Chipollino - biography, main characters and plot


Character History

Cheerful and brave bulb from sunny Italy named Chipollino in the 1950s became a symbol of the victory of the oppressed people over the power of the people. A children's book, which is distinguished by a bright artistic peculiarity, the Italian Gianni Rodari raised absolutely no children's questions. Life values, justice, friendship - for everything there was a place on the pages of the work about the adventures of the revolving vegetables and fruits.

History of creation

The Italian writer Janni Rodari referred to the number of supporters of communism. The defender of the poor and the adherent of social justice in 1950 interpreted to the post of editor of the Children's magazine "Pionir" and his own properly began to create for children. To begin with, a collection of funny poems was published, and a year later, after the publication was headed, a fabulous story "Adventures Chipollino" gave the tale.

Gianni Rodari

The book glorified the Italian Communist, especially in the Soviet Union, which is understandable - the author is in the allegorical form of large landowners and Sicilian barons, which opposed the poor people.

In 1953, the work was taken to Russia on the initiative of Samuel Marshak, who simpatized Rodari and he patronized him. The Russian poet, the storyteller himself took over the editorial of the Italian story in the translation of Potapova Zlas. Heroes immediately after the appearance on the shelves of Soviet bookstores conquered the hearts of children. Since then, a book with colorful pictures is published by millions of circulations and even entered the school program.

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The story that does not lose its relevance to this day is far from the magical works, devoid of fairies, wonderful transformations and phenomena, therefore it is ranked towards domestic social fairy tales. Characters rely only on their mind, smelling, courage and loyal calculation. The main idea is to show the injustice of the oppression of unprotected sectors of society. However, in the fairy tale there was a place for the whole place of problems. The story turned out to be fascinating and kind, consists of 29 chapters who crumpled a collection of songs of heroes.

Biography and plot

The restless boy of Chipollino lives in the lemon kingdom on the outskirts of the city. A large onion family lives in a poverty in a wooden lach size with a box for seedlings. One day, the head of the family of Papa Chipollona inadvertently stepped on his leg with the Corn of Prince Limon, who decided to visit this part of the state. The angry ruler of the country ordered to sharpen the clumsioned father-bully to prison for many years. So began the exciting adventures of Chipollino and his comrades.


After a date with a conclusion, the boy realized that the prison was sitting exclusively innocent people, and also received an instruction from the father to "take a walk in the world", gain experience, see how people live. During the journey, Chipollon ordered the offspring to pay special attention to the scammers standing in power.

Lukovka went on a campaign on an endless country, on the way to see poverty and imagine compatriots. Poor kuma pumpkin g

Onith Senor Tomato from the little house, who took a piece of the Lord of the Lord, Kum Blueberry drives ends with the ends, having from all overnight only halves of scissors, threads and needles, the peasants are starving, sending calls with products to the Palace, Council Cherry, and they pay for the air And try to learn less breathe less. Cherries are going to establish another tax - on precipitation.

Chipollino and Signor Tomato

But Chipollino, having enlisted with the support of friends, among which the Bean, Professor Pear, Master Grape and others, decides to help the people. The fight against injustice, which ends with a complete victory: the flag of freedom is proudly fluttered on the castle tower, and the structure itself has become a palace for children, where the cinema hall, games for games and drawing, puppet theater is equipped.

The tale of class struggle is characterized by a dynamic plot and a whole range of wonderful images. Positive and negative characters from the world of plants show the relationship between people of different classes. Rodari managed to convey complex things in simple language, give the work a unique artistic style.

Shielding and setting

In Russia, Chipollino managed to go beyond the paper edition. Lukovka (the meaning of the name in the Italian language) went to television - in 1961, based on the works on the screens came out a cartoon under the director of Boris Dejkina, where Nina Glyaeva voiced the main character.

Chipollino from the Soviet cartoon

The gallery of the character of the book is richer than the "acting" composition of the Soviet cartoon. So, in the story of the Italian Communist, heroes who are not believed to the plant world, for example, Mole, Bear, Spider, live. Multipliers left only characters "from a garden", and even that not everyone. I had to say goodbye to reduce the time of the film with an orange, parsley, peas.

Another 12 years old Tamara Lisician pleased the little spectators with a film-fairy tale "Chipollino". In the musical comedy, the character image embodied Alexander Elistratov. The paintings were filmed with such stars of Soviet cinema, like Rin Green (Cherry Countess), Vladimir Basov (Prince Limon), Georgy Vicin (Poroscoba lawcrew).

Alexander Elistratov as Chipollino

Even Janni Rodari himself came to the cast - the Writer was taken by the role of a storyteller. Tamara Lisician accounted for his wife to one of the leaders of the Communist Party of Italy, so she personally was familiar with Rodari. That is why the author suddenly appeared in her picture.

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In 2014, connoisseurs of literature and theater were outraged by the formulation of a children's performance based on the works of Rodari, the director of whom Ekaterina Queen was performed. From the scenario of the musical fairy tale disappeared the story where the heroes arrange a revolution. Prince Limon simply listens to the people, an insight is conducive for him, thanks to which the Lord cancels unfair laws and remains in power. The author of the performance explained the decision to block the idea of ​​the Italian writer:

"We left in the play social sharpness, but since I am terribly afraid of all kinds of revolutions, then the coup will go into the minds of the heroes."

Ban in Russia

Five years ago, Russian Society burly discussed the topic of restrictions that the government imposed on some of the books, films and cartoons. The tale of Gianni Rodari "Adventures Chipollino" is included in the list of malicious literature, which is not recommended in Russia to read by children under 12 years.

Ban chipollino in Russia

The ban is imposed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of children from information that hurts their health and development", which entered into force on the day of knowledge in 2012. In the history of the adventures of the Italian Bulb, the lawmaking of the Episodic image of violence.

Interesting Facts

  • Since the end of the 50s, the hero of the Italian story joined the ranks of the club of merry men, which lived on the pages of the magazine "Merry Pictures". Children entertained the company from Chipollino, Lockkina, Pinocchio, and later they joined the pencil and self-relocine.
Club of merry men
  • To write music to a cartoon about Herbrome Chipollino invited a talented musician Carran Khachaturian. Then no one even suspected that the work would turn into another new work. The composer admitted: the tale was so fascinated him, which did not leave the head. Karen Khachaturian recalled:
"For some reason, every hero appeared to me now in dance."
  • After 12 years, stunning, sincere music for ballet in three actions "Chipollino" was born. And the brilliant fate of Henry Majorova's statement began, which since 1974 successfully traveled on theatrical frames. The composer became famous for the whole world, and the ballet became one of the best in contemporary art focused on a children's audience.
  • Gianni Rodari first gained success in Russia and only then, in 1967, in his homeland. For the "fabulous" work, the writer received a prestigious award - the Medal of Hans Christine Andersen.


"In this world, it is quite possible to live in the world. For everyone on Earth there is a place - both for bears, and for bulbs. "" Do not be angry, do not be angry, Signor Tomato! From anger, they say, vitamins disappear! "" And, in my opinion, today is a very good day. We have a new friend, and this is quite a lot! "" Here you keep, you can lick this piece of paper. She is sweet, a year ago, Caramel with Roma was wrapped in her. "

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