Dr. Aibolit (character) - photo, biography, characters, cartoon, roots of Chukovsky


Character History

To be treated with the animal doctor Aibolit is a pleasure - instead of injections and tablets, the doctor prescribes Gogol-Mogol and chocolate. And the patient is waiting for a portion of heat and kindness. The Character of Kornea Chukovsky is involved in exciting adventures that for some reason are mainly occurring in distant Africa, where children are very dangerous for children.

History of character creation

The distinguishing feature of Cornea Chukovsky's creativity is that many of the "end-to-end" characters created by it - the fabulous faces flashes in one book, then in the other, but they do not associate the plot, but exist in separate worlds and spaces.

Such heroes include crocodile, Middodar, Hippo - can be found in different fairy tales. Aibolit is crowned by the Pleiad of Overgoing Characters, appearing in the poetic works of "Barmalei" (1925), "Aibolit" (1929) and "Ower Barmaley!" (1942). The animal healer rules the ball also in the prosaic story "Dr. Aibolit" (1936).

With the authorship of Aibolita, confusion arose. It is believed that the English writer Hugh Lofting came up with a good doctor: In 1920, "History of Dr. Dulittla" feather came up from under the pen, the idea of ​​which originated on the fronts of the First World War - the author drew attention to the fact that animals participate in hostilities and they Also, like people, need medical care. The story so loved the defector that the Book Medic was the hero of 14 more publications.

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Four years after the debut, the work in the processing of Chukovsky appeared in Soviet Russia. Ivanovich's roots simplified the tale on the maximum, because the fairy tale was addressed to the smallest readers, and even died to rename the characters: Dulittl became Aibolit, the dog jeep turned into Avvu, Jab-Jab's piglers proudly wore a new name Hru-Khrew. However, in 1936, the fairy tale in the retelling of Chukovsky gained an intriguing afterword:

"A very strange thing happened a few years ago: two writers at the two ends of the world composed the same fairy tale about the same person. One writer lived behind the ocean, in America, and the other in the USSR, in Leningrad. One name was Hugh Lofting, and the other - the roots of Chukovsky. They never seen each other and did not even hear each other. One wrote in Russian, and the other is in English, one verses, and the other - prose. But they got the fairy tales with them very similar, because in both fairy tales, the same hero: a kind doctor who treats animals ... "

Chukovsky's roots itself argued that Aibolit came up long before the release of the works of Englishman. Allegedly, the character description settled in the first sketches of the "crocodile", which were created for the ill-friendly son. Only in them the animal gear was called Oubolit, and the doctor Timofey (Cemes) Sabad was performed by the prototype with which the author of the author brought fate in 1912. The Jewish Doctor treated the poor people for free, sometimes did not disappear help and animals.

Biography and image of Dr. Aibolit

The first meeting of young readers with good Aibolit happened in Africa (hence the quotation arose "do not go, children, in Africa to walk") - Tanya and Vanya went to this country. The evil and merciless Barmaley threw a beastful doctor into the fire, but he was saved by grateful animals. Barmaley in the end swallowed the crocodile, but at the end let go on the will. Children took a villain home to Leningrad, where he got on the way true and even learned the stove of gingerbread.

The full biography of the doctor appeared in the Fairy Tale "Dr. Aibolit" of four parts, where he is the main acting person. The book opens by the head called "Journey to the Monkey Country". In the apartment, together with the veterinarian, his beasts live, as well as the evil sister of Varvara, who does not like animals and is constantly angry with his brother for the arranged in the house.

Aibolit on the kindness of spiritual treats everyone who comes to as help, often - free. Once such a patronage left a man without a piece of bread. But the doctor is faithful and responsive friends: Owl with a lead broke the garden in the yard, chickens treated eggs, and a cow - milk.

Once in the house of Lekar, the swallow fled the news - the sick monkeys are waiting for help in Africa. Aibolit could not refuse to help and rushed to revenue by taking a ship from an old comrade Robinson. The vessel was crashed, but the travelers managed to escape.

In this dangerous African mission, Aibolit collided with evil represented by Barmaley's robber and gained new friends. Grateful cured animals presented a wonderful two-headed animal to the doctor - pullita. On the way back, Aibolit captured the ship Barmaleya and returned safely to his homeland.

