Arthur Conan Doyle - biography, photos, personal life, books, "Sherlock Holmes"



Perhaps, there are few people who have not seen the Soviet Motheric film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" with Vasily Livanov and Vitaly Solomin in high roles. The famous detective once also played Benedict Cumberbatch, descended from literary lines of the famous English writer and publicist - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Childhood and youth

Sir Arthur Ignashus Conan Doyle was born on May 22, 1859 in the capital of Scotland - Edinburgh. This picturesque city is rich in both history and cultural heritage and attractions. Therefore, it can be assumed that in childhood the future doctor and the writer watched the columns of the Presbyterianization Center - the Cathedral of St. Egidia, and also enjoyed the Flora and the fauna of the Royal Botanical Garden with a palm greenhouse, a lilac heather and arbororem (a collection of tree species).

The author of adventure stories about Sherlock Holmes Ros and brought up in a Catholic respected family, his parents made an indisputable contribution to the achievement of art and literature. Grandfather John Doyle was an Irish artist, worked in the genre of miniatures and political caricatures. It came from the dynasty of the prosperous merchant silk and velvet.

House Arthur Conan Doyle

Father writer - Charles Oltemont Doyle - went in footsteps of the parent and left a watercolor trail on the canvases of the Victorian era. Charles diligently portrayed gothic plots with fabulous characters, animals and magic faces. In addition, Doyle-senior worked illustrator (his paintings were decorated with the manuscripts of Lewis Carroll and Daniel Defo), as well as architect: stained glass windows in the Cathedral in Glasgow are made according to Charles sketches.

Arthur Conan Doyle as a child with his father

On July 31, 1855, Charles made a proposal of the hand and hearts of 17-year-old Irish Mary Josephine Elizabeth Fouley, who later presented the beloved seven children. By the way, Mrs. Fowley was a woman formed, the swovers read the court novels and told the children exciting stories about fearless knights. The heroic epic in the style of Provence Troubadur times and forever left the mark in the soul of Little Arthur:

"True love of literature, a tendency to writing goes from me, I think from the mother," the writer recalled in the autobiography.

True, instead of Knight's books Walter Scott Doyle, Thomas Main Reed pages, who excited the minds of readers adventure novels. Few people know, but Charles barely reduced the ends with the ends. The fact is that a man dreamed of becoming a famous artist, so that in the future his name raised next to Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Leonardo da Vinci. However, during life, Doyle did not receive recognition and fame. His paintings did not enjoy great demand, so bright canvases were often covered with a thin layer of dilapidated dust, and money taken from small illustrations was lacking to feed the family.

Arthur Conan Doyle

Charles found salvation in alcohol: hot drinks helped the chapter of the family to remove from the harsh reality of being. True, the alcohol only aggravated the situation in the house: every year unfulfilled ambitions, Doyle-father drank more and more than and earned a contemptuous attitude from the senior brothers. Ultimately, the unless artist conducted days in deep depression, and on October 10, 1893, Charles died.

Arthur Conan Doyle in the field hospital during the English-Board War

The future writer studied in the elementary school of Godder. When Arthur was 9 years old, thanks to the funds of famous relatives, Doyle continued his studies, this time, in the closed Jesuit College Stonichorst, which is in the county of Lancashire. It is impossible to say that Arthur was delighted with school bench. He despised the class inequality and religious prejudices, and also hated physical punishments: the labeling belt teacher only poisoned the existence of a young writer.

The boy was not easy to be mathematics, he did not like algebraic formulas and complex examples that gave green longing to Arthur. For dislike for the subject, praised Aristotle and Descartes, Doyle received regular tumaks from fellow students - Moriarty brothers. The only joy for Arthur was sport: the young man played a cricket with pleasure.

Arthur Conan Doyle in a cricket team

Doyle often wrote a mother's mother, where in detailed details described the happening per day in his school life. Also, the young man implemented the potential of the storyteller: to listen to the fictional adventure stories of Arthur, there were queues from the peers around him, which "paid" the speaker by the speakers on geometry and algebra.


Doyle chose a literary activity of no accident: being a six-year-old child, Arthur wrote a debut story called "Traveler and Tiger". True, the work turned out to be short and did not take even a whole page, because the tiger immediately disheveled the unhappy wanderer. The little boy acted on the principle of "brevity - sister of talent", and becoming an adult, Arthur explained that he was already a realist and did not see the exit from the predicament.

Indeed, the master of the pen is not used to sinning the reception of the "God from the car" - when the main character, which was in unnecessary time in an unnecessary place, saves an external or previously acting factor in the work. In place of the writer's writer, instead of the writer's field, initially chose a noble profession of a physician, no one is surprising, because there are many such examples, even Chekhov said that "Medicine is my legitimate wife, and literature is a lover."

Illustration for the book Arthur Conan Doyle

The young man preferred a white medical bathrobe Peru and inkwell due to the influence of a certain Brian Ch. Waller, who rented a room from Mrs. Fouley. Therefore, having heard medical stories, a young man without pondayvius submits documents to the Edinburgh University. Becoming a student, Doyle met other future writers - James Barry and Robert Lewis Stevenson.

In the free from lecture materials, Arthur was engaged in his favorite business - Corpel over the books of Brita Garta and Edgar Allan by, whose "Golden Beetle" left in the heart of a young man an indelible impressions. Inspired by novels and mystical stories, the writer tries his forces on the literary field and creates the story "The Mystery of the Salskaya Valley" and "American History".

