaltation and pretentiously elevated turnover. The Saunty advised the beginner poetess to cool the dust. In his opinion, Charlotte overwhelmed the enthusiasm, and this feeling is harmful to mental health. Also Robert believed that for the young lady, typical female responsibilities should be above creativity.

Book Charlotte Bronte.

Matra's answer has positively influenced Bronte: the girl stopped writing poems and turned to prose, as well as realism chose romanticism. In 1833, Charlotte Bronte writes the early Roman "Green Dwarf". On the advice of Robert, the girl hid the true name from the eyes of the public and used a non-trivial pseudonym - Lord Charles Albert Florian Wellsli. In this work, which is constructed in the Gothic style, the influence of the founder of the historical novel - Walter Scott is traced. Charlotte's manuscript is a kind of allyusy on the work of a matra, which is called "Black Dwarf".

Hand writing Charlotte Bronte

Despite the young age (then Charlotte was 17), Bronte uses a complex literary reception and writes a story in the story. The plot of "green dwarf" is built around a certain Lord Charles, immersed in the exciting story of his friend - Mr. John Bad, who at one time served as an officer. The events occurring developing in the world of the glass city, invented by the sisters of Bronte. Some critics agreed that the novel could not correlate Charlotte's Junior Cycle "The Legends of Engray", although the "Green Dwarf" is included in the collection.

Illustration in Charlotte Bronte

In 1840, the writer wishes the story of the novel "Esworth" (which remained unfinished). The work was based on the biography of Alexander Eshworth, which is a reflection of the saying "in the still waters of devils are found." Alexander is tidy and smart, but he has a challenge temper. The young man does not get along with his father, therefore, as if the prodigal son, leaves the house away to pursue the expanses of London.

Romans Charlotte Bronte.

It would seem that the story of Charlotte could grow into a popular book, but the writer Hartley Karridge, to whom the book wrote a letter, criticized the root of the work in the fluff and dust. Charlotte agreed with the opinion of the writer and finished work on the book. The work of the "teacher" is a debut serious Roman Bronte, published posthumously in 1857. The writer tried to sell this work editors, but her attempts were in vain, for the publishers stated that the work lacks fascinating.

Book Charlotte Bronte

Charlotte was a lot of written drafts, literary takeoffs and falls. But this writer entered the story thanks to the world famous novel "Jane Eyre", which was published in 1847. This book tells about the little orphaned girl Jane, which is thrown into the side of life. The only relative of the heroine - Mrs. Reed - dislikes the niece and tries to find the case to punish the "guilty" girl.

Soon, Eyre goes to school, her relationship with students add up well, but the title epidemic is progressing in an educational institution. Thus, the best friend Jane dies. The plot of this novel is trivial and talks about the life of a little man. But Bronte is not used to using classic clichés, which sinned the novelists of the Epoch of Enlightenment. For example, Jane never reconciled with a dying aunt.

Personal life

As you know, a white strip of life in a moment of an eye is replaced by black. It would seem that Charlotte had succeeded and became recognized by the writer, but the irreparable grief happened - she lost his brother and two sisters. Emily and Ann died from tuberculosis. Brenwell was drunk in the last years of life. This habit only aggravated his physical condition. The young man died of bronchitis. As a result, Charlotte and Patrick remained alone.

Charlotte Bronte with her husband Arthur Bella Nikols

In the life of the writer there were a lot of cavaliers who sought to offer her hand and heart. Such proposals in the life of Charlotte was enough, but she was in no hurry to marry. One day, Bronte met an assistant to the priest Artur Bella Nikols, who became the chosen by Charlotte. Initially, the future husband of the writer made it far from a pleasant impression. Bronte wrote in the diary that Arthur had a narrow thinking and a limited horizon. The wedding took place in the summer of 1854. There were no children from spouses.


In the winter of 1855, the novelist ran into bed, its condition deteriorated sharply. The doctor assured that malaise is associated with signs of pregnancy. Charlotte experienced nausea every day and could not eat food, because of her appeared signs of anorexia.

Monument to sisters Bronte

In the spring of the same year, Charlotte Bronte died. The true cause of the death of a great writer is not installed. It is the opinion that Charlotte died from tuberculosis, toxicosis or typhus, which her elderly maid was sick.


  • 1833 - "Green Dwarf"
  • 1840 - "Esworth"
  • 1846 - "Poem of Carrera, Ellis and Ekton Bellov"
  • 1846 - "Teacher"
  • 1847 - "Jane Eyre"
  • 1849 - "Sherli"
  • 1852 - "Town"
  • 1860 - Emma

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