The adventures of Aibolita, Avvi's dogs and the whole place of the beasts continued searching for a fisherman, the father of the boy's fanta, which pirates kidnapped. In the third chapter, the doctor again opposes sea gangsters, it falls into the well, in which the robbers were thrown, she saves animals from a burning house. Hero Hero Greenland whales, cranes, frogs. Instead of burnt housing, Bobra built a new beautiful house, where the newlyweller Aibolit celebrated.

The book ends with a part called the "White Mouse Adventure", where the rodent with snow-white wool named Belyanka becomes an outcast in his own house: a girlfriend-rat provided her with a bear service, having painted wool in yellow. An unhappy mouse after a traveler turned out to be at Dr. Aibolit, and he sheltered the animal in his house, giving a new name - Fija (Golden Mouse).

In the fairy tale, "overpower Barmaley!" The hero rules the country of Aibolyte, where they live cranes, eagles, hares, camels and deer. Here the roots of Chukovsky becomes more cruel, "killing" negative characters. So, Shark Karakula died from the hands of the boy Vasi Vasilchikov, and Barmalei in drafts died from the bayonet. However, the author spared the author later, allowing the main characters to take him. And all the same Barmaley was destroyed - he was sentenced to shooting from the machine.

Books with wonderful illustrations became a classic with which children in preschool age. The genre of works about the animal doctor is a fairy tale. And the main thought is that the kindness and compassion is not just words, but important qualities that should be present in people.

Dr. Aibolit in films

In 1938, the black and white film "Dr. Aibolit" came out on Soviet screens. To the main role of the director Vladimir Neoloev invited Maxim Straha. Interestingly, this picture in the 80s of the last century fragmentary shown in the transfer of "good night, kids!".

A year later, the Soviet cartoon "Limpopo" came to the screens, which included in the Golden Foundation of the Russian Cinema, together with Barmalem 1941.

After almost 30 years, the story of the bulls took to the story of Chukovsky. In the legend of the legendary actor and director "Aibolit-66" with Barmalem, Oleg Efremov is fighting in the image of a disinterested doctor. A film about the animal doctor, to put it mildly, an amateur. For children, the picture is complex in perception, and for adults are too naive. "Aibolit-66" attributed to the category of Soviet arthow.

The third film release, where there was a place for Aibolita, fell 1970 - the director Vitaly Ivanov was pleased with the film "How we were looking for a quiet", where the boy, together with his grandmother and the policeman, is looking for a bear. Transformed into Lekary Mikhail Yarshin.

Based on the fairy tales of good Lekar, seven cartoons were created. The cult animation picture is considered the multi-sieuled cartoon "Dr. Aibolit", which was shown by Soviet children in 1984-1985.

Interesting Facts

  • "Cruelty", manifested by cornered Ivanovich in "Obuzhu Barmaley!", Is understandable - while working on a fairy tale, the author was in evacuation in Tashkent, where he looked and often sick. One Son of the writer disappeared, and the second, being wounded, hungry in the blockade northern capital.
  • The possible prototype of Aibolita Cmemakhu Shabad in 2007 was opened by a monument in Vilnius. The sculpture is very touching - next to the old man in a shaped hat worth a girl with a kitten on his hands.
  • The name Aibolit has long been nominable. In addition, each city there will be a pharmacy or veterinary clinic, named after the character of Kornea Chukovsky.
  • Modern Aibolite is called an American orthopedic doctor of Derrik Campana, which made for a pony protest front limb.
  • Songs of Alexandra Pakhmutov, as well as the composition of Oscar Feltsman in the execution of the "Flame" ensemble, are devoted to the animal doctor.


Okay, okay, run, your children will help. Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo! Oh, if I drown, if I go to the bottom, what will fall with them, with sick, with my beasts forests?


  • 1925 - "Barmalei"
  • 1929 - "Aibolit"
  • 1935 - "White Mouse Adventures"
  • 1936 - "Aibolit"
  • 1942 - "Ower Barmaley!"


  • 1938 - "Dr. Aibolit"
  • 1939 - Limpopo
  • 1941 - "Barmalei"
  • 1946 - "Peacock Tail"
  • 1966 - "Aibolit-66"
  • 1970 - "How we were looking for a quiet"
  • 1973 - "Aibolit and Barmalei"
  • 1984 - "Dr. Aibolit"

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