Arthur Book Conan Doyle

In 1881, Doyle receives a bachelor's degree and goes to medical practice. The author of the "Baskerville dogs" took about ten years to abandon the profession of an ophthalmologist and to plunge into the multifaceted world of literary lines. In 1884, under the influence of Charles Dickens, Arthur Conan begins work on the novel "Gerdloston Trading House" (printed in 1890), telling about the criminal community issues of English society. Fabul is built on the clever dolzes of the commitments of the criminal world: they will drive around the fingers of people who turn out to be in the power of non-refined denies.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

In March 1886, Sir Conan Doyle works over the "Etude in Baghrov Tones", the work on which was completed in April. It is in this work for the first time in front of readers a famous London Sherlock Holmes Detective appears. A prototype of a professional detective was the real person - Joseph Bell, a surgeon, a university professor in Edinburgh, who could calculate with the help of logic as a rough mistake and a fleeting lie.

Joseph Bell - prototype Sherlock Holmes

Joseph was a fellow by his student who diligently observed for each movement of the master who had invented his own deductive method. It turns out, cigarettes, ashes, a clock, a cane, a cane and dirt under the nails, can say about a person much more things than his own biography.

Illustration for the book Arthur Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes character is a kind of know-how on literary expanses, since the author of detective stories sought to make it an ordinary person, and not a mystical book hero, in which either positive or negative qualities concentrate. Sherlock, like other mortals, has bad habits: Holmes Neakkurata in circulation of things, constantly smokes strong cigars and cigarets (the tube is the fiction of illustrators) and with the complete absence of interesting crimes uses cocaine intravenously.

Vasily Lebanov in the image of Sherlock Holmes

The story of the "Scandal in Bohemia" was the beginning of the famous cycle "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes", which included 12 detective stories about the detective and his friend - Dr. Watson. Also Conan Doyle created four full-fledged novels, where, in addition to the "Etude in the crimson tones", the "Baskerville Dog", the "Horror Valley" and "Sign of Four". Thanks to the popular works, Doyle became almost the highest paid writer both in England and around the world.

It is rumored that at one moment Sherlock Holmes was tired of the creator, so Arthur decided to kill the witty detective. But after the death of the fictional detective, Doyle began to threaten and warned that his fate would be sad if the writer did not resurrect the hero readers. Arthur did not dare to disobey the will of the provocateur, so he continued to work on numerous stories.

Personal life

Externally, Arthur Conan Doyle, like Theodore Roosevelt, created the impression of a strong and mighty person, similar to hero. The author of books to old age was engaged in sports and even in old age could give a young one. According to rumors, it was Doyle who taught the Swiss to ride skiing, organized the auto racing and became the first person who saddled the moped.

Arthur Conan Doyle and the first wife of Louise with children

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's personal life is a storehouse of information from which you can make a whole book like a nontrivial novel. For example, he went to the navigation on the whaling vessel, where he was in the position of a ship doctor. The writer admired the immense expanses of the sea depths, and also hunted seal. In addition, the genius of literature served on dry cargos off the coast of West Africa, where he met the life and traditions of another nation.

Wedding Arthur Conan Doyle and Gin Lekkka

During World War I, Doyle temporarily suspended literary activities and tried to go to the front volunteer to show the contemporaries an example of courage and courage. But the writer had to cool the dust, since his proposal was rejected. After these events, Arthur began to publish journalistic articles: in the publication The Times almost every day appeared manuscripts of the writer on the military theme.

Arthur Conan Doyle and the second wife Jean Lekki

He personally organized the detachments of volunteers and tried to become the leader of "Raid Raidesty". The master of the pen could not remain inactive in this vague time, because he thought every minute about the terrible torture, which his compatriots are subjected.

Family Arthur Conan Doyle

As for love relationships, the first chief of the Matra Louise Hawkins, who gave him two children, died from Chakhotka in 1906. After a year, Arthur makes the offer of Gene Lekkka - a woman in which he was secretly in love since 1897. From the second marriage in the family of the writer, three more children were born: Jin, Denis and Adrian (who became a biographer of the writer).

Arthur Conan Doyle with the son of Adrian

Although Doyle positioned himself as a realist, he reverently studied the occult literature and conducted spiritual sessions. The writer hoped that the spirits of the dead would give answers to his questions that were interested in, in particular, Arthur was worried about reflections on whether there was life after death.


In the last years of the life of Doyle, nothing foreshadowed troubles, the wrister of the "lost world" was full of energy and forces, in the 1920s the writer visited almost all the continents of the world. But during the trip to Scandinavia, the health of the genius of literature deteriorated, so throughout the spring he stayed in bed surrounded by relatives and loved ones.

As soon as Doyle felt better, he went to the capital of Great Britain, in order to fulfill his last attempt in life to talk to the Minister of Internal Affairs and demand the abolition of laws according to which the government pursues followers of spiritualism.

Grave Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in Sussex from a heart attack in the early morning of July 7, 1930. Initially, the grave of the Creator was located near his house, but later the remains of the writer were reburied in New Forest.


Cycle about Sherlock Holmes

  • 1887 - Etude in the crimson tones
  • 1890 - Four sign
  • 18992 - Sherlock Holmes Adventures
  • 1893 - Notes about Sherlock Holmes
  • 1902 - Baskerville Dog
  • 1904 - Return of Sherlock Holmes
  • 1915 - Horror Valley
  • 1917 - His farewell bow
  • 1927 - Sherlock Holmes Archive

Cycle about Professor Challenger

  • 1902 - Lost World
  • 1913 - poisoned belt
  • 1926 - Country of Fog
  • 1928 - When the earth screamed
  • 1929 - Disintegration Machine

Other works

  • 1884 - Jeffson Hebquook Post
  • 1887 - Domalushki Jeremy home
  • 1889 - Mystery of Ferrend
  • 1890 - Herdleston Trading House
  • 1890 - Captain "Polar Star"
  • 1921 - Phenomena Fay

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