Natalia Alexandrova - biography, photo, personal life, news, books 2021



Natalia Nikolaevna Alexandrova - Russian writer, the author of ironic, criminal and historical detective novels, screenwriter. The future writer was born in Leningrad. Parents gave a girl to a mathematical school, where Natalia became one of the best students. In addition to mathematics, the girl was fond of reading detectives Agatha Christie. Natalia's favorite novels re-read many times, and soon discovered Soviet detective literature.

Writer Natalia Alexandrova (Tankova)

After graduating from school, the girl entered the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. After receiving a diploma of a young specialist, they already waited in the Research Institute, in which the girl settled in the specialty "Engineer". Natalia's biography was predetermined and did not foretell special changes in the future.

Natalia Alexandrov

The designer engineer weekdays passed monotonously and were subordinated to strict work schedule. The exception was the family: three children did not let mom bored. At a certain point, Natalia Nikolaevna had to leave work, as the number of family responsibilities increased. Having become a housewife, Natalia decided to fulfill a long-time dream and write a book, but did not decide to proceed to the conceived. At first, the future writer worked on the radio, was engaged in translations from English and mastered the aces of accounting.


To truly start writing work, Natalia was needed by the plot, which did not develop. Thoughts about interesting exciting history so melted a housewife that one day she saw a detective dream. Waking up, Natalia first shared himself seen with his spouse, who after some thought offered his wife to set out what was seen on paper. Thus was born the first book of Natalia - "Step into the abyss" and the first heroine appeared - the Retaeeter's dealers, Nadezhda Lebedev.

Natalia Alexandrova with her husband

Spouse Natalia Alexander Tankov himself worked as an engineer in the Research Institute, but in his free time began to help the newly writing writer in the creation of novels. Unexpectedly awakened literary talent at the Father of the family of the family to leave him to leave engineering and go to journalism. So the family creative duet and the pseudonym of the writer was born - Natalia Alexandrova, who was created from the names of tank spouses.


In the early 2000s, the writer prepared the first novels to publish the first novels: "The game of the case", "Bride's Collar", "Roses for Killer", "Jacuzzi for Ophelia", "Tarantul on vacation" and others. In the first five years, about 12 books from the first series of works devoted to the activities of the Liteller of the Check of Hope Lebedeva. A young girl who easily copes with the slightness of confusing crimes, became the favorite of the writer and readers - about 60 books already created about a favorite-fool.

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Later, a cycle of 35 novels about fraudsters and detectives in part-time Lole and Marquis, the heirs of the Osta Bender. The readers were most popular with the books "Two of the Larz", "Unfortunate Wife", "Black Magic in White Polka Dot". In 2004, Natalia pleased fans with new works, the heroes of which were three girlfriends in search of love and money - Jeanne, Irina and Ekaterina. 11 Books of the series began with two detectives - "Visit of the crazy lady" and "Jacket of three piglets".

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Soon Natalia Alexandrov switched from ironic detectives to historical. From under the pen of the writer duet, the cycle of Romanov was released about the work of the Detective Detective Agency of Vasily Kulikov and his Parliament of Vasilisa ("Diamond Princess", "All Against Sweets", "Playing with the wrong husband") and a series about the dewerage of the restorer Dmitry Starygin (" Curse of Pharaoh, "Dar of Immortality").

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Later, Natalia Alexandrova wrote books from the Mini-Series of Rocky Artifact, Formula Formula, "Art Detective" and three cycles of funny, criminal and comedy detectives. The historical novels of the writer include books about Belong Guard, guarantor Boris Orditsev, who investigates crimes taking place in emigration.

Books of Natalia Alexandrova about the guarantor Boris Orditsev

For almost two decades, the writer managed to be attended with four publishers: "Eksmo", "Alma Media Group", "Astrel", "Ast Moscow". In addition to the main heroes of the detectives, numerous secondary characters are present in Natalia's books, as well as four-legged family of detectives - cats and dogs. Meet the narrative and pets Alexandrova - Parrots.

Parrots in Natalia Alexandrova books

The last series of Natalia Alexandrova "Artifact-Detective" is devoted to crimes committed in past centuries. Fascinating stories - "Kney Dracula Blade", "Catherine's Great" ring, "Mirror of Lucretia Borgia" - tolerate the reader during the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Enlightenment.

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In 2008, the director Nikolay Glinsky proposed Natalia Alexandrova Write a script for the movie. Soon on the Pygmalion-Film Company film studio, the comedy "Tender Meetings" began, whose main characters were played by Olga Berezkin, Konstantin Milovanov, Vladislav Vetrov, Irina Biakova and Maria Shastin. The story of love Valery and Mary became the first experience of the writer in cinema.

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In 2015, three series from a three-friend cycle came to the screens. In the films "Pogony for three hares", "Marathon for three graces" and "murder on three", the main roles were performed by Alla Yuganov, Ekaterina Kopanova and Julia Takshin. The shields were broadcast on TVC channel.

Personal life

The strong family of the engineer Natalia Tankova over time turned into a creative tandem. Natalia's husband - Alexander Tankov - also became interested in writing and became co-author of Spouse.

Natalia Alexandrova with her husband

On the covers of Natalia Alexandrova's publications, a joint photo of the writer duet is usually placed. In addition to creating 282 books, parents managed to also raise three children.

Natalia Alexandrova now

In 2016, the next film was appeared from the series about the adventures of friends Zhanna, Irina and Catherine - "Three Lans on the diamond trail". This time, girls had to participate in the disclosure of the murder of a television operator, who died in front of Irina. Stories about the adventures of the three friends were loved by the audience, so in 2017 the last two series were released on the screens - "Three in the elevator, not counting the dogs" and "Mousetrap for three persons".

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In 2016, a detective author released a number of books from different episodes: "Power and mother-in-law", "Sacred Emerald of the Apostle Peter", "Fight with Lena", "Ghost House". In 2017, Natalia wrote two novel from the cycle about the treasury of the hope of Lebedeva - "Mirror of Velzevulus" and "Portrait of the Bloody Countess", as well as an ironic detective "Features of cat fishing" about the adventures of the three girlfriends. Now on the shelves of bookstores, you can find the latest work of the writer - the novel "Golden pin Julia Caesar" from the series "Artifact-Detective".


  • "Art Detective"
  • "Artifact Detective"
  • "Detective amateur Nadezhda Lebedev"
  • "Stones of the Apostle Peter"
  • "The heirs of the Osta Bender. Lola and Marquis »
  • "Adventures of the lieutenant Orditsev"
  • "Three girlfriends in search of money and happiness"
  • "Private detective Vasily Kulikov"